Two Kenosha County Judges Overruled By Appellate Court
Two local judges were recently overruled by a Wisconsin appellate court. It all started when a defense lawyer, Mark Richards, filed a “substitution of judge” request in a criminal case.
Two local judges were recently overruled by a Wisconsin appellate court. It all started when a defense lawyer, Mark Richards, filed a “substitution of judge” request in a criminal case.
Kenosha criminal defense attorney Michael Cicchini recently had his new article, “The Preliminary-Hearing Swindle: A Crime Against Procedure,” accepted for publication by the Loyola of Los Angeles Law Review. We
April 19, 2024 – Pleasant Prairie, WI – Rep. Amanda Nedweski (R-Pleasant Prairie) announces her bid for re-election to the Wisconsin State Assembly. In the newly adopted legislative maps, districts
KENOSHA, Wis. – The Downtown Kenosha Catholic (DTKC) parishes of St. Elizabeth and St. James the Apostle will host international speaker Jason Evert, bringing parents and teens together for a