Legal Victories

KCE isn’t afraid to challenge the government when they ignore the law, especially public records laws. They are some of the few tools that allow people like KCE to hold the government accountable. Here is a look at legal victories that KCE has scored over the years. There are approximately three legal victories that we will not be listing publicly here due to them being in reference to requests that we made anonymously. We have not lost….yet.

Wisconsin 2024SC1270
Kevin E. Mathewson vs. American Family Insurance Company, S.I.

Filed – April 25, 2024
Decided – May 20, 2024

KCE requested that American Family Insurance pay their fair share in a court action. They refused. KCE sued and won a judgement of $1,90.76, which was paid in full.

Wisconsin 2024CV335
Mark Wisniewski vs. Kenosha Unified School District

Filed – March 20, 2024
Decided – September 11, 2024

KCE requested the disciplinary files of a Kenosha English teacher named Mark Wisniewski. The teacher has three OWI convictions -all while a teacher. He got a 6-month jail sentence and the school district let him commute from jail to the school every day wile serving his sentence.The most recent, he had a blood alcohol level of .300 bac, almost four times the legal limit. He also lead police on a pursuit. Wisniewski sued KUSD for an injunction to stop KUSD from releasing the records. KCE is intervening in this matter.

Records to be turned over to KCE from KUSD. 

Wisconsin 2024CV265
Kevin E. Mathewson vs. County Board Member Andy Berg.

Filed – March 11, 2024
Decided – April 11, 2024

KCE requested to review documents in the possession of County Board member Andy Berg. Berg denied, instead sending KCE a photo of the reacords. Judge ordered Berg to allow KCE to inspect records and finding Berg violated the public records laws and KCE had a right to inspect the documets. Filing fee of $184.50 and service fee of $125 reimbursed by Berg.

Wisconsin 2023CV000394
Kevin E. Mathewson vs. City of Kenosha et al.

Filed – April 19, 2023
Decided – May 16, 2023

KCE requested a police report from the Kenosha Police Department. The Kenosha Police Department Public information office denied release of this report. KCE filed suit. Kenosha Police Chief Patrick Patton and City Attorney Matthew Knight agreed that the report was subject to public inspection. Report was released to KCE. Filing fee of $184.50 reimbursed by City plus $1 in damages.

Illinois PAC 2023 PAC 76014
Kevin E. Mathewson v. Village of Grayslake, IL

Filed – March 26, 2023
Decided – April 17, 2023

Mathewson asked the Grayslake Police Department for a police report of the alleged sexual assault of a 17-year-old boy from a police officer. Grayslake Police denied the existence of report. Mathewson appealed decision to Illinois Attorney General’s office. Not only did Grayslake Police “find” the report, but they turned it over to Mathewson.

Kevin E. Mathewson v. Kenosha Police
(Administrative Review)

Filed – March 23, 2023
Decided – March 28, 2023

KCE asked for a report that was clearly releasable. A Kenosha Police administrator denied release using unlawful rationale. KCE appealed to City Attorney Matt Knight and Kenosha Police Chief Patrick Patton. The Chief and City Attorney both agreed that the report was to be released. KCE obtained the report.

Wisconsin 2023CV000255
Kevin E. Mathewson vs. Sheriff David W. Zoerner
(Confidential Settlement Agreement)

Filed – March 15, 2023
Decided – September 28, 2023

KCE asked for a body-worn camera video from the Sheriff’s Department. The Sheriff’s Department, seemingly to protect a local politician, released the most redacted video that KCE has ever seen in the country. Not only did they release only audio from the call, but they distorted the politician’s voice and redacted much of the conversation without explanation. They did so ignoring the most basic of laws. Involved in this decision to violate the law: Two terrible lawyers, Kenosha County Corporation Counsel Joey Cardamone and First Assistant Jennifer Kopp.

Wisconsin 2023CV000193
Kevin E. Mathewson vs. Village of Salem Lakes

Filed – February 23, 2023
Decided – March 30, 2023

KCE asked for the resignation letters of firefighters, paramedics and EMT’s for the last three years. We did this while investigating misconduct allegations into the Salem Laked Fire Chief, James Lejcar. In the most strong case for KCE yet, unbelievably, they denied our request. Judge Schroeder awarded KCE legal fees and the records.

Illinois 2022PAC74831
Illinois Office of the Attorney General

Filed – December 28, 2022
Decided – January 23, 2023

The City of Park City, Illinois Police Department refused to release personnel file of disgraced former Police Officer Lucian Ressmann after he was convicted of two OWI’s and two misdemeanor weapons charges in Wisconsin. The Illinois Attorney General’s office ordered the Police Department to turn over the records to KCE and we received them.

Wisconsin 2022CV000922
John Steinbrink vs. The Village of Pleasant Prairie et al

Requested – July 27, 2022
Lawsuit Commenced – September 2, 2022
Decided – January 24, 2023

KCE asked the Village of Pleasant Prairie for documents related to the disgraced former public works director, John Steinbrink, Jr. Steinbrink, Jr sued to stop release. KCE made a motion to intervene and it was granted. KCE filed an intervener brief and Judge Schroeder sided with KCE. He forced them to turn over the documents.

Mathewson v. Chancellor Debbie Ford and University of Wisconsin-Parkside

Filed – September 28, 2022
Decided – Oct 28, 2022

KCE learned that UW-Parkside hired a very violent and dangerous man as a professor. KCE requested records from the Chancellor about this. She didn’t want our readers to know, so she denied release. We sued and the Wisconsin Department of Justice paid our legal fees, damages and gave us the records. Records received, fees awarded and $100 damages.

Illinois 2022 PAC 70022
Illinois Office of the Attorney General

Filed 2/21/2022
Decided 3/8/2022

AG Started Investigation/ Elgin Settled, Documents Released (Elgin Glowicki)

KCE asked the City of Elgin Police Department for an arrest report of the very violent Kenosha man named Kevin Glowicki. They heavily redacted the report. We asked for a review from the Illinois Attorney General’s Office. The AG’s office seemed ready to order the City of Elgin to release the records, but the City of Elgin gave us the unredacted records.

Kenosha County 2021CV000893
Mathewson v. Kenosha District Attorney Michael Graveley

Filed – 9/21/2021
Decided – 3/4/2022

KCE asked the Kenosha District Attorney’s Office for some photos in their possession. They denied release because these photo proved misconduct by Rittenhouse Prosecutor Jim Krause. KCE sued. The Wisconsin Attorney General agreed to pay KCE’s legal fees, attorneys fees, damages and give us the photos.

Kenosha County 2021CV000516
Mathewson v. Kenosha District Attorney Michael Graveley

Filed – 6/13/2021
Decided – 3/4/2022
Settlement – Documents Turned Over + Attorney’s Fees

KCE asked the Kenosha District Attorney’s Office for personnel files of some employees of the DA’s office who were suspected to be involved in misconduct. They denied release because these files were damning. KCE sued. The Wisconsin Attorney General agreed to pay KCE’s legal fees, attorneys fees, damages and give us the records.

Illinois 2021 PAC 67008
Illinois Office of the Attorney General

Filed – 2/16/2021
Decided – 9/8/2021

AG Ordered CenCom to provide Personnel Files to Mathewson, (aka “Citizen RR)
Records Received

KCE asked an Illinois government agency for some personnel files. They denied our request. We asked for a review from the Illinois Attorney General’s Office. The AG’s office ordered the agency to turn over the personnel filed to KCE

Kenosha County 2020CV000776 Kenosha Circuit Court
Kenosha Sheriff Westphal Report

Filed – 8/20/2020
Decided – 10/14/2020
Settlement – Documents Turned Over + Attorney’s Fees

KCE asked the Sheriff’s Department for records of the Department giving special treatment to a firefighter who was committing serious crimes. KCE asked for the report. Sheriff’s Department employee David Wright denied access to protect the reputation of the Sheriff’s Department. We sued. The County’s lawyer Jennifer Kopp agreed to have the Kenosha County taxpayers pay our legal fees, lawyers fees and provide us with the records.

2018 Kenosha County
Bruce Fox Facebook Records
Kenosha District Attorney Verified Complaint
DA’s office Worked with Bruce Fox to Gain Compliance
Records Received

KCE asked former Kenosha Alderman for his Facebook records that would prove misconduct. He denied them. We asked the Kenosha County District Attorney’s office for review and they worked with Fox to give us the records.

2015 KPD Video Officer Bisciglia / Kenosha County DA

Filed 7/30/2015
Decided 8/6/2015
Kenosha County DA Zapf
DA Advised KPD To Turn Over Video/ KPD Complied

KCE asked for a video of disgraced form Kenosha Police Officer Pete Bisciglia excessive force. KPD denied release of this video as its release would tarnish their reputation. We asked DA Zapf to review. He advised KPD to turn over the video. KPD later turned it over.

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