Alderman Rollin Pizzala (D) a retired over-the-road truck driver and board member at the Kenosha County Democratic Party, wants the City of Kenosha to get more involved in citizen’s back yards. That is, he wants the City government to fine residents with pools, unless they have 6 foot high fences. The old ordinance called for 4′ fences. This proposal irked many residents who want less government regulations, especially in our own back yards. Only recently did the 17 members of the City Council allow residents to burn for recreation in the city. That wasn’t done without extensive restrictions, about when, where, and how to burn small logs. The City Council is headed up by a democratic mayor, John Antaramian, and 17 Aldermen – all but 1 or 2 are solid liberals who rubber-stamp Antaramian’s agenda. We couldn’t find one proposal of the mayor’s that didn’t get the approval from the council. If you know of one, let us know.
Reached by email, Pizzala told us that “the newspaper printed it wrong” referring to an article in a local paper written by Dave Fidlin. He told us that under the new ordinance, if passed would say “the fence is not to exceed 6 feet.”
We looked up the ordinance change and you can read it here. On the first page, it is clearly written – “The new requirements will require a 6 foot fence around pools and hot tubs unless the pool or hot tub will is at least 5 feet versus 4 feet currently required.”
It couldn’t be any more clear. Pizzala is either misleading the public, or is planning on changing his mind on this ordinance based on the push-back.
The City Plan commission is made up of mostly citizen democrat friends of the mayor who he hand-selects like far-left activist Lydia Spottswood who spoke in favor of this ordinance. Alderman Jan Michalski (D) initially supported the change, but then voted to defer it for a month.

The local elected officials should stay out of our backyards…literally. We are not lowly surfs. Children’s parents should watch their kids and be responsible for their safety. Plus, if a small child can scale a 4-foot tall fence, they should be in the Olympics.
Taking a partial quote from former Texas legislator Suzanne Hupp – The City of Kenosha thinks its citizens “are part of an unruly crowd that needs to be lorded over, controlled, supervised, and taken care of.”
3 Responses
It is politicians like Pizzala who given more authority, would rule like dictators. Give him a mask mandate, he’d make the mask size 6 feet too with a special exemption for Nancy Pelosi and Rep Gwendolynne Moore on Jan 3 2021.