Angela Andersson, the Principal of KTEC is on a mission to start a new High School in Kenosha. When she was rejected by 15 out of 15 members of the review board at Kenosha Unified School District and given scathing reviews, she still pressed ahead. It appears nothing will get in her way, not even the truth. So much so it appears, that now the Kenosha School District is appealing to tax-payers to get the facts known by issuing a press release meant to clarify the details of the new high school. If you visit the new website for the proposed High School, www.ktecschools.org there isn’t much accurate information there. Even the address is listed incorrectly, reading 7400 39th St. The actual school is hoping to be at 7300 39th Ave. The website has a new logo that looks very similar to that of KTEC’s logo but the most misleading thing about the proposed High School is the name. “KTEC High School” cannot and will not be the name of the new high school. The name is owned by KUSD. The website lists Angela Andersson as the principal of the new high school. She isn’t, and cannot be the principal at a KUSD school and at a non-kusd school. So who will be the principal? Andersson doesn’t know. No one does. Only about 40 students have entered the lottery and today is the last day to enroll. They needed 150 students to move forward. Andersson refused to tell KCE the number of students enrolled in the lottery, but she did tell the Kenosha News. The Kenosha News wrote a fluff piece today about the school. The Kenosha News doesn’t ask tough questions, so politicians like Andersson are not afraid to talk to them.

Andersson has spent a large sum of money advertising in the Kenosha News and on Kenosha.com. Kenosha.com also wrote two fluff pieces about KTEC that lead to the press release that was sent out to staff and media outlets last Friday. In this release KUSD spokeswoman Tanya Ruder writes in part:
“Recent advertisements and news articles have led to questions surrounding the development of the new KTEC high school. This new high school is an independent charter school authorized by the University of Wisconsin – it is not part of the Kenosha Unified School District. As such, it is neither staffed nor supported by KUSD. Families who elect to send their children to KTEC high school will not be eligible to participate in district programming, such as athletics, fine arts, and others currently afforded them through KUSD.”

After the 15-member review committee gave bad feedback to Andersson’s proposal, they offered a middle-ground of sorts. They offered to allow a Charter High School to enter a boundary high school much like Indian Trail Academy resides inside Indian Trail High School. This would have allowed KTEC High School students to have access to KUSD’s resources and sports. Andersson wasn’t satisfied with this compromise and turned it down. When asked about the underwhelming interest in the High School, Andersson deflected, telling KCE about the KTEC spelling bee and upcoming play, Moana, Jr. Insiders at both KTEC campuses have told KCE that Andersson has been spending all or most of her time on this proposal that she likely will have no direct connection to. At first, she was hoping to collect a salary from both schools. When we asked her how that was fair, she deflected again, answering “I (currently) only receive a salary from KUSD.” She has also been directing KTEC IT staff to use KTEC resources on the High School. She has been having 3 hour meetings discussing the high school. She is rarely seen in either the West or East campus of the K-8 buildings, of which she is the principal. We obtained the last several months of her kusd calendar and besides numerous spa, facial, nail and hair appointments, she actually schedules time to visit the schools in which she is in charge of. For example, on February 1, 2022 she actually had a calendar event to “visit the school.” A school in which she is supposed to be managing the daily operations. On August 24, 2021 she had a discussion about the “KTEC Trademark.” Her staff is losing faith in her ability to lead and that was very clear in the latest survey’s where the teachers were able to rate her performance. It is unclear how many of the 40 students who enrolled in the lottery will actually enroll in the school. If the unnamed High School doesn’t get 110 students by midnight tonight, the school may never happen.
Click here to see Angela Andersson’s recent Calendar. (Personal information redacted)
4 Responses
Holy cow Kenosha’s a special kind of mess.
My city is crooked as it gets and has its own set of bizarre tidbits.
Inmates runnin the asylum.
Hmmmm, that “E” looks awfully familiar. Where HAVE I seen it before?
While there is some good information stated, it would add credibility to the opinion piece if there were links included to the statements provided.
I have to tell you, this comes off an awfully lot like a personal vendetta. I agree with most of what was expressed, but in order to feel like this is a fair opinion, it would be so much more instantly believable if it didn’t include the tidbit about a summer appointment. That and the references to hair and nail appointments without any links or screenshots of the supposed info makes it difficult to believe at face value.
Just suggestions.
Good suggestion. I posted a link to her calendar.