I didn’t change my name to Jimmy Chen, and I didn’t sell my website to “Daily Scoup.” Instead, Kenosha County Eye was hacked early Sunday morning and the site appeared strange and all links went to Daily Scoup. Thank you to the many calls, emails and texts that you sent to me notifying me of this.
Alderman David Mau, a friend to transparent and accountable government, got to work Sunday afternoon and cleaned up the hacked files. Just before 3 pm, the site was back up.
I learned from this attack and now have a powerful firewall and anti-virus on the server for KCE. Hopefully it won’t happen again.
As always, thank you for reading!
14 Responses
Did you figure out who did the hacking?
So, a retarded liberal that is jealous and mad you report the truth.
It appeared random and not targeted. Probably bots. Not uncommon.
Still linked to Jimmy Chen if you hit the home link.
Clear your browser’s cache.
What the h is”browser’s cache. The site is a mess whether entering from either google or microsoft. Not everyone is a techie. Please clean it up.
Hello.’); DROP TABLE comments; —
I don’t have the ability to clear cache on my end. It’s cached on your device. Here’s some general instructions if needed: https://its.uiowa.edu/support/article/719
See https://xkcd.com/327/
I’m glad you’re back up and running. Keep up the GOOD work!
I assume there will be fewer Comments posted under “Anonymous” now, and new “Jimmy Chen” Posts entering the field.
你好.’); DROP TABLE replies; —
Yeah, like posting under the name Jim Bob isn’t the same as anonymous ?
Hello.’); DROP TABLE comments; —
Glad you’re back up and running as per usual! Check in with you twice a day for the news and don’t want a hacker messing with the KC Eye!
It would probably be helpful to not have Mr Chen able to post here, especially not links which are no doubt harmful. Maybe people from PP who are in danger of going to prison said his name three times to summon him. ?