(Photo By Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
“Pressure” and “Diamond” might look like cute dogs, but they are anything but. Both dogs as of today, have been declared vicious by the Kenosha County Department of Health according to Mark Melotik, the County’s Environmental Health Manager. This means that both dogs won’t be able to stay in the City of Kenosha any longer. They can appeal this ruling to the City Council.
Neighbors tell KCE that the duo of dangerous dogs are constantly running loose. On October 15, 2023, someone called saying that the dogs were loose and charging people and a community service officer was dispatched to the area. The CSO told the dogs’ owners, Jeffrey McCullar and Shimonica M. Hall that this was their one and only warning – in the future, citations would be issued. The CSO told the owners that they must go to City Hall and get licenses for the dogs.

(Submitted Photos)
On February 22, 2024, the dogs had their first documents attack. A 24-year-old northside resident came home from work and was brutally attacked by “Diamond,” the larger of the two Pits. The woman needed three stitches and was traumatized by the unprovoked attack.

This past Saturday March 2, 2024, the dogs both attacked a woman’s 7-year-old Yorkie as she was walking her. The dog was severely wounded, taken to an emergency vet, and might be permanently blind in one eye.
“The bigger pitbull shook my dog like a rag doll – my dogs’ eye popped out of its socket. She also suffered bite wounds to her abdomen! I had to pay $1,290 to the vet to get my dog looked at . The vet says she might lose her eye ! These dogs came out of nowhere we were on the sidewalk at my son’s house getting ready to leave when this incident happened. The owner and his girlfriend came out to retrieve the dogs and later to look for the dudes phone like nothing happened,” said the Yorkie’s owner.

(Kenosha Sheriff)

Kenosha police are looking to make contact with the dogs and their owners. They are prepared to issue several citations and will be soon serving the owners with the vicious dog orders from the health department. Police will then seize the dogs. Unfortunately for the police and neighbors, the owners aren’t cooperating. They simply won’t come to the door. 44-year-old Jeffrey McCullar and 40-year-old Shionica M. Hall aren’t opening the door, even at times when police know they are inside. McCullar has a lengthy criminal history, including obstructing the police. Hall is his live-in girlfriend. Both have told police the dogs are both of theirs.

Kenosha Sergeant Cory Brennan told KCE that KPD is prepared to do whatever it takes to keep the neighborhood safe. “We’re going to take those dogs as soon as we can,” said Brennan. “Even if we have to request a search warrant from a Kenosha County Circuit Court judge.” Brennan understands how many people are frustrated with the process of handling vicious dogs, but says KPD is working with City Attorney’s Office to strengthen the ordinance. Brennan also cited the fourth amendment as a reason that things can’t happen quicker. Vicious dogs are not a part of the four exigent circumstances that allow police to enter a home without a warrant.
As of the date and time of this publication, neither owners have applied for dog licenses. It is unknown if they are vaccinated from rabies.

(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
63 Responses
They can issue as many citations as they like.
Not one dime will ever be recovered by anybody.
I’m also amazed that people go out walking, or even driving
without a plan in place.
As someone who lives on 5th ave and blocks within this house, I walk my dog everyday parallel to this block. It’s a quiet nice neighborhood where we all look out for each other. There are multi million dollar homes a block away. We should have to be “prepared” to be mauled by a dog, or a person.
How much force can citizens legally take, while walking on the sidewalk, if they feel these dogs are an imminent threat to their safety?
I’m taking the conceal and carry class I’m getting a gun this town is not safe anymore
Open carry is legal without a permit until you get your ccw.
open carry is also legal with your CWP
Goes without saying.
Yeah those dog gangs are taking over the streets
Don’t be disrespecting dog gangs….unless you want to regret it.
Shoot now, ask questions later.
43rd and what? I live on 43rd street. Don’t want to get attacked on a walk or bicycle ride.
address is on photo of house 🙂
There are many places in kenosha that have that same number.
That was not the question.
43rd and 6th.
6th ave
Big shocker! They look like your normal Pit owners.
I have a mixed breed. Live in a good neighborhood and have a fenced in yard. Im white. Does that make you feel better?
Not really….you still have a shitty ghetto dog breed. It will also rip your face off potentially regardless of how much you dress it in dog sweaters.
Ha u r right —- I had a black boss who said pits should b outlawed period. There is too much crazy in their bloodline
Pitbulls are not shitty ghetto breeds. The owners are. They are typically only 30-40 lbs if it’s the original American Pitbill. And are loving goofballs that wouldn’t hurt anyone. These people are mixing them with much larger dog breeds line Mastiffs and others to get a bigger killing machine that they train or neglect to get that way. So yes. It IS the owners and backyard breeders of the mixture pits creating this behavior of an otherwise sweet breed. And no. I don’t have a pit. But I’ve known plenty of sweetheart pits. My aunt had the smaller, probably purebred pit for decades. And I’d have never known they could be vicious.
What does a normal pitbull owner look like? I have 1 pitbull and a pitbull mix. I also have 2 cats. My pitbull is very docile. I have no criminal record and my dogs are very well taken care of. I take them for 2 walks a day.
I use Shionica brand furniture polish myself! Works great !
Actually, upon checking good ole “Shi” Monica’s Facebook, looks like you can catch her (and probably Jeffrey if he isn’t too drunk on Hennessy) at Guttormsen Bowling Alley this upcoming Saturday for Ja’Kyla’s 9th birthday from 2-4:30pm.
What the hell is this? You trying to set up someone? It’s only a matter of time when something happens off of this site.
If it was me that got bit GA-RONE-TEED something would happen
Yeah and what I hope happens off site is the police bringing these shitheads in before those dogs rip off that 9 year olds face.
By the way, go fuck yourself. Try not making your Facebook public dumb fuck.
Bet those dogs would really tear a white rabbit up for sport.
Bet those dogs would tear up a white person for sport.
More than half of the commenters are totally unhinged, and I’m here for it 😂😂
She works at Aurora…..she really isn’t hard to find coppers.
That figures —- Aurora is a shit organization
How’d she pass the drug test?
They didnt do nothin
I think they should b shot — the dogs as well
More dindu bs
Owr dawgz din’d do nuffin!
Where the hell dis this take place? Would be helpful to know. Not jus “the north side”.
Address is in one of the above comments
Get the search warrant already. Don’t just talk about getting it. Maybe the police should have taken a more aggressive approach after the first attack. Are they waiting for the third?
The county health department makes the “vicious dog” declaration, which allows the police to get a warrant. The incident happened on Saturday, but the health department is closed on the weekends. So police tried knocking before they were even allowed to get the warrant on Monday, which is praiseworthy.
There were two attacks. There were no weekdays in between the attacks? Also, the health department has someone “on-call” on weekends and overnight. Are you telling people they couldn’t be bothered with this. The police and their supporters would be better off engaging in self-reflection and owning their errors.
Weren’t these two dogs reported on here before? Maybe it was Nextdoor? They literally had a video of the dogs going to someone’s door and jumping on it after a woman yelling at the owners.
Ghetto azz people raising ghetto azz dogs.
Equal opportunity 12′ Alligator pets in Florida are waiting for a turn at Hall & McCullar.
it is time for a no-knock warrant to put the dogs down and jail the owners. If i ran into those dogs, I would shoot them without a second thought
Owners should be jailed and fined AND be required to pay ALL medical bills. Dogs should be euthanized. A no brainer!
If you felt you were in danger, you would have every right.
You would then face the possibility of having to deal with an irate owner.
They have no money.
Hopefully the dogs will try to attack the cops when they serve the warrant and the cops can solve the problem permanently.
“But they’re good dogs, they’re just turning their lives around! Why are you persecuting them??” 😂
The damage to that person’s arm qualifies as “great bodily harm” and would permit the use of deadly force against the attacking dogs.
The dogs demonstrated peacefully on the woman.
The point Cletus, is to stop the threat before it gets to that point.
What are the owners gonna do? Call the cops if you kill the dogs? :^)
It is a proven fact, that some people will NEVER
call police, regardless of what happens.
Or, they will not give their name.
And thus they get the neighborhood they deserve.
I say put these two beautiful people in a cage naked with 8 pitbulls for 20 minutes.
Let us see how much they enjoy letting pit bulls roam free if they survive.
Keep hope alive baby, yes we can.
Gimme somma dem Obama bucks.
My neighbors pitbull tried to snatch my 15 pound dog in my driveway. 2 nd occurrence. I went knocked on their door and flat out told him I’d shoot his dog next time it came at one of mine. Police pretty.much can’t do anything unless they see the dog running loose. Next day ordered a can of Bear Spray and carry it every time I go outside.
It should be noted that the aggrieved woman and the owners of the dog got not so much as an “I am sorry for what happened” or, can I drive you to the hospital, or, how are the injuries to your arms and how is the dog doing? No, after each attack, the dogs were allowed to run freely through the neighborhood. Why do they hate the neighborhood so much?
The dogs are still there and loose. I averted my daily walking path to avoid the dog. I I walk with my dogs so Im protected but I would rather avoid a dog fight so I carry pepper spray with me as well
.22 to the head or lower thorax will solve this problem.
If J or S wants to save their “pets”, they can cough up 1200+ bucks.