(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
Chrystul Kizer made her first court appearance today after being on the run for 20 days. She was captured on February 12, 2024 by the United States Marshal’s Service. Chrystul Kizer, the accused murderer was caught while trying to obtain a job in Louisiana. District Attorney Mike Graveley (D) believes that Kizer intended to live in Louisiana based on the fact that she was seeking employment. Kizer is accused of killing Kenosha pedophile Randall Volar III on June 5, 2018, torching his house, and stealing his car.

(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
Kizer had her $400,000 bail for the murder case paid by liberal groups and has been free since her initial arrest and re-capture. Kizer was in the Lafayette Parish Jail in Louisiana and was extradited to Wisconsin after she waived challenging extradition.
Kizer fled the state with a convicted sex offender named David Melton, her 41-year-old boyfriend. Melton is part of the reason why Kizer picked up four new felonies. Kizer was arrested after she got into an argument with Melton. Originally, the Milwaukee County DA’s office decided not to issue charges against Kizer, even with her crimes being caught on camera. KCE emailed the embattled Milwaukee DA John Chisholm (D) who ignored our email and instead, charged Kizer with a lone count of disorderly conduct.

(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
New Bail Jumping Charges:
- Prosecutors allege that Kizer violated her bond by committing battery to her boyfriend.
- Prosecutors allege that Kizer violated her bond by committing disorderly conduct.
- Prosecutors allege that Kizer violated her bond by resisting police officers.
- Prosecutors allege that Kizer violated her bond by failing to update the court with her new address.
Each felony count of bail jumping carries with it a maximum sentence of six years in the Wisconsin Prison System if convicted.

(Wisconsin Sex Offender Registry)
Melton spent more than five years in prison for two felony convictions of “causing mental harm to a child.” The charges were pled down in Milwaukee Circuit Court from “1st Degree Child Sex Assault – Sexual Contact with Person under Age of 13.” He is a registered sex offender. In January of 2017, a then 41-year-old Melton was caught by his 19-year-old girlfriend sexually assaulting his own 11-year-old daughter. The little girl was molested repeatedly by Melton, but the soft-on-crime Milwaukee County criminal justice system only put him in prison for five years.

(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
Kizer’s bail was set initially at $1,000,000. Judge David Wilk lowered the bail to $400,000 so Kizer could be released. The Kenosha County DA’s office wants Kizer’s bond to be reinstated to $1,000,000 saying:
“The defendant’s actions cause concern for both the appearance of the defendant in court, as well as protection of members of the community from serious harm, as the defendant is alleged to have engaged in additional acts of violence subsequent to her release from custody.”
Judge Wilk will decide this Friday if Kizer’s bail on the original case will be raised back to $1,000,000.

(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
After hearing arguments from Graveley and Kizer’s attorney today, Kenosha County Court Commissioner Heather Iverson raised Kizer’s cash bail from $40,000, set by Judge Rossell, to $60,000. KCE asked Graveley today if he would be seeking to forfeit Kizer’s $400,000 cash that the liberal groups paid on her behalf. Graveley indicated that he would not do so. He said that the victims can get restitution from that money. If the bail was forfeited, the county would get the money. KCE knows that this also leaves the door open for the county to return the bail money back to the liberal groups who paid it.

33 Responses
Did Gravely call a pedophile a victim? He should forfeit the bond.
The hypocrisy among Chrystul’s fans will meet ludicrous levels once the trial begins. Those who raged against Judge Bruce Schroeder for not allowing Kyle Rittenhouse’s shootees to be called “victims” will demand that Randall Volar (Chrystul Kizer’s shootee) not be called a victim.
I was one of her former boyfriends in Milwuakee she told me she wasn’t trafficked she lied to the police to look innocent. Everytime she wouldn’t get her way she would cause a big scean with me and say she would kill me like she did that white man all the time I wasn’t tripping.cause a guy like me from the streets so that shit was minor after we broke up she went back to prostituting and selling her sex tapes that she made with her jhons on onlyfans (zuludagoddess) that’s her page on onlyfans
So she told me he didn’t traffic her and she killed him cause she was broke and wanted his money
But Wisconsin is a woman states so they believed her and set her free
She was once again with another sex offender creepy ass old dude and fled the state doesn’t sound like a innocent person to me and now she’s charged with battery on that guy too guess she didn’t get a chance to kill him
APOLOGIES for being off subject here.
But with the April election coming up I’m sure we all want to vote for whoever reflects our selections we will make this November. For instance. The trustees in Pleasant Prairie. Who do they endorse this November? I want to vote this April for people that endorse my November candidates.
Seems candidates don’t like to divulge if they’re blue or red. But I want to know.
How do you go about finding out?
It is very hard to tell because most do not regularly or easily divulge this information. If you ask me I will tell you
Thanks Kevin. When the time gets here I’ll reach out.
She’s a felon, murderer and a criminal. Lock her ass up
She killed a pedophile who was trafficking and having sex with her and other underaged girls. She is using an affirmative defense that was upheld by the conservative Wisconsin Supreme Court. Practically everyone who comments on this site calls for death to the pedophiles. Yet no one supports her.
Can someone explain this inconsistency?
Hey Dumb Ass: Only white people are allowed to kill pedophiles!
Me , I’m not inconsistent. 5-8 years in WOMEN’S prison would do Chrystal WONDERS —Female imprisonment is not nearly as animalistic as male imprisonment- she could be like that chick in Tennessee & earn her GED & a Bachelor’s. I am VERY encouraged that she was seeking employment in LA. —- hopefully NOT at a strip joint 🤣
I agree 💯
Well 1st she went to him for work, she chose to be a hooker. 2nd she had her boyfriend drop her off at his house and planned a hit on him. Then stole his car and started house on fire. Again she chose to go there. Then she just fled the state. So quit with the she’s innocent and did no wrong but self defense. She sought him out. She’s a murderer
She’s a danger to society. Keep her locked up.
Look at her choice in men. She might have killed a pedophile, ( good riddance) but was she with him willingly, and using the pedophilia as her defense .Seems like she may have some mental issues herself.
Ya think ?
She’s a criminal who killed a criminal. He was a disgusting person, but she was a willing participant until she wanted his car and money, so she killed him and ran.
Now she hangs out with her next boyfriend/pimp who also molests little girls.
She was never the little innocent that the media made her out to be. She craves money and attention… and has no concern for others. Her education is nonexistent…. she will not become a productive member of society.
Thank her piece of shit parents. I’m sure they started her young. This girl is so twisted she thinks all this is normal. It’s not her fault. She needs serious help.
Amazes me how many people don’t know the truth about her. Breaking news, innocent people that had a BS fund bail them out don’t run to another state and miss court dates and have open warrants. But hey, believe the liberals
Blacks again
A little racist are you? Wow
Racist, this would never happen to a young white girl from the whitey tighty suburbs. Americans hate colored folks, treated, and treat them like inferior humans. Peace from my cool ass ranch in Yaxcaba Mex, watching the non-USI empire fail, and your wealth transfer into my gold money wealth. read my book. I am even raising nego hairless yucantan pigs in honor of “black history year” Check out this story from American history that ya did not learn in public non-educational schools schools of conformity. 1985 the move. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1985_MOVE_bombing
Shiat my Philly bud couldn’t come home after skool sometimes —- FBI had his hood taped off always looking for IRA guys
FOLKS! Let’s hear your thoughts on numbers —- how much time should/will she get?? Me , I say she SHOULD get 5-8 years, max 15 ….. some say zero , some say life …. CAN WE OPEN A CASINO BETTING LINE??
What is truly sad is she was probably sexually assaulted during childhood & her mother sex trafficked her. Look how she repeats relationships with older men & pedophiles. Them animals are pimps. That man is bald & ugly AF! She is doing what she was taught. I too agree to 5-10 years in prison just to try & save her. Get her GED & pray she can turn herself around.
There are absolutely no honest people in the judicial system in Kenosha. The last good judge was Schroeder and the DAs here are scum
This girl needs HELP! She clearly is a victim ! She should have been offered extensive therapy not just released to the streets of Milwaukee (again) She truly is doing what she saw growing up , has became a product of her environment and trauma ! That “boyfriend” is pimping her ,manipulating her and he should be in prison with no chance of parole ! No way do I believe that is someone a young woman in her righteous mind would EVER choose to be with!
She’s a violent street rat.
“… a then 41-year-old Melton was caught sexually assaulting his own 11-year-old daughter by his 19-year-old girlfriend.”
Huh? His girlfriend was 8 years old when she gave birth?
The girlfriend is not the baby mama
Ooooooh! OK. The word “by” is often used to indicate the birth mother. May I suggest “… a then 41-year-old Melton was caught by his 19-year-old girlfriend sexually assaulting his own 11-year-old daughter”?
I took your advice! Thanks brother
If Chrystul Kizer is convicted and Randall Volar’s family gets her bail money, the riot fires won’t subside for months.
I was one of her former boyfriends in Milwuakee she told me she wasn’t trafficked she lied to the police to look innocent. Everytime she wouldn’t get her way she would cause a big scean with me and say she would kill me like she did that white man all the time I wasn’t tripping.cause a guy like me from the streets so that shit was minor after we broke up she went back to prostituting and selling her sex tapes that she made with her jhons on onlyfans (zuludagoddess) that’s her page on onlyfans
So she told me he didn’t traffic her and she killed him cause she was broke and wanted his money
But Wisconsin is a woman states so they believed her and set her free
She was once again with another sex offender creepy ass old dude and fled the state doesn’t sound like a innocent person to me and now she’s charged with battery on that guy too guess she didn’t get a chance to kill him