KCE Asks School Administrator About Racy Books – She “Bans” KCE From Board Meetings

Michelle Garven
Trevor-Wilmot Grade School District Superintendent

KCE is contacting Kenosha County school districts to find out just how many have books available to children with pornographic images. KUSD recently removed some pornographic books, only after a national story by Libs of TikTok. KUSD said in a statement:

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Recently, a concern was raised regarding a handful of books in our secondary libraries. Upon review by our staff, the following titles were removed from circulation due to their visually graphic nature considered inappropriate for public school libraries: Gender QueerLet’s Talk About It and This Book is Gay. The following titles, however, will remain in circulation as the content was determined to be age-appropriate and did not contain graphic images: Flamer and Me and Earl and the Dying Girl. Lastly, All Boys aren’t Blue was removed from middle school libraries, but was deemed age-appropriate for the high school level. 

This review was completed via KUSD’s selection/deselection process and did not require escalation to Policy 6620 – Library Resources. As stated in Policy 6620, “Incidents of sexual reference, profanity, or different points of view shall not automatically disqualify materials from library collections. Nor shall materials be deemed inappropriate for an age group based on the identities of the characters or authors. 

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The reason for making these changes is to keep our students safe while also ensuring they feel welcome and represented in their school environment. 

On September 11, 2023, we asked Michelle Garven (D), the Superintendent Trevor-Wilmot Grade School District if she planned to remove books that were identified to contain pornography-like photos.

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Garven didn’t know the answer to our question so she pawned us off on a woman named Tracy Donich who is purported to be the district’s assistant superintendent of Teaching and Learning. You read that right, for a one-school, rural district, there are multiple assistant superintendents, AND a principal.

Tracy Donich
Assistant Superintendent of Teaching and Learning Trevor Wilmot Grade School District

The next day, on September 12, 2023, Donich responded saying:

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“After investigating with the assistance of our library media specialist, we confirmed that these books are not available in our school for students to check out.  We do not have any local copies of the books you listed.  Our school does collaborate with the community library catalog system, so families can search for titles through the catalog system that extends to other libraries, but we do not house those titles here.”

We spoke to a mom in the district who told us that Donich was being misleading. In fact, this mother sent KCE screen shots that her third-grader was able to download right from the school-issued chromebook.

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According to Libs of TikTok, ” ‘This Book Is Gay’ teaches students how to have gay sex and how to use a gay sex hookup app to meet up with others. It also includes a guide to sex kinks and fetishes such as peeing on each other and eating poop. It’s available as an Ebook, students just need to login and can check it out digitally.”

Here is a sample from the book available to all students at Trevor-Wilmot Grade School:

Sample pages from “This Book Is Gay”
Full guide to sex kinks, anal sex, sex toys, and more found in ‘This Book Is Gay”

According to “Libs of TikTok,” ” ‘Let’s Talk About It’ Is a guide to watching porn online and using sex toys with extremely graphic depictions of sex.” It teaches young students how to insert a butt plug or finger deep into their anus.

Sample pages from “Let’s Talk About It”

Garven sent out an email in response to KCE’s questioning.

KCE learned that the catalog can be custom tailored to each individual school district and Garven made the decision to keep theses books available to T/W students. KCE then reached out to Garven and Donich again, asking why they lied to us. No answer. We then decided to publish a story about the district’s unwillingness to remove these titles. Under the public records statute, KCE asked for ANY photos in the possession of the school district of Garven and Donich for our publication. She said they contacted their lawyer and my our request was not reasonably specific to the subject matter and length of time involved. She then threatened to charged us $50 for the photos and suggested it would take a long time to get them to us. We threatened to sue, especially if the charge us $50, which is unlawful. Garven appears to have “Mathewson Ghost Social Media Syndrome”, which is a condition, in which someone believes that every profile on Facebook that doesn’t agree with them is a fake profile of mine. Today we received the below “Cease and Desist Letter” which has no legal authority. Although I have never been to Trevor-Wilmot grade school, I planned to attend the next board meeting to report on their decision. The letter suggests that I am banned from the property and cannot attend a public meeting. If I am seen on property, she said she will call the Sheriff’s Department:

KCE has reached out to the District Attorney and Sheriff’s Department as to the legality and or possible criminal actions of Garven.



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70 Responses

  1. I am thankful for your commitment and care in reporting. These books don’t belong in our schools or available to our children online. I also appreciate your willingness to get to the answers and expose the lies, half truths and omissions.
    Thank you for all you do!

  2. Thank you for your hard work seeking the truth and protecting our kids from seeing this garbage when they are not in sight of their parents.

  3. Kevin. Please let us know the date and time of the meeting you will be attending.
    I’m sure more than a handful of your readers will show up in support of your impending arrest !!

    This is a Call to Action !!

    Show Up To Support KCE !!!!

  4. Acceptable for consenting adults, disgusting for children. I've spoken out about this on the Council floor. Just a few years ago, something like this would have been considered illegal, but of course our crappy prosecutor Graveley won't do anything. And the other city council members keep their lips zipped. Please reach out to your alderperson and county board supervisor to express your disappointment. The more the better. Go to https://myvote.wi.gov/en-us/My-Elected-Officials to find your elected officials. Or vote them out, and let's elect a better DA too.

    1. Trevor has all new elected officials! Let's see if they are willing to show up at the meetings or at least hold the schools accountable and get rid of access to these books for students. Lawsuits just cost the town more money. I'm pretty sure Trevor elected officials know what Kevin will do with the illegal demands the school officials are making. Keep up the awesome work Kevin!

          1. Supposedly, all the people on this site are constantly citing the “truth.” What you call an “evil comment” just happens to be the truth.

        1. Libs always like to bring this up. Yes, pedophilia is rampant in the Catholic Church. Pedophilia is disgusting no matter who is involved. People libs who pick and choose which pedos they support, we on the right hate it no matter who is doing it. Making comments like this just expose you for the programmed groomer that you are.

          1. Not all priests are pedophiles. That is true Along the same lines, very few “drag queens” are pedophiles. To claim otherwise is dishonest..

        2. statistics suggest that would be wildly misguided compared to public school teachers (or even Ronald McDonalds clowns when those were still a thing).

        1. It is so sad that the left won’t agree that these books should not be made available or read to children. Each person who thinks otherwise is sick in the head.

  5. Seems to me, the taxpayers/voters/parents of the Trevor-Wilmot Grade School District should demand a house cleaning of their bloated and perverted administrative staff.
    I hope the next school board meeting is filled beyond capacity with angry and vocal citizens.

    1. Its not always the horrible administrators, it's often the degenerate school board members that put them in those places.

      All of these people forget that they work on behalf of the taxpayers. They think they are better than you, smarter than you and above the law all while being free of public ridicule. They will try to make you a criminal for fighting for your children. I know first hand.

      Let them have it Kevin.

      1. Michelle Garven was hired back in 2015. On Bill Barhyte’s watch.

        Bill has been pretty quiet during the handful of Salem Village Board meetings so far. Might be more vocal away from the microphone but who knows ?

        Care to comment Bill ??
        We won’t hold it against you since you can’t know everything or how people are going to change over time, but…….
        Hope to see you at the next Trevor School Board Meeting.

  6. What does KCE stand for? I did not see it anywhere. I surmised that it is Kevin, but that's just a guess. You might wana put that somewhere since people share this kind of thing far & wide anymore.

  7. It’s seems to me the real problem is with the secondary library system. I am sure they offer tens of thousands of titles in their catalog. These local districts cannot possibly keep up with that volume of titles and vet every one of these books. I believe your efforts would be better directed towards the root cause, the secondary library system. If you could hold that system accountable, you would be able to cast a much wider net in protecting young kids from these type of books.

    1. The individual school districts decide which books are and are not available to their students from that catalog. In all of these cases, the administrators knew about these books but chose not to remove them. I don't think neither I nor anybody else wants to ban books from the catalog, we just don't want children to have access to them.

      1. My understanding that the book was not available for download, but the description and preview are able to be looked at, which is disgusting by itself. This is in the Wisconsin Public Library System and the schools can restrict age appropriate books, but not the description and preview. I will not blame the school if they had thought it had been restricted and their kids would not be able to access it.

        If the Wisconsin Public Library System does not fix this issue asap then I would blame the school if kids still have access.

        I do not agree with you Kevin on many issues, but on this one I do agree that any portion of this book should not be available. I generally believe that books should not be banned, but books like this should not be available.

        Some questions for you Kevin. Did the parent you sent you this information contact the school before coming to you? Was she or he able to download the whole book? I have contacted the school and they stated the preview was only be abled to be downloaded. Which is still bad and the only option is to withdraw from the system.

        Did KUSD actually have in their libraries or was it the same digital system as Trevor/Wilmot. If it is the same digital system when KUSD supposedly removed it can the preview still be accessed? What about the other schools in the area?

    2. You're wrong. Notice how even the administrator said that half of the school districts in WI don't use the Digital Consortium.

  8. Kevin, thank you!!! There is a contingency of us trying to rid the KUSD and Bristol elementary schools of porn and radical gender ideology. We had no idea that Trevor-Wilmot was involved with this filth too. We support all you are doing to help save children from sexual indoctrination. Anyone interested, please support our efforts on Twitter at @WI_Mass, WI MassResistance on Facebook and WIMassResistance@proton.me

    We all need to unite for the sake of the children in our communities! And everyone, please attend the School Board meetings!!!!

  9. You are a pillar of confidence in this community that we can and will weed out evil. PLEASE keep up the good work my grandson and I appreciate all your efforts.

  10. Congratulations Kevin Mathewson!
    You have been recognized by The Trevor Wilmot School District's Ambassador of Public Relations with a highly desired 'Cease and Desist Letter' for speaking the TRUTH by bringing light to the filth and perversion that they knowingly subject the children, we parents, entrust them with.
    To be placed on 'On Notice' status, has apparently stimulated and motivated Superintendent Garven to engage in full Liberal Offense Mode. She may actually have to blow off the dust that's accumulated on her PhD Diploma to demonstrate her academic illusory superiority. After all Kevin, you are just a low life, semi-educated upright & moral and God fearing Conservative. So then, how dare you challenge an over-educated, over paid Civil Master Reprobate?
    Please frame and post your Recognition in a conspicuous place.

  11. Just imagine the savings , and the money available for the kids and school programs, if Wilmot and Central High Schools created a school district. Wilmot would have, Riverview, Lakewood, Randall, and some of Wheatland and Trevor-Wilmot kids. Central's district would have Brighton, Salem, Bristol, and some of Wheatland & Trevor Wilmot kids.

    Forming a Central and Wilmot school district would save each district well over a million dollars . Imagine, 1 District Administrator for the entire district instead of paying over $125K on average , not including beneifts and retirement, for each individual grade school's District Administrator,

    On top of this, each district would have 1 Business Manager, 1 Curriculum Director, etc etc, Just like Burlington, Elkhorn, Lake Geneva, and so many others do.

    The argument you will get from these over paid K-8 District Adminstrators, is K-8 districts have better test scores and less behavior issues. There is zero proof of this.

    Instead of referendums we need to start trimming the fat !

    1. I absolutely Disagree.
      On the money savings only initially, until the Civil Masters devise schemes they say they 'need' to spend the public's money on. (Remember, vote YES -it's for the Kids Platform) …80% of school millage increase requests are spent on Administration. I know, I worked once for a very large school district. A proposed greater size Central School District would drown out your individual voice to raise accountability issues. The greater the population they serve, the smaller the individual taxpayer voice becomes. Look how much one voice counts in Madison and worse, DC. It would be a great idea if everyone was honorable but it's extremely obvious that today, people are dishonorable beyond image.
      Garvin and Donich would prefer TWGSD to be a big elephant right now.

      I SAY NO, Get this idea out of your head.

      1. How does crearting a Wilmot or Central school district affect having your voice heard? So it works for Elkhorn, Burlington, Lake Geneva, Antioch, Union Grove, Delavan, etc, but wouldn’t work for this area? From your post I can only guess you are one of these over paid Administrators? Please explain why every Central or Wilmot feeder k-8 school needs to have a District Administrator, Curriculum Director, Business Manager, IT Manager, and multiple Principles for a school with less than 600 kids?

    2. Bs…consolidation of each individual school into salem or trev-wilm reduced the voice of the taxpayers by slicing the schoolboys of each to one. Instead of say35 board members across the schools, Salem has 5 or is it 7? They skate under illegally posted executive sessions -aka closed sessions and don’t post agendas in 24-7 locations but do take 25 to 35 percent of your tax dollars…and the taxpayers let them.

  12. KUSD – "All Boys aren’t Blue was removed from middle school libraries, but was deemed age-appropriate for the high school level. " – All Boys Aren't Blue By George M. Johnson Excerpts [ ""I had never done anything sexual with anyone up until that point, despite my friends in school all talking about losing their virginity. We sat there for about ten minutes before you finally stood up. You then had me stand up with you. At this time, you were much taller than me, probably by a good foot. You told me to take-off my pajama pants, which I did. You then took off your shorts, followed by your boxers. There you stood in front of me fully erect and said, "Taste it." At first, I laughed and refused. But then you said, "Come on, Matt, taste it. This is what other boys like us do when we like each other.” I finally listened to you. The whole time I knew it was wrong, not because I was having sexual intercourse with a guy, but that you were my family. I only did that for about forty-five seconds before you had me stop. Then you got down on your knees and told me to close my eyes. That's when you began oral sex on me as well. It was the strangest feeling in the world. Unfortunately, I didn't have a handbook to earn sexuality as a queer boy. My crash course was happening right in front of me, and despite the guilt I was feeling, there was also euphoria. Things were happening to me that I couldn't explain. Feelings and emotions I had not known existed.After a minute or so, you stopped. You then laid me on the ground and got on top of me. You began humping me— back and forth back and forth—never penetrating me, though. It was just our bodies on top of each other going back and forth for several minutes … You eventually got up off me and told me to come to the bathroom, that you wanted to show me one more thing. You turned on the light and closed the door. You began stroking yourself in front of me. I just stood there nervous because I didn't know what to expect next. You said, "Just keep watching, Matt." So I stood there and watched you for several minutes. Then you began to moan slightly. I took a step back because I didn't know what was about to happen, and then it did. You ejaculated into the toilet in front of me. I was very unaware of what sex involved at the time— primarily because I stayed away from it. … Watching you ejaculate was shocking. I remember you telling me, "It's semen. One day when nobody is around, you should do this until you get this feeling you never felt before and bust." Watching you ejaculate was shocking. I remember you telling me, "It's semen. One day when nobody is around, you should do this until you get this feeling you never felt before and bust." I looked at you and said, "I can't do that, I'm not old enough yet." you laughed. "Matt, you are old enough. Go ahead and try it." By this point, fear had overcome me and so many lines had been crossed that I finally said, "I don't want to do it." "That's cool. Come on, let's go to bed." "As we kissed, he began unzipping my pants. It was clear to me in this moment that he wasn't new to this. He reached his hand down and pulled out my dick. He quickly went to giving me head. I just sat back and enjoyed it as I could tell he was, too. He was also definitely experienced in what he was doing, because he went to work quite confidently. He then came up and asked me if I wanted to try on him. I said sure. I began and he said, "Watch your teeth." I didn't want to let him know I was inexperienced. So, I slowed down and took my time and luckily got into a good rhythm. He didn't know I was a virgin, and I did my best to act dominant like my favorite porn star. I was an actor, and this was my movie. There was so much excitement running through my body: This was much more than losing my virginity. For once, I was consenting to the sexual satisfaction of my body. This moment also confirmed that sex could look how I wanted it to look. And that it could be passionate and kind, but most importantly, fun and satisfying. His body felt great in my mouth. I came up after a while and kissed him again. We both got up and went into his bedroom, where we got completely naked. He took off his clothes and immediately lay on his stomach. I then took off my shirt, and then my boxer riefs. I got behind him. There was moonlight coming through the shades of the dark room. Two Black boys under the glow of blue moonlight. How poetic, dare I say ironic? Now, I was scared as hell. One, because I didn't know what I was doing and clearly, he did. Two, because it was still college, and my fear of word getting out that I was inexperienced or bad in bed would have been too big of a campus rumor. Let alone that I was having sex with men and a friend of someone in my chapter. For the first few minutes, we dry humped and grinded. I was behind him, with my stomach on his back as we kissed. After a few minutes of fun and games, he got up and went to his nightstand, where he pulled out a condom and some lube. He then lay down on his stomach. I knew what I had to do even if I had never done it before. I had one point of reference, though, and that was seven-plus years of watching pornography. Although the porn was heterosexual, it was enough of a
    reference point for me to get the job done. I remember the condom was blue and flavored like cotton candy. I put some lube on and got him up on his knees, and I began to slide into him from behind. I tried not to force it because I imagined that it would be painful; I didn't want this moment to be painful. So I eased in, slowly, until I heard him moan. As we moved, I could tell he was excited and I was, too, but the pride in me told me not to show it. I felt like I was in control and proud of myself for getting it right on the first try—all the while still being nervous. I wanted to stay dominant in that moment. We went at it for about fifteen minutes before I started to get that feeling. Weakness in the legs, numbness in the waist. I finally came and let out a loud moan—to the point where he asked me to quiet down for the neighbors. I pulled out of him and kissed him while he masturbated. Then, he also came. That night was glorious. I had conquered a fear and had sex with a man on my own terms. For me, I was finally on my journey of sexual exploration and couldn’t' wait to do it again. He and I had sex a second time two weeks later, before school let out for summer. …I had several sexual encounters that involved mutual masturbation and kissing and fooling around, but I just couldn't bring myself to have penetrative sex again. I was hesitant because I still had a lot of questions. As much as I enjoyed being on top, I wasn't sure if I always wanted to be the dominant person in the bedroom. I was still a novice at sex, and even more at gay culture and sexual positions. I wasn't sure if because I "topped" him, that meant I always had to be the top. I also wanted to try the bottom position, which I associated with being the more submissive person. …I just needed time to reflect, and figure out if sex for me was going to be the casual hookup thing or if I was ready to now seek something more. By that time, I was using a dating app online called Black Gay Chat.271 I got to his apartment and we both began drinking while watching TV. This lasted all of ten minutes before we started kissing and undressing each other. He then stood up and grabbed me by the hands and led me into his bedroom. We took each other’s clothes off, fast but deliberate. After, he told me to lie down on the bed. He asked me to “turn over” while he slipped a condom on himself.
    My heart immediately started to race. Nervously, I asked him what he was doing, and he said, "You." I laughed at first but then told him that I had never been the bottom. He looked at me and said, "Well, that's about to change tonight." I was extremely nervous. There is a fear, as with most things that you are doing for the first time. But this was my ass, and I was struggling to imagine someone inside me. And he was . . . large. But, I was gonna try.I had previously topped someone who clearly enjoyed it, but he had been enjoying anal sex before I ever came along. He knew what to expect. I didn't. As an avid porn watcher, the only thing I knew about anal sex previously was that it was painful, or at least played up as such on the cameras. Nervous and drunk, I listened and got on my stomach. He got on top and slowly inserted himself into me. It was the worst pain I think I had ever felt in my life. He then added more lube and tried again, which felt better but not by much. He began his stroking motion. Eventually, I felt a mix of pleasure with the pain.I can't say that I didn't enjoy it, because I did. But it was painful for sure. In those few minutes though, I can say that he was gentle. His aim wasn't to hurt me, and my aim was for him to be pleasured, too. He didn't last long inside of me, thankfully. He gave me a kiss before he pulled out. I didn't stay long, nor did I masturbate after. I was in a state of shock. I just wanted to get back home."

    1. I’m almost 40 and I scrolled past after reading the first few lines, because that trash isn’t appropriate for *any* respectable individual.

  13. What type of dysfunctional people would want our children to have access to pornography? WI Mass Resistance has had success in getting the first batch of pornography out of the KUSD. There's more to go. Let's get rid of ALL OF IT!

    Twitter: @WI_Mass
    Facebook: WI MassResistance

  14. The crazy thing is that there are despicable people in our community who are screaming about the thought of removing these books. It enrages them to think that kids won't have access to literal porn. The world has gone mad…

    1. If any other professional were to give children access to pornography they would be carted off to jail, but our librarians are allowed to pick out pornographic books and put them in their school library and they get off scott free? Fire them!

  15. Not a word from Amanda Nedweski at the KUSD School Board meeting or anywhere for that matter. Appears the uniparty was successful in promoting her out of the way.

    1. Rep. Amanda Nedweski was WORKING IN MADISON all week and could not attend the KUSD meeting. She had 5 committee hearings in three days, giving testimony in two of those hearings. She has been on constant contact with Eric Meadows and Kristine Schmaling about the book issue, as well as parents and staff from both TWC and Bristol Schools. She has been trying to work with KUSD on getting these books out of kids’ access at school since 2021. Because she is WORKING against these issues in a REAL and effective way, she does not have time to constantly engage in social media. Make no mistake, she is working her ass off, trying to advance change with all stakeholders. This week, she will be hearing testimony in the Education committee on Rep. Dittrich’s bill to protect biological women’s sports. As she sits through hours and hours and hours of opposing testimony, what will you be doing? As she risks her safety and security every day in the face of the far left by working to expose sexually explicit content in schools, what are you doing? As she tirelessly works to defend free speech and the Constitution, what are you doing? Attempting to throw shade on a person who literally gave up her career to at least TRY to make a difference in public service? Or will you join the team and stop giving the Dems wins because you are too lazy to actually get involved and it’s easier to criticize than to act?

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