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Kenosha Alderman Asking City Council To Condemn Abortion

Kenosha Alderman David Paff

The Wisconsin Department of Health Services publishes data every year about abortions in the state. In the most recent year that has data available, 2019, there were 6,511 abortions state-wide. Forty-two percent of these were done after 8 weeks of gestation. In 2019 there were about 10 abortions for every 100 live births.

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The U.S. CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) recently published data that 6.6 Million abortions were committed in the 2010-2019 decade.

Numbers like the above really irk Alderman David Paff. He wants to condemn, along with his colleagues, the act of abortion in the State of Wisconsin. Paff authored, with the help of the City Attorney’s office, a resolution. A resolution has the force of law and only requires one full vote of the city council, unlike an ordinance change that requires one reading and two weeks later or so, a final vote.

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Kenosha Alderman Daniel Prozanski (D) *

Although resolutions have the force of law, they also can be non-binding and symbolic, or “the opinion of council.” This was seen last week when Alderman Jan Michalski (D) * brought forward a resolution to “condemn the invasion of Ukraine by Russia.” There was once a resolution by Alderman Prozanski (D) and former Alderman Orth (D) * to condemn Act 10, a popular republican-backed bill in the state legislature that was signed into law by Scott Walker (R) *.

Alderman Rocco Lamacchia

Alderman Paff forwarded the resolution to the Finance Committee, chaired by Prozanski. Resolutions have to go before a committee before the City Council, unless the mayor agrees. This is because of the so-called “dictator ordinance” proposed by former mayor Keith Bosman and voted into law by the majority-democrat City Council circa 2013. Prozanski denied Paff’s request to put the resolution for a vote. The resolution was dead… that is, until Paff picked up the phone and called Alderman Rocco Lamacchia, who is the chairman of the Public Safety and Welfare Committee. Lamacchia agreed quickly to place the item on his March 28, 2022 agenda for a vote. “I don’t support abortion,” Lamacchia told KCE “I’m Catholic, it’s wrong.” Not only will Lamacchia be placing the item on his agenda for a vote, he will also be voting “yes” on the item, he told us in a phone interview Saturday.

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We reached out to Mayor John Antaramian (D) * and Council President David Bogdala for comment and they didn’t wish to speak with KCE about this resolution. We reached out to Prozanski for comment, and he told us in part “Alderperson Paff’s resolution was not put on the Finance Agenda because Alderperson Paff provided no backup information nor did he call me or email me and let me know this was coming/details. So, with no additional information I decided to keep that item off THIS meeting’s agenda. I can’t think of an Alderperson that has an item they would like placed on the agenda that did not place a call/email or provide backup information. I personally think that Alderperson Paff’s resolution would be more germane to Public Safety and Welfare Committee.”

Rev. Curtis McMiller, Pastor Heritage Baptist Church, Kenosha

Popular Local Church Leader Reacts

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Baptist preacher, Pastor Curtis McMiller was happy to see this resolution come forward, telling KCE “Exod 20:13, Prov 6:16, 17, and Prov 24:11, 12 – Of course, these passages speak against abortion, and rightly so. It is straight out of the word of God, the Bible!”

Avoiding A Vote

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According to a City Council insider, the majority of Aldermen are hoping to avoid a vote altogether. Even though the Council is made up of about 14 democrats and 3 republicans, many of them don’t want to vote on this issue – they don’t want their stance on abortion to be a matter of public record. It is believed the Council will “table” this indefinitely or use another parliamentary procedure to avoid a “yes” or “no” vote. If they can’t, it is believed that will vote “no” with commentary saying that this isn’t “within the purview of the City,” contradicting their support opining on Moscow, some 4,934 miles from Kenosha “as the crow flies.”

Paff’s Opponent

KCE thought it fair to reach out to Paff’s opponent in this years April 5 election for comment. We did not immediately hear back from her, but will update this article when and if she responds.

* We are frequently asked why we put a (D) or an (R) after some politician’s names and not for others. We wish to explain. For some folks, it’s clear, they declare a party. President Joe Biden (D) declares himself a Democrat and does most things in line with his party, so we would put the (D) after his name. The Governor of Florida, Ron DeSantis (R) declares he is a Republican and does most things in line with his party, so we would put the (R) after his name. For others, it might not seem so clear. For example, Mayor John Antaramian (D) spent time in the Wisconsin legislature and declared himself a democrat and to this day, most of the things he does align with the democratic party, so we put a (D) after his name. There are others that seem even less clear. Let’s use two examples. Sheriff David Clarke (R) ran as and took office as a Democrat, and the (D) was placed after his name. This may have been a campaign strategy for him. We will always place a (R) after his name because almost everything he does aligns with the Republican Party. For the Kenosha County Sheriff David Beth (D), he ran and lost as a democrat. He later ran and took office as a Republican, probably as a political strategy. Most of his actions, however are aligned with the Democratic party. We put a (D) after his name. Many local elected officials are non-partisan, but they might sign a pledge to align with a party. For example, many local elected officials and candidates for office signed a pledge to essentially “vote as a democrat.” Click here to see this pledge and list. Those folks will be identified with a (D) after their name. It isn’t always black and white. I always say “don’t listen to what someone says, listen to what someone does.”



Kenosha DA Has Secret Program That Dismisses Criminal Charges Against Illegal Aliens During Secret Meetings

KCE has just learned that Kenosha County District Attorney Mike Graveley (D), with the support of current DA candidate Carli McNeill (D), has a secret program that dismisses criminal charges against illegal aliens. Illegal aliens who get caught without a license, get a non-criminal citation that includes only a fine. For second and subsequent charges, illegal aliens are supposed to be charged criminally. Not under Graveley and McNeill’s watch. There is a different set of rules

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Manhunt Underway For Lawrence G. Franklin, JR For Double Murder, A Man Who Was Given Many Breaks From DA’s Office

A state-wide manhunt is underway for 25-year-old Lawrence G. Franklin, Jr. for the double murder that occurred yesterday afternoon at about 4:28 p.m. Franklin allegedly shot and killed his girlfriend and unborn child. Unfortunately, according to federal law, this is tallied as only one victim, but KCE and most reasonable people consider it a double-homicide. According to the sister of the murdered woman, Franklin pulled out a gun and shot the victim in the head, leading

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Kenosha Police Conduct Manhunt For Man Who Murdered Pregnant Girlfriend, Unborn Child

Just after 4:30 p.m. on Friday evening, police were summoned to the intersection of 13th Avenue and 65th Street for a report of shots fired. A woman caller told police that her sister was shot in the head by her boyfriend. It was later revealed that the victim was pregnant. Kenosha Police spent several hours searching for the offender. According to police radio traffic, the firearm was located, but KCE cannot confirm this to be the

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Kenosha Man Connected To Many Area-Democrat Campaigns Charged With Two Serious Child Abuse Felonies

“I know too many people in Kenosha – no one would believe you.” This was a statement allegedly made by Robert J. Moore II, 38, of Kenosha. He said these words to his wife, when she complained about alleged domestic violence and serious child abuse. Moore was charged on June 27, 2024 with two felony counts of Physical Abuse of a Child – Intentionally Causing Bodily Harm. Moore faces a maximum sentence of 12 years in

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Neighbor “From Hell” In Legal Trouble For Cutting Down Neighbors Trees

A 65-year-old Somers man named Michael Boozer shares a property line with seven neighbors in Somers. KCE is told that none of them speak with him. Some call him the neighbor “from hell.” The neighbors have had it with Boozer to the point where two of them are suing him. Today, Boozer didn’t show up to court and Judge Heather Iverson entered an injunction against Boozer prohibiting future conduct. Boozer didn’t like that so he quickly

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Kenosha Dumb Criminal – Man Breaks Into City Hall To Charge Cell Phone

A Pleasant Prairie man is accused of doing something very dumb. Police and prosecutors say that 27-year-old Damarroe La-Von Roy broke into City Hall on August 29, 2024 to charge his cell phone. It was during the popular Peanut Butter and Jam concert, so there were many witnesses. He was charged the next day with disorderly conduct and criminal damage to property. Many people, including KCE thought that some type of felony would apply, but Assistant

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KUSD Places Bradford Teacher On Leave In Response To Allegations Of Grooming At Previous District

A newly-hired Math teacher has been placed on administrative leave from Kenosha Bradford High School, the district has confirmed. KCE isn’t releasing his name, as we are not in possession of any records at this time that document wrongdoing. Many KCE readers tipped us off to the following TikTok video: A man named Ken, with the TikTok handle KENSCONSIN posted a video five days ago and had the following to say, in part: “My very own

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Disgraced Former Politician Due Back In Court – Allegedly Stiffs Lawyer For $10,000

Andrew “Andy” Berg (D) is a former County Board member, Wisconsin Corrections Sergeant, and amature porn content creator. He is also under criminal investigation for embezzling thousands of dollars from his now-defunct charity, Garden of Eatin. Yesterday, September 4, 2024, Berg was slapped with a $10,000 lawsuit by the law firm that represented him in his recent divorce. According to documents filed in Kenosha County Circuit Court, Berg has an outstanding balance of $9,603.11 with the

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Union Pacific Employee, Killed By Train Near 13th Avenue And 69th Street

A Union Pacific employee was stuck and killed by a Metra/UP train at about 12:15 p.m. today in a freak accident. A 34-year-old Burlington, WI man named Austin Scott Raysby was reported to be the victim. “We are saddened by the loss of a Union Pacific family member in Kenosha, Wisconsin, and extend our deepest sympathies to his family and the employees who worked alongside him…Our emergency response team is on-site investigating the incident. No one else

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Kenosha County District Attorney Deciding Whether Or Not To Retry Hung Jury Marijuana Trial

On May 30, 2023, a Kenosha County Sheriff’s Deputy pulled over a car with three young adults occupants in Bristol. The trio drove about four hours to the state of Michigan to buy some marijuana. There was a Memorial Day sale and they wanted to stock up. It seemed like the three were casual marijuana smokers and THC users. Law enforcement agencies throughout the county have told KCE that street marijuana is often laced with Fentanyl,

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Update: Kenosha Police Locate, Arrest Bank Robbery Suspect – Was Recently Paroled For Similar Crimes

On July 13, 2024, Kenosha Police asked for the public’s help in identifying a man who they say robbed two banks at gunpoint in a three-month period. KPD released the following photos: The first robbery occurred on April 13, 2024 @ 9:54 a.m. and the second, on July 13, 2024 @ 11:30 a.m. They both occurred at US Bank at 1800 22nd Ave on the north-east side of Kenosha County. Unfortunately, one of the tellers was

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Kenosha Mayor, City Council, Allow AFL-CIO To Hold Annual Labor Fest At No Cost For City Resources

Tomorrow Monday September 2, 2024, Labor Fest will take place after a one-year hiatus. This year, however, for the first time in many years, it will be held at a City Park – Penoyer Park. Nothing unusual there. What is unusual, is that the City of Kenosha payers will foot a big chunk of the bill. The group, AFL-CIO is a democrat political action committee and many people believe that the City footing much of the

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11 Responses

  1. Waste of time. they need to be focusing on the crime in Kenosha before Kenosha becomes one of the top worse cities in America.

    1. I agree, specifically and exponentially, about the Ukraine resolution. Why are we wasting time and legal resources drafting resolutions for things that have no direct bearing on the City? Is it “because it’s the cool thing to do?” Do we fly the Ukrainian flag over City Hall for a day? Tragic, yes, absolutely. We don’t need to allocate our City’s resources on that to “send our thoughts and prayers”. Absolutely pointless.

      How about we spend time figuring out how to pay for pothole repairs and getting that into the budget? Or, perhaps the Alderpersons can use their downtime in a different fashion like driving around the City looking for burnt out street lights and other dilapidated areas in need of repair if they truly have nothing else better to do.

    2. Crime in District 6 was a focus in Paff’s platform this cycle, yet he chooses to bring forth an empty resolution about abortion.

      I haven’t seen anything from him about crime.

  2. Why don’t you put (C) communist after people who declare or align with the Democratic or Socalist party and or way of thinking .

  3. Thanks so much for the list. It is sometimes very hard to determine because the Dems tend to try to hide their affiliation.

  4. Don’t see a problem with them condemning abortion.
    We allow the killing of an unborn baby because it’s inconvenient, but won’t allow the killing of a convicted murderer. Doesn’t make a lot of sense.

  5. This is a waste of time. We need to focus on reducing crime, taxes and the overt political corruption of our community. In our nation, religion should be kept out of laws. It’s fine for any leader to be against abortion, but that does not give them a right to use the government to coerce others. Otherwise, what would prevent a leader who is of a religion you disagree with do the same?

    1. J.H. Grimson, this has nothing to do with religion. A life is a life. You should be thankful your mother didn’t have an abortion.

  6. I support J Frank Wilson’s comment on putting a (C) communist after people who declare or align with the Democratic or Socalist party and or way of thinking.

    I just asked you the other day about a rino alderman who claims to be a registered member of the republican party though he is a yes man to the cabal that runs this city. Never a proposal of his own or for that matter ever voices an opinion. Just a “yes” man. Another Mayor’s boot licker. He loves those people.This Alderman does nothing for his district. Never has, never will. Just some imaginary status he feels he has to help him feel important.

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