Convicted felon and woman-beater, Anthony Huber was shot and killed while attacking Kyle Rittenhouse on August 25, 2020. Now his dad wants Rittenhouse’s bond raised to $4,000,000. In today’s nearly hour-long hearing, Circuit Court Judge Bruce Schroeder denied all of ADA T. Clair Binger’s motions. Attorney Mark Richards called Binger’s actions “posturing”. One Kenosha resident agreed and told the KCE “I’m glad Judge Schroeder saw through Binger and the DA office’s political bias. Clearly, he wants a fair trial for Rittenhouse”
The Judge ordered the he be provided Rittenhouse’s address along with the Sheriff. Binger wanted it too. Why? So Mike Graveley can share it with his texting buddy, Whitney Cabal, violent BLM activist? The Judge made it clear “NO”. He will not allow the DA to have it. He was polite and told him it didn’t have to do with Binger himself, but we think it does. This has been political from the beginning.
Seconds after Judge Schroeder ruled on the motion, Antony Huber’s father flipped the bird to the judge. He also appeared to be making comments, but he was muted and we couldn’t determine what he was saying. The apple doesn’t fall too far from the Huber tree.
Here is a video if you missed it:
6 Responses
Maybe if his dad had parented better his kid wouldn’t be a felon and dead.
Also, this tells you what a shit show the Kenosha County DA’s office is.
Graveley is the top prosecutor in Kenosha on a case that is being nationally followed. He sends a guy in to try this case who is a shitty attorney overall (not to mention someone who just was involved in a domestic dispute months ago). It just reflects poorly on the DA’s office and Kenosha, in general.
Graveley likely did this because of his seemingly inappropriate texts with Billy Violet (AKA yesterday’s news). Why Graveley ever even gave this lady the time of day is beyond me and it ended up really biting him in the ass.
Binger got his ass handed to him in court. I do actually agree with him, sealing a defendant’s address from the DA is rare…..but that is quite a harsh indictment of the Kenosha DA’s office when Schroeder basically doesn’t trust them with his address.
The D.A. office got a resounding vote of no confidence from Judge Schroeder.
This vote of no confidence reflects poorly upon attorneys Gravely, Binger and Zapf.
The court appearance of deceased Anthony Huber’s father was as bad a show as when his kid failed to seek safe harbor during the riots and got what he negotiated with Rittenhouse.
When attacked , you do have a right to protect yourself.
For those of you who have not viewed this Kenosha Riot documentary, it is well worth the watch:
Perhaps if Huber behaves himself at the inevitable contempt hearing before Judge Schroeder he will be allowed leave jail during the day to work under Huber law.
Mr. Huber, you should have taught your son not to bring a skateboard to a gunfight. Judge Schroeder is sharp and I’m sure he saw that gesture. It didn’t endear you to anyone.
Trump era’s still upset. LMBBAO!!!!!