Alderman Lamacchia made a huge flip-flop in his policy in a matter of a week.
The Wisconsin Department of Health Services publishes data every year about abortions in the state. In the most recent year that has data available, 2019, there were 6,511 abortions state-wide. Forty-two percent of these were done after 8 weeks of gestation. In 2019 there were about 10 abortions for every 100 live births.
The U.S. CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) recently published data that 6.6 Million abortions were committed in the 2010-2019 decade.

Numbers like the above really irk Alderman David Paff. He wants to condemn, along with his colleagues, the act of abortion in the State of Wisconsin. Paff authored, with the help of the City Attorney’s office, a resolution. A resolution has the force of law and only requires one full vote of the city council, unlike an ordinance change that requires one reading and two weeks later or so, a final vote.
Alderman Paff was hoping for a final vote before this upcoming election on April 5, 2022. After the Finance Committee Charmian, Alderman Daniel Prozanski denied placing the resolution on his committee, Alderman Rocco Lamacchia, the chairman of the Public Safety and Welfare committee happily agreed to place it on his agenda – tomorrow, Monday 3/27/2022. The agenda was finalized Friday and the abortion item was not on the agenda. We reached out to Lamacchia and he didn’t return our communication. He was happy to talk about it last week saying, “I don’t support abortion. I’m Catholic. It’s wrong.” He agreed to place it on tomorrow’s agenda. Today however, he wasn’t so eager to talk to us. He ignored our communication.
According to a City-Hall insider, Lamacchia was taking heat about the item. Some aldermen didn’t want to have to vote on this before the election. Lamacchia ostensibly put politics over his convictions and yanked the item from being voted on Monday. This will will either kill the item, or delay it until way past the election.

Counsel President Race
David Bogdala (R) is almost finished as council president. Lamacchia and Alderman Jan Michalski are both vying for the position. The insider told us that that Lamacchia is holding back on this item to increase his chances of being voted in as the President.
Michalski and Lamacchia have both been Aldermen for 12 years, having been elected in 2010.
4 Responses
Politicians are a joke. If anyone thinks any of them have any morale is a joke Kenosha is the worse. Look at all the cardinali supporters not saying a word about his ass but calling other alderman out and just playing the game. Berg and Kennedy loved him back then. But seem to be quiet now and Hack at other opponents If there was real integrity, they would call out cardinali on his actions, after all they endorsed him and are all buddy buddy. Guess it’s just who ya know and forget the values
Both are devout Catholics.
lammachia is a PUSSY COWARD and he should be ashamed of himself.
alderman paff is a brave hero.
i hope jan michelski wins the council president position over the lame sell-out.
Can’t wait to vote prolapzanski out of office. April 5th folks!