(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
The Pritzker Military Museum and Library celebrated its opening with a ceremonial ribbon-cutting today, May 25, 2024 at 11:00 a.m., just two days before this years’ Memorial Day.
The museum was founded by billionaire philanthropist and retired Lieutenant Colonel Pritzker of the Pritzker family. The new building, built in Somers over the last few years is the new location for the museum, which was relocated from Chicago, IL, where Col. Pritzker’s brother is the Governor.
About 100 dignitaries, politicians, veterans, and citizens came out to hear from the people responsible for the building, and then from the politicians.
Pritzker said as she presented a military artifact:
“A very interesting item we have today. What I just presented was a 1918 manufacture of a George Smith Patton, Jr. Cavalry Saber. Erin, my wife, is here today in the audience an Army veteran herself and a core supporter of PMML. She’s actually the writer in residence. She gave me this sword.
It was designed before World War I by General George S. Patton during his tenure as a cavalry lieutenant before World War I. I brought this saber here for this ribbon cutting.

We have one among our collection. General Patton attributed his success on the battlefield to his extensive study of military history. Similarly, it is crucial for us to examine historical events to derive lessons that address current challenges.
As civilians in a democracy, we support our military. With this responsibility, it is imperative that we have some understanding about who they are, how they work, and how the lessons learned from the past form our current military. By studying the past, as Patton did, we can work toward a more informed and improved future.
By the way, this saber has a mark on it – made 1918, so it’s over 100 years old. And it’s still doing service. Thank you.”
Enjoy some photos from today:

(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)

(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)

(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)

(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)

(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)

(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)

(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)

(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)

(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)

(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)

71 Responses
Shocking!!! Samantha Kerkman wasn’t at this photo op.
Just kidding….yes she was.
Were you!
At least she was there, Kreuser was always a no show.
So sorry we missed the big day! We will have to make the trip later this summer.
Berg didn’t make it huh? No chance of donations he could use to pay his bills?
He couldn’t make it. Had a “hard” stop at 11:30 am.
Celebrating war while enjoying all the freedoms
You tried
Fuck all the Pritzkers. Keep your slimy asses in Illinois
Now now ,cheezheds built it , kept some cheezheds employed for a few years
Developers/Business/Manufacturing/Welfare Queens/Drug Dealers have to go somewhere other than Illinois….ShitCago certainly has become a ShitHole and Illnois has been experiencing a declining population for decades.
Of course—Illinois loss is certaninly not Wisconsin’s gain—unless your a grifter politician.
Yeah it is! A lot of companies fled Ill Noise! Now they are paying taxes HERE
Let’s all celebrate war and killing of other humans. Wow! Add the confederate flag and it’s the grand prize game. Oy vey!
Why not , war is the second oldest profession—- even chimps, wolves , & orcas declare war , it’s part of nature
Yeah sure. Do chimps, wolves, & orcas open a museum? These same people would say killing another human is wrong, throw them in prison. I feel that way too. Why are some of these clowns in prison?
The commandment “Thou shalt not kill” is a moral imperative included in the Ten Commandments, which is a set of moral laws given by God to the Israelites. The commandment is often translated as “You shall not murder” and is found in Exodus 20:13 and Deuteronomy 5:17.
Hebrew Meaning
The Hebrew word “ratsah” (רָצַח) used in the commandment means “to murder” or “to commit murder.” This suggests that the commandment is specifically prohibiting the taking of human life, rather than simply prohibiting killing in general.
You mean aren’t ?
You can check but aren’t more wars started in the name of religion than any other reason ?
And what about defense ?
While considered “war”, going “to war” in self defense is not starting war.
Are we “involved”” in wars around the globe ? Yes, but in support of others fighting evil.
And as for the museum ? Those that forget the past are doomed to repeat it .
Religion? Goes deeper. Follow the money…money is power & power is money…pretty simple!!
So you are not talking about how the Lt Colonel is now a woman but born a man??
He’s not a woman but pretends to be one. You cannot change genders, but you can dress up like Halloween.
Wonder what fatso thinks about his sister building in Cheezland 😹
He (JB aka Jelly Belly) has 2 houses in WI. One in Bristol and another on Lake Geneva.
Isn’t Pritzker opening that shooting range here too? Next, he will be running for Governor in WI and ruin our state! Probably buddies with Steinbrink, Mills( Bear Realty) and Gravely too!
He’s the one to plant Cassandra here.
I believe one of those was the house he escaped to while his state was in lockdown.
This isn’t a woman. This is a man—James—who is pretending to be a woman—Jennifer. Gross. Keep your liberal ideologies in Chi-raq, Pritzkers!
When your worth a $$Billion$$ dollars and have family that include a politically powerful man on speed dial to the Democrat in the White House, you can do things others would result in cops being distatched and a judge ordering a psych evaluation.
But go ahead test the theory. Old white person him/her/it show up at a school/county board meeting wearing that get-up wielding a sword and see how all that turns out. Better yet maybe the sword wielder could run for a seat on the County Board!
Anyway….must have been quite stressfull for the Kenosha’s elite ruling class to show up and know thier pictures will forever make an appearance.
Elelphant in the room?—Yeah looked like a freak show.
BTW—Any sign of “Buffet Bob” Wirch? Must not have been any complimentary free food.
Very good analysis however Pritzker is not a white person. This faggot, tranny is just another Edomite Jew that hates the true Israelites (white Caucasians). They may look white but their bloodline is not ours.
If Christians realized who these people really are they wouldn’t be doing ribbon cutting ceremonies, photo ops and glorifying them in local media articles. Unfortunately “Judeo Christianity” has fleeced Christians into thinking these satanic, faggots are the same as us. They are NOT, they rejected the cornerstone (Jesus Christ/Jeshua) and they still do. More church in my comment than most will get in a lifetime of sitting in church if you can truly understand.
The God of the Old Testament is the God of the New Testament.
Spoiler alert: Jesus was born a Jew.
Haaaaa. Zionist views. Jesus was also crucified with the help of the Jews!
Yes, so…?
You are the perfect example of how Christians are fleeced and you are dead WRONG!
Jesus was an Israelite. He was a direct descendant of Levi
through Aaron. Levi was a son of Jacob. Jacob was named Israel
by God. Jesus was also a direct descendant of Judah through
David. Judah was also a son of Jacob. Jacob’s sons were the first
Israelites. Jesus was specifically an Israelite because he was a
direct descendant of two of the sons of Jacob/Israel.
Why then, does everyone say that Jesus was a Jew? Most people
think that Jesus was a Jew, but Jesus was an Israelite, not a Jew.
Israelites were the ones who were called the chosen people of
God. Edomites, and their descendants, now called Jews, are not
the chosen people. The fact that modern day Jews want us to
think they are descended from Israelites is one of the greatest
intentional lies, or misunderstandings, in all of history
This is so laughable I can’t even respond with anything other than you need to re-read Exodus.
And re-read 1 Kings
You’re disgusting
The Trans colonal had to build in Wisconsin because his communist brother with there new safety act made it aginst the law to possess some of the weapons that are on display . Its no suprise the elected officials of Kenosha would embrace this socialist and his ideals. What next The Peoples Republic of Wisconsin ?
Wow, I had to look that up, but your right, that’s a dude in a dress. Imagine being one of those people standing there, listening to him speak, and acting like everything is totally normal. I mean WTF??
Now that’s the real story
Is that Larry Bud Melman in a dress??😂
Would you like a baked potato?
A hot towel please
Fuck Fred Flintstone . Liberal open borders Douche bag
There was what could’ve turned into a really cool
military museum out on the I, but they were forced to move south
just over the state line.
Where’s that?
That’s been in Russell for years. It’s basically just a place for him to park military vehicles used in movies and get a sweet tax break ($0).
I’ve said this before and I will continue saying it.
Allowing everybody to call themselves Anonymous, has
turned these discussions into one big fuster cluck.
Be anonymous as much as you like, but lets get a grasp on
who and what comments are referring to and about.
Says the one who doesn’t say their name !
The Kenosha news requires Facebook and names to post comments or write a letter to the editor.
Westofthei decided years ago to not post any comments anymore.
I think it’s refreshing to be able to say virtually anything here on KCE. ANYTHING !
This allows gobs of information to be shared and argued for and against. Sure people get off topic but it really shouldn’t bother you because the next comes right back on.
This free for all is a blessing for those of us that refuse to be involved in facebook and is instantaneous.
At least until Kevin post three more stories and this one gets lost in the weeds.
Anonymous ? Keep em coming !!
So we get to look at the Prytzker name, continually up here in Wisconsin???!!! No!!!
We don’t need to bereminded if that socialist family, up here. Are you kidding me?
Amanda is a hottie , that is all .
The Red Woman from game of thrones. 😅. She is great though even if she standing up there with a degenerate in a dress. Wish are all the best when she runs again.
I’d like to see a display in the museum showing how many Jews have served on the battlefield and actually gave their lives for these US of Israel.
Amanda wants more solar panels and casinos. No thanks. I’d like a real conservative, not a special- interest RIno
Rhino?? That term is so overused. We get good grassroots people in office, you disagree with one thing, usually without knowing all the facts, and now they’re a rhino and we need to elect a grassroots candidate… which we just did. Comments like this are why we lose good people and races. Just go hand the state to the democrats why don’t you?!
So she doesn’t want the casino and solar panels?
Does the curtains match the drapes ? 🙃
You really need to google your sayings before you try to quote them
Here is what “transition” Prytzker is all about, if you did not know. Note, the editor did not give his first name? Why?:
Jennifer Natalya Pritzker (born James Nicholas Pritzker; August 13, 1950) is an American investor, philanthropist, and member of the Pritzker family. Pritzker retired as a lieutenant colonel from the Illinois Army National Guard (ILARNG) in 2001.
I have no interest in going to this man/women’s museum. We should never have allowed this monument, to Prytzker family, in Wisconsin.
It’s people like this with fuck you money that can afford to build places like this.
Don’t like it, don’t go.
I doubt it cost you anything for it to be here. Besides, it’s in a fucking corn field. Not next to a school or even your house.
Live and let live
And history, good or bad, needs a place to be remembered.
This person is not Governor Pritzer’s sibling they are cousins.
Freak show that every person there should be ashamed to have attended.
Meh, it bolstered WI jobs , and when I lived in Chitcago for many moons I usta wartch the Pritzker Military Show on broadcast TV —- Heshe/it or whatever has some GREAT combat vet interviews
So the Pritzkers could not find land in Illinois were family member JB is the GOVERNOR? Did they not want to pay their high taxes?
Since you mention taxes:
“Gov. J.B. Pritzker’s 2025 budget proposal includes a $93 million income tax hike on individuals.
I guess legalizing weed is not raking in the bucks for the State.
The level politicians will go to garner sway from a mentally ill degenerate of extreme financial and political connections is truly amazing.
I would bet not one of them would allow this person to baby sit their children, let alone sit on his lap.
The only person in these pics, who look like they know how very eff’ed up this situation truly is, is Ben Harbach. Everyone else with their phoney-baloney political smiles, and Ben Harbach looks like he sees fake-Jennifer for what it is.
Skirt er no, that ain’t a she.
where is Sgt. Hard ???? We have Col. Trans ! What a great afternoon outing for the Socialist leadership of Kenosha ! Chins Pritzker sister(brother) sitting a flag in Wisconsin in hopes of turning Wisconsin communist like they did Illinois ? One of the main reason Col. Trans put this place in Wisconsin was the Illinois safety act prohibits the possession of the weapons he has on display . looking at the warm welcome our leaders has given this guy I’m surprised there wasn’t a BIDEN HARRIS banner hanging in the front of the building.
When can we vote Samantha the Slime out of office? I am pretty sure we can find charges to bring up on her right now.