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Opinion: Kenosha Teacher’s Union President Causes Uproar With #fakenews Social Media Post About “Parent With Gun”

Tanya Kitts-Lewinski (D) Kenosha Teacher’s Union President

Tanya Kitts-Lewinski (D), the Kenosha Teacher’s Union President and Indian Trail Teacher was very upset last night at the school board meeting. She was upset that students and teachers are no longer being forced to wear masks. She is a hyper-partisan liberal. You can’t scroll for long on her Facebook without seeing some type of social justice quote, rainbow flag, anti-gun talk, or something of the sort.

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She posted on Facebook that KUSD has been driven by parents and administration on the far right. This couldn’t be much farther from the truth. Each and every member of the Kenosha School Board are democrats. Todd Battle might be the most moderate, but he is still a democrat. She is very upset she didn’t get her way.

She then posted a very puzzling Facebook post after the meeting:

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Tanya is apparently upset that there was no security at the school board meeting. She then went on to say that she saw a man with “a gun in holster and a Sheriff’s badge.”

You read that correctly. In the same post she was upset that there was no security but then said she saw an off-duty police officer.

As she probably intended, her post went viral and was shared many many times in the Kenosha area. It upset so many people that Kenosha Unified responded:

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Anybody that has attended a meeting of the KUSD school board knows that off-duty officers are present for security. She is at almost every meeting. She either knew he was there for security or should have known. She should apologize to the community for crying wolf.

She issued a corrected Facebook post and then deleted it entirely. Thank goodness for screenshots! The internet is forever.

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Shame on you Tanya!



Kenosha County Sheriff’s Detective Takes 99-Year-Old Military General Down Drag Strip For Bucket List Item

A 99-year-old World War II veteran checked yet another item off of his bucket list. KCE told you earlier this week about how Brigadier General (Retired) Dr. Lewis Harned wanted to do 100 things before he turned 100. On Tuesday, General Harnad was a bailiff for a day in Judge David Wilk’s court room. That was the General’s 94th item. Today, he checked off numbers 95 and 96. 95 – Harned participated in a parade of

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“Taco Fest” A Big Hit Friday

Hundreds of area residents turned out to The Kenosha History Center’s 2nd Annual “Taco Fest” Friday. The Kenosha History Center hosted the event this year at a new location – Kennedy Park, along the Lake Michigan shore. About 13 food trucks competed for votes to be named “Kenosha Taco Fest Champion”. The event was free to attend. Kenosha Taco Fest coincided with the Kenosha History Center’s popular Friday Night Classic Car Cruise-in. A small array of

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Salem Lakes Resident Furious At Village Board For Ignoring Bizarre Demands

A 51-year-old Salem Lakes resident is furious with the village board after they refused to take action on a multitude of demands she issued in writing. Dee Ann Slater-Grubb seemingly asked the board on May 31, 2024, to take some bizarre and unconstitutional actions. KCE discovered these demands pursuant to a public records request. Among these demands, were banning the media from the board meetings, banning non-residents from speaking during citizen comments, prohibiting the legal carrying

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Outgoing Judge Holds Kenosha County Eye Editor In Contempt Of Court – Orders Article Removed From Website

Kenosha County Eye Editor Kevin Mathewson was held in contempt of court today – at least for a few minutes. Outgoing Kenosha County Circuit Court Judge Frank Gagliardi did what no Kenosha County Judge has ever done – he ordered KCE to take down an article we published. It wasn’t done directly, however. In a secretly held, closed hearing, (which in itself is illegal – a member of the press and a another individual were denied

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Judge Orders Village Of Twin Lakes To Pay Resident $20,000 For Violating Public Records Law: Cronyism Alleged

A Twin Lakes couple was recently awarded almost $20,000 from the Village of Twin Lakes for what a judge ruled was a violation of the Wisconsin Public Records Statute. Judge Frank Gagliardi signed an order on June 20, 2024 that awarded the Neals $11,000 in attorney’s fees, $1,442.70 in court costs, $6,879 in compensatory damages and punitive damages in the statutory amount of $100 because the judge wrote “the Court finds [the Village of Twin Lakes

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99-Year-Old Retired General Close To Finishing Bucket List Of 100 Items Before 100th Birthday – Bailiff For The Day In Kenosha

.. “All rise!” The call to action from the bailiff was the same in Kenosha County Circuit Court Branch 5 Tuesday morning, but the man speaking the command was more seasoned than usual. Dr. Lew Harned, 99, served as the honorary bailiff for the morning in Judge David Wilk’s courtroom, ticking off another item on the bucket list he’s working hard to fill before his 100th birthday on Aug. 17. A retired orthopedic surgeon and a

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No Murder Charges For Self-Defense Shooting Death At Wood Creek Apartments: Kenosha District Attorney

A man who shot and killed another man Friday morning will not be facing charges related to the shooting death of the late 24-year-old Izerion Cooper. Anfrnee Cystrunk-Taylor shot the man after what police say was an armed burglary. “The current state of the investigation into the shooting death of 24-year-old Izerion Cooper that occurred in the 1500 block of 30th Avenue on Friday, June 21, 2024 at 4:25 a.m. suggests that a burglary was committed earlier

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Kenosha County Extends Ban Of Political Symbols To Social Media

If you drove by the Kenosha County Courthouse June 1, 2023 or June 1, 2024, you would notice a subtle but notable difference – the flags flying in front of it. In front of the Kenosha County Courthouse, or any other county building, you won’t see the gay pride flag, or any other partisan flags for that matter. This is due to an executive order signed by Kenosha County Executive Samantha Kerkman last year. Under this

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Professional Counselor, Former Foster Parent, Charged With Operating A Firearm While Intoxicated

A Kenosha-area professional counselor and former foster mom was in court today and charged with operating a firearm while intoxicated. If convicted, Jacqueline P. Niccolai, 37, of Kenosha, faces up to nine months in prison and up to a $10,000 fine. Niccolai has admitted that she has recently used illegal drugs. According to the criminal complaint: A Kenosha Police Officer reported that on May 28, 2024 at approximately 2:31 a.m., he was dispatched to a residence

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Man Shot And Killed During Friday Morning Shooting Identified, Appears To Be Self Defense During Burglary: Court Documents

A 24-year-old Kenosha man was shot to death early in the morning on Friday, June 21, 2024. According to court documents filed today, it appears it may have been a self-defense shooting by the resident of the apartment where police found the dead man. Izerion Cooper, a multiple-convicted felon, who was recently released from prison, was found dead by Kenosha police at approximately 4:25 a.m. Friday morning. The man’s sister was with the man when police

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Retired Kenosha Fire Captain Sworn In As Salem Lakes Fire Chief

Long-time firefighter and fire administrator Alan T. Carr was sworn in tonight at the Villages Police and Fire Commission meeting. In an unanimous vote, the five-member panel voted to put Carr at the reins of the important department which handle fires and medical calls. All present members of the Fire Commission had glowing remarks about Carr and spoke highly of him. Born in the Long Island, New York, Carr had two brother who were in the

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Kenosha Man Caught Capturing Videos Of Women, Young Girls Up Skirts At Harbor Market

A Kenosha man is holding at the Kenosha County Jail on a $15,000 bail after some serious accusations from police and prosecutors. Kevin A. Pursell, 40, of Kenosha was charged today with Felony Invasion of Privacy. He was accused of taking video up the skirts of women and underage girls at the Kenosha Harbor Market this Saturday and at least two other area-markets. According to the criminal complaint: On June 22, 2024, a Kenosha Police Officer

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11 Responses

  1. Kitts-Lewinski appears to be a very hysterical and anxiety ridden person. Children have a tendency to pick up on this and hopefully her students are getting the nurturing environment they deserve. Most have been working every day since the pandemic started and are not falling to pieces like this. Lead by example!

  2. Tanya Lewinski is a perfect example of what’s wrong with educators that do not understand their responsibilities. Her comments and actions are that of a radical narcissist that’s unfit to teach Children. Her comment about doing better for Black and Brown families is a racist comment. She excludes white and Asian children or do they not count? Children don’t see color, racist like Tanya see color as a way to divide and instigate. It’s sad that an unstable, radical, police hating school teacher can be elected as President of anything other than a basket weaving club. The police officer had a his badge and gun, yet she says he didn’t identify himself. I hope the families in Kenosha stand up and have this bias/racist removed from her position as President and teacher. Kenosha can do better and should do better in their selection of teachers, politics have no place in education. Don’t allow this radical and unstable teacher damage your Children’s school experience/enjoyment and education.

    1. Well said. This person has no business teaching. How did fellow teachers from KUSD vote for her? The leadership of the KEA can now be put into question, as to if they are really there for the kids or to the indoctrination our children. I question about her ability of being an objective professional when a student has a differing view / opinion than her obvious bias toward socialism. This could have very damaging effects on any students future that she does not agree with. The idea of education is to open discussion for learning and to expand the ability to express their own views, NOT falling in step with the teacher just to get on the teachers good side. The best teachers will listen and in some cases learn from the students point of view also. If they don’t have a fair and just teacher then the process will fail that student, not the student failing because it doesn’t fit the teachers ideological beliefs. It sure would seem that any student with a differing view point than this individual will not have a fair chance for succeeding in her class. Her actions here are an example of a failing teacher within the system. Time for her to look for something else than teaching with her obvious bias and hatred toward parents questioning her and the school board. She works for the parents and the school board. The school board and the parents have the right to tell her how to do her job. It’s called being a PUBLIC employee.

      1. Very well said. Unfortunately, Kenosha’s far left partisan school board sees no issue with an employee like this. True, she is committing no crime and probably falls within the disciplinary confines of regulations, thus keeping her employed. Clearly, there is instability in her actions. I can’t imagine leaving my child alone in her custody. Begs the question..would she be able to provide unbiased care if one of her charges had parents that were in law enforcement?

  3. Is anyone really surprised? I mean KUSD and their employees have been crooked for years. Remember Martice fuller? Remember the teachers that went to his court hearings in support for him? Remember a teacher being part of jury tampering and on a no contact order? Remember a Indian trail teacher posting a pic with the murderer stating they loved him hours after he killed a young girl and almost her mom? KUSD is a joke and never once did any thing to them techaers. Maybe a KCE story on that? I mean these are supposed to teach our youth, now our youth see the support of a murderer

  4. It isn’t funny that you call her crazy. She clearly has identifiers of fetal alcohol syndrome. She’s mentally challenged.

    She doesn’t belong in the position she is in, but her mental illness is likely due to a physical condition. Is it possible her mother KNEW how rotten her kid would turn out and it lead her to drink? It is hard to know…

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