Salem Lakes Resident Furious At Village Board For Ignoring Bizarre Demands

Dee Grubb (51) of Salem Lakes
(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)

A 51-year-old Salem Lakes resident is furious with the village board after they refused to take action on a multitude of demands she issued in writing. Dee Ann Slater-Grubb seemingly asked the board on May 31, 2024, to take some bizarre and unconstitutional actions. KCE discovered these demands pursuant to a public records request.

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Among these demands, were banning the media from the board meetings, banning non-residents from speaking during citizen comments, prohibiting the legal carrying of concealed firearms in village buildings, and finally, prohibiting trustees from drinking alcoholic beverages at private events. She also seemed to take exception to the board members speaking to the media. One trustee responded to Grubb and invited her to have coffee to discuss the issues. Grubb declined.

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A quick look at Grubb’s social media, show that she is friends with the old board – the board that was voted out of office last year on a 2 to 1 margin.

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A further look into Grubb shows that she is a loyalist to the old board, saying on social media “Th[e] board is a horrible shit show and all of them should be kicked out.” In the same post, she accused the current board of “doing favors” for the people who “got [the board] elected by making up lies.” She also criticized the board for “firing” former Village Administrator Mike Murdock, a year before his contract ended.” KCE confirmed that there was no contract for Murdock at the time of his resignation.

Grubb has been incessantly emailing and contacting trustees on social media. She has also been making statements about a pair of local businesses who tell KCE they are considering filing defamation suits against the woman. “I don’t know who this woman is, but if she keeps telling lies to people in the community and posting lies on social media, I’ve authorized my attorney to sue her for defamation. I love the first amendment, but the first amendment doesn’t apply to someone who is lying about a business in an attempt to harm the business,” a local business owner told KCE. Grubb has also accused a trustee, without providing evidence, of OWI – a background check shows Grubb has an OWI conviction herself out of Georgia.

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KCE contacted Grubb to ask her about her bizarre demands. She told us in a statement:

“Contact me again and I will file a report for harassment. Don’t put my name on anything garbage you make up.”

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Grubb is expected to speak at the Village’s July 1, 2024 meeting during citizen comments. An insider tells KCE that extra presence from the Sheriff’s Department will be requested to Grubb’s seemingly erratic behavior towards trustees.



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Salem Lakes Public Works Superintendent Fired For Alleged Misconduct

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55 Responses

  1. Thank God for freedom of speech so these whacked-out liberals can keep proving exactly who they are.
    Keep yappin, ya’ll!

  2. Figures, here we have another Illinois transplant who has brought her Illinois liberal ideology to Wisconsin. Gross.
    They are ruining this state.

  3. What is amazing, is that these individuals think she is the voice of reason with no real facts. I’ve seen these comments that this individual has made and what struck me was when you attack someone’s business, you are starting to get into dangerous territory as far as legal liability. I’m not an attorney but IMO she defamed these businesses and I believe it can probably be proven. Most of us do not want to sue, but sometimes it’s necessary just to shut up a person that appears to be driven by hate and not facts. Just because Culat, Kmiec, Tesar and Campion previous public officials that have failed to be Re-elected doesn’t mean her facts are true because she is pissed. The previous board was removed by the Voters in the spring of 2023 for REAL reasons, not made-up BS like she pukes. I grow tired of angry facts instead of real facts, maybe she should come to meetings and become educated, but no, those facts will ruin her agenda. When a board allows for public comments, they are public comments. not comments Mrs. Grubb approves of. She should probably read up on what FACTS built this great country. Many disgruntled individuals have a voice, thank goodness we can all speak out. Most importantly they should remember why they have a voice; THE FIRST AMENDMENT IS FIRST FOR A REASON. Either she should get educated or please find another hobby


    I encourage anyone to visit my page and reach out with any questions. My family has been tax paying citizens of the Salem community for 25 years. My family works hard to make it a better place and help our friends and neighbors. I currently am a full time worker, a coach for special Olympics, a very involved volunteer for 1Hope, which is an amazing organization that supports foster care families, I participate in “100 Women Who Care” Kenosha along with volunteering for many events in the community and never turning down a chance to help anyone who asks. I am not saying this to brag, just to let you know I am a good, honest person who just wants the best for people in this community. It’s unfortunate that it appears Mr. Mathewson reached out to me simply because I don’t agree with decisions that have been made and is usually bullying tactics to keep from sharing my opinions and views. Did someone mention the constitution? I pray for peace and change daily. I hope you all have a blessed day and if you need help with your charities or fundraising, I am always happy to jump in…..and I have lots of amazing friends who love to help as well!
    I hope everyone has a great holiday celebrating our beautiful country – and for those who wonder – Trump 2024!❤️🤍💙

    1. Best thing anyone could do for themselves is cancel their fakebook account.
      There are plenty of others.

    2. Mrs Grubb, it sounds likes you are a good citizen, why get involved in social media nonsense? You can do positive and negative things on social media, Right? But (IF) you are attacking businesses with claims that aren’t true, how is that good. I don’t know you’ve done that but others think so, maybe avoid those situations and stay positive. You have a right to speak out but that also comes with push back, we all need to realize this. I’m glad you support Trump, but that doesn’t change your opinions and statements. I wish you Good Luck.

      1. Yeah, good citizen based on her own assessment. Sorry, I always pause when somebody tells me how great they are. We have a word for that–??

      2. One simple question we can ask is if the Stage Stop is currently in compliance with fire safety codes or if the violations have been dropped at the direction of the new board. If they are, I will happily make a public apology but they have a packed restaurant every night of the weekend and the safety of their customers should be their top priority.


          1. Sat 6/29/2024 11:22 AM
            One might think? That telling the public a business might be unsafe, when it is actually in compliance, could be very problematic in defamation law.  An apology might not suffice.  If Mrs. Grubb has the review from FSCI I would have to think she can’t read, otherwise Rut row.

    3. Dee, wish you would have responded to my request for comment. Insisted you said you wanted me arrested for harassment. Now you magically want to tell you side? Why now? Because you feel embarrassed for your behavior ?

    4. You didn’t deny what the article said….. all that you do sounds great! But you still didn’t answer the facts that were put out in writing.!?

    5. Dee is on a bender at Benders. Is she a regular at the Packer Inn or the Kick Stand? 1Hope? Really. The foster care system in Kenosha County is corrupt. Do you really think your admission is helping your case?

    6. Being involved with 1Hope isn’t a flex. The whackadoo Covelli couple were involved with 1Hope, and they’re bottomfeeders.

  5. My concerns were with how they handled the entire election process by using smear campaign. I prefer to see what positive changes our leaders are wanting to make. The people financing the campaign had personal vendettas against the old board and i felt they were doing for themselves rather than the better good of this town. The second thing was how they handled getting rid of our old administrator – you don’t like him, that’s fine, fire him, but I felt opening an entire investigation against him and attempting to ruin his life after 40 years of service to our community – it was a bit over kill.

    As far as the board members our drinking and enjoying themselves- I am not opposed to that but when they **********
    I have not been harassing these people other than stating my opinions.
    My request to them after Mr. Mathewson contacted my private cell phone from what I assume to be in defense of his good friends, was to simply write a letter to him discouraging from contacting private citizens who speak our against the board. As far as carrying his weapon, enjoy your rights and freedoms as I do my own, but last I checked, the village hall was a government building and guns are not allowed, but I could be mistaken. Also, as a curiosity to our older citizens – it’s intimidating to see and unnecessary at our board meetings.
    It is just a personal attack on behalf of our board ….. maybe he should use his media platform for good instead of evil – again, we can only pray. I appreciate you asking and have a wonderful rest of your day!

    1. Smear? What was said that was not true? Improper behavior? When your facts come from a one-sided echo chamber, you will be always wrong.

    2. Yea ask people that were shot in churches because no one was armed inside how they feel. Age has nothing to do with firearms and feeling safe. Thats just awareness…. I pack in church because I’ve seen first hand craziness. And you’d be surprised how many people want to sit close to me” just in case”.

    3. A personal attack on behalf of the board…that’s a bold thing to say. What evidence do you have to support this? Last I checked, Kevin does his own thing. Sounds like you’re crazy – I’d be very careful making accusations like that. And if you have a problem with people drinking on their own private time, you better move out of Wisconsin. Unless you’re saying they’re drinking while doing Village business…then that’s a huge problem that deserves to be exposed. If not, then shut the hell up and go have a drink.

    4. Smear campaign?  Telling the public of wrongdoing in the Village is not a smear campaign.  Because these are your friends doesn’t make it a smear campaign.  Transparency may not be pretty but that’s what a democracy looks like. You claim to support Trump, but you appear to be for everything the other side wants to destroy this man, very confused. Are you clearheaded?

  6. Many Dem-Libs have childlike minds and constantly make demands no matter how nonsensical they are and it becomes easy to simply give in to those Dem-Lib demands because it is the easiest thing to do and in the beginning it comes at little cost.
    As time passes though the Dem-Lib demands increase as does taxes, crime, abject poverty, crime and the number of citizens and business who flee seeking relief–Look South to Illinois as an epic example.
    Of course when citizens finally say no and dare to tell the truth as to how they are such miserable people they get all thin skinned and play the victim card and ultimately tip over the game table, stomp off seeking some new place to foul up.

    As Kenosha County Eye pulls back the curtain of Dem-Liberal shenanigans and marlarkey coming out of the West end of Kenosha County the responses from Dem-Liberals sorta reminds one of cockroaches scurrying seeking cover and darkness.

    1. I read your comment… filling in Trumpers every time you typed “Dem-Liberals”. Hey, it fits perfectly.

      Your delusion that everyone different than you is a “Liberal” is insane. Not everything in life is one team vs another team. People have individual ideas. And they should be voting for whom they believe is the best candidate in each category… not just straight ticket so they can be part of a “Team”.

      Try thinking for yourself for once and quit the childish labeling. Grown ups everywhere do it. You can too if you try hard enough.

      1. For the most part voters only have two choices….vote Democrat or vote Republican. One side is considered liberal, the other conservative.
        There are very few, if any, centrist candidates from either party, and what used to considered non-partisan elected positions are universally supported by deep pockets political donors–the recent Wisconsin Supreme Court elections are an epic example.

        Of course we are all entitled to our opinions by the Constitution….unless some activist judge issues a gag order and contempt citations and threatens to throw you in the slammer.

        Enjoy the upcoming July 4th Holiday also known as Independence Day.

  7. Poor Dee needs to catch up on the local issues since the problem members left on their own or were voted out. Mike is lucky, it could have been way worse for him and he knows it. Diane, wasn’t serious and didn’t do her job. The Kmiec team didn’t keep focused and was in the role for all the wrong reasons. Culat had the side benefits for a long while thanks to Mike. The Lejcar issues were all because of an inexperienced Chief and the people he hired and a commission who failed on so many levels that even Tesar should have seen it. Lejcar fell into the PETER PRINCIPLE bucket. Read the book. Poor Dee needs to talk to people other than these including minutes of that time, learn about open meetings, request to be on the agenda and the knowledge that the president controls the agenda in the end and that board members can drink on their own time. Poor Dee, post your actual letter to the board here. We want to see the words and the inflection you used. I hope it is itemized and that each of your assertions is backed up with facts – dates, names, places, etc. Do that for us please.

  8. No Trump supporter I know wants to infringe upon any part of the 2nd Amendment. Get your shit straight, Dee, your liberal is showing. That, along with infringing upon
    the First Amendment as well—I’d say Biden is your man.

    1. Oh I’m sure most Presidents are familiar with the 2nd Amendment. The last couple of years the ATF under Biden has played fast and loose with 2nd amendment rights. Of course FJB can always claim diminished mental capacity.
      “agencies have no special competence in resolving statutory ambiguities. Courts do” states the U.S. Supreme Court in a ruling last week.

  9. After the debate the Democrats have finally realized that crooked Joe won’t be able to handle another term. Citizen Dee Grubb could be, with her revolutionary ideas, a great candidate to replace sleepy Joe.

    1. I wish there was an 🤣 option in addition to the thumbs u/thumbs down. Or maybe 🤮 or 🤢. Please Kevin help us out.

  10. There have been a couple of residents lately who have been very animated during public comments. First impressions matter, so when you decide to come to a meeting and utilize the public comments time and you want the board and the residents to take you seriously the last thing to do is berate the board. No one will take you seriously. You might attract other Karens but I can gaurantee you this board has bigger issues they are cleaning up and do not have the time or energy to deal with bullies. Yes I get it, some issues can become personal and it is frustrating. But it is very hard to take someone seriously who goes on attack. The new board has huge messes they are cleaning up and I personally know this for fact. I was impacted by decisions made by the old board which look shady, the new board came in and had to do cleanup to resolve the issues. The new board treated me with respect and worked with me to resolve the issues, I never attacked them or berated them. I worked with them not against them. If you want the board and the residents to take you seriously then treat them with respect, you do not need to berate anyone to get your point across. It is bully behavior and some people may bow down to it, but this board will not. Treat them with respect and you will get the same in return. Karens and Kens of the world scream the loudest and it is great to see people pushing back and not giving in. They are the first to complain if not treated with respect, but they cannot treat others with respect. I personally could not do the boards job, the patience they have with some of the residents is amazing. They cannot please everyone and when they attempt to resolve issues, sure enough along comes a Karen or Ken who is impacted by the decision. The funny thing is these Karens and Kens do not come to meetings until they feel they are given the short end of the stick. If you want to see how this board runs the village and you want to stay on top, then come to all the meetings. Come with respect and facts, not emotions. Last comment, just because someone volunteers does not show their true character.

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