Amature Gay Porn Actor and Executive Director, Garden of Eatin
(File Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
Former County Board Supervisor and amature gay porn “cam boy” Andy Berg has been fired from his long-time job as a Wisconsin Department of Corrections Sergeant. He most recently worked at the Racine Prison, Racine Correctional Institution. According to sources, Berg was fired for using his taxpayer funded DOC computer to “dig up dirt” on Kevin Mathewson, Editor of Kenosha County Eye. KCE spoke with Beth Hardtke, Director of Communications Office of Public Affairs at the Wisconsin Department of Corrections who confirmed that “Andrew Berg is no longer employed by the Department of Corrections as of Oct. 14.”

(File Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
KCE has requested Berg’s personnel file to see the investigation that lead to his termination. Berg has been in trouble many times working for the DOC. On November 12, 2020, Berg attended a Kenosha County Board meeting and was reportedly bragging to colleagues that he was supposed to be at work, but called in sick. The Kenosha County Eye looked into this and discovered that he did, in fact call in sick and was paid on November 12.
We also learned that he was on thin ice with the Department of Corrections for the last five years. He has a lengthy personnel file with discipline for attendance related issues and for showing prisoners a movie that contained nudity and another called “Dear White People” that is a favorite of the BLM crowd. For this, he served a 1-day, unpaid suspension. He served a 3-day unpaid suspension in September of 2020 for policy and attendance issues. He was also disciplined once for missing work 6 times in a calendar year without a doctor’s note. A portion of his personnel file is below. He posted on Facebook in 2020 that he has a “new job on the horizon” and he is “leaving the prison hopefully sooner than later.” The DOC is aware of Andy calling in sick for the board meeting and in his most recent 3-day suspension, his supervisor mentioned the possibility of termination.

(Facebook.com and JerkMate.com)
An internal affairs investigation into Berg’s amature porn side-gig producing gay pronography was concluded without termination, even though he brought his employment into the job by donning himself “Sergeant Hard.”
Click Here To Read Andy’s Disciplinary Record AS of 2020.
Andy Berg, 42, of Kenosha first found himself in the public eye in 2012, when he ran for Alderman. He lost big. He took last place out of three candidates, running against incumbent Alderman, Anthony Kennedy (D). Kennedy told Berg that he would help him if he ran next time, not against him, but instead for the County Board. Andy did in fact run for the County Board in 2016 and won – because no one ran against him. He was re-elected again in 2018 and in 2020. All three elections, he ran unopposed. He did run for Sheriff in 2018 and got beat badly in the primary by Sheriff’s Sgt. David Zoerner. This means Berg never won a contested election. Each and every election in which he had an opponent, he lost. His election history is detailed below.

Berg was a county board supervisor from 2016 to 2024, when he was defeated by Felix Garcia. On his time so far on the board, he really wasn’t known for much, with the exception of pushing for the legalization of marijuana. He also challenged that a colleague of his, Supervisor John Pool wasn’t a veteran, and he was quickly proven wrong. After Andy, who has never been a law enforcement officer lost his bid for Sheriff, applied twice for the position of Deputy Sheriff. He was denied both bids. In his applications, he noted his criminal conviction history including DUI and drug convictions. Many in the community questioned the legality and ethical implications of applying for a position within the county as he was an elected official responsible for the budget.
On August 18, 2018, Berg was involved in a alleged drunken domestic dispute with his then-wife. There was property in the home destroyed by the couple. Berg called police and wanted the police to respond because his wife “was calling (him) names”. You can listen to this call to police below.
Berg’s close friends in the community include big-time criminals Ray Roberts and Sharmain Harris. He considers himself a Black Lives Matter activist and isn’t shy that he is a far-left democrat. On September 24, of 2020, he responded to an email from a concerned tax-payer saying “Anyone who supports a 17 year old to go to another state to shoot and kill people, need (sic) to have their mental health checked.” He also posted on Facebook an untrue speculation about who gave Kyle Rittenhouse the AR-15 he used to defend himself. After the man who gave him the rifle confessed to police, he kept his comment up, doubling down on his untrue statement. Berg has also challenged a colleague and another citizen to physical fights.
Andy has been involved in several scandals:
Berg is under investigation for embezzling from his non-profit, Garden of Eatin, that recently had it’s tax-exempt status revoked. Kenosha Police referred a felony charge to the Kenosha DA, who sent it to the Milwaukee DA to “go away.”
Berg allegedly stiffed a contractor that is an armed services veteran for many thousands of dollars by not paying him for a home remodel. Berg also received citations for not getting the proper permits.
Berg was successfully sued by KCE for withholding public records that proved he violated campaign laws.
Berg was found to have violated campaign laws by using tax dollars for his campaign. He has a Wisconsin Ethics Complaint pending since February.
Berg was sued by his former divorce attorney for stiffing her for $10,000.
Berg used property of his non-profit for personal gain by plowing snow with his non-profit’s tractor.
Berg was caught not paying taxes for a home his non-profit owned.
Berg has open judgements with the Wisconsin Department of Revenue. (Source: Police Report of Embezzlement)
You can read all about Berg with this link.
KCE texted Berg to ask for comment on why he was fired. He responded by writing “Go fuck yourself and go play on the interstate. Lol”
54 Responses
The fact that it took the State government this long to fire Andy Berg with the gigantic pile of evidence against him tells us everything we need to know about how corrupt Democrats in government jobs are. Please vote to get corrupt Democrats out of state, county, and municipal office. Apply for government jobs too, because we need decent citizens running our government, not corrupt Democrats.
Are you voting for Trump? Because he’s as corrupt as they come… THERE’S CORRUPTION IN THE GOVERNMENT, don’t be one sided to say it’s the democrats. Be for real.
Don’t be fake new faggot
That’s a lot of words for “I’m retarded”.
Says the guy too afraid to write his name.
Don’t cry foul when they target your beliefs.
Yeah cause only democrats are corrupt🙄 Never a republican like say Trump with his 34 felony convictions,not to mention half of his cabinet.
It was a kangaroo court. In what way was it about “hush money” or criminal activity New York? Explain it to KCE readers without researching the internet. Try the case in Kenosha? It wouldn’t have happened. The case is on appeal and will ultimately be thrown out. Note the judge let the sentencing date go by? Far left lawyer Alan Dershowitz and far right Jonathan Turley were appalled at the judge, jury, and verdict. Other cases are crumbling.
This just in. 51 intelligence experts claim that Kamala Harris worked at McDonalds.
Overdue and hard-ly a surprise.
That guy has been a real tool for some time, about time someone calls him out,
Again, Grat job Kevin expose the scum the corrupt ones.
This is only the tip of the iceberg
Samantha will just have Clara find a Kenosha County job for him.
We all know Samantha has an EX that is brothers with Andrew so there is that too. Judge Chad the bro of hard himself.
Will the county find a gig for hard or is his being “hung” out to dry by his communist partners?
Do you have something against gay porn stars?
I’m a Catholic, so yes. My religious beliefs dictate that pornography is immoral. Should i have left that out? Is he other employment not relevant? Help me to understand your triggers.
They will criticize you regardless. This county was dominated by the complacent old guard and the now-defunct Kenoshanews. You’ve brought in a fresh approach, determined to stop sweeping the dirt under the rug and instead reveal it for all to see. You’re on the right path, yet many members of the old status quo feel threatened by what you might expose. Why? Perhaps because their corruption is about to become a thing of the past.
Hey Kevin, we still playing pickleball tomorrow? If so, see you at 10am on I-94 at hwy C.
I don’t play pickleball, nor do I know the rules? Or is this a challenge to a physical fight? If so, give me your identity and we can sign waivers and set up a public boxing match for charity. Win-Win
Do not engage with this follower of KaKaMaLa. I bet this shemale was promised a new house, relief from tuition loan interest, or even a free sex change surgery essentially funded by our money. On November 5th, they will likely be complaining because they’ll need to start looking for a job.
I’ll fight you Kevin. We can do it your way. Already have the charity in mind.
Just identify yourself or call, 262-237-8501
We’ll be in touch.
Too afraid to go one on one?
If you were actually serious, you would have already called.
You are just an overbloated gas bag.
You weren’t very tough flopping around on the floor
like a fat carp.
Nobody will ever take you seriously, Joel.
Fat carp 😄. #NeverForget
It’s Joel Trudell… he’ll be wearing a skirt.. and if it’s Joel, I’ll fight him for you.
I don’t know who Joe is. But you can step in after Kevin.
What’s your name big dog?
Your a accessory to a crime
Hey Moe! Yer fired! Nyuck nyuck nyuck!
Whoa! Mr untouchable got fired!!!
Another Dem scumbag gets what he deserves.
That cat looks like a completely different person in every photo he takes.
Why has no one mentioned his hair…wtf he’s like the stepdad from Pet Sematary 2
Who goes to the barber and says, give the Schemp!
Bye bye Joo
This is great but there are lot more higher up jooz to get rid of yet.
Joo? He is not Jewish if that is what you meant
Rump Ranger Berg should be doing some hard time
He should have been fired for having that haircut. Pumpkin Pie haircutted freak.
With the time it took for DOC to act it must have been a hard decision.
I hear he is now managing Kenosha Steam Baths. Told you kev, thank you for posting. A few other stories coming out of RCI. How can I share?
He’s having a yard sale to pay bills now. Garden donations musta run out.
He was a asshole when I was at KCC he is nothing but a little punk
Bwahahaha. Sucks to suck, Berg. Comeuppance!
I’m just still chuckling about the spelling of the word amateur
My understanding is that Berg’s Garden of Eden (GOE) was given a number of land parcels in Kenosha by the County Board for the non-profit’s use for free. State law requires that assets of a non-profit like GOE can only be transferred to another non-profit when that non-profit no longer operates. Assets mean cash and land.
Years ago I did volunteer work for the GOE, at the parcel below, which I was told would be the “headquarters” location for the GOE. That parcel now belongs to an Investment company, not a non-profit. How did that happen? How did land owned by the local taxpayers, via the County Board, be given FREE to a what seems to be a shady non-profit shell company, now belong to a private party? Does Berg a partner in that Investment firm? Did Berg pocket the money if the land was “sold” to a private party? Is the County Board going to recoup the land or monies paid for land given free to Berg/GOE?
Parcel # 09-222-36-228-001
Address 4605 38TH AVE
Acres 0.15
Municipality CITY OF KENOSHA