**Extremely Graphic Content**
A social media battle is red hot tonight, as a BLM activist named Whitney Cabal has accused former county board supervisor, ametuer porn star, and fired corrections sergeant of sexual harassment. Cabal, who goes by “Billy Violet” on social media, took to facebook tonight to issue the following statement:
“Andy Berg is a pig of a man, he legit will not stop sending me sexual advances and propositions for literal years now. Yes he sends unsolicited dick pics. Tonight he fetishized me saying he wants to play with a [woman transitioning to a man] and would like to be a shoulder to cry on while I *transition* Then he had the audacity to flex about having injured a trans woman’s clit during sex and oh my god he feels literally terrible. He’s fucking sick in the head and I’ve had enough of his shit. He can fuck himself off into the nearest abyss. Go find somewhere else to get your dick warm Andy.”

Cabal also posted screenshots of the exchanges that she referenced in her post. In the messages, Berg says to Cabal:
“Hey man. R u for real about [female to male transition?] U know [I’ve] wanted to play [with] [you]… I do really want to play with [a] [female to male transition.]… I have been w trans women only [hormone therapy] and no btm surgery and also a trans woman who went through the btm surgery. In fact, I hurt her clit the other day and she had to leave. I felt terrible“

Berg saw the post and tried to quench Caba’s anger, saying:
“I was not trying to chase nor fetishize about you. I want to be knowledgeable and supportive of those around me that go through transition… I am [not] sure how ‘outing’ me like [Kenosha County Eye] did will be supportive for others that want to come out.”

Caba’s friends rebuked Berg’s advances saying:
“Gross. Unfriended”
“What a piece of trash.”
“Take your evidence to police. He can’t do that.
“Weird as hell”
“It’s fucking gross fetishy behavior.”
“I dealt with this guy semi recently too. Such a creep.”
“Any Berg….stay [the fuck] away from Billy and other trans folks.”
Cabal also accused Berg of sexual assault saying “Are we supposed to forget all the other times you made sexual advances, when you grabbed at my crotch that one time? I [swear to God] I would have laid your ass out, curb comes to mind.” Cabal also accused Berg of using cocaine and actually putting cocaine up his rectum. Berg has said he will sue Cabal for defamation.
Berg is under criminal investigation for felony theft, for allegedly stealing thousands from his now-defunct non-profit. Kenosha Police asked the Kenosha County DA’s office to charge Berg. Michael Graveley handed the case over to the Milwaukee County DA to make the case go away against his friend.
Berg declined comment to KCE.

93 Responses
Sad to see two mentally ill people fighting with each other.
Is it really sad? I must not be normal then, cause to me this is hilarious.
Kenosha is home to perverts!
Yes , it’s Kenosha ‘s fault . You fucktard.
Screw em both
Don’t tempt those freaks with a good time
Eek he must be desperate
I’ll say !!
Then again, someone did impregnate Kerkman (twice)….
Yea, Chad.
It’s not like either of them have room for standards. Chad dumped Sammy for Binger, so…
Good one Andy .
Berg doing wrong? No way say it isn’t so!!!
Must be a day of the week that ends in “y”.
Water = wet
Jesus. Could you imagine being this dudes family? Kids? Reading about him and his crimes, porn, now sending dick picks at 45 years old. This is disgraceful
Brett Farve once sent some dick pics to a Jets cheerleader, come on, this is normal behavior. LMAO
His family left his ass long ago
*loser ass
So he’s openly gay and is going to become a female? Hard to believe this guy gets any attention from either side. Now his ally like Billy is flipping on him?
Goodbye breakfast!
He’s in a downward spiral of heavy drinking and drugs, not just weed, some pretty heavy stuff. I hope he gets help.
I hope he gets Fentynal. He’s burning through good people’s tax money.
He’s already on fentanyl, trust me
Is that why he was stealing money from his charity? Drug habit?
I’m so grossed out. What a scummy pig. He is so incredibly messed up in the head. “Play with you”? 🤮 I really feel for his daughters. I pray that they don’t have to endure this sick side of him!
This is so rich on multiple levels. I’m just gonna read it again and soak everything in. No further comment.
Wow… I thought Whitney fell off the face of the earth. I thought the trash took herself out. Now she’s transitioning? Is this just another desperate attempt for attention? I don’t know why anyone would want to touch her with a 10 foot pole, she’s nasty. I remember a school board meeting and her vag was practically hanging out of her shorts, I mean if you could find it within all that blubber.
I guess we should be happy she wants to play for the other team. I feel sorry for her child.
They both need to go back under the rock they crawled out from.
What happened with all the text messages she shared with Gravley?
Both of these disgusting pigs deserve to be in a padded cell where they can no longer hurt another living soul! If someone is harassing you, contact the police, or block the person’s phone number, change your number–anything, but please do not air your dirty laundry on social media!
These people deserve each other. Stop reporting on their perversion. No one wants to hear about their mental illness.
Fuck off
The Springer show couldn’t hold a candle to this.
This was a great way to start my day.
You always knock it out of the park, Kevin!
Just think that this loser only lost his last county board seat by one vote. That says a lot about the voters in his former district and Alderman Kennedy who campaigned for him.
And how blind, lazy and dumb people are.
The angry black cab driver ? 🤡
Fat Albert is next
Kennedy. He is NOT the sharpest pencil…
“harassing people”, excuse me but it seems like the thing believes is a human 🙁
Who had Billy Violent transitioning on your local politics bingo card?
Me 😂
Once she got divorced and started seeing that pretend non-gendered whatever “it”, I figured it was only a matter of time 🫠
I did .
On my list of things to worry about today, this creep isn’t on it. He’s had more than his 15 minutes of fame. I wish he would just fade away. No surprise that he’s even worn out his welcome in the “nontraditional” community.
He is an evil guy that should go to jail. Stole money from a non-profit and people gave in good faith to him. What scares me he was a county board supervisor And law in enforcement as a jailer. Anthony Kennedy that’s an alderman and the past county executive Jim k. Protected him….
Not the first or last to bamboozle people.
Yup!! This 100%!!!! They’re all crooks!!!!!!!
He/She/Whatever Billy cabal is nowadays just posted another screenshot of a nude he sent
Post it Kevin!
Hard Times for Andy. Even the other whack jobs don’t want him
Hahahaha, “Hard” times for Andy 😂😂😂😂
I was supposed to meet Andy for lunch , but he stiffed me. 😎
Yeah, Sgt Hard is now know as Corporal Soft.
Next soft core title for sgt hard!
It’s a literal online bitch fight 😂😂
Andy, I wish we could say that he hard-ly knew ye!
Andy , if you want to play with the pigs, you’re going to get muddy. 🐽🖕
Billy a pig alright
The only thing I know for certain after reading that dialogue, both were KUSD educated.
Both trash
*tranny trash
Not sure this is what I would consider “News”. It actually made me throw up in my mouth. Both are disgusting 🤢.
I get he was a former supervisor and now Sgt. Hard. Side note: When did he get a promotion? What branch is he in?
Billy is a blow hard and in my opinion, has mental issues. I don’t know a person that takes her seriously.
This is a story that I could have done without. It’s like a car accident, you can’t turn away.
It is beyond comprehension Berg was a county supervisor. Berg and Raymond Roberts have to be one of the top 5 losers in Kenosha County.
Top 5 Losers:
1. Berg aka Sgt Hard
2. Kennedy aka Fat Albert
3. Roberts
4. Sharmain thug the felon
5. Billy/whitney/tanya whatever
Andy has some real issues. Let’s all hope he gets the help he needs.
Same goes for that other thing he was texting with.
Spit my milk out!
It was hard to read this. Maybe a stiff drink afterward.
Imagine being his kids and we wife reading this. My god Andy have some fucking respect for them. Cocaine up the ass and talking about your fetishes? Your family is embarrassed of you
Worse drugs too
Sick son of a bitch he is. He needs to be taken out of society.
Such great news ! Gravely ‘s decaying legacy happening right before our eyes ! Good riddance !
What’s sick is the messages he sent back and forth and then the ones that support him on his page. We live in a sick fucken world
Has He been arrested ?
Any day now hopefully!!
I second that
1 Corinthians 6:9. King James Bible
Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind.
Such were some of you. It’s possible to do business with Jesus and to have our sins forgiven. It’s the real deal to get “born again”. John 3
Kenosha , Why dont i see a arrest warrant yet on this Guy . ??
What exactly is a trans woman’s clit?? So many make believes it’s just difficult to know
She is turning to be a dude? Nobody wanted Whitney as a woman, so now she is trying to become a dude? What makes her think women will want her?