Executive Director, Garden of Eatin
(File Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
Kenosha is waiting, and has been, for almost four months to see if the Milwaukee County District Attorney-Elect, Kent Lovern will charge former County Board Supervisor Andy Berg with Embezzlement. Berg was a County Board Supervisor for eight years. He previously lost elections for Sheriff and Alderman. He never had an opponent until he was defeated this April. Berg also produces amature pornography as “Sergeant Hard” on Jerkmate.com and is the executive director of a non-profit he started called Garden of Eatin.
On January 2, 2024, KCE provided Kenosha Police with some bank records that we received from a source. The records appeared to show massive spending that didn’t line up, even remotely, to the mission statement of growing food to feed the poor. A Kenosha Police detective agreed and investigated. The detective assigned to the case then subpoenaed the bank records and now they are known to be genuine.
The Kenosha Police Detective spoke with an IRS agent, the Wisconsin Department of Justice- Department of Criminal Investigations, a Special Agent with the Wisconsin Department of Revenue, the FBI, and others during his investigation.

At the time that the Wisconsin Special Agent at the Department of Revenue was contacted, his boss was Peter Barca, a now-candidate for Congress. We contacted Barca and asked him if his office taking no action was due to him being friends with Berg. He didn’t respond. The Special Agent for the Wisconsin DOR did acknowledge they already had an “existing judgement” against Berg from a “previous complaint.”
The IRS and FBI acknowledged the “inconsistencies” in the bank charges, but said that that dollar amount was too low for the U.S. Department of Justice to get involved and left it to local law enforcement. That’s exactly what happened.

(Photo of Graveley, Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye, Photo of Lover, Campaign Website)
The Kenosha Police Department sent a referral for felony charges against Berg to Kenosha’s DA, Michael Graveley (D) on May 2, 2024. Mike Graveley, however doesn’t charge friends, like Andy Berg, so he asked the busiest DA’s office in the state to charge Berg – The Milwaukee County DA’s Office. Graveley asked the second highest in command, Deputy District Attorney Kent Lovern, to review the case. He is the assumed Milwaukee County District Attorney-Elect. This request was made and approved by Lovern on or before May 8, 2024. Here are the documents that tell us this:

According to Berg, the Milwaukee DA declined to prosecute him for the fraud/embezzlement. Berg’s attorney reiterated that fact.
KCE reached out to Lovern to ask him why he refused to charge Berg. We didn’t just email him, though, we also emailed many news stations in Milwaukee including the popular radio host Vicki McKenna. This email prompted Lovern to take a second look at the case. He acknowledged this in an August 21, 2024 email in which he wrote “This matter is still open and under review in our office.”
KCE then went on the Vicki McKenna show to talk about the case and Lovern’s about-face:
Andy Berg was recently questioned on social media account as to if he was or was not the subject of an investigation of stealing from his non-profit donors. Berg responded, by writing “Consider the source is all I can say.” The woman asked again “So are you under investigation?” to which he replied “No Clue. Haven’t been asked any questions. Nor should I. What was stated was false.” Here is that exchange:

Andy lied and he knew it. On or around April 22, 2024, the detective called Berg and left a message. Berg called back after hours and told the detective to call him back. The detective called back the next day and Berg was told the reason for the call. Berg then told the detective that he was represented by the President of the Wisconsin ACLU, Attorney William Sultan. Berg told the detective to call him. The detective called Sultan and asked to interview Berg. Sultan said he “would get back in touch with the detective,” but the detective never heard back.
Berg knew that he was under investigation and told the public “Haven’t been asked any questions.” Yet, people still support Berg – mainly those on the far, far left. So now that the Milwaukee County District attorney’s office has been “reviewing” a case for almost four months, we are reminded that we see every weekday, defendant’s being charged within a day or two, or even hours of their alleged crimes. We stop to ask ourselves “Why does it take four months, or probably many many more when there is such strong evidence that Berg stole money from the unsuspecting?” The biggest question is, why did Peter Barca’s DOR and the USA’s IRS not seem to care that Berg was seemingly taking money, without anyone’s knowledge and seemingly NOT paying taxes on this income? After all, Berg always complains that many people in the USA don’t pay their “fair share.”
As for now, the non-profit was administratively dissolved on December 13, 2023 by the Wisconsin Department of Financial Institutions for not reporting its income and expenses. The IRS has revoked Garden of Eatin’s “tax-exempt” status as of May 15, 2024, just a few months after Kenosha Police contacted the IRS. Berg hasn’t filed Garden of Eatin’s taxes for more than three years. The nonprofit’s website, goekensoha.org was expired because Berg didn’t pay the bill. It is now host to a spam site.
As advocates of law and order patiently await the Milwaukee DA’s decision, just remember, that if you are naive enough to donate to Berg, just know that your donation might go to Berg’s personal bills and is no longer tax-deductible.
Here are other stories about Berg:
25 Responses
Andy is a man of many haircuts.
He is a chameleon
Ever see Clockwork Orange? He is that creepy guy…
Thats Sgt Hard to you minions!
He lies. He lies to the ones that donated to his wack program. He lies on Facebook and acts like he has no clue he’s being investigated. He cries about trump and his supporters how they lie and are crooked. Well Andy, you’re about as crooked and hypocritical as they come. Your a fucken disgrace
I’m just waiting til he gets his just deserts.
It’s been a long wait, but I will feel better.
I mean his resume and past actions say enough. We as a county need to clean out the crooks running the court system. This should be handled in Kenosha!!!!!
Ironic. His page is full of his supporters questions “maga” why they support a criminal. Seems hypocritical as he’s one yet they support him.
He and AK are the pee in Ray- Ray’s cheerios.
Will you post the open records request and outcome from the IA investigation acuesing Berg of using DOC resources while on DOC time to investigate YOU? Did you even know this was going on?
Can you explain? That sounds interesting
The dudes life is mess. This is what his parents wished for. 😉🏳️🌈
Gravely is a useless clown.
Barca is even worse .
Please tell me this is true!!!! Kevin is this BS or is this clown really that dumb
Sargent hard should start his own news page
Would be great to
See Andy’s reply seeing he said he has no clue about this to his own friends and supporters on his page!
Why would someone thumbs down a comment asking someone to respond to a lie?
The hair cut is straight out of the three stooges. Shemp wannabe.
It really doesn’t go with that suit.
Pumpkin pie haircutted freak
I’m willing to bet that barca was on them websites also.
Corporal Hims?