Andy Berg (D), a long time Kenosha County Board member, knows the campaign finance laws well. In fact, when he submitted paperwork for re-election, he was given a packet called “Candidate Guidelines – Spring Elections 2024.” County Clerk Regi Waligora sent all candidates running for re-election this guide as a courtesy. On the top of page four, it displays the following:
Use Of Government Materials By Candidate
According to Wisconsin State Statute, section 11.33, candidates who are running for re-election, may not use public funds for the cost of materials or distribution for 50 or more pieces of substantially identical materials distributed after the first day authorized by law for circulation of nomination papers as a candidate.

KCE discovered, via public records requests that on February 2, 2024, Berg sent an email to a county employee demanding 1,000 County Maps that were printed with taxpayer funds. Berg also had county business cards printed – again at taxpayer expense. He then began to hand out several hundred maps and business cards, in clear violation of election law. He was so brazen, that he actually posted on Facebook what he was doing.
After being alerted to the violation, County Clerk Waligora issued a warning to Berg on February 19, the same day as his Facebook post, saying:
“This is a reminder that included in the folder for Spring Candidates you received information regarding the use of government materials while campaigning. You may not use materials (no more than 50) that are paid for with County funds while canvassing your district during the election cycle that began on December 1, 2023, and will end April 3, 2024. If you have done this and have distributed more than 50 pieces of County funded material, you will need to cease the use of these materials while campaigning in your district.”
KCE initiated a public records request to Berg asking to inspect the remaining maps that he had in his possession. He ignored our request unlawfully. We believe he handed out all 1,000 maps together along with his business cards.

Just today, Berg announced a raffle that he will be holding for people who donate money to Garden of Eatin. He is asking for $2,000. He has raised $127 in the first day. Berg is under criminal investigation for allegedly embezzling tens of thousands of dollars from his charity, the now-defunct “Garden of Eatin.” KCE posted bank records leaked to us that suggest that Berg has used the funds donated to his charity as a personal piggy-bank. He seemingly spent most of the money on personal, every-day bills and expenses like:
Brand New Tires For Berg’s Truck – $1,489.54
White Sox Game Spending with Berg’s Family – $232.74
Vacations/Entertainment/Cash Withdrawals – $7,134.27
Personal Cell Phone Bills – $1,418.12
WE-Energies – Gas/Electric/Cable For Berg’s Home – $1,639.09
Seemingly Personal Loan Payments – $1,628.83
Fuel and Retail Purchases – $3,151.60
Fuel/Tractor/Trailer/Repair $13,385.20
Online License Plate Search Fees To Attack Political Enemies and Violate DPPA – $100.85
Restaurants – $631.48
Real Estate License Annual Fee For Berg’s Real Estate Job – $114
Lego Store – $47.45
Haircut, Pedicure, Manicure – $108.75
UW Systems College Application Fee For Daughter – $56
(The above estimates were based on KCE plugging numbers into an excel spreadsheet. The number may not be accurate.)

Berg has also come under scrutinity for producing homo-sexual porn as his pseudenym “Sergeant Hard” which seems to align with his position as Sergeant with the Wisconsin Department of Corrections. Berg also has arrests and convictions for OWI and drugs. Berg is up for re-election this April.
Complaints were made against Berg to the Wisconsin Ethics Commission and the Kenosha County DA’s office. The WEC said in a statement “Commission staff has conducted a preliminary review of your complaint as required by Wis. Admin. Code ETH 21.03(2) and determined that your complaint is sufficient to proceed to consideration by the Commission.”
Berg wouldn’t respond to repeated request for comment.
67 Responses
So, what happens if 51 of these somehow show up as evidence?
Probably the same as if 1000 show up.
That’s what I was thinking…NOTHING. But thank you Kevin for exposing thos guy! Hopefully people in Kenosha aren’t too far gone and they don’t vote for him!
I totally agree! Nothing will happen.
What a dick.
U r what u eat
Feel bad for his daughter. And the taxpayers
That fag would have a pic of Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce on there….
He posts anything to show his left view and starts drama on his page. Appears to be the “activist” for whites. But no one likes him
Should be disqualified for the obvious violation !
A unfair advantage.
And why does ANY government employee get to ask and receive maps or any other kind of government literature for distribution ?
It’s not his job to hand these out. Even limiting it to 50 is wrong.
And don’t you think the employee that received and fulfilled this request should be sanctioned ?
This employee must know the rules of printing materials for others. You would think.
The employee be sanctioned? Did the employee know who it was for? What it was for? The culture that Kerkman has fostered is a general fear of the county board. They can show up in our departments and play 20 questions, literally getting in the way of us doing our jobs. Yet, they refuse to actually HELP us by getting rid of the HR department that refuses to acknowledge our questions, concerns, or the derelict behavior of some of our coworkers. Likewise, employees have been put in the position where the only way they can get any help with employment issues is by reaching out to the county board. It’s a huge mess.
The county board has no business involving themselves in the day to day life of employees. Shame on Berg- there’s a process to request materials, and it’s not on the employee to question “why” he needs these materials.
This is Sam Kerkman’s fault ? 😂😂😂
Erin Decker , could you please tell me why Andy Berg is still on the County Board ?
Nope, county employee, not Decker.
And yes- we NEVER had these issues with Kreuser. Within months of Kerkman assuming leadership, things became infinitely worse for myself and my coworkers, as well as my wife (also a county employee) and her coworkers, as well as friends of ours employed by Kenosha County.
If you’re not on the inside seeing what is happening on the employment side, kindly remove yourself from the conversation. You assumed I am someone who I despise, and you clearly lack an understanding of how things have changed-and not for the better-with Kerkman at the helm.
At least I sign my name to my posts . Kerkman and Decker are Republicans , as am I . Andy Berg is a Democrat , and is flauting election laws. The gentleman should not be in the board. What does that have to do with Kerkman’s leadership ?
Commenter said that the employee should face sanctions. Kerkman has fostered an environment where employees feel they are directly accountable to the board members. This was never the case under Kreuser- we had our supervisors, or department and division heads, and we understood the org chart. Now, we have board members interfering in our day-to-day operations. That *IS* Kerkman’s doing, as she often shows up with them, as well, and allows them to run roughshod.
I’m not a Republican, because the “Republicans” really aren’t any different from the democrats. I’m a conservative, who lives out conservative values.
I’m a independent , but no way I would I vote for Kerkman again – she spends more time doing photo ops
Her leadership and decision making is horrible . Wishy washy on everything . Smiles at you and lies afterward . Her political days are over , anyone riding her coat tails should depart asap or you will go down as well
LOL! Sounds like a family affair! You should run for Office! With all the people you know who work for Kenosha County, you would most likely win!
County employees cannot hold county office.
And- for the record- I am also a die-hard conservative who voted for Kerkman because she was the (R) candidate. After what she has turned my employer (Kenosha County) into, I will not be voting for her again.
I’m not saying Berg’s behavior is Kerkman’s fault- I’m saying that from an employee’s perspective, we are utter disarray, and that IS Kerkman’s fault.
What can be done to help with this employee dissatisfaction? Besides voting differently what can be done to help you? Who are your other contacs for support?
HR is supposed to be the contact, however HR is the primary source of strife. They’re running departments when they should be consulting on employee issues.
A perfect example of the problem is the Facebook post from Kenosha County Government, on the departure of the Highway Commissioner. He is incompetent and his other engineers as well as middle managers are constantly having to clean up his literal disasters. Highways spends hundreds of thousands of dollars on engineering consultants, even more than before the department had four engineers. Nedweski &fmr board member Amy Maurer were so complimentary of him— yet he is an idiot. I’ve sat in meetings where he has told us that he has enough engineers, that he can sit around with his feet up. Our direct managers are constantly having to clean up Clement’s shitstorms. Yet, our middle managers keep getting shit on, and they’re the ones who deserve the accolades that Clement receives.
How do you know the process wasn’t followed?
I’m not suggesting that the process was or was not followed, either way. I was not there, and ordering those types of materials is not within the scope of my employment. I am saying that we don’t know if the process was followed or not. It’s unreasonable to suggest the employee be sanctioned when we don’t know the situation.
Definetly should be disqualified. Why is any money of the tax payers allowed to be used for campaigns anyway?
And why does ANY government employee get to ask and receive maps or any other kind of government literature for distribution ?
It’s not his job to hand these out.
Were you born dumb or did you work on that? Why wouldn’t elected representatives attain publications and pass them out to constituents? I wish more would do this.
Who cares when he passes them out? He is still an elected representative. It shouldn’t matter whether it’s election time or not. As long as he isn’t attaching his campaign literature to it, wtf cares.
Berg isn’t a “government employee,” he’s an “elected public servant.”
That’s exactly the problem though. He’s knocking doors for his campaign. “Wtf cares” you ask? Well, maybe his opponent. Maybe the taxpayers who expect fairness at the ballot.
I’m guessing that these maps are probably just stored in a closet somewhere. And considering technology where nobody uses paper maps anymore I would now hope whoever is in charge of “that closet” is just doing as ordered, to get rid of all maps. And I’m hoping that nobody authorizes a replacement box.
Or Maybe Berg just grabbed them on his own. Since it seems that every board member has every key to every closet in the county !
As for the culture evolving around Sam, I’ve heard this many times since she started.
Favors being granted and paybacks being cashed in. But not by her. By leftovers seeing their free ride ending.
Or maybe not ! Sam is ultimately responsible.
Will the R get my vote next time ? You bet !
But I’m also hoping it’s not Sam.
I hope you are using the big raise you got to pay off your house Sam because from my seat I’m not seeing you in your seat after the next election.
Somebody on R side PLEASE primary Sam !!
There are enough (R)s that stand for RINO that an R is no longer enough to guarantee my vote. The GOP county parties are being strong armed into doing what Vos wants, just look at the groups that are losing their charters for speaking up against RINOs. Comply with King Vos or lose your charter. Will Kenosha comply? If so- every single candidate they back loses all credibility. Nedweski is already out for me, she’s backing abortion to 14 weeks and fine with fetal & stem cell research.
Someone PLEASE run against Steinbrink in Pleasant Prairie!!!!!
Do it then?
Dude always asking for money, I’m sure in Feb while it’s snowing he’s tilling all the fields himself.
What is DA Gravey going to do about it. Probably nothing. He’ll sweep that underneath the rug. Berg and Kennedy are best friends. They’re both corrupt.
He won’t deal.with it. He’ll send it off to another county. Oh! Wait! He won’t NEED to…Berg won’t be charged with anything!
So many problems in this town boil down to one man: Graveley.
There is no shame in Sargent Hard’s game! The pervert should not be allowed to serve the public in any capacity unless it’s picking up trash along the side of the road.
You’re being too hard on him !!
Compulsive Scammer .. Homisexual for sure ..
Amazing how someone who will do anything for money is allowed in a position of trust in a prison. I imagine he could find all sorts of fundraising means as a jailer. Need to get him on the other side of the bars.
Looks like he’s probably auctioning off the merch he bought with his Garden of Eatin slush fund. This man needs to be charged, but I highly doubt our DA will do anything. Quit electing this douche.
Why hasn’t the county board addressed this? Why aren’t county board members speaking out about his criminal investigation? Why aren’t they speaking out against his campaign violations?!
Maybe go to the meetings and ask. Maybe we should all go to the meetings and ask. He needs to be off the board of supervisors.
My work schedule doesn’t allow for me to attend board meetings, I’m not going to use vacation for that. I’ve sent emails that have gone unanswered, so going to a board meeting and talking at a group of people who have already proven that they mostly ignore their constituency, is not something for which I’m willing to use my precious, limited paid time off.
Public comments at the board meeting do nothing other than check a box and make the speakers feel like they’ve done something.
If you think the board is listening, you’re only fooling yourself.
Is there even an active investigation though? I would like to think if there was he would be acting differently, but still asking for money and calling all the article lies, is this investigation active?
The WEC has said they’re proceeding with investigating.
Referring to previous article with his fraud
Kevin, look into Bergs use of state office supplies and printer usage during his Sheriff election failure.
Is the Deputy State’s Attorney Carli McNeil going to charge him? I think NOT only Kyle Rittenhouse
He works at Racine Correctional Institución running the Recreation department since he’s not allowed to work inside the housing units.
Why can’t he work inside?
um? Has worked housing units. Dont be a dumb blue shirt. And have the balls to say something to your co-worker. Or are you one that spends too much time in the supervisor’s office?
I wonder if we can find him at the Sunnyside club too? Rubbing thighs with the circle K boys.
Kevin, did you ever share my contact details with “Sargent Hard” ?
Still looking for some excitement in my life…..
Kala he’s a flaming fag, bring your strap on so you can peg his faggot ass
How many times does this hypocrite skate the law? Multiple stories about him, always involving some kind of scam he’s in, a shitty employee, friends with all the felons, crooks, and now rapists. How do people still support him? Why does he go around like he’s untouchable? Where’s this investigation at? As he’s asking for more money again??? Need more tires or another vacation? Why can’t he work in the jail? WHERES THE ACCOUNTABILITY
Not defending him but very curious. Most county employees have to pay for their own business cards if they want them. Wonder if he had to??
As long as your doing stories on election law violations maybe you can do a story on Brian Thomas (R) placing signs in public right of ways. He did it when he ran for county board and he’s doing it again.
At least Thomas seems to genuinely give a shit. He takes the time to truly to research and dig into what needs to be looked into. He took the time to go up to the reservation & learn about their people, he did research into the topics the DEI committee was supposed to be tackling. He seems intelligent & committed, which is more than can be said for the majority of the jokers on the board.
Nedweski has made it clear she only cares about the assembly, which is a good reason to replace her in that role— one term in and she’s already out of touch.
Bulletin. The Kenosha News is on the story, now and credits Kevin.
Do they care about him embezzling tens of thousands of dollars from “his” charity, yet? That’s still the bigger story…
Nothing will happen. Hes literally begging for more money for his “charity” yet he don’t even donate to it. Hes a scam artist and I don’t believe theirs is an investigation. Otherwise he wouldn’t be having another fund raiser
Ha! Look at his latest post! Complaining that someone else besides him is begging for money! Cmon Kevin where is this investigation at
As he said on his Facebook page about Kevin. Rut row Andy!!!