If you read the Kenosha News today (we didn’t), you would have seen an ad by the County of Kenosha Treasurer noticing delinquent tax-payers. On that list was a local organization called “Garden of Eatin”. It owns a house located at 4605 38th Ave. According to the County Treasurer, Teri Jacobson, no taxes have been paid to the City of Kenosha ever since it was purchased from the County back in 2017. We also checked with the Kenosha Water Utility and they told us that no water/sewer bills have been paid to the City since the property was sold either.
What is truly troubling is that the founder and “executive director” of Garden of Eatin is none other than radical BLM activist Kenosha County Board member Andy Berg (D). We’ve written about Andy and his criminal record and other baggage in a previous article. He unsuccessfully ran for office twice and finally won a seat on the County Board after no one else ran. He has drug and DWI convictions from different states.
According to the organization’s website, this house was purchased to be an office for the organization and is uninhabitable.
Berg has had several fundraisers for the Garden of Eatin, boasting thousands in donations – much of which was donated in cash. But where is all the money going? It isn’t going to the water bill, sewer bill, storm-water bill or taxes. In fact, he hasn’t paid a dollar to any of these bills since he bought this house, according to reports. The amount of back taxes due are about $3,200. That is the amount for the tax years of 2017, 2018, 2019 and 2020 and penalties, interest and past due water/sewer bills. Berg said in a post that he was optimistic that one day, the donations to the organization will be so substantial, that he can quit his job and take a salary from the organization.
If Berg doesn’t pay these taxes soon, the Sheriff will sell the home to the highest bidder.
We reached out to Berg for comment. He hasn’t responded to our questions. The big question:
Where did all the money go?
5 Responses
I sure hope he used some of it on a barber and new clothes.