(File Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
If you drove by the Kenosha County Courthouse June 1, 2023 or June 1, 2024, you would notice a subtle but notable difference – the flags flying in front of it.
In front of the Kenosha County Courthouse, or any other county building, you won’t see the gay pride flag, or any other partisan flags for that matter. This is due to an executive order signed by Kenosha County Executive Samantha Kerkman last year. Under this order, there are three flags that must be flown at County buildings and properties with outdoor stationary flag poles. (1) The American Flag, (2) The State of Wisconsin Flag, and (3) The Kenosha County Flag. There are flags that may also be flown. Those are the P.O.W.M.I.A. flag and the flags for the six branches of the military, for example at the honor plaza at Veterans Memorial Park in western Kenosha County. No other flags are allowed.

(File Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
This year, the County’s Health Department “celebrated” pride month by posting the pride flag on social media. KCE asked John Jansen, the Health and Human services director the following question:
“These are the various logos KC health has used for their profile picture. Pink is Breast Cancer. Red, white and blue is for 4th of July. Green, red and black is black history. Why don’t you have logos for health related months? Like Autism Awareness, Mental Health, asthma, colon cancer, thyroid cancer, prostate cancer? Melanoma, which is one of the most overlooked and deadly forms of cancer [] included in your list. Why do you only use woke political logos when you can actually do some real good awareness? Why use the counties health services platform to promote your own political agenda instead of actually promoting something health related?

Jansen didn’t answer for 18 days, until we asked him again. He then responded by saying “Starting July 1st, the Division of Health will be using the new County logo.”

While Jensen wouldn’t elaborate, KCE is told by county insiders that County Executive Samantha Kerkman made the decision to remove political and partisan symbols from the County’s social media, in addition to the flags.

(File Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
“I agree with the way County Executive Kerkman is handling requests to display flags or symbols that can be divisive or offensive to some Kenosha County residents. Elected officials are expected to be tolerant of, and fair towards different perspectives, which she is. She rightfully stops short of County sponsored endorsement where it is not applicable,” said County Board Member Keith Gray on Tuesday.
52 Responses
And yet your god-emperor Trump was best friends with the most prolific pedo in modern history for 15 years. Don’t believe me? Look up John Doe 174. Need even more proof? Look up the interview Whitney Webb did of Maria Farmer, one of Espsteins victims. Still don’t believe me? That’s because you’re in a cult.
The real TDS is the delusional supporters who live in an alternate reality and ignore the evils of their orange master. You’ll say, “but he kicked him out of Mar-a-Lago!” Yeah, after 15 years of documented friendship. Same reason why Trump hired Alexander Acosta and Alan Dershowitz, both lawyers who defended Epstein in court. Let’s not forget that Jeffrey was murdered while his ex-bff was president. Pretty convenient as well.
But.. but.. but.. Biden showered with Ashley. Save yourself the time. It’s nothing compared to the dozens of underage teens Trump has abused.
Who cares about politics. Gay relations is a sin.
Exactly. Sodomy is a sin, and anyone who says otherwise really isn’t a Christian.
And a good Christian judges and condemns all others! I am sure you are without sin. Well, there’s also the fact that not everyone is Christian… so there’s that.
Big difference between judging and discernment. Judging is a buzzword, discernment is what’s actually happening.
We all have sin. The only perfect person was Jesus.
Don’t forget Creepy Joe showering with his daughter
These Trump people are just plain weird and scary.
Sir , Trump hired a gay for Ambassador to Germany —- pretty much the highest appointed jobs one can get —and he did a fine job .. Also the Trump family’s super high-powered ruthless lawyer was a peter-puffer
So, the “gay” did a “fine job” so you give trump credit for he is work. And you also give him points for hiring the “Peter puffer” as a lawyer. Yeah, that all makes sense and shows no prejudice on your part whatsoever. You’re a hip, modern guy there Jo.
Hey but what about the bear & leather flag
I’d rather see rainbow and unicorn flags than a trump flag up there.
Gayest comment goes toooooo…..
If you knew anything at all, rather than just being a dumbass, you would
know that is not even allowed on public property.
Have another drink.
lol how triggered are you to bring up trump. What a clown you are.
Awe. You found a way to bring trump in when it has nothing to do with him. How rent free he must be in your head.
Of course you would you moron. You must own the collection of Sgt. Hard videos.
Me too!
So, you’re a typical America hating liberal. Wow, so edgy.
You’re a typical Trump derangement syndrome dumb fuck! 🖕 GO TRUMP ❤️
Straight to Rikers!
What a stupid comment! There’s no chance of a trunko, biden, or any other non-existent flag to be up there, but thanks for having nothing to say but insisting on saying it anyway. Just get rid of the third flag because this is like playing whack them all with redesigned rainbow flags suddenly becoming a representative flag of a city or county. Stop voting for The clowns who put up with this crap and don’t replace them with bigger clowns. We can probably get enough by selling the third flagpole to a scrapper to pay for the sawzall blade needed to get it down.
This guy loooooves the cock! Sorry faggot. Straight,married alpha over here.
Hey Manly Man: maybe you and I can buy two tickets to paradise. You know that deep in your loin, you want to. Maybe we can watch this together. Come on, just do it.
Only yours I swear!!
Ok cuck faggot.
Women don’t want you, what makes you think gay men would?
Unfortunately, Gateway Technical College, and it’s weak left as president, has continued to fly the pride progress flag. The flag, which stands for a movement that targets children and supports genital mutilation, degeneracy, and debauchery, flies at each Gateway location. In fact, the month of June contain numerous celebrations of so-called pride, including a student trip to PrideFest, where students were exposed to all types of sexually degenerate behaviors and displays. This is where your student fees and your taxpayer money go.
Gateway has always appeard to be immune from outside limits on funding or management practices.
Things like the money spent on Charcuterie buffets reported on by Kenosha County Eye are just one example.
I believe each taxing entitiy has representatives who are involved in certain decisions hold country board seats.
If I understand that the Kenosha County Executive now has the ability to terminate department heads, wonder if some who previously were immune from directives now realize thier taxpayer supplied pay and benefits just might be in jeopardy by flaunting thier political ideology.
Next up—-How to thin the herd at Gateway?
Sam has had the ability for almost two years now to fire at will
And the department heads just keep getting worse 🤦🏼♀️
Can’t wait for the new highway commissioner to turn the county roads into the city roads. The city’s infrastructure is crumbling, their streets are terrible, and their snow removal SUCKS. Why would we want to bring the person who has failed the city MISERABLY to the county? To spread the cancer that is the city of Kenosha? Wtaf.
Pretty obvious ‘Common Sense’ is a liberal troll here to make hateful comments so everyone will think Trump supporters are associated with hate speech. Really trying to promote the fake “MAGA republican extremist” agenda that the Biden admin has fabricated.
The real Trump supporters know better.
No they don’t. More than half of the Trump supporters I meet are brain dead, hateful, and ignorant people. They really are the face of your movement.
At least we have common sense I rise about all the bs you swallowed for years. Trump.supports in general are the best people. You won’t see us burning down cities, and looting. Also it’s not Christian conservative flooding tje prisons. Also Joe Biden showered with his young daughter and you still support this demented pedo.
And what about all the other Trump people on here?
I don’t hate homos …. many of them are quite reasonable and hard-workin—- no pun intended 😁—- I just think it’s retarded to hang the gay flag on government buildings … there’s only one flag that belongs in government buildings
Again, you’re such a hip, open minded guy, Jo. And a true advocate for all the homos out there. I’m guessing you find tying your own shoelaces hard (no pun intended).
I love how trump supporters consistently blame their bad behavior on liberals. “Jan 6 was just a bunch of liberals in Trump gear.”
Sorry folks, how about taking a little accountability?
No. Feds in trump gear.
Nonsense, all of the former CIA employees who need an extra buck say that this is nothing more than Russian collusion, and the laptop I typed this on is just a false flag.😁
Usually the ones so adamantly against homosexuality are the ones who are and in the closet.
That’s EXACTLY what I said right up until I came out! Take the leap! Happy Pride month.
You wish. Quit projecting.
I’m guessing the only people who wish you were gay are the women you’ve encountered in your life.
Another win for us! 👍🏻