Outgoing Judge Holds Kenosha County Eye Editor In Contempt Of Court – Orders Article Removed From Website

Outgoing Kenosha Circuit Court Judge Frank Gagliardi
(File Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosah County Eye)

Kenosha County Eye Editor Kevin Mathewson was held in contempt of court today – at least for a few minutes. Outgoing Kenosha County Circuit Court Judge Frank Gagliardi did what no Kenosha County Judge has ever done – he ordered KCE to take down an article we published. It wasn’t done directly, however. In a secretly held, closed hearing, (which in itself is illegal – a member of the press and a another individual were denied entry to the courtroom Gagliardi first held Mathewson in contempt of court for what Gagliardi said was a violation of a court order. (There was no violation.) This was for a case that Mathewson isn’t even a party to. Gagliardi, without the authority under Wisconsin Statute, or the United States Constitution, seemingly extorted Mathewson into agreeing to remove the article until the conclusion of the case in late August. Gagliardi knew that any contempt finding would be ignoramus, and vacated it. KCE cannot tell its readers which case it is, due to a gag order, but you will see a recent article has recently vanished from our site.

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Gagliardi seemed to suggest the if Mathewson didn’t agree to remove the article temporarily, he would fine Mathewson thousands of dollars. Mathewson reluctantly agreed, even knowing the judge had no idea what his authority is in this matter.

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KCE published the article citing a police report publicly obtained via the Wisconsin Public Records Statute §§ 19.31, like we have done hundreds of times. A lawyer in this case accused Mathewson of obtaining the report in a deceptive manner.

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In an email dated June 21, 2024, a Kenosha Police spokesman wrote to Mathewson, “We treat all requests, except for requests from law firms, law enforcement agencies, etc., as citizen requests. Your request was treated as a citizen request under WI Stats. 19.31, as are all of your requests.”

Mathewson shared this email with the attorney in this case who seeemingly concealed it from the judge. KCE published an op ed on our site on March 30, 2024 suggesting that voters choose Gagliardi’s challenger, who easily defeated him.

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“I can’t believe that Judge Gagliardi would hold a grudge to the point where he would violate my first amendment rights to free speech and free press with the threat of being held in contempt and being fined thousands of dollars,” said Mathewson. “I realize that this unconstitutional order will expire in August and the article will be reposted, but I would never imagine that a judge would order a media outlet to take down a factual story based on the word of an attorney who was engaging in ‘sharp practice.’ ”

Kenosha County Circuit Court Judge David Wilk
(File Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)

Ironically, today in a separate matter, a different Kenosha County Circuit Court Judge ruled that Kenosha County Eye is indeed a bona fide media outlet when our status as such was questioned. Judge David Wilk ruled that Kenosha County Eye is entitled to reporter privilege, meaning that generally, KCE doesn’t have to give up confidential sources of news. That means tipsters who call, text, email or talk to us can feel good about being kept anonymous.

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“The first amendment took a huge blow today in court. Thankfully, however, the Tony Evers’ appointee, Judge Gagliardi, will no longer be a judge in about a month. For those who thought the first amendment was untouchable might just be wrong, at least in Frank’s courtroom,” said Mathewson. “When this case is settled, KCE will disclose all of the illegal, unethical and unconstitutional actions taken by Gagliardi. Until then, we hope Frank will allow us to continue to diseminate the news to Kenosha. But its a scary day when an appointed judge uses a grudge to eviscerate the constitution.”



Salem Special Ed Teacher On Leave After Caught Under The Influence Of An Illicit Substance While On School Property

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Kenosha Library Holding Event Tonight Called “Being Blue In A Red Environment” – Only Liberals Allowed

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Trial Of Man Accused Of Attempted Homicide Delayed Because Prosecutor, DA Candidate Didn’t Turn Over Evidence

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“Barbados Barca”: Opinion From Wisconsin GOP

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Kenosha County Bar Association To Hold Event Supporting Democrat Nominee For DA

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Serious Felony Charges Against “Connected” Kenosha Man To Be Dismissed By Neighboring County: Source

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Salem Lakes Village Board To Make Sweeping Changes To Policy In Response To “Rogue” Code Enforcement Officer

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Salem Lakes Public Works Superintendent Fired For Alleged Misconduct

After working less than six months for the Village of Salem Lakes as its Public Works Superintendent, Kevin Hajduk has been terminated. Effective October 14, 2024, Hajduk is no longer employed with the village. The Village Administrator confirmed with KCE that Hajduk was no longer employed by the village, but couldn’t give details because she said it was a personnel issue. KCE has requested his personnel file. According to a whistleblower, Hajduk was accused and investigated

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Former County Board Supervisor Andy Berg Fired From Job As Department of Corrections Sergeant

Former County Board Supervisor and amature gay porn “cam boy” Andy Berg has been fired from his long-time job as a Wisconsin Department of Corrections Sergeant. He most recently worked at the Racine Prison, Racine Correctional Institution. According to sources, Berg was fired for using his taxpayer funded DOC computer to “dig up dirt” on Kevin Mathewson, Editor of Kenosha County Eye. KCE spoke with Beth Hardtke, Director of Communications Office of Public Affairs at the

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Kenosha Judge To Sentence 16-Year-Old For Sex Crime He Says He Didn’t Commit – At Least Three Jurors Agree With Him

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Accused Child Rapist Makes Court Appearance – Third Victim Identified, More Charges Coming

Accused child rapist and fired elementary teacher’s aid, Anna Marie Crocker, made a court appearance today for a preliminary hearing. The hearing, however, was delayed because of new charges that are imminent. There were two child victims identified by the Kenosha Sheriff’s Department, but District Attorney Patricia Hanson has yet to file the sexual assault charges in Racine County. In Kenosha, Crocker is facing three serious felony charges for two victims, age 12 and 13 at

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69 Responses

  1. It has to be the Drunken rapist teacher story.

    I don’t have a photographic memory, but I am pretty sure that is the one.

    1. Yes! Mark Wisniewski Tremper English teacher. Obviously Mark’s lawyer didn’t like that story coming out b/c it’s bad for his character, but Kevin only posted FACTS from the police report. It’s ridiculous that this lady finally has the courage to hold this man accountable, it’s published in the news and then forced to be taken down? Why? So that when this drunk loser gets out of jail he can do it to another unsuspecting victim?

      Let’s also talk about the way Mark responded to this lady… I’m sorry I didn’t know I had such an impact on you. How the f*** is she supposed to feel after you sexually assaulted her?!

      For those that didn’t get to read the article this is a very brief summary: Mark is an alcoholic who is currently serving a sentence in KCJ for his 3rd OWI. When Mark is drunk it’s evident that he becomes delusional in thinking he can do what he wants with women. He became friends with a woman he frequented the bar with and she would often get Mark home and sleep over (on the couch). He would try to make advances at her but be turned down every time. One night he convinced her to sleep in his bed with him b/c it would be so much more comfortable and she has reported her sexually assaulted her. She did not report this to police right away but has since received professional help and has a “list” of which he is on. When she reached out to Mark he played dumb like he didn’t know what happened (maybe he was black out drunk; however, still not acceptable). Told her things like I’m sorry I didn’t know I made this big of an impact on you, I didn’t know I made you feel that way blah blah blah.

  2. This is so wrong for a judge to order any news outlet to take down an article. This is not Russia or China or North Korea but sure acting like it

  3. “Oh, Danny, this isn’t Russia. Is this Russia? This isn’t Russia, is it?” — Ty Webb

    When will Heather Iverson be taking over?

  4. File an appeal of his order! If you can get a higher court to rule in your favor you can use it to prevent other judges from trying the same shit in the future.

  5. The legal concept, from what I can glean, is called “prior restraint.” It is a serious constitutional issue.

    Art. I, Sec. 3 of the Wisconsin Constitution reads: “Every person may freely speak, write and publish his sentiments on all subjects, being responsible for the abuse of that right, and no laws shall be passed to restrain or abridge the liberty of speech or of the press.”

    This is actually broader than the First Amendment which only refers to governmental action to restrain freedom of expression. But the Wisconsin Constitution is explicit that the right to speak, write and public is maintained but, unlike the First Amendment, says the person speaking, writing or publishing is “responsible for the abuse of that right.” In essence, you cannot be restrained in advance from speaking, writing or publishing something but can later be punished for the abuse of that right. The Wisconsin Constitution frowns on prior restraint.

    None of us here knows all of the facts behind this or what prompted the judge to take what appears to be extraordinary actions. But we know they are extraordinary and to assess the judge’s conduct we need to see the entire picture.

  6. Perhaps this is the case:

    06-27-2024 Motion hearing =
    Additional text:
    1:03 PM Attorney Christopher R. Vandeventer in court for Mark Wisniewski along with his law clerk Victoria Dietel-Bargender. Attorney Trace P Hummel in court for Kenosha Unified School District.
    Minutes: Arguments made and parties have reached a stipulated agreement and Mr. Mathewson will remove the article that was published on 6/20/24 until the matter can be heard on August 28, 2024. Atty Vandeventer to prepare the stipulation and order and all 3 parties will sign the order. All other orders remain in full force and effect per the Judge.
    06-20-2024 Objection to motion
    Additional text:
    Intervenor’s Objection to Proposed Order – submitted by Kevin Mathewson (pro-se)
    06-20-2024 Notice of hearing
    Additional text:
    Motion hearing on June 27, 2024 at 01:00 pm.
    06-20-2024 Order
    Additional text:
    Order from May 31, 2024 Hearing
    06-20-2024 Brief in support of motion
    Additional text:
    Brief in Support of Motion for Temporary Injunction
    06-20-2024 Affidavit in support of motion
    Additional text:
    Affidavit of Christopher R. Vandeventer in Support of Motion for Temporary Injunction
    06-20-2024 Notice of motion, motion
    Additional text:
    Notice of Motion and Motion for Temporary Injunction – filed by Christopher R. Vandeventer
    06-20-2024 Letters/correspondence
    Additional text:
    Letter to Judge from Kevin Mathewson (pro-se)
    06-20-2024 Proposed Order Gagliardi, Frank

  7. Well, the Supreme Court just threw out a lower court ruling that placed major restrictions on the ability of government officials to communicate with social media companies about their content moderation policies (they can go back to telling Facebook, etc to take down posts they don’t like or agree with).
    This isn’t any different. This is huge and the Country cannot sustain much longer.

  8. Last week KCE published a story about a Kenosha govt Facebook page deleting comments they didn’t like. In response, a person said “It’s Facebook—who cares?”
    THIS is exactly why everyone should care: first the govt deletes your Facebook comment, then they don’t allow you to speak at public meetings, then they
    demand you delete a factual news story. Freedom of speech is eroded in small steps.

  9. This Judge has done this many times, I’m sure if you would look deep into case logs you would find a lot of constructional rights violated over his judicial term.
    Keep up the good work Kevin, you are making a difference.

  10. That sour little weasel is just mad he lost. And like a puppet that he is someone is pulling his strings one last time before he’s gone. Remember when they say judges are not affiliated with any political colors?
    Kevin… how much his family donated to the democrats in Wisconsin for the past 10-15 years?
    And yeah… appointed by tony…. Almost forgot that

  11. Well I like Kenosha Eye! In fact it is better than the Kenosha News that you have to pay for, when this site is absolutely free and is very much more informative! Please keep this site available! Thank you!

      1. You’re right….Biden is a pedophile who raped his daughter in the shower. Not to mention the hundreds of compilation videos of Biden molesting kids on stage.

          1. Nobody wants to watch you personal gay porn videos, faggot. Go obsess over some other straight White alpha male.

  12. Fucking libtarded dumocratic bullshit pouting is all this is! He must be Ted Kmiec’s buddy! 🤪

    1. When doing that search, it also returned two results to KCE articles. Which means that they weren’t taken down. Was there a third KCE article about Mark Wisniewski? Otherwise, I think the assumption that this article is referring to him is incorrect.

  13. So will we be seeing anymore of Former Judge Frank Gagliardi out and about Kenosha in the near future?
    A cush job in the Evers Administration or at KUSD perhaps?
    Joe Biden debate stand-in?

  14. When KCE intervened in the lawsuit did it not become a party? Having said this, if the material was independently obtained from another source and that was done by actions totally divorced from the court case, then how can publication be barred?

          1. We could have a beer. It would loosen you up and allow you to set yourself free from your torment You know you want to lay with a man. Let yourself go.

        1. Sounds like u wanna butt rape SWM—— I have a feeling he would remove your sick pervert head with a machete first

        2. You know , Trump is gonna win ….. and guess what…. You won’t notice any difference in this country except for less bullshit ….. you will be free to tho, to keep crying & stewing in your own gay bullshit

        3. When Trump wins , please don’t cry ….. only losers cry….. it will open doors for prosperity for you

  15. What crap reporting when the article writer quotes themself. Omg. This publication is worse than Fox News. KCE calls itself news? More like hot air and bs

    1. The article says who wrote it at the top left of it. In this case “KCE Staff”. Not all articles on KCE are written by Kevin.

  16. Great job KEVIN keep up the good work .
    Kenosha NEEDs you !!!
    You are making a difference
    I support you !!!

  17. Recently there was a big debate about County Executive Kerkman having the power to hire and fire Division Heads. A few concerned supervisors made mention of the amount of turnover Kenosha County has had since this Policy Resolution was put into place. I would like to bring up something else that happened around that time that I believe is more likely the cause behind the turnover. Mrs. Shelly Billingsley.

    Shelly came to Kenosha County requesting max top pay even though she was a mistake away from being fired by the City of Kenosha. Yet, Kenosha County gave her max top pay.

    The 2023 Budget was delayed in passing due to an attempt at 2 positions under Shelly being eliminated with one of those having someone lose their job. They did not end up completely losing their job but did almost cut their salary in half.

    Long time director Clement Abongwa resigned. The rumor that was put out to the public that it was due to pay and/or location. When in actuality, it was due to Shelly Billingsley. He had even had a meeting with his staff and told them “There are big problems in this department and unfortunately I am unable to fix them”.

    January of 2023, Reed Peterson was promoted to Shop Superintendent even though others more qualified had applied. Reed has since been investigated and terminated.

    In September of 2023, the mechanic position was posted and numerous qualified people were interviewed. Every qualified candidate that was offered the job turned it down due to HR not willing to pay over $30 an hour. The hiring range at the time was $29.01- $32.97. They all had years and years of mechanic experience but no cdl. All were willing and capable of getting said cdl immediately upon hire. They ended up settling with Brian Doe who apparently stated in his resume that he had mechanical experience but once hired that was determined a lie. Brian had just gotten his cdl a month prior to applying so he had no experience with that either. Brian Doe was an internal transfer from the Kenosha County Jail and even though he had absolutely no experience being a mechanic, was hired at max top pay. In fact they waited until January to start him so he would get the new max pay of $39.69. In addition to that, Brian made so many crucial mistakes that could have cause injuries and/or at least law-suites, yet still kept his job without discipline. Oddly enough, Brian and his tool box have disappeared without any explanation. But HR would rather hire someone with a recently obtained CDL and no mechanic experience for $39.69 over paying an experienced mechanic without a current cdl more than $30. Make that make sense.

    That internal hire went so well, they decided to hire another one from Parks. Craig, who punches in and takes a service truck to work for Parks and bills his time to a random truck in Highways. Again, no disciplinary actions.

    Look at the almost 20 people who have left since Shelly took over. Maybe more than that.

    Kenosha County has a huge problem of focusing so much on recruitment of new employees and need to focus more on retention of current employees.

    Supervisor Gentz made a great point back on August 1, 2022 when Shelly was being appointed.
    “All these people are starting off at top pay, including County Executive staff. Why? What is the point of having a pay schedule?”

    Sam Kerkman was recently asked by an employee of over 25 years why he was not at top pay yet and she told him Kenosha County has a pay schedule so everyone has room to grow. Well obviously her staff and everyone else that is starting at max pay are done growing.

    If someone doesn’t do something soon, I can guarantee you come winter, there will be no one out driving these plow trucks.

    I encourage every single one of you to attend this meet and greet on Wednesday July 10th and talk to these employees yourself. Hear it directly from their mouths.

    Just to point out a few examples:
    Gregory Boldt – Starting at 131,763 E13 Max top pay

    Jacob Dewart – started at $85,155 E9 Max hiring pay

    Shelly started at 138,437 August 1, 2022 top pay

    Thank you!

  18. KEVIN: My First Amendment Right ended when I questioned the integrity of IOWA’S SUPREME COURT JUSTICE WATERMAN’S Board Associate who obtained a seat on my son’s jury by concealing his associations, etc.
    http://www.youtube.com/user/kornkobiowa OUTRAGEOUS Cover-up continues
    Currently facing two years in prison . Haven’t left home since corrupt judge motto issued warrant May 12, 2022. Today is July 12, 2024

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