Milwaukee Attorney Asks KCE Editor To Be Found In Contempt Again, Fined, For Writing Article Critical of Judge

Christopher R. Vandeventer
Gimbel Reilly Guerin & Brown LLP

A Milwaukee Attorney seems to really not understand the first amendment. Attorney Christoper Vandeventer of Gimbel Reilly Guerin & Brown LLP, filed a motion last Friday in Kenosha County Circuit Court asking for outgoing Judge Frank Gagliardi to fine KCE Editor Kevin Mathewson thousands of dollars for our recent article in which Mathewson criticized Judge Gagliardi for seemingly violating state statute and the first amendment. This was one day after the ousted Judge Gagliardi ordered KCE to remove an article “until further order from the court.”

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In this 29-page barrage of court filings, Vandeventer accuses Mathewson of “disseminated much of the information discussed at yesterday’s hearing, including referencing the at-issue article that Mr. Mathewson voluntarily agreed to remove at yesterday’s hearing.” Although the Judge closed the hearing to the public, which he arguably didn’t have the authority to do, an audio recording of the hearing was approved by the court to be released and given to Mathewson. Vandeventer also is asking the judge to order Mathewson remove the recent article criticizing Gagliardi. In the public filing, however, Vandeventer included the entire article and all comments therein.

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Kevin Mathewson, Editor – Kenosha County Eye

“I find it incredibly ironic that attorney Vandeventer has publicly disseminated my June 26th article to the public by means of a court filing, but at the same time asks the court to order that I remove this article. He is also asking the court to essentially turn this case into a defamation case without providing any evidence at all that I published anything false. Vandeventer is asking for In fact, he is fighting tooth and nail to prohibit the public from learning the truth,” said Mathewson Tuesday. “Perhaps the stupidest thing that Vandeventer has done, is publicly posted a Kenosha Police report case number which allows any member of the public to receive the exact report that I received. He essentially disseminated information that he is asking the court that I be legally prohibited from disseminating. Attorney Vandeventer has been out of law school just over two years and it really shows.”

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In the filing, Vandeventer is asking for “payment of damages sufficient to compensate Mr. Wisniewski for the irreparable harm caused to him by Mr. Mathewson’s contempt.” Vandeventer has produced no evidence that anything written about his client was false. “When someone, especially a High School teacher, get’s a third OWI conviction while driving almost four times the legal limit and failing to stop for the police, and I write about it, of course the convict will feel harmed. But not harmed by me, harmed by his own conduct,” said Mathewson. “In this case, Gagliardi has shown a huge bias against me, likely due to the op-ed that this site published on March 30, 2024 warning voters not to vote for Gagliardi. The Judge accosted me in the hallway of the courthouse after his big loss to criticize me saying that I lied when I called him a democrat.”



Salem Special Ed Teacher On Leave After Caught Under The Influence Of An Illicit Substance While On School Property

A special education teacher at Salem School has been placed on administrative leave, the district announced Monday evening. According to a statement released to KCE and parents, the teacher has been placed on administrative leave since he was discovered “under the influence of an illicit substance” on October 3, 2024. Salem School District superintendent, Dr. Vicki King told parents: “Local law enforcement and the School Resource Officer from Central High School are conducting an ongoing investigation,

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Kenosha Library Holding Event Tonight Called “Being Blue In A Red Environment” – Only Liberals Allowed

Library Director Are you looking for safe and effective ways to communicate your liberal values and beliefs in environments where conservative ideas are assumed to be correct—and where more liberal people may be seen as ignorant, misguided, or even immoral? If so, you’re in luck. The Kenosha Library system is holding a controversial event tonight, Monday October 21, 2024, at 5:00 to 7:00 p.m. called “Being Blue In A Red Environment.” It’s a workshop that is

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Trial Of Man Accused Of Attempted Homicide Delayed Because Prosecutor, DA Candidate Didn’t Turn Over Evidence

A 37-year-old Kenosha Man was supposed to stand trial on September 23, 2024, for the alleged attempted murder of his girlfriend by setting her on fire with lighter fluid as she slept. The trial, unfortunately for the victim and her family, was abruptly canceled. Myron Faith Bowie, 37, of Kenosha was alleged to have poured lighter fluid on his girlfriend as she slept and lit her body on fire. She was very badly injured, but fortunately,

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Waukegan BLM Founder Involved In Kenosha Unrest Gets 40 Day Jail Sentence For Taking Photos In Illinois Courtroom

A Ziom man has been sentenced to 40 days in jail for illegally taking photos in an Illinois courtroom. This is exactly 40 days more in jail than he received from Kenosha Circuit Court Judge Jason Rossell for disorderly conduct related to an alleged attempt to break a police officer’s fingers by kicking a door shut. Just like Wisconsin, in Illinois, you need permission from the presiding judge to photograph court proceedings. Clyde McLemore was sentenced

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“Barbados Barca”: Opinion From Wisconsin GOP

Whether it be Lake Winnebago or Lake Michigan, Wisconsinites love the water. Peter Barca, however, prefers the crystal blue waters of Barbados.  It turns out Barca’s former company Aurora Associates International was among the numerous corporations listed in the infamous “Paradise Papers.” From Politico: “The former company of Peter Barca, a Democratic congressional candidate who is running as a candidate trying to cut taxes for families in Wisconsin, was registered in the offshore tax haven of Barbados,

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Kenosha County Bar Association To Hold Event Supporting Democrat Nominee For DA

Andrew Wier is a life-long democrat, former politician, and has been a lawyer for 15 years. He worked for five years as a prosecutor reporting to democrat District Attorney Patricia Hanson in Racine County. He works now for Habush Habush & Rottier, a personal injury firm. Since 2018, he has been the president of the Kenosha County Bar Association. The Kenosha County Bar Association is so irrelevant and insignificant that it has to entice members to

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Serious Felony Charges Against “Connected” Kenosha Man To Be Dismissed By Neighboring County: Source

“I know too many people in Kenosha – no one would believe you.” This was a statement allegedly made by Robert J. Moore II, 42, of Kenosha. He said these words to his wife, when she complained about alleged domestic violence and serious child abuse. Moore was paid almost $20,000 to be District Attorney Candidate Carli McNeill’s media campaign expert on June 7, 2024. Just 20 days later, on June 27, 2024, Moore was charged with

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Salem Lakes Village Board To Make Sweeping Changes To Policy In Response To “Rogue” Code Enforcement Officer

Many residents and business owners in Salem Lakes have been very vocal about who they claim is a “rogue” code enforcement officer. John Carrier works for the City of Waukegan, IL and makes $128,000 per year. At the village, he makes about $25,000. Over the last six months, village staff and elected leaders have been inundated with complaints about enforcement notices served on them by the village. The alleged violations include having a storage container, trackers,

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Salem Lakes Public Works Superintendent Fired For Alleged Misconduct

After working less than six months for the Village of Salem Lakes as its Public Works Superintendent, Kevin Hajduk has been terminated. Effective October 14, 2024, Hajduk is no longer employed with the village. The Village Administrator confirmed with KCE that Hajduk was no longer employed by the village, but couldn’t give details because she said it was a personnel issue. KCE has requested his personnel file. According to a whistleblower, Hajduk was accused and investigated

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Former County Board Supervisor Andy Berg Fired From Job As Department of Corrections Sergeant

Former County Board Supervisor and amature gay porn “cam boy” Andy Berg has been fired from his long-time job as a Wisconsin Department of Corrections Sergeant. He most recently worked at the Racine Prison, Racine Correctional Institution. According to sources, Berg was fired for using his taxpayer funded DOC computer to “dig up dirt” on Kevin Mathewson, Editor of Kenosha County Eye. KCE spoke with Beth Hardtke, Director of Communications Office of Public Affairs at the

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Kenosha Judge To Sentence 16-Year-Old For Sex Crime He Says He Didn’t Commit – At Least Three Jurors Agree With Him

***Update: a third juror has sent a letter to the judge expressing concern about the verdict.*** On October 28, 2024, a Kenosha Judge will have to sentence a 16-year-old boy for a crime that he says he didn’t commit. At least three jurors believe the former high schooler. One juror told the DA’s office that he or she felt “bullied” to change to a “guilty” verdict. Another juror wrote a letter to the judge saying that

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Accused Child Rapist Makes Court Appearance – Third Victim Identified, More Charges Coming

Accused child rapist and fired elementary teacher’s aid, Anna Marie Crocker, made a court appearance today for a preliminary hearing. The hearing, however, was delayed because of new charges that are imminent. There were two child victims identified by the Kenosha Sheriff’s Department, but District Attorney Patricia Hanson has yet to file the sexual assault charges in Racine County. In Kenosha, Crocker is facing three serious felony charges for two victims, age 12 and 13 at

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26 Responses

  1. Is an outgoing judger allowed to make an illegal ruling without consequence? He doesn’t have to worry about being reelected so I guess he can rule however he wants. I really don’t know that’s why i’m asking.

      1. I’m sure as an attorney he donated to politics. He should disclose who he has donated to, that way he can prove where his interests truly are.

    1. Not only the attorney but the outgoing judge needs to go back to law school. The US Constitution trumps all other laws which are only secondary at best to the Constitution..

  2. Don’t suppose he’s someone that poses in a swimsuit on the internet?
    Asking for a friend……

  3. Iverson was the right choice, that’s obvious. Poor Frankie, throwing a temper tantrum and flexing whatever d*ck he thinks he has. And this attorney – minor league. Stupid is as stupid does.

  4. Under the gag order against Trump, if I understand correctly, his free speech is gagged because it could supposedly trigger some nut he hasn’t met to attack the judge or prosecutor. When Biden criticizes the Supreme Court, couldn’t a similar argument be made? Why not gag Biden? Obviously, the notion of “gagging” either for those reasons is ridiculous and contrary to the Constitution.

    Sharyl Attkisson

    1. When free speech is gagged for one and not for another under similar circumstances–just a different political bias, it is obviously illegal, political, and an act of hatred for those who are different than whomever has the ability to be unfair and count on it not being properly enforced by favoritism, nepotism, and crooked government and law enforcement. Obviously, the founding fathers intended any news publication to have free speech to criticize his government officials. Those who try to censor Kenosha County Eye, which is certainly a news publication, are clearly violating the most important law of the land–the US Constitution. Arrest everyone involved in such censorship under RICO coordination to undermine the US Constitution. Arrest everyone holding public office involved in such censorship under RICO coordination but also under violation of their oath of office to uphold the US Constitution in all circumstances. Anyone who goes against the Constitution is unlawful and disrespecting this country, and if they don’t like the US Constitution, then they should move to another country immediately.

  5. Gagliardi you are a Democrat, I say it again, you are a Democrat.

    Enjoy the private sector, you are a buffoon. I would like to run into in the hallway some day or with my car when I am 3 times the legal limit.

  6. Mr. Gagliardi Sr. has sent one of his mignons to make you pay for not supporting his kid during the campaign. They will keep messing with you. They won’t give you a brake. You better get legal advice because they are coming for the eye.

  7. Those who violate the US Constitution and seek to silence the press–such as Kenosha County Eye–should be arrested and charged with 1st Amendment right violation felony. Those who intimidate those operating a news publication are committing a felony by interfering with the civil rights of every citizen to criticize elected, appointed government officials and employees. When these people work for the people, they not only need to obey their oath to protect the US Constitution above all else and to put down those who disrespect the highest and most important laws of the land–The US Constitution and its Bill of Rights. When an individual decided to work for the people, that choice in this way requires that individual to stand-up for the highest laws of this nation, and when they don’t do this regardless of the politics and all other areas where hatred and discrimination create injustice and unfairness, then that individual needs to be formally charged with a violation of their oath of office. This is true for elected officials, appointed officials, and hired employees such a law enforcement–when somebody asks them to violate their oath of office, they need to arrest that person. It is much the same as calling Fire, Fire in a crowded theatre when no fire exists, when they need to arrest that person who is disrespectfully out-of-line in an insidious way that is potentially very harmful in the most undermining way.

    Anybody has the right to make observations of those working for the public, particularly those who also are the press providing news.

  8. Keep fighting the good fight, Kevin. You are truly my hero for exposing all the BS happening in back rooms by untouchable people in small town positions! I can’t thank you enough for being the voice for those who CAN’T have one out of sheer fear!


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