On Wednesday, November 18, 2020 Judge Jason Rossell (R) 43, of Kenosha and Assistant District Attorney Thomas Clair Binger (D) 50, of Racine were handling court business professionally, that is, until they weren’t. During a hearing yesterday, Judge Rossell oddly started talking about the recent article in the Kenosha County Eye where we shared evidence that he participated in underground gambling. (Thanks for the shout-out Jason!) He and Binger then started to speculate on who runs this website. While we are flattered that the two are frequent visitors to this site, maybe it’s a bit unprofessional to gossip like a couple of 16 year-olds. Gossiping can be fun, but usually not for a 43 and 50 year old man in a court of law. Rossell then brought up a Fox6 Investigation where Chief Judge Rossell was spearheading the destruction of public records across the state. It seems like Rossell is nervous about all of the media attention about his conduct. This was all live-streamed on YouTube for all to see. Rossell quickly deleted the video after the hearing was over. Rossell then recused himself from the case and warned the attorney about an expert witness he used, thus beginning a course of tortious interference with this man’s business. In this recusal, Rossell cites SS WI 757.19: (2)(g) which states “When a judge determines that, for any reason, he or she cannot, or it appears he or she cannot, act in an impartial manner”. Rossell is admitting that he hates this man so much, that he cannot be unbiased. What he doesn’t know but should know, is that jurors determine the credibility of witnesses, not Judges. He also said that the rest of the judges would likely recuse. His goal seems to be preventing this man from working in the Kenosha County legal system. This just might subject him to civil liability.
ADA Thomas Clair Binger
We looked into Thomas Clair and this is what we found:
On Christmas Eve, 2019 police were called to Binger’s girlfriend’s house for a domestic disturbance. Dispatchers could hear Binger yelling in the background as she was on the phone. This was a verbal argument that turned physical but medical treatment was declined. Not surprisingly, Burlington Police wrote a very short synopsis of the incident and no arrests were made.
Binger (D) ran for District Attorney in 2016 and got beat by a wide, 16 point margin.
Binger is known for being outspoken during lulls in court activity and for broadcasting his desire to charge political opponents with crimes.
2 Responses
Judge? The Judge is doing his job. Holy cow, you guys are biased as all get out. Keep it up. Seriously.
This is a different judge and is a year old, normie