Bill Beth was hired as a Sheriff’s Deputy in 1995. In eight years, his cousin David Beth would be elected Sheriff. This would prove very beneficial to Bill. He was promoted many times, and most recently, to the rank of Captain in 2019. Bill learned the hard way last week, that when your cousin is the boss, he can promote you, and of course, also demote you. That’s exactly what happened. According to Kenosha County Director of Personnel Clara Tappa (D), Bill Beth was demoted to the rank of Sergent last Thursday May 6, 2021. This resulted in an estimated $25,000 a year less of a salary. Today, May 10, 2021, he returned to work. The Sheriff assigned Beth to run the conveyance division in the court house. His office is dark and lonely. He oversees prisoner transports and the Deputies assigned to guard the courthouse. Beth walked around the court house today with no chevrons (stripes on sleeves to designate rank).

Last week’s demotion came as no surprise. Bill Beth was under investigation for reportedly more than two-dozen violations of policy including insubordination and mismanagement of overtime pay. It was reported to the KCE that Bill Beth was involved in the unauthorized issuing of comp time to Deputies that were salaried. Most folks agree that they should have received comp time for the thousands of extra hours put in during the riots, but Bill was not authorized to do so. In fact, one of his supervisors Chief Deputy Marc Levin, reportedly told Bill to stop doing it. Bill didn’t listen. After all, his cousin is Levin’s boss.
Appeal to Politicians
Under the County rules, Bill can appeal his demotion to the County Finance and Administration committee. That’s exactly what he did. Bill’s son, the embattled Dustin Beth, helped many of the members of this committee with their elections. These are the members of the committee who hold Bill’s fate in their hands:
Terry Rose (Chair) (Bi-Partisan)
Jeff Gentz (Vice-Chair) (D)
Ron Frederick (D)
Ed Kubicki (D)
Monica Yuhas (D)
John Franco (D)
Jeff Wamboldt (R)

Bill’s son Dustin has been accused by many prominent community members of being a con-man and scamming others. He has been featured in at least three articles describing his behavior. One, two, and three. Despite his reputation of shady business and social dealings, he runs Vice-Chairman Monica Yuhas’s Facebook page and helped with her campaign. He also helped John Franco’s campaign. He helped Judge-elect Angelina Gabriele’s campaign also. Reports have come in that the members of the finance committee are being lobbied to overturn the demotion. The committee has the last say in the matter. Bill has hired an expensive attorney. Bill was reportedly interested in running for Sheriff at the end of Dave’s term but this scandal essentially closed the door on that.
County Executive Jim Kreuser’s administration issued the following statement today to the KCE:
“On Thursday, May 6, 2021, Chief Deputy Marc Levin, reduced Captain Bill Beth to the rank of Sergeant with the Kenosha County Sheriff’s Department. On May 10, 2021, Sergeant Beth returned to full active duty to serve our community. As Sergeant, he will be subject to the same expectations that we have of all personnel and with anticipation that he will have a successful remaining career with the Sheriff’s Department. Our focus right now is to help Sergeant Beth continue his opportunity for a successful career, to help him and our entire workforce perform their important duties without distraction, and to respect the specific rights of Sergeant Beth.”
Kreuser’s statement was that of a typical politician. No details. Pure fluff. Let’s hope the Finance/Administrative committee does the right thing and sustains the demotion. No one is above the rules, not even the Sheriff’s little cousin. Bill will make the decision whether to have an open hearing or a closed hearing in front of the committee. Let’s hope it’s open so the process will be transparent.
Good luck to everyone at the Beth’s next family Christmas.
9 Responses
Once again, congrats to the KCE for breaking a story that other local media does not want to touch. I am a proud reader of your page.
Thank you
Thank you to Sheriff David Beth saving Kenosha from burning!
Please explain what you mean. Kenosha burned!
Please explain what you mean. Kenosha burned.
Oh. Your one of the “protestors” that say only a few blocks burned so it wasn’t the whole city and made it ok right? So explain to us how your going to try and justify that.
I am not sure what you are trying to say.
Sheriff David Beth, the epitome of slippery machine politician. As always, fine reporting KCE.
Thank you!