Kenosha Police wrote tickets to 22 men for soliciting prostitution. KPD didn’t want to divulge investigative strategies, but it is assumed that KPD detectives used fake Facebook accounts to conduct the sting. They cut all 22 men breaks, as this was their first time being charged. They could have been criminally charged, but KPD used its discretion and cited them instead. Among those cited was 34-year-old Andrew G. Belsky, a 7-year veteran of the Kenosha Fire Department. We spoke to Fire Chief Chris Bigley and he told us that the department is aware of this incident and they have recently began their internal investigation.
Another notable name on the list is Thomas W. Anderson Sr. of Anderson and Anderson law office.
The men can pay the tickets or request a trial before the Kenosha Municipal Judge. Here is a list of these men:
Louis W. Possenberg
Khaleb C. Titus
Tae W. Sin

Ryan J. Stock
Napoleon W. Yarber
Andrew G. Belsky
Emmanuel I. Chavez-Galindo
Martin S. Najera-Garcia
Adam C. Miller
Jake N. Salas
Patrick J. Currah
Dale E. St. Clair
Christopher G. Roushia
Joseph L. Donabauer
Stephen Roeske
Scott G. Kopetsky
Anthony J. Bidney
Jon H. Klema
Kevin M. Fortner
Henry J. Agallar
Stephen W. Walsh
Thomas W. Anderson
16 Responses
Why just citations?
KPD leadership made that choice
Can KCE rent a LARGE Billboard and post these names there.
The shame factor, if that even exists anymore, may be more effective than the Municipal Citation.
Well at least it wasn’t underage little girls like a certain food truck owner who operates in Kenosha and under the noses of KPD .
I heard there was a sting in March as well and one included a former teacher. Any chance you can get those names too? I think they should all be put on blast
And this is why I roll with you? because I don’t have to agree with you but you always tell the truth and I trust your sourcing. You are welcome to my barbecue sir anytime. I look forward to the follow-up story
For the operation in March, these are the individuals who were issued municipal citations:
Brent Mitchell
Scott Ginkowski
David Hiltpold
Oyebode Aremu
Ramiro Ortiz
Ismael Rami
Edward Bernas
Daniel Wenzel
Mason Berger
Luis Delgado-Arias
Robert Long
Andrew Meinholz
Dale Boske
Alejandro Ortega
Nicholas Weinkauf
William Shenkenberg
Randy Molbeck
Nathaniel George was also arrested. He had a prior charge so he was referred to circuit court on a misdemeanor.
What is the address and/or location that they were caught going in and out of?
Unknown. I suppose we can get the police report at some point
The oldest profession in the world continues to make headlines.
I would say Anderson is a 10000x bigger name than a firefighter.
Is it the lawyer?
The 77 year-old retired lawyer
Being an “escort” was once a respected profession. If these guys were trying to score with underage girls or something then i could understand the negative spin but i don’t think it was as such ……. the attempt to demean these guys for merely seeking companionship is wrong & just more pain for their families yo deal with if they didn’t have enough as is.