(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
Tuesday, James Kedrow was sworn in as Village Trustee #4 for the Village of Pleasant Prairie. He is one of five board members that will control the annual budget, ordinances, policies and resolutions for the Village.

Kedrow signing his Oath of Office
(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
Kedrow, 66, sadly lost his wife of 17 years Kimberly, and their 17-year-old daughter Rachel four years later, both to MELAS. Kedrow was able to find love again and married his wife Charlotte almost 11 years ago, in 2011. Charlotte was present for Kedrow’s swearing-in ceremony donning a large smile.

(Photo by Kevin Mathewson)
Kedrow retired from the United States Army after a 28-year career climbing the ranks to Lieutenant Colonel (O-6). That said, Kedrow is no stranger to leadership, honor, and integrity. He enters Village leadership as The Village President’s son John Steinbrink, Jr and perhaps other elected officials and employees are the subject(s) of a criminal misconduct investigation lead by the Racine County Sheriff’s department.
KCE asked Kedrow about the elephant in the room and he responded saying:
“I will need to wait until the investigation by the Racine County Sheriff is complete and if any charges are filed. Of course I will be taking an active role as a trustee to the best of my ability to help rid the Village of corruption. I am concerned that the Village may not have the Village Administrator position filled if the current contract is not renewed at the next board meeting.”

(Photo Submitted by Nathan Hale)
KCE loyal leaders pointed out to us that John Steinbrink, Jr was still permitted to take his village-owned newer Dodge Ram pickup home with him while on leave. Today we spoke to acting Village Administrator Tom Shircel why he was permitted to use the tax-payer owned asset while on leave and under criminal investigation. Shircel told KCE that:
“In a decision made earlier this morning, the Village has decided to remove John Steinbrink Jr’s Village vehicle (white pick-up truck) from John Jr’s property. This will be accomplished later on this afternoon.”
Our readers helped us hold the Village Accountable. Thank you to the many of you who reported to us this problem that was will be fixed today. Up until the criminal investigation began, there was a “Ray Rowe for Sheriff” sign predominantly displayed in Steinbrink’s front yard. The sign has since been removed because, according to a source, the candidate is trying to distance himself from his friend Steinbrink, Jr.

KCE made several public records requests to the village and Shircel told us he and his staff are working on fulfilling them. As always, you deserve to know, and know you shall.
9 Responses
All the criminals have Ray Rowe or Gonzales signs in their yards (or used too if they are under investigation). Can we get a photo from verifytherecall where “conservative Christian” Ray Rowe signed Scott Walkers recall petition? Pretty sure Michael Bells executioner, uh hmmm, I mean the other “republican” candidate signed the same recall as well.
One who prides himself as a literary phenomenon.
Read the origins of the saying: Revenge is a dish best
served cold.
The Executioner is quite the wordsmith indeed and this proudful literary phenomenon should have this excerpt from his book on his campaign flyers:
“Pop! My left hand blew back from the suspect’s temple. Everything started to move in slow motion. My pounding heart felt like it would come through my vest,” and “My mind started flipping through its pages trying to normalize what was going on. The bloody pool made my mind flash to every deer I had ever killed.” Bravo, bravo Mr. Gonzales – great work! What a POS.
I wonder if Mr. Gonzales’s mind flashed to killing Michael Bell after squeezing the trigger on his rifle with his left hand while on his next big hunt where he slayed his next trophy deer, likely eating in a pile of corn or apples and tied to a tree?
I’m a bit surprised Dave Beth is supporting Ray Rowe. One would think that the real criminals that use the DA’s office to cover their crimes would support one another. However, controlling a cold blooded murderer who’s literary skills are second only to Paul of Tarsus as sheriff may be harder than controlling Ray Rowe after Dave leaves office.
Your name is God Wins. You should probably realize that no one wins, including your god, when you twist the concept of using lawful legal force against criminals into an “execution”. Matthew 7:1 in your magical book might be of interest to you.
Matthew 7:1, a great verse. I shouldn’t have said POS, that was wrong of me. I can admit when I’m wrong. I don’t double down on being wrong to cover my ass or make money from it. Satan can quote scripture too, congratulations.
Truth isn’t covered up and buried , unfortunately Michael Bell is. Raising the red flag on a candidate that wants to have the power that a Sheriff has isn’t judging. Having committed this atrocity whether right or wrong and then writing a book in which you glorify the atrocity in order to profit from it is absolutely disgusting. Supporting a candidate like this knowing what I just said is also disgusting. We already have an ego maniac as Sheriff, we don’t need another.
A Godly man wouldn’t glorify the incident in a book unless he’s changed dice writing the book. Typically Godly men don’t want or seek power unless they want to straighten out corruption. Here we have someone at the heart of the past corruption seeking power. This is a no brainer.
PS God and Gods people do win in the end. It is written.
Which police dept. narrative are you using for for statement? 1,2,3 or4?
If you really want to talk about law enforcement, let’s talk.
When my great grandfather was a Chicago cop the unwritten rule was over 6’ in the 1920s. He died in the line of service.
When my grandfather was a Chicago cop it was up to 6 2” (he was 6 4”). Mostly Irish or Scandanavian.
What we have is way too many laws requiring way too many cops.
Short cops. Fat cops. Female cops. Pussy cops.
A couple of years ago I got in the face of a short fat cops whp was in the wrong and he actually teared up from fright.
What we need is a few bad ass cops to enforce serious laws and beat the garbage that has moved to Kenosha until they leave.
If Bell really was drunk and belligerent, if, then I would have handed my baton and gun to the 3, count them 3 other idiots, and I would have given him a couple of jabs to the face and body slammed the 16 year old Boy to the ground.
No, I don’t want to be a cop. There are plenty of US military veterans who do want the job but are probably on a waiting list behind quota types.
When weak meets frightened and low iq, you get what we had with Bell and the author.
God must truly have given Mr. Bell restraint.
Gonzales would hand over his baton to the other three nit wits due to being one of those short pussies you described, Bell being frightened because he was being manhandled, he would have easily beat Gonzales ass. I predict this murdering puke will pull someone over someday and recognize him. Being in eminent fear of their lives as he approached the vehicle, knowing he’s a murderer, rolls down the window and before he can utter one of his prolific words, they blow his fucking head off.
Even better, a crazed citizen fed up with Kenosha’s historical corruption drives to his house and puts a gun to one of his children’s heads and pulls the trigger in front of the kids mother snd other siblings. That’s an eye for an eye you short weak POS of a cop. What you did was unjustified. You think your protected by the umbrella of immunity, many citizens want to see you dead. Some would like what was done to the Bell family happen to yours. now that’s revenge a dish best served cold.
KCE should post the police reports for the Bell shooting in their entirety. Most people commenting have not seen the actual reports (nor have I).