(Kenosha County Sheriff)
*Correction, Trenton was never charged with any crime related to this arrest*
A Kenosha man is back in a place he is very used to being – jail. Trenton B. Kmiec, of Salem, was arrested late Friday evening after overdosing on apparent opiates. Kmiec is on felony probation and felony bail for a very serious case out of Fond Du Lac County.

(File Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
At about 9:43 p.m. on Friday evening, Kmiec’s girlfriend signaled a neighbor to call 9-1-1 to report that Kmiec was overdosing and unconscious in his vehicle. His vehicle was in front of his home in the 9000 block of 238th Ave in Salem. It’s a home he shares with his father, Ted Kmiec, who is a criminal defense attorney in Kenosha County. The girlfriend then left the scene before police arrived.
Deputies arrived on scene and found Kmiec to be in critical condition with agonal breathing. Agonal breathing, also known as agonal respiration or gasping respiration, is a near-death condition that involves a person gasping and moaning for air. Seemingly, Kmiec was snorting opiates, as a straw was found and considered drug paraphernalia.
Kenosha Sheriff’s Deputies quickly administered Narcan multiple times and were able to revive Kmiec. And off-duty Salem Lakes fire/Rescue paramedic was also on the scene administering CPR. She can be heard in the body camera footage saying that ” last time we had to give him five doses [of Narcans] to revive him.” This means that this was at least the second time that Kmiec almost breathes his last breath.
He was taken to St. Catherine’s Hospital in Kenosha where he was treated. While being treated, Kenosha Sheriff’s Deputies called Kmiec’s probation agent, who issued a probation warrant. The Kenosha County Sheriff’s Department charged Kmiec with possession of drug paraphernalia and Felony Bail Jumping. Kmiec was released from St. Catherines about 10:27 p.m. and taken to the Kenosha County Jail, a place Kmiec is not unfamiliar with.

(File Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
Kenosha County District Attorney Mike Graveley (D), who is friends with Kmiec’s father Ted, will be sending this case to a neighboring county with the expectation that the neighboring DA will take it easy on Kmiec, like so many times before.

Kmiec is on felony bail for a serious incident from November 24, 2021. Police and prosecutors say that Kmiec lead multiple police officers and agencies on a 25 minute long, 22 mile police chase while armed and under the influence of drugs. Kmiec refused to pull over for police and drove erratically at speeds up to 85 miles per hour. He endangered many people’s lives by swerving all over the road and narrowly missing innocent bystanders. At one point he swerved around stop sticks, was rammed by police, did a 360 degree spin, but continued to evade. Eventually, Kmiec flipped the car and crashed in a ditch. Police found a Glock 19 in his possession with an extended 30-round magazine in the car. A drug recognition expert determined that Kmiec was under the influence of stimulants. There were also empty bottles of Cyclobenzaprine and Tramadol in his upside down car. Kmiec also had two Buprenorphine narcotic patches on his body. Kmiec also had a powdery substance on his nostril. Kmiec was charged with (1) Second Degree Recklessly Endangering Safety, Use of a Dangerous Weapon, (2) Fleeing and Eluding – Causing Damage to Property, Use of a Dangerous Weapon, (3) Felony Criminal Damage to Property, Use of a Dangerous Weapon, (4) Possession of a Firearm While Intoxicated, and (5) OWI (2nd). One of the victims told police that Kmiec caused $8,000 in damage to his property. Believe it or not, Governor Evers (D) appointee, Judge Tricia Walker, gave Kmiec a no-cash bond. He was released without having to pay a cent. He is expected to take a plea deal in October.
Kmiec’s Criminal History
OWI #1
Kmiec was driving while intoxicated on June 26, 2017. He was later convicted.
Kenosha County Drug Possession
In 2017, Kmiec was involved in a crime involving drugs. He was arrested. DA Graveley (D) sent this case to Racine County to be “fixed” and progressive Racine County DA Patricia Hanson did not charge Kmiec, but allowed him to participate in a drug program.
Kenosha County Drug Possession #2
On September 2, 2022, police and prosecutors say that Kmiec was pulled over and had schedule 2 narcotics in his vehicle. Kmiec tried to throw the drugs out of his car, but the astute Deputy Tifft reviewed his squad footage and saw Kmiec throw the bag. DA Graveley sent this case to Racine County and DA Patricia Hanson’s office dismissed it.
Winnebago County Drug Trafficking Arrest
Police and prosecutors say that on February 19, 2023, Kmiec was located in a bar by police, which was against his bond conditions. On his person, they found 13 plastic baggies, each contained fentanyl. Police obtained a search warrant for his home. When they arrived, they were met by Kmiec’s high-school aged girlfriend. They found cutting agents and other drug manufacturing items in his bedroom. His minor girlfriend said that she didn’t know he sold drugs, but was “suspicious” of him. She thought he was selling vitamins to people posing as cocaine. Winnebago County prosecutors charged Kmiec with (1) Possession – Intent to Deliver, (2) Maintaining a Drug-Trafficking Place, and (3) Felony Bail Jumping. They could have charged him with multiple counts of bail-jumping, but did not. Believe it or not, a liberal court Commissioner named Eric Heywood gave Kmiec a no-cash bail and he was released without paying a cent. He is awaiting trial for this case.
Domestic Violence
Kmiec was charged in court earlier on May 3, 2023. The charges include felony child abuse – recklessly causing bodily harm, six counts of felony bail jumping, and intimidation of a victim. According to the criminal complaint, Kmiec’s high-school aged girlfriend called the Sheriff’s Department just before midnight on May 1, 2023. She was upset and crying when a deputy arrived. She asked the deputy to drive her down the road so she wasn’t talking in front of the house. She then told him that she and her boyfriend, Trenton Kmiec, had a fight. She said that Kmiec threw her very hard and her head hit something. She had a visible “goose egg” on the right side of her head near her temple. She then tried to call 9-1-1, but Kmiec took the phone away from her, hung it up and said “you’re not doing that.” She then begged for her phone back, but Kmiec called her a “whore” and told her to lay down and sleep or walk home. He then said he hoped she got abducted.
Domestic Violence #2
According to another criminal complaint, on May 26, 2023, deputies responded to Ted and Trenton Kmiec’s residence in Salem. The caller was one of the girl’s friends who heard her and Trenton arguing loudly which he was on the phone with her. He heard her say “ow.” This friend called police and summoned them to the Kmiec residence. The Sheriff’s Deputies are very familiar with this home. Deputies investigated the death of Kmiec’s mistress recently. She died on Ted’s bed. Deputies knocked on the door and Trenton answered the door. He denied that his 17-year old girlfriend was there and denied ever having contact with her. Ted also came to the door and claimed he didn’t know if she was there either and didn’t hear the loud arguing. The girl later exited the home to talk to deputies, and Ted apologized and stated that he was not aware of her presence in the home. Deputies arrested Trenton for obstructing, since he lied to police. Deputies decided against arresting Ted Kmiec. We asked Ted why he would knowingly allow his son to violate conditions of his bond. He didn’t respond to KCE’s request for comment.

(Kenosha Sheriff’s Department)
Trenton Kmiec’s mom, Connie Kmiec also got a free pass for allegedly battering Ted, an interaction caught on video.

Racine County Deputy DA Chris Steenrod (D) Bottom
(Photo by Kevin MAthewson, Kenosha County Eye
The duo most responsible for the white-glove treatment of Kmiec, aside from Graveley himself, are Racine County DA Patricia Hanson and her Deputy DA, Chris Steenrod, both democrats. They keep giving Kmiec over-generous plea deals. Judge Dougvillo, however jumped the most recent deal. Jumping a plea deal, is when a judge gives a punishment that is more strict than the plea agreement.
Kmiec is expected to be charged in the coming days or weeks.
KCE believes that if the DAs in Wisconsin continue to treat these crimes lightly, Kmiec himself, or someone in the public is going to be dead. Their heart will stop beating. The only place where Kmiec can be placed so he and the public are safe, is in prison. If not for the heroic actions of the Kenosha County Sheriff’s Deputies, Kmiec would have spent the weekend at the morgue, instead of jail. To Mike Graveley, Patricia Hanson, Chris Steenrod, and anyone else who will handle this case, put him in prison. If you do not, the blood will be on your hands. Enough white-glove treatment. The public’s lives are at stake, and so is this young man’s life. I don’t want any harm to come to this kid, but to put him back on the streets time and time again is doing no good.

87 Responses
Career loser
We the taxpayers have been his parents for many years. Make him pay for his many jail visits, court expenses, medical bills, Narcan, etc. A real job might kill him quicker than the drugs will…
Factual corrections to your story:
The girlfriend did NOT perform CPR, and did NOT call 911. She walked to a neighbor’s home and told them Trent was not breathing yet she hadn’t called 911. The female neighbor immediately called 911, dragged Trent out of his truck and did cpr until cops arrived. She is the hero here.
“Kmiec’s girlfriend signaled a neighbor to call 9-1-1 to report that Kmiec was overdosing and unconscious in his vehicle.” IF you call me and can confirm your story, I’ll add the part about CPR.
Thank you for making the correction.
“I issue a challenge to all my readers, if you can find that I have published one thing that wasn’t true or accurate then ill donate $500 to your local charity, non abortion related.”
Nice try. Calling 911 versus asking somebody to call 911 is virtually the same thing. It is not incorrect information. You people get very desperate to discredit me it is so hilarious.
Kevin, I have the third Anonymous comment up there (the post with the facts I asked you to correct). I didn’t post any of the other Anonymous comments here. Anyway, the facts are important and I posted the facts not to make you look bad, but to bring attention to the neighbor who stepped up 100% to save a life. When one attempts to revive someone overdosing, it is unclear whether or not the affects of fentanyl can be transferred via saliva or skin, but the lady from the neighborhood gave her all anyway. Just giving credit where credit is due.
Why don’t you just think of an interesting fake name?
I’ll try that next time.
Appreciate that
Well one of you needs to grown up and type a name. How about that? It will spare us the confusion
Because they are libtards and libtards are always trying to discredit us conservatives! Just imagine if your name was Trump! 🤣
I wonder why that girl ran away and left him to die after she supposedly signaled a neighbor?
Probably took all the drugs and ran away. Id love to see you investigate that girl.
Look what happens when your daddy is a lawyer, and friends with all the other drug snorting lawyers and their kids. Teddy dropped my kid after he milked him dry of whatever money he had left after the court and state got their hands on his money. He’s a good man and milker.
Thank God he survived to overdose again soon.
Why do parents try to solve all their children’s problems ??
The only way children learn is to accept the results of their actions. Good or bad, let them reap their own rewards and suffer their own consequences.
This is much more a failure of parenting than it is on the child. Lack of discipline. Lack of responsibility.
Just plain old lack of parenting.
This is on YOU TED !!
Only thing left for you to do … is exactly NOTHING.
Maybe after time in jail you might see him sober with a job before you die.
Isn’t that what you want ??
It’s hard to get help from Mom and Dad when they’re in the same house partying with him. The entire family is f-ed up.
His day of reckoning is coming., His parents also will suffer the same fate. Sad life of the demented Kimec clan.
Daddy needs to stop enabling him!
Don’t bail him out Ted, it’s called enabling. Keep him locked up before he puts others in harms way again
I know Trent ….do any of you? Good hearted kid ….smart kid
..a kid with addiction issues, he needs treatment,counciling people never will understand addiction untill it hit you or your family,
I know a lot of good-hearted kids that don’t beat underage women, lead police and high speed chasees while, endangering lives, sell fentanyl, and traffic drugs. Am I missing something here? Are you delusional?
Understand the ramifications of enabling an addict.
Smart ? Addiction issues ?
Sure he needs treatment and counseling but ….
With two parents “in the home” his chances of a proper life were more positive than some others.
If daddy didn’t bail him out all these times, both with cash and favors from well connected “friends” in high places, maybe after the first time in jail he would have straightened his act up years ago.
But with “daddy” running interference for him all these years he never had to feel the cold hard bed of his actions in jail.
Maybe if he did time he might have thought better on how to not get thrown in jail again.
Up till now he has been so lucky to not have killed someone as a result of his actions.
Are you willing to keep letting him out until he does ?
Gravelys a father. Yet he allows Ted to dictate his own kids legal punishment.
Gravely is as much as fault as anyone
He’s need access to veterans court or maybe addiction court. I’m sure a good case worker with a degree in social work would straighten this man out. I have an idea. Send him to Ukraine, where the rest of our kids will be headed in the near future. It’s almost as if he was raised by a childless cat lady in the prosecutors office.
Veterans court was built to make it sound like it is working. But you have to be a pillar of society (as someone who was charged w a crime) to be accepted into the Veterans Court Program. They pick the easiest offenders to be in their program just to make the numbers look good. They should be picking the worst of the Veteran’s and not the easiest. It’s like putting lipstick on a pig.
Vote SOLIS for DA.
The Carli Crewe will just be more Gavely lopsided “justice”.
Bro he beat up a LITTLE GIRL. I know him too and he is an entitled and enabled danger to society
He may need treatment but he definitely doesn’t need a soft on crime my daddy’s a lawyer treatment by the libtarded dumocratic DA
What a pos.
Oh Ted
Oh Connie
Look at what you’ve done.
Just Look at what you’ve done.
Exactly, and continue doing!
the only solution now is jail time.Nothing else has worked.It will save Trentons life and a good chance that someone else will get hurt or killed.if he is out.This whole tragedy could have qualified to be on a DR Phil show
The star on the show would be Teddy
Waste of Narcan!
People blaming his parents because they keep bailing him out have no clue. When I was a teenager I got into trouble and my parents (who personally knew our then Chief of Police) also bailed me out. I learned from that experience, and straightened myself out. Me. Not my parents (who did raise me right. It was MY lapse in judgment that got me in trouble.) This “kid” failed himself. He has addiction issues, he will continue to have addiction issues until HE decides to get help. Putting him in prison might possibly get him clean, but you can still get drugs in prison. He needs to want to strainer out. If he’s not willing, he won’t, and prison is the safest place for him, and for us, the general public.
“ I learned from that experience “
Exactly !! For you it only took once !
I’m not against “bailing/helping” your kid out but ….
Just once. This kid and his parents have been down this road time after time after time.
When does it stop ??
well said Arthur
The difference is your “parents raised you right”. We all do have choices. It sounds like, from the articles I have read, the dad has been pulling strings every time. He’s no innocent creature himself but relies on his connections to get himself out of situations he gets caught up in. This is a mess.
Broken homes, broken families. Broken people, broken bones.
Enough is enough!!! It would have been another thing if this man did not take another person’s life but he did take a woman’s life and therefore he needs to be jailed long-term permanently and the only reason obviously that we can see he’s gotten away with everything so far is because of his father’s legal job, connections and friends!
I know such a woman that also did the same thing. She killed several people! 2 men and others that have been connected to her and yet she was able to get off on a plea deal and apparently continues to do so no matter how many drug charges she gets with the drugs and fentanyl and the PO office is just playing around with her! Her mother is ALSO connected to law enforcement and has “friends” in the agency. She’s on the run again hopefully they catch her soon before she hurts or kills someone else, but what will it mean if they do not jail her for years or permanently???
When one continues to hurt people and kill people and does not stop or change their behavior no matter how sorry or clean they temporarily get they need to be jailed long-term! Society is NO place for them!
If George Floyd had a brother. I can’t breath!
Seems to me alot of overdoses happen at this residence…..involving everyone who lives there maybe someone should investigate the almost 2 overdoses now at the same house ..sounds like a drug house to me …
Hmmmm….if it wasn’t this family would you give this story so much attention, you Kevin enjoy this more than detest the actions of Trent .you enjoy the downfalls Trent and his family have had…. correct me anyone if I’m wrong ….
I would say that you sound like a first time reader, but clearly you are not. Clearly you have read my publication many times in the past. Since we got that out of the way, you know that I don’t like corruption, favoritism, cronyism, and favors being given to “special” people. That’s why I write about this dude’s repeated criminal actions. I hope this guy gets help for his party lifestyle and never gets in trouble again. But in the meantime, Kenosha County will know every time that he does
Thank you Kevin for naming and shaming them!
May justice prevail!
There is no talking to these libtarded dumocratic morons these days Kevin. Keep posting your articles. Us normal people with common sense know you are a great guy just posting truths and looking out for our community.
You are wrong he brings to light the problem with a more than repeat felon who dosent make it more than 2 months without being jailed after commiting mutiple felonies for years and not serving any time is the real issue…drugs being pushed through the community….mutiple domestic violence….i think is more the case
Yeah, isn’t that the truth!
Are you a libtarded dumocratic moron? Oh wait, of course you are! 🤪🤪🤪
If I had a dime for every time I heard Ted Kmiec brag about how his kid was going to the NHL…. More like DCI.
Then it was downgraded to the hockey scholarship he was going to get to a big time college like Madison.
Now, maybe they have a hockey team at Dodge Correctional Institution?
You misheard him, he said his kid was always on the “ice”
Fuck Madison anyway! Figures Ted would be wanting that. Libtard USA is Madison!! If you want your kids indoctrinated to be little libtarded dumocratic scumbags then send them away to Madison. That’s all Madison is good for, among so many other overrated libtarded dumocratic colleges!!! We are Sooooooo Fucked!!!
Sounds like a pretty f’d up family!
Waste of Narcan.
I don’t believe Trenton will make a miraculous comeback on his own and be a productive member of society. He will someday be a free man snd use again to escape from reality. What he needs now is a long jail sentence followed by long term rehab far away from this area and his enabling parents.
Kevin, I noticed that the exposed page (you know the one) that we believe to be operated by the Kmiec &Co has yet to make mention of their parenting skills nor the lifesaving steps by our people in red and blue. How sad that theirs is not a fair and unbiased outlet.
Do tell – what exposed page? Can you share??
Oh u are a smart one, find it
Fuck Ted & company!!! 🖕🖕🖕
No one else would get all the benefits that this loser kid has gotten and it’s all because of his dad. If he is not stopped, he’s going to kill someone or himself and they are doing him a huge disservice by letting him off like this.
Unbelievable man!!! When is Trents libtarded dumocratic piece of shitty attorney dad Ted Kmiec and his libtarded buddies in the DA’s office going to stop giving this kid breaks???? When this kid dies young, and the odds at this point are that, “HE WILL”!!! That’s when his daddy Ted should be charged with his death! Does Ted have a huge life insurance policy out on Trent??? Maybe we should begin investigating this now before it happens?
Take a deep breath, my goodness.
Exactly! What it boils down to is you can’t teach anything to a libtarded dumocratic moron. They need to he smacked I’m the face by reality!
Holy smokes! Does that “lawyer” and the family live in a trap house?
Just watched the body cam that was added to the article – I hope this was a wake-up call to his “FRIEND”. Stuff she said – she just got there (interesting), parked next to him but saw nothing (interesting), went looking for him but came back to the car that she parked next to and found him, (again interesting). She better find some new friends because this one could cost her her life or freedom.
If you want to use Narcan, please do.
When the fuckhead wakes up put a bullet in his forehead to cure his addiction.
Knock it off. Grow up. You sound like an over reactive liberal. And it sounds threatening. Stop.
This country has a real Narcan problem, we have got to keep it off the streets.
Almost seems like they want the drug issue to control the population! The last I heard was that Biden met with the Chinese president to stop the corporations from making fentanyl that gets shipped through Mexico and through our border. But apparently there’s still stockpiles of this drug in our country! I am aware that there is technology that can detect this drug coming into our country. It’s expensive but it’s worth it! It’s going to be really interesting to see how the next presidency clamps down on it?
^ that’s hilarious if you believe this to be true. Biden is a useless puppet. If you don’t think him and other politicians aren’t making $ off of this, you are very naive. He hasn’t done shit.
And which pharmaceutical is raking in the $$ from making all
the narcan our country needs so much of nowadays?
GO TRUMP ✊️✊️✊️
Technology to see if it’s coming into our country with illegals crossing over every single day totaling in the millions????? 🤪 They don’t even care who’s coming in here. Do you think they are stopping drugs? 🤔
Unbelievable man!!! When is Trents libtarded dumocratic piece of shitty attorney dad Ted Kmiec and his libtarded buddies in the DA’s office going to stop giving this kid breaks???? When this kid dies young, and the odds at this point are that, “HE WILL”!!! That’s when his daddy Ted should be charged with his death! Does Ted have a huge life insurance policy out on Trent??? Maybe we should begin investigating this now before it happens?
GO TRUMP ✊️✊️✊️
So is there a reason this is not on the court website? He is listed as a current inmate on the Kenosha jail roster, but it’s not on ccap.
No one has charged him yet. Perhaps you will never be charged
I wouldn’t doubt it if he doesn’t get charged!
It is insane to me that this kid has gotten let loose so many times with THAT kind of criminal record. Especially the Fond Du Lac case, he needs some serious jail time and the fact he still hasn’t served time for that after 3 years shows how corrupt we are. Kmiec needs to be put away and for good. His dad has enabled his drug addiction since 2017, no amount of rehab or therapy can help the kid clearly he’s seen it all. Jail! Jail! Jail! Stop allowing someone like this to be a member of our society for his own good and everyone else’s safety. God forbid something happens to the girl who made the call, she’s in real danger.
I would give Narcan to my dog before I would give it to that useless, cocksucker!!