(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
On September 30, 2024, Gabriel E. Mills, a pastor at Journey Church/Christian Life School, was arrested for two serious felonies. Today, he was arrested again, seconds after a court hearing was concluded.

(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
Mills was alleged to have stolen intimate photos of a woman off of her husband’s phone. Mills told the woman’s husband that Mills wanted to install some audiobook files on the victim’s husband’s phone for him to listen to. While he did that, he searched her phone for naked or semi-naked photos. He then sent them to himself via Apple’s “airdrop” feature, later confirmed by a forensic cell phone software program. The victim caught Mills red-handed looking at one such photo on Mills’ phone. Mills lied to the victim and said that they were photos of his own wife. The victim knew better and said she knew for sure, they were photos of herself.

(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
Mills went to bond court on October 2, 2024, his 41st Birthday, where Commissioner William Michel II set bail at $7,500 cash. Mills was charged with two counts of “Capturing an Intimate Representation,” a felony. He faces years in prison, if convicted. A wealthy man named Don Taylor paid Mills’ bail the very same day. Mills was processed and released the next day.

Today, Mills was in court for a preliminary hearing, a normally uneventful step in the criminal justice proceedings. Today, however, anything but ordinary. Commissioner William Michel II found probable cause for Mills’ two felony charges and they set the next court date.

(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
Immediately after the hearing was over, Detective Traxler of the Kenosha Police Department took Mills into custody for the second time. “You’re under arrest,” said Detective Traxler. Mills had a look on his face indicating he wasn’t surprised and perhaps expected to be re-arrested.

“This morning Gabriel Mills was arrested after his preliminary hearing. A new complainant came forward, after reading the original media release. Detectives were able to locate evidence on Gabriel’s phone that substantiated the claims made against him by the complainant. Gabriel was charged with one more count of Capture an Intimate Representation Without Consent,” said Lt. Josh Hecker of the Kenosha Police Department. “The investigations against Gabriel are still on-going. At this time, several search warrants have been executed and many items of evidence have been seized. The seized evidence primarily consists of electronic devices, that contain digital evidence. The seized items are still being processed to identify other potential victims. Det. Eric Traxler is asking for anyone with information related to this case to please contact him at 262-605-5223.”

(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
Mill’s truck was parked on the side of the road in front of the intake building and the Journey Church Logo was on the back window. Official charges are expected tomorrow in the second victim’s case. About a dozen church members, including Mills’ wife, were in court today to seemingly support his behavior or believe he didn’t do what police and prosecutors say he did. Many people have told KCE that Journey Church is a “cult-like” church.

Kevin Taylor, the church’s lead pastor wouldn’t speak with KCE, but according to the criminal complaint, did not cooperate with police despite saying multiple times to the media that he is cooperating. He sent the following email to parissioners last week:

Mills is expected to appear in court for bail later this week on the new charges.

(Kenosha County Sheriff)

(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)

(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)

(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)

(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)

(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)

(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)

(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)

(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)

(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)

(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
134 Responses
Whatever happened to just beating the shit out of another “man”?!!! Sooooo many “men” need it. Beat down and shame these pervs/pedos. It works!
I’ll wait for kid fucker to reply……..
I think the “kid f****rs” you are waiting for are all pastors at the Journey Church and countless other churches throughout our country.
No. It was you, homo.
These were all adults….Pervy, but all adults. Still dwarfed by all the teachers fucking, and grooming kids all over the nation.
And you don’t believe that priests do the same thing? The news is filled with creepy priests and church leaders preying on kids. You are one ignorant and stupid person.
Not saying they aren’t. That wasn’t my statement. Reread it. Both are infiltrated by pedos. The difference is that the schools allow and encourage child abuse.
You have no legacy, because you’re a faggot.
Enjoy your monkeypox n syphilis. 👌👌
And you don’t think that the preying on kids is not encouraged or allowed in many Churches?
Wow! You are very dim-witted. (That means stupid.)
Why the need to call someone a faggot? What does that have to do with anything regarding this article? Very unnecessary and hateful.
Straight White Male is a textbook example of a self-loathing closeted homosexual. He simply can not reconcile his deep-seated and long-standing desire to lay with a man. Because he was brought up to hate members of the LGBTQ community, he projects his hatred towards himself onto others. Practically every time he posts he provides further evidence this is do.
Even more evidence you are a self-loathing closeted homosexual.
Over 2000 years there have been many more good priests than bad priests. Look into Father Edward J. Flanagan or Saint Maximilian Kolbe you can keep going ad infinitum!! thousands upon thousands if not millions of wonderful priests that help so many people all over the world from 33 a.d. to present day.
give it a rest already–more pedophiles are teachers and pastors, not priests, but the media likes to say it is only the priests.
So this guy is a straight white male.. HMMM, not a drag queen.
Sorry you have such a fragile ego.
Must be a pedophile sympathizer. You get the rope too!
More evidence you are a self-loathing closeted homosexual.
Here is some video of Straight White Male: https://youtu.be/lwvqCIAAd-M?si=Hxje0APkj-Z9TDR4
Pretty suprised he’s not a teacher at KUSD AKA pedohaven
Just admit the church has covered up the same pedo behavior you hate. You lose credibility with your denial. I now rank your credibility the same as the boy saying he’s a girl.
You people are retarded. I never said it ain’t happening. The schools are openly brainwashing kids into faggotism, trannyism, grooming, indoctrination. Anyone in the church or schools, fucking with kids, SHOULD BE PUBLICLY HUNG.
It’s people like you and that other homo that can’t read, that fucked this country up.
you smoke too much pot you don’t remember what you say
Not possible…
How do you know that? Do you talk to kids? Are you in school?
Holy fuck you’re an idiot. I have a child in school, and I actually care what is going on in these failing public schools. It’s not hard to research, if you’re smart. So don’t try it. Fuckin clown
Oh no! We learned that you have a spawn. That poor child. You are probably abusive to your child like your father was abusive to you. Your father taught you to hate members of the LGBTQ community. Now you have a serious problem because you have a long-standing and deep-seated desire to lay with a man. You lash out in anger at everyone else because you hate yourself because of your own homosexual urges.
How sad, your child inherited the gay gene from you. Now, Your child may likely turn out to be a third generation self-loathing closeted homosexual.
Don’t be shocked when it happens. Hate, even hate directed towards yourself, is taught and learned.
Disgust. Not hate. Lgbtp, p for pedophile, are degenerate, mentally ill gays. You spread disease like rats. Rot in hell with your monkeypox n syphilis.
Every time you post, you provide more evidence that you are a self-loathing closeted homosexual.
This guy fucks kids
You throw out that 45% number. Please back it up with a link to a credible source.
Or is it just something you thought would sound nice?
Anonymous, do you let your child check out the porn books in KUSD? You might be a groomer.
Why am i not surprised using the name of the Lord to do scandalous things, shame on you pastor or should i say human being!!!
Wow! It seems there is a serious problem at this Bible trumping, blue lives matter church filled with sanctimonious hypocrites. This is a church in which many members actively engage in swinging and other adulterous activities all while they strut around acting superior to everyone else.
Really. How deep does this go? Is it an unwritten expectation that every woman in this congregation must be photographed nude?
here to say that blue lives do matter. some you can hate but they’re making this world a better place by actively looking into Gabe Mills and arresting him!!!! among many other things.
A church full of swingers, you say? I may just have to check this church out!
How deep does it go? Probably 3 inches, maximum.
This church and their parishioners have never passed the sniff test for me
I feel sorry for all the lost souls that have nothing else
to live for, other than gobble up the entire line of bullshit.
Some churches love to prey on the weak and vulnerable
that have loads of cash.
The pictures could have been intended as part of a blackmail scheme.
I wonder how many other victims there are.
Do you think KUSD will hire Pastor Perv?
No. He wasn’t fucking any kids, that I heard.
Don Taylor is a pedophile himself so sounds about right.
Is the money man, Don Taylor, related to the head pastor, Kevin Taylor?
Also, perverted dude drives an expensive truck like that yet can’t cough up $7500 of his own money? A little financial advice: if you don’t have at least $10,000 in an emergency fund these days then you’d better be driving a 2010 Prius until you do. Priorities. Pride goeth before destruction…
He is not related to PK. Just ironically the same last name.
He can’t cough up $7500 because he has a truck like that. Wealth vs. debt.
That lawyer he has from Racine too. Wonder who is paying his fee?
More then likely that guy has dodged the police and the media he dont want to be exposed that hole church is a scandal
scammers using the lord word to make then selves wealthy and pervs
Sad story…and very childish comments. Some of you people really need get more socialization in your life to have a decent conversation on social media. I can’t tell you how old this is getting. SMH… Sad…
Im with Winter on these comments, so juvenile about a sad situation.
Oh…my…God! No kidding! ”Childish comments” indeed.🙄Name calling, insult throwing…like a bunch of juvenile monkeys throwing their poo.
Don’t knock throwing poo until you’ve tried it!
She called the shit, poo! 🤣🤣🤣
You throw out that 45% number. Please back it up with a link to a credible source.
Or is it just something you thought would sound nice?
Typical Kenosha.
I’ve been to Journey Church a few times years ago. It’s so loud it’s like a rock concert and the main pastor Kevin is a feminine man. Just my observations.
I spent a week one night being interrogated by Det. Traxler. Not a fun time. Thankfully the charges were dropped as they were unfounded. This is a really messed up situation, but it involves 2 very corrupt organizations. KPD and a church.
they have a hard job, and they have to push sometimes to get answers. i’m sorry you went through that but that doesn’t make KPD corrupt.
I didn’t mean to say my experience is what makes them corrupt. It’s the numerous other things.
Say nothing other than I want a lawyer. Interrogation lasts 1 min
I did. Which his reply was well it’s Friday night, so I guess you’ll have to wait in jail until Monday then. I was so confused and in disbelief of what was happening, I’d handle things differently now.
I’ll bet not!😧I smoked pot for a week one night years ago, but that was fun.😉Given your innocence, I’m glad to hear charges were dropped; not everyone is so lucky. Also, sometimes all it takes for a life to be ruined is simply the ‘whisper of guilt’ to plant the seeds of nasty rumors that live on and often grow, despite absolute innocence. Brutally unfair.
Thanks for understanding!
Kevin, you could always stop by this evening to try and get any answers. Keep up the good work.
(Email from Journey)
We would like to invite our Journey family to a special evening of prayer and worship at our Kenosha Campus, this Wednesday at 6:30pm. This is an opportunity for us to come together as a community, lift our voices in worship, and seek God’s presence.
Let’s gather in faith and unity as we draw near to God together. We hope to see you there!
Go Kevin
Let me translate.
Hey, everyone, we better meet at 6:30 and get our fucking stories straight.
Exactly!!! (Or at least compare lubricants)
All this shit talk and I’m lusting over Rosa?
Love that Latina heat!!
Smells like fish tacos
Good job KPD. Very interesting how this dude knew there were naked photos on two phones now. Will be interesting to see what happens with further investigation. Adultery on this dudes part cuz Jesus pretty clear about all of that too. Great work reporting Kevin!
Who is Don Taylor
He is a member of Journey Church who has done a lot of work for the church and is best friends with some of the pastors. His kids used to attend CLS and he used to be business partners with Tim Pinter until it came out he groomed a 19 year old female that was living with the family. Yet another situation Journey was well aware of.
Thank you for the info
Who was grooming the 19 year old? Tim Pinter or Don Taylor?
Don Taylor
You can groom adults now?….
Don Taylor is a little man with little man syndrome. He has used journey church to promote himself the last 20 years. Anyone that has dealt with Don professionally knows he is slime, he is notorious for screwing people including his nanny. Don had a nanny named Julianna that lived with him, his wife and children and he was having an affair with her. He would tell the young girl that he was going to leave his wife for her. Don bought or funded a home for Juliana. Perhaps a hush house to create some distance between her and his wife so the affair could go on? When the affair finally came to an end, Don took his wife and family up on the stage at Journey church and admitted what was going on. Probably after his wife found out. He blamed himself and also blamed his wife, yes Don is a narcissist. Don is so greedy that he would save his marriage as to not lose half of his wealth. After the public apology, Journey elevated Don to a higher status while treating Julianna like a whore. Women from the church essentially forced Julianna out of the church. The young girl is the one who needed the church more than anyone in that unfortunate situation.
We are all guilty of sin however hiding behind the church is about as low as it gets. Don is the type of guy that will scan obituaries to find a recent widow that may be financially burdened to pay her 10 cents on the dollar to make a quick buck and then brag about it to anyone he talks too. I’d rather live on the streets being poor than be Don Taylor.
Don Taylor is a little man with little man syndrome. Anybody that has dealt with Don knows that he is what most would consider a slime ball. Don has screwed many people in business dealings and was also screwing his nanny that lived with him and his family. I think his nanny Julianna may have been running the daycare that Don was running out of his house and most likely, illegally.
Don had the impressionable nanny convinced that he was going to leave his wife for her. Don even purchased or financed a l hush house for his mistress. When the game was over, Don went on stage in front of the church with has family and admitted what he had been doing. He blamed himself mainly but blamed his wife too. Yes, Don is quite the little napoleon. Would Don have admitted his wrong if his wife wasn’t going to get half of everything from his shady business dealings? Doubt it. After shaming his family in front of the church, Journey elevated Don to hero status for being so courageous but what about Julianna who also part of journey church? Well, the wives within the church basically labeled her a whore and pretty much pushed her out. This young woman needed help more than anyone in the situation but was cast out.
Don is the guy that would scan the obituaries to find an unfortunate widow that he could buy her property for 10 cents on the dollar and then brag to everyone on how much money he made on that deal.
I sadly can attest that multiple people can confirm this story.
as incredibly sad as it is to have friends/family reach out to me and let me know my name is being put out there- this above message is accurate for how the church treated me and doesn’t put how they came into my house, labeled me. prayed over me and mentioned such horrific things. we all make mistakes and i took ownership for mine. they made sure to make me feel less than. not welcomed. shamed. I was 19 and homeless. eventually I was 21 but Don made sure I was completely dependent on him financially. phone bill, cosigning a car, a roof over my head. I was stuck.
to correct the above- I never ran the daycare. that was something that was before I moved in and have no details on that. Don did purchase my house because it was an auction home and I didn’t have the cash, but I very shortly bought it for the exact same price from him. It wasn’t a hush house- but I was disgustingly convinced he would leave his wife and move in with me. Thank the universe for the lie to come to light and I got out of that “relationship” and that church. where I was controlled and brainwashed and treated like trash. where the pastors of that church and their wives reached out to my friends to make sure they never spoke to me again. asked questions like “i wonder who her next husband is going to be” meanwhile I was in therapy. not just because of the relationship ending, but the way i was treated and shamed by so many leaders. and that video they put out there, so many reached out to me how disturbing it was and thank the universe again for putting true friendships in my life of friends who showed up when all i wanted to do was take a bottle of pills of the guilt, shame and embarrassment i felt. meanwhile, because of what he can give journey church- he was raised up and supported.
It wasn’t to hurt you dear, but to be a voice that you should have had those years ago. It was to shine light on the person that bailed Mills out and to shine light on the ones that cast you out and to stick up for you to those that hurt you.
The ones that were supposed to protect a young woman (a child at that time really) did the complete opposite and looks like they are it again. It needs to stop.
I’m sorry for what that must have been like for you and I’m sorry that these “Christians” didn’t act like how Jesus taught.
By the description of your post here it seems you may have lost faith in God, ie. the “universe”. I hope not. Please don’t let your horrible experience with these modern day Pharisees keep you from your Creator. He still loves you and I will pray for you and I ask others reading this to do the same.
What I saw was a young, impressionable, naive, pretty girl with her life in front of her get taken advantage of by a slime ball.
I hope you are doing great now. Please forgive me for using your first name.
your words mean a lot. i have a lot of church trauma, and although it’s not God- it’s been difficult to ever be fully capable of allowing myself to believe again. but it’s a practice. and you have no idea how much it means to have someone in my corner, because so many people were not and that made me feel like i did wrong. i was young and could be easily fooled, and boy was i.
Jesus words alive today for the same kind of people that hurt you:
Matthew 23 1-36
They aren’t representative of Jeshua or Yahweh though they think they are.
God’s in your corner and all of ours, when we trust in Him only and submit to His will. The church has become something that it never was supposed to be. I hope that God reveals Himself to you and you seek Him. Obviously you don’t need a church for that.
Best to you J!
How horrible it must have been to live through that at just 19 years old!!.I’m sure you still relive all those
terrible events he put you through.
God will tend to him and his evil ways when he stands before him on Judgment day.I can’t imagine the things you had to face as just a innocent kid.I pray that God continues to heal your heart,soul
and mind from the horrific memories
you have to deal with.May God always be with you.
John 8:7
Ozzy 1:0 we sold our souls for rock and roll
Gabe Mills needs to Sit in Jail. No Bail. He Hurt the people at the church
Def a horrible testimony to Jesus. I’m sure there is going to be more coming out. This whole thing is very weird. Apparently they don’t get the whole modesty thing in the Bible either. I’m hearing rumors of some swinging going on over there.
They are sharing the love. What is wrong with that?
You should check out the skeletons in Living Light Church’s closet. They were skilled enough to manipulate people until the statute of limitations expired. Money does buy protection there.
What are you even talking about
So tell … what are you talking about?? Are you from Journey & trying to deflect?
When does he start at KUSD?
Right wing church are usually full of pedophilic behavior and groomers run rampant. Every accusation is a confession with these cesspool cult pits. So many lies and deceit being covered up by false image of god loving people. So ouch underlying hate and deciet brews in these congregations.
You know which group is actually full of pedo’s?? Democrats. They’re in schools, public office, media, Hollywood, and especially rioters! Rittenhouse showed us exactly who the pedo’s are. It was like shooting fish in a barrel!
Right wing churches are usually full of pedophilic behavior and groomers run rampant. Every accusation is a confession with these cesspool cult groups. Sooo many lies, inappropriate behavior and deceit being covered up in these buildings. Parading a false image of god loving people. So much blatant hate and deciet brews in these congregations.
I would hardly call this a right wing church. Many many lefties including friends of Joel’s (he is a regular commentator on this site).
it’s for sure a right wing church.. as almost the entire congregation stood and clapped when roe v. wade was overturned.
Hmm… Well how come I know sooo many lefties that go there? Are you a lefty? How do you know they did this, do you go there too????
Journey Church is the former Assembly of God church.
I’m safe at my left leaning church with all my ugly friends.
What church?
I’m guessing Bradford “””church”” for $500.
Scam church. The people who go to this fake church are morons.
Also known as the “church of everything for everyone”, where we create God in our own image.
Is this the swingers church I heard about?
Journey church has lots of secrets they hide behind closed doors and corruption within them. Hopefully this is just the start of these acts of corruption coming to the surface
Finally Busted !!!
Kevin you should look at the other pastor and the financial embezzlements that are going on in that church,
it’s like Kenosha very own church of scientology cover up and corruption,
WTH is going on at that Church?? And how did this so-called pastor know that there were intimate photos on all these people’s phones? Are they swapping wives, threesomes, what?? There is a lot more to this than what we are even hearing I’m sure??
Sick people and I always thought that Church along with all the Willow Creek churches were Cults, just like Joel Olsteen too!!!
Exactly this. Why are women taking immodest shots of themselves & keeping them on their phones & their husbands phones & some how this dude knows to look? Also, have you seen the home coming CLS attire these young girls wore? Skirts up to their butts
That’s all schools. They all dress lime whores.
It’s sad you are right. As a Christian it’s just wild to me how every year it gets worse even among Christian’s. Kinda like you get arrested if you impersonate a cop. So many are allowing their girls out of the house impersonating a hooker.
Your wife dresses like a whore for me while you’re busy with your gay lover
My wife isn’t a whore! STOP CALLING ME GAY!
Tighten that rope around your neck, and jump. Take that leap that 45+% of your lgbtP freak family have chosen. End your life faggot. It’s inevitable. DO IT. DO IT. DO IT.
your wife is a cum dumpster and you’re a cock gobbler, FAGBOY
🤣🤣🤣 Kinda funny. Buy even more funny….she’d help you with that noose. Help you tie it to your cock bobber. Help you jump off that roof. Rot in hell faggot
awwww hiding behind anonymous… fucking prick. God wouldn’t approve.
Pastors daughters at that!
Does anyone else find this whole situation odd??
Maybe some love triangles gone wrong?
The woman just happened to see him looking at the nude pictures of her on his phone? That’s how he got busted?
Not defending anyone. Just a really strange story.
So you’re telling me that the lead pastor of Journey – Kevin Taylor’s son in law Don paid the bail? Thats interesting.
Don Taylor is not related in any way, including marriage, to Kevin. However, Don is close with all the pastors. If you look him up on facebook, he’s best friends with Jon Brown who is like PK’s second hand man. Don has done construction in the past for the church so while not related, it’s interesting that he’s paying.
He should actually help the WIFE out. Pay for her and the kids dinner, offer support to leave this guy.. But nope, just a pedo helping out another.
please keep digging
Interesting that the guy who posted bail twice now is not only friends with every pastor on staff there but was also friends with the guy who was arrested for violating kids at CLS. I wonder why Don Taylor isn’t sending his own kids to CLS? His kiddos go to Westosha Central High School.
I can’t imagine bankrolling pervs
Not only was he friends with Tim Pinter, but they were business partners for years. Cornerstone and Crown ICF.
Also, his kids used to go to CLS. Interesting that they no longer do. His wife is also a teacher at Prairie Lane Elementary and the kids used to go there as well before switching them to CLS.
What slimy language!!!
Do we have any update?
Are there any updates on Gabriel Mills?
I think it said he had another court date on October 25th.(I believe)
Your doing a great job covering this story Kevin from “Kenosha County Eye”.I think a lot of people follow you because of your incredible way of reporting news.Thank you for always digging deap into stories that need to be told.Please keep us all updated on this story.God bless.