Kenosha, Wis. — In a move that has already sparked significant controversy, Ritu Raju, President of Gateway Technical College (GTC), announced the dissolution of the institution’s Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) program today. The decision, conveyed through a mass email to faculty and staff, comes in the wake of President Donald Trump’s sweeping new policies on DEI. According to Raju, the college is adjusting its approach to comply with new federal guidelines, which threaten institutions with the loss of funding should they continue race-based programming.
In her message, Raju sought to ease concerns, stating, “Given the guidance and deadlines issued by the United States Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights regarding potential investigation and loss of funding for institutions providing race-based programming, we have made the difficult decision to dissolve Gateway’s Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion and the vice president of DEI role.”
Raju reassured staff that Dr. Tammi Summers would continue in her role as Acting Vice President of Student Affairs, though many are left questioning the broader implications of this move.
But insiders within the college have raised doubts, alleging that Raju’s public statement is a mere smoke screen designed to placate both the federal government and the GTC community. According to one senior staff member, “DEI isn’t going anywhere. She’s just making it look that way, so she doesn’t lose funding.”
This development follows a series of federal education policies under the Trump administration that seek to curb race-based initiatives in colleges and universities across the country. While Raju’s compliance may save the college from potential funding cuts, critics argue that her actions reflect a deeper issue: a lack of transparency and accountability in her leadership.
Raju’s decision to announce the end of DEI programming, however, is not just a matter of policy—it raises larger questions about her leadership at GTC. Despite recent efforts to paint the move as a necessary sacrifice for the future of the institution, Raju’s contract was recently renewed amid widespread faculty and staff distrust. A school-wide survey indicated a staggering lack of confidence in her leadership, with staff at all levels voicing concerns over her ability to effectively guide the college through times of change.

Even as the college faces intense pressure from the federal government, Raju’s handling of the situation has done little to reassure many within the GTC community. Instead of fostering unity, her response seems to have only deepened the divide, suggesting that employees are disappointed in Trump’s policies.
As the college looks ahead, one question remains: Will President Raju truly keep DEI out of Gateway? Only time will tell, but for now, trust in her leadership seems at an all-time low.

138 Responses
Her lack of payroll theft accountability is apparent with over 50% of her staff ‘working’ from home.
Isn’t the COVID pandemic over?!?!
Make your employees ALL come to work and maybe we wouldn’t have so little faith in her abilities.
Not to mention the multitude of husbands & wifes, parents & children, all working closely sometimes even in the same dept. as supervisor and employee roles!
RIDICULOUS how many of these people are getting paid to sit at home, absolutely RIDICULOUS!
Also, many are promoted without actually having the credentials or experience to do the job. Example: HR
Which person are you referring to specifically?
The whole department, they cost taxpayers over a million a year for salaries & benefits. Only way to fix problem is to get rid of Jacqueline Morris and her buddies.
But doesn’t every company need an HR department? They have important functions. No one gets paid without HR. Complaints don’t get resolved.
HR never existed before women got in the workplace……
The explosion of HR bureaucrats is a result of 50+ years of creeping leftism. An HR department produces nothing.
It was called the “Personell” department . It has always existed in companies that are large enough to need a full time employee to manage policy, hiring, firing, etc.
Yes it did. And it was primarily staffed by men until the ’70s or so I think
Bigger companies have smaller HR departments.
No – a company does not need an HR department. You would be surprised how many super successful companies actually run beautifully without an “HR” department. The employees generate revenue and the accountant handles payroll every two weeks – not a bureaucrat who is primarily a glorified babysitter focusing on the lowest common denominator.
No such company exists except in your imagination.
Call it what you will, there will always be a need for HR or personnel, not everybody with a college education is qualified to be a athletic coach.
GTC’s HR doesn’t do much, example is long job description form employees had to do for outside service. HR doesnt know what I do? One size fits all form that was very time consuming. How much time was wasted on employees trying to navigate, no instructions. Then how much time wasted by supervisors reviewing it.
It’ll be just like Energage survey, nothing done with the results. Or they spin the results to say what they want it to say.
Wonder how much money was wasted when HR has all those employees earning $100,000+
Another example is purchasing; the director rarely works, always talking to others or listening to podcasts. Shows up late, takes a long lunch & leaves early. Then there’s one who was promoted to do some of the directors work so director has even has less work. The third person is someone that proves brown nosing is everything. She has no clue what’s she’s doing at previous job or now. Person was transferred when new dean was hired, something all the other deans were afraid to do. Gateway keeps employees like this for some unknown reason.
They work in finance but not one has even an accounting associates degree. With Concur they have less work plus everyone has to do their own requisitions. Three people where one competent one would be plenty.
100%. Incompetents get promoted and moved around all the time, it’s sickening.
Facilities too. Those fat cats sit in their offices. Campuses look like shit.
Wow, they teach accounting right at the college. Almost as bad as the secretary who recently retired making $90,000 in the same department with a high school diploma. She tried working in president’s office and couldn’t hack it.
This shows the incompetence at GTC!
She was always overpaid but good at looking busy.
She was a complete air head.
The Village of Pleasant Prairie has employees who “work from home” as well. I’ve tried a couple of times to call the Development of the Community and no one answers, or is working from home. I have a good friend who has worked for the Village for over 20 years on Green Bay Road and was told that there is one employee that works consistently from home at least one day a week. Everyone knows this employee is stroking it. I’m tired of my tax dollars being waisted on lazy ass employees who want a government job but don’t want to be in government building doing the job they were hired to do. Check into this Kevin. My DPW source is not making this up. Just like last time with Jr. Everyine knows what’s going on and bosses look the other way. Their asses should be fired as well for mismanagement of tax dollars. I really hope the board flips so the Village Board can go back to making policy and not the HR department. Time to clean house.
Not just Pleasant Prairie, everywhere. Called the DOJ last week, no answer several times. Called Governors office to find out why, no answer. Called my Insurance agent 4 times for 3 days straight. Answering machine, no call back as the machine is in the Office building, nobody there. He lives out of town. Contacted or attempted to, “Customer Service” DEI for sure answers with cheap Radio Shack quality headset that sounded like shit, baby crying, Wheel of Fortune on TV in background.
Needed a new fridge, called Grand Appliance at 11:30am, opens supposedly at 10:00am only got pre recorded message that the call will be answered in the order received. After 12 minutes, tried again, same thing. Called the Sturtevant number, evenually some young guy picked up, no enthusiam what so ever, sounded like I woke him up. Told me he’d try to call Kenosha store. I’m thinking, this sounds like a solution. Came back a few min. later and said,” Dunno, no one answered.” Fauci made a wonderful new world, didn’t he? Gateway Pres. totally disingenuous as everyone is now on board illiminating DEI. They have to spew this BS to keep the gravy train rolling. Most companies, Institutions will say they rolled back, they are liars, keep an eye on HR. see for yourselves. LOL Spoke to a DEI KPD newby the otherday. Jesus, the way he spoke , his vocabulary, things he said. Thought to myself, I think they eliminated to 60 college credit requirement or lowered to bar as this dude seemed as though he couldn’t pass HS with a diploma.
The lack of people with customer service skills is appalling. Even walking into some businesses/ stores. These people act irritated that they need to ring up products, etc. Like I’m sorry my patronage is interrupting your day of texting. Then we wonder why so many brick and mortar stores are closing. Obviously Amazon didn’t help that either. We need to get back to real life. In person life. So people learn interpersonal skills and customer service skills.
Or maybe some people are really good at their job and thus their life isn’t to be at your beck and call during your 9-5, ever think of that?
If their job is 9-5 then yes they should be at the beck and call.
Aww is it too difficult to get out of bed, travel and put in the time that you are getting paid for?
This is the thinking that got us where we are today. Tell us you are 20-30 years old, without telling us you are 20-30 years old.
You must not be familiar with employment.
What a loser take.
To the Anon that posted: “no call back as the machine is in the Office building”. You DO realize many phone systems are now internet based, on an individuals computer and you get your VM no matter if you’re at home or in the office? Way to tell everybody you’re an older generation that is unwilling to change.
DON”T buy anything at Grand Appliance in Racine! We bought a fridge and when their delivery crew removed our old one, they drug it across our hardwood floors, leaving deep gouges. Grand refused to pay for repairs or even come look at it. Cost me $1500 out of pocket. I’ve read other horror stories too – look them up on Nextdoor.
WTF does that have to do with this story?
Waffle House raised their prices
You just like to complain!
Yup. HR did that for diversity sake.
We need change!! VOTE ERIC
Yes! Vote Eric Meadows! Get some yard signs and put them in your car windows!!! We need a change!
Voting for Klimisch is giving Steinbrink another term. Vote Eric
You just sound jealous that you can’t work from home. If you had ever worked from home you’d know that if you’re not doing your job, it becomes apparent pretty quickly. For me at least, I’m the only person that does what I do in my department and if I were to be slacking on performing my duties I’m 100% certain my boss or coworkers would be able to notice within days. So what does it matter if I’m “sitting at home” or “sitting at work” when I do my job? Either way it’s getting done.
It’s possible that at least in the case of the Federal Government they have a problem with a person working two jobs, one of which may be in conflict with gov’t expectations and work rules.
It’s unbelievable that people actually think that companies who have employees working from home do not have the technology to know if a person is actually working. Trust me, they do.
Government’s generally don’t use those controls. Many private sector companies do though. They can monitor keystroke, mouse movements, if your eyes are on the computer. I’m not familiar with any government agency that uses that.
Not at all true for a lot of companies and government entities.
Yes it is.
Let’s see genius.
Culture, cohesion, availability. If you’re at home, especially with any family, your distracted. If your employees somewhere you devote your full attention to your job until you’re not working.
Some don’t have family at home so less distractions then the office. The admin bldg is loud with HR & business office laughing & screwing around. Then your bothered by others who aren’t busy want to talk.
I have a heavy work load, no time to waste. If I don’t do my job it will be very evident right away. When I take a day off I get behind.
The amount of GTC personnel making $80-$180K plus bennies for ‘working’ from home 40hrs per week is disgusting. More of them are sitting at home in their pj’s clocking in at a specific time every morning and then clocking out at the same time everyday than actual team members who spend an hour plus getting ready, drive 10-30mins to work, work 8 hours than travel back home, spending about 10hrs per day FOR gateway. COVID is over people! This, of course, does not apply to anyone with a legitimate health condition who had this condition BEFORE COVID. 75% of the high paid faculty DO NOT COME TO CAMPUS! Taxpayers need to know this. The high-paid Talent & Culture department should be audituing each one of these employees – they should have to fill out something stating how they spent those 8 hours everyday, and if they don’t have 40hrs worth of work to hand in at the end of the week consistently, maybe they’re position isn’t necessary. I’ve heard about employees whose hygiene is so bad they asked them to work from home instead of finding someone who will willingly come to campus, showered.
This paragraph makes me think you’re promoting or indifferent toward DEI.
For many faculty and staff, the decision to dismantle DEI programming is an unforgivable step backward, especially at a time when educational institutions should be prioritizing inclusivity, diversity, and fairness. Raju’s leadership, according to critics, reflects a disconnection from the core values that should guide the institution and its commitment to students of all backgrounds.
Wow, including everyone equally is SO offensive.
Just don’t include people by excluding and demeaning others.thats what DEI does. White privilege is about hating white people and blaming them for all the problems of minorities. Take responsibility.
Down with DEI! Let’s hire people based on their qualifications and experience – not on their gender or color.
LMAO DEI is a farce and waste of money. Quit whining and get a job
You sound pissed that you can’t work from home.. Get a job that allows you to do so..
Her lack of payroll theft accountability is apparent with over 50% of her staff ‘working’ from home.
Isn’t the COVID pandemic over?!?!
Make your employees ALL come to work and maybe we wouldn’t have so little faith in her abilities.
Not to mention the multitude of husbands & wifes, parents & children, all working closely sometimes even in the same dept. as supervisor and employee roles!
RIDICULOUS how many of these people are getting paid to sit at home, absolutely RIDICULOUS!
What’s crazy is it many of the people working from home are at home caring for their small children. Tell me how you can do a productive job when you’re caring for 3 and 5-year-old kids. It’s not possible. Most days working here is like a ghost town.
I work remote, no kids & get more done at home then at work with the clowns.
There are so many in the office not working, you’d think it was a country club.
How would you know what’s going on in the workplace when your at home?
Emails from clowns.
Too many are doing what they shouldn’t be doing at home just like in the office. Some employees do slack off right infront of their direct supervisors.
The problem is no two departments have the same rules. In our department there’s two sets of rules & the VP blantly lies about it to face.
One half the department has to take day off when working at home if child is home sick. The other half doesn’t have to.
Wonder how many different rules there are throughout the college.
There was another Energage survey completed fall 2024. Wondering if you by chance requested those updated ones? The discussion would have taken place sometime Jan 2025 at the college. Did the college share those results and comments?
No they did not
Any VP who’s department has a low rating should be fired. There is no accountability anywhere is the college.
ELC likes to pick and chose what they want to share so they don’t look as bad. Just like Harris’ before election television interview that was edited to make her sound better. Everyone knows she’s a clown who talks in word salads.
Probably hiding it again from the board & public because of bad results.
Why waste taxpayers money on Energage survey if the information isn’t going to help improve the college?
Kevin would you be able to get a copy of the entire energage results and comments from the most current survey?
DOJ hotline coming up ..
They sure are overpaid
gateways dei and other race based BS has been going on for a long time. special treatment and testing assistance based on the color of your skin has been going one since at least 2009. only real grades and skills should matter.
More corruption
Since Dr. Summers husband also works for Gateway, why is she being retained as a VP?
What does the fact that he’s an instructor have to do with her leading a different division? She does not supervise him. And it’s he ex husband.
There are many spouses in same department.
Fire them all
What’s the problem if people meet and get married while they’re working together? So you’re saying that if somebody marries another person at their workplace they should quit their job? And nobody supervises their family. That’s against policy.
GTC hires already married couples. Only know if twi office romances that got married. Companies would have one leave.
Yes, they should, and many places require it.
Tammi Summers isn’t competent to fill in for postion open because of Stacy Riley leaving. Maybe the position isn’t needed at all.
Stacy Riley’s husband works at GTC, how he got hired many question besides fact married to Stacy.
This page really riled up that caputo lady. She seems like she’s lost it on her page. Sheesh
Who is the Caputo lady?
Thanks. She looks like a treat …
She is something. Crying on her page she don’t have time to deal with it but comments quickly on any page about you, also posted names that are clearly real people stating they are your fake profiles.
Reminds me of the end of Saving Private Ryan where Tom Hanks character Captain Miller, says to
Private Ryan “ Earn This “
Diversity, everywhere you go, means less white people. Every time a show is too white, a workforce is too white, a student population is too white, only then do they say we need more diversity. Never do they talk about diversifying the HBCU campus or the NBA or any other place that has a lot of non-white people. That’s race-based!
In a nearly every circumstance DEI lowers standards so that less achieving minorities can allegedly have the same equal opportunities. That’s racist.
Not trying to ruffle any feathers but wonder how much DEI/Affirmative Action played into Ms. Ritu Raju getting hired?
Long ago legislature should have done major revisions on how tech colleges like Gateway are funded and ask hard questions on how so much taxpayer money can be spent by unelected officials.
Of course that’s not gonna happen because elected officials count on getting a piece of that pie.
How does her contract get renewed?
Why do Energage survey nothing changes, employees stressed no faith in Ritu.
The ELC (Executive Leadership) is a joke. DEI hires that meet to cover each other’s ass.
Ritu incompetent non-white
VP/CEO incompetent woman of color received position thru promotions
VP Talent & Culture (HR) incompetent woman of color received position thru promotions
VP DEI incompetent woman of color received position thru promotions (she won’t give up DEI)
All are grossly overpaid.
The entire Talent & Culture department is incompetent & overstaffed. All unqualified promotions. Costing taxpayers over a million a year with salaries & benefits.
Talent & Culture doesn’t hire from outside, if they did they’d get rid of person for knowing more than them.
Wake up taxpayers & board members.
So sick of taxpayers money wasted on Employee Learning day (not what you’d think, swing dance, bee keeping, etc). Also each department has a retreat or two a year, leaving departments uncovered. And the endless amount of useless meetings.
If Employeee Learning day, retreats & useless meetings were stopped just think how many less employees would be needed.
I get paid to work not slack off as so many do. The problem is there’s so many incompetent employees in each department putting more stress on the one’s that work & don’t brown nose.
The ones that brown nose earn more & get less work. I don’t brown nose, never had, never will so I’m lowest paid in department. Being white doesn’t hurt.
Newer employees are paid more then those with years of experience. Doesn’t matter if your an instructor or staff.
Too many of color saying white privilege, no white privilege at GTC, just the opposite. That’s why they’re keeping DEI.
Anyone know the federal goverment whistleblower email or phone number?
If you want a real eye opener, request the travel and mileage reimbursement records. People get a tax-free raise by going campus to campus for unnecessary meetings. People of all levels are abusing it.
There is rarely a need to travel to another campus. The college spends plenty of money to provide Zoom. Not only is the mileage paid stealing but the time wasted.
All meetings should be via Zoom. Why waste any time traveling or waiting for people to show up. A couple clicks on laptop and your connected. You should be working on laptop until time of the meeting.
If you have something that can’t be sent electronically, there in intercampus mail.
Supervisors who sign mileage reimbursement should be held accountable, problem is they do it too.
Who else is going to attend all the parties?
GTC pays inexperienced more then those with experience. Not right, you have to train someone earning more.
When will GTC start removing all the positions paid by federal grants. It’s been obvious since November when Trump won the election federal grants would be greatly reduced.
Many HR departments are advising their employees:
“The use of any other personal information including logos flags statements religious and pronouns is not permitted”
Not GTC, even VP of Talent & Culture uses she/her/hers as do other VPs & Directors.
It’s bizarre that they do that anywhere. Do you not know what the person is by looking at them?
Just think the amount of taxpayers money would be saved if they actually ended DEI department & bs and let go all those with grants ending. Do the employees paid by grants actually only work on grants, are students benefiting? NO!!
You can fool all of the people some of the time and some of the people all of the time, but you can’t fool all the people all of the time – P.T. Barnum.
In discussions about DEI, I’ve found educators to be the ones most likely to claim it doesn’t exist, even when it’s completely obvious to the rest of us. Unfortunately, while these people may (or may not be) skilled at their specialties, they seem not to be perceptive enough to see that they’ve been indoctrinated by this American Marxism, and don’t recognize it for what it is when they’re in their “training” (e.g. indoctrination) sessions. Perhaps this woman thinks she can fool GTC, the community, AND the feds? Lol, if so, she’s going to be in for a big surprise.
Complete subterfuge.
Why does an organization the size of Gateway need all these different HR specialists rather than just a couple generalists? Just 10 years ago they didn’t have this number of people and somehow they were operating just fine. There’s a lot of favoritism in this department and the promotion of people without any posting of the jobs and without the requisite qualifications.
They specialize in doing nothing. Our health insurance cost is going up mostly on the part of the retirees. HR doesnt keep retirees informed. GTC has an employee clinic for all those on the health insurance at no cost to the employee. The insurance company has clinic to save on costs of doctors visits, etc.
Whole HR department needs to go! A new HR department would be cost effective. No more high salaries & less people probably can do better work.
That whole admin building is a swamp.
Why do they need a director of compensation at 115k a year? Just a few years ago, she was clerical. They have a formula for pay so why do they need that position? She is notoriously rude as well.
The Director of Compensation has worked so hard to lower salaries of many staff at Gateway, just to give herself a huge payday for doing nothing.
How does an employee move from being a scheduling specialist at about $29/hr to becoming a Director of Employee Engagement at $114K. She stated in her own words how she was given the opportunity without having to apply for upward mobility. Must be nice to know people in HR.
Yup. And qualified people never got a shot to go for that job. No other director makes what she makes. HR pads the pockets of each other and make all kinds of unethical decisions and deals. Most of them have no clue what they’re doing. Their VP never did most HR things before. They have who hiring people but the college only hires a dozen or so people a year. What the heck are they doing all the time?!?!
Going out to lunch, shopping, etc.
Very true, VP didn’t do much before being VP. It’s very obvious she has no idea how to be VP just like her fledglings.
The whole department should be let go & a true HR VP should be hired & start from scratch.
Same for VP/CFO, controller & directors. So many without even an accounting degree & don’t understand basic accounting which should be a requirement in finance. VP/CEO likes to hire dumber than her & brown nose just like she brown noses Ritu.
Who are all the HR directors directing, no one!!
Somehow, Jacqueline Morris, who was given the VP position, was allowed to hire as many she wanted in her department. The bs we were told was she redistributed the money. John Frost didn’t do anything so why his position was kept and given to someone who was a geek squad then receptionist is a bad joke.
Jacquline has proven time & again she wasn’t competent for the job. She takes care of her people but no one else. She believes new hires should earn more. If an employee chooses to take a lower paying job, they get to keep the higher salary, which is over the pay range of their new position. These employees who choose lower paying jobs are making much more than those that are experienced. This is college wide, instructors & administrative staff.
Jacqueline is also one to have she/her/hers on emails. She has numerous times claimed white privilege which GTC is the exact opposite.
We’ve all heard the 3 women of color VPs claim white privilege. The are all 3 definitely DEI hires.
All that shit goes back to Bryan Albrecht. He got the college into this mess in the first place. He created the DEI department. He refused to lay people off when they weren’t needed.
Democratics didn’t help.
It is amazing that they are keeping her.
Ritu was a DEI hire. She didn’t have good reviews on internet, discriminated at other places which is the same at GTC.
Notice the ones that don’t want to get rid of DEI are the unqualified ones it protects. No one else will hire them, time for taxpayers to stop paying for them.
Stacy Riley & Stephanie Sklba both white female VPs have recently left.DEI related?
No. Rumor is Raju is abrasive and they had had enough.
Probably doesn’t hurt they’re white.
The controller is abrasive too and the same nationality as CFO & they hug when they see each other. Controller has no idea what she’s doing but has Ritu to save her.
It seems clear to me that Raju prefers her on culture and people over majority culture.
She’s, like, the only Indian-American at GTC (except for Ram, on the board) so I don’t see how anyone could draw such a conclusion.
Ritu is a horrible leader, when will the board members wake up & see what the employees see?
I heard her salary isn’t all she gets i.e. car, etc.
Stealing from the taxpayers.
Ritu emailed employees the letter shortly before board meeting. Within an hour she announced in board meeting & said DEI initiatives would remain. Not surprisingly her & 3 women of color VPs are all DEI hires. Not one competent for their job.
One board member said stop illegal discrimination against whites. Is he the only one who sees it?
Two hard working white women VPs chosing to leave should be a sign.
The college benefits by employees working from home. Less sick days are taken because we’re not all in a germ infested office.
Employees aren’t supposed to come to the office when sick but not many follow the policy.
When was last time filters, vents, etc were cleaned in the admin bldg? The air is horrible.
The cleaning guy barely cleans, sits on computer, talking with others or on personal calls. When he dusts the duster is gross & should have been replaced years ago. The building is filthy.
Years ago Nathan had the whole building sparkling. Even polished bathroom floors.
That’s because they have the most competent and lazy facilities directors in Racine and Kenosha. They have no idea what they’re doing, they don’t go out and look at the work of their employees, they don’t survey how the campus looks, and they have very low standards for quality. Nobody holds them accountable. Buildings are falling apart And things are done wrong by people who are not competent to do them. And you’re right, a lot of facilities folks are just sitting around on their phones because there is no accountability for them.
This proves VP / CEO is another DEI hire. She wasn’t competent for the position and both her departments get low ratings on Energage survey every year.
She should have been held accountable.
Now she should be fired. GTC had a white female in the VP / CEO position and fired her but won’t fire a black female doing a worse job.
VP / CEO is over facilities.
In what way is the black female doing a worse job?
All 3 black women were given VP positions with no prior experience. Each one of them doesn’t have a clue. If they were white they would have been fired like they did to white female CEO. The black CEO is 100 times worse.
Kenosha County still has their DEI program. That’s a direct expense to taxpayers, and Kenosha County’s HR already has set things up so that Kenosha County is now a joke of an employer. Turnover through the roof, no real retention, no promoting from within- but then the new hires don’t last. Fewer and fewer people seeing the 5, 10, 15 year marks. Things are getting worse for employees— but they keep pumping money into their DEI program/trainings. DEI training is even on the WellRight app for employees to “earn” points. They’re pushing it HARD.
There seems to be a lot of judgmental people on here craving micromanagement. Be careful what you wish for, people.
Says the person who works at home and spends half their day slacking off and playing with their own children while sucking off the taxpayers teet.
Wrong, I don’t have to work anymore, so I don’t.
Gateway Technical College id holding a Town Hall meeting Tuesday, February 25, 2025 at 10 – 11 am. Only in person & not being recorded.
Just more lies they don’t want to come back to them by recording.
Everyone has a right to know. Without taxpayers there wouldn’t be a GTC.
When will the DEI & employees being by grants and grant expenses end? Probably never they seem to think Presidential Executive Orders are only suggestions. They can keep telling themselves this but we’ll all be laughing when they get caught.
Can’t expect much from DEI hires = Didn’t Earn It
I can guarantee you plenty of people are going to be recording it.
Hoping to hear it. Too much work to do and wasn’t able to attend.
Crazy so many have enough time to miss work and attend.
Everything is public record wonder what they’re trying to hide.