Category: Kenosha Judges

Mark Jensen Guilty Of Murder: Jury

A jury of his peers found Mark Jensen guilty of the 1998 murder of his wife Julie. The prosecution told a story about a man who could never forget his

Jensen Retrial Day 13: The Tox Doc From Texas

Day 13 of Mark Jensen’s retrial for the alleged antifreeze murder of his wife Julie, was completed today. Dr. Stacey Hail of Dallas, TX is a board certified emergency room

Jensen Re-Trial Day 12: The Defense’s Doctors

Mark Jensen today had his 12th day of his re-trial for the alleged anti-freeze murder of his wife, Julie. Today, the defense called Dr. Paul DeFazio to the stand. Dr.

Jensen Trial Day 11 – The Prosecution Rests

Mark Jensen is being accused of murdering his wife in 1998 by poisoning her with anti-freeze. On day 11 of his murder trial, an experienced forensic pathologist, Dr. Mainland took

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