Meet 18 year old Charlie E. Bouie from North Chicago, IL. He came to Kenosha on 5/26/2020 and was alleged to have a loaded, concealed handgun in his pants. Some of his buddies that he was with were alleged to have shot a man and are now standing trial for attempted murder. What role did Charlie play in this attempted homicide? We may never know. Today, Mr. Bouie plead guilty to carrying a concealed weapon and received a $50 fine from ultra-liberal Judge Mary K Wagner. What’s worse, is that he is expected to have this very serious crime expunged – meaning zapped from his records forever. The ADA, Margaret Drees, originally recommended probation, but after learning that the defendant lives in Illinois, quickly changed her recommendation to a fine after the Judge asks her to.. WOW
This is nothing new for Wagner. She is perhaps the most light-on-crime Judge in the state. If Mr. Bouie graduates from accomplice to trigger-man, which we believe is likely, will Mary K say “sorry” for not putting this creep in jail? No chance! This wacko-left judge along with our wacko-left DA is a combination that lets violent criminals repeat violence time and time again. See below video from court today: