Since May of 2019, violent career criminal Ronald Gordon has been a wanted man. In August of 2019, a second warrant was issued for Gordon. He’s not hiding. According to his Facebook account, he’s been hanging out with Jesse Jackson, performing as a DJ (DJ Droop) at local taverns, and active at local rallies. He’s friends with Alderwoman Shayna Griffin and Sharmain Harris.
Gordon has an extensive criminal rap-sheet including 68 pages from the Wisconsin Department of Justice. Click here to view it. Among his charges are:
(3) Domestic Battery
Burglary any Building or Dwelling
(6) Disorderly Conduct
(4) Resist/Obstruct Officer
(7) Bail Jumping
Criminal Damage to Property
Criminal Trespass to Dwelling
Intentionally Contact Victim or Co-Actor
Habitual Criminality
Probation Violation
1 Year 7 month Prison Sentence
(3) Operating While Suspended/Revoked
Urinating in Public
Possession of THC
Possession of Intoxicants in Motor Vehicle
He’s been on the lamb for almost two years while hiding in plain sight. Let’s hope our blue friends catch this guys soon so he can face justice….again.

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