We told you in October about the man who shot first, the night that Kyle Rittenhouse killed two men who were attacking him during the Kenosha Riots. Joshua Ziminski shot his handgun first and Kenosha Police identified him. Of course, he is a career violent criminal and was out on bond that night. Kenosha Police referred multiple charges against him including a Felony, to Kenosha DA Michael Graveley. Graveley tossed them all out with the exception of one misdemeanor count of disorderly conduct. Many in the community were outraged that he was treated so leniently. Apparently, to satisfy the public, Graveley instructed his democratic duo, prosecutors Jason Zapf and Tom Clair Binger, to charge Ziminski and his wife with two misdemeanors and a forfeiture (ticket). The couple was charged today with disorderly conduct, obstructing an officer, and failure to comply with curfew.
The criminal complaint says that the Ziminskis were rioting on the night of August 25, 2020. It says that according to video footage and witnesses, both of the defendants attempted to block law enforcement vehicles that were clearing that area south of 56th St on Sheridan Rd after the 8pm curfew. Mrs. Ziminski recorded Mr. Ziminski committing multiple acts of arson including with a dumpster and a trailer that was overturned and badly damaged by fire. Mr. Ziminski was yelling at the crowd that they “need more shit” because “those big ass trucks are gonna push all this shit.”
Kenosha Police Media Relations Lieutenant Joe Nosalik told The Kenosha County Eye that this incident is an open case and he is limited on what he can share with the media. He did, however, tell us that this case was investigated as an arson, which would be a felony. It appears that Kenosha Police handled this crime seriously but Kenosha DA Graveley reduced the charges recommended to him based on politics.
Even with the two additional minor charges, much of the community is still outraged that Graveley, BLM sympathizer, would not take theses very grievous crimes more seriously. He is quick to charge Rittenhouse with murder, but it takes him almost 4 months to charge theses rioters that contributed to the destruction of our beloved home. Light-on-crime Court Commissioner Loren Keating set Mrs. Ziminski free without having to pay any bond. She has to stay in jail, however, due to an unrelated probation violation. Mr. Ziminski has not appeared in court yet for these new charges according to online records.
4 Responses
How many Kenosha rioters have been charged and with what crimes? Seems like Graveley is looking the other way when it comes to the people that burned down Kenosha.