Now That The World Has Seen How DA Mike Graveley’s Office Operates, Will Justice Be Hindered In Kenosha County? Yes : Opinion

Kenosha County District Attorney Michael (Mike) Graveley (D)

The Embattled Mike Graveley

Kenosha ADA T. Clair Binger and ADA Jim Kraus were prosecuting the most high-profile case of both of their careers on Thursday November 4, 2021. This marked the fourth of the trial against Kyle H. Rittenhouse. Where was their boss on this day? He was in Wisconsin Dells. Wisconsin Dells is about 2 and 1/2 hours from Kenosha and is a popular vacation spot boasting that it is the “water park capital of the world.” Was Graveley sipping on a margarita cruising slowly around on an indoor lazy river? Was he “having a swig at Nig’s?” Was he on an Original Wisconsin Ducks tour? We will probably never know what he was doing – he doesn’t talk to the press unless they are fluffing him. He is non-transparent. We know what he was not doing. We was not showing his presence in the Rittenhouse courtroom. He was not assisting his two prosecutors on the biggest case of their careers. Fond Du Lac County DA and candidate for Attorney General Eric Toney was confused seeing Graveley (in Wisconsin Dells). He wondered why he wasn’t helping with the trial. It is clear why. Graveley didn’t want any association with this case. He made the decision to charge this case even though he knew it could not be proven. Graveley’s previous #2 Angelina Gabrielle, who is now a judge, told the TV Show Scorned, that “we are under an ethical obligation to not bring cases forward unless we believe we can prove that beyond a reasonable doubt.” She was absolutely correct. Graveley broke this ethical obligation for politics’ sake. He didn’t prosecute the trial and instead found two suckers to take it: T. Clair Binger (D) and Jason Zapf (D). They both are far to the left. After several months, Zapf got sick of the death threats and went to work at “One call that’s all!” Jim Kraus (D), another far-lefter gladly took the second chair in this loser case. Graveley is universally disliked by both sides of the aisle.

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Why the right dislikes him

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He prosecuted Kyle Rittenhouse, a 17-year-old who shot and killed two people in clear self defense

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He was texting for months with a violence-inciting BLM activist, Whitney Cabal

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He was very weak on the prosecution of rioter/arsonist Joshua Ziminski

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He refused to prosecute any of the riot kitchen folks

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He refused to prosecute Jacob Blake with any crimes from August 23, 2020

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He is weak on violent crime. (Too many incidents to list)

He breaks the law and doesn’t turn over public documents. He is currently in litigation for two lawsuits related to this

Why the left dislikes him

He is prosecuting Chrystul Kizer, a child sex-trafficking victim for murder after his office refused to prosecute her trafficker after finding evidence of hundreds of sex Felonies of child porn and sexual assault

He refused to prosecute KPD Officer Rusten Shesky for shooting Jacob Blake

He is tough on petty marijuana and other minor drug crimes (Too many incidents to list)

T. Clair Binger

Kenosha ADA and Failed Racine DA Candidate, T. Clair Binger (D)

T. Clair is a weird dude. He wore Star Wars pins during the trial. He has a Star Trek license plate holder and decals of Star Wars and Star Trek on the back of his car. C’mon, man (in Joe Biden’s voice) I like Star Trek and Star Wars as much as the next guy, but keep that off your car, you’re 51. He may or may not have had an email address, He frequently cheats in court and usually the judges let him. Not Schroeder. Binger has been cheating for years, but it wasn’t until the Rittenhouse case that the world got a chance to watch him from their La-Z-Boys. He commented on Kyle’s post-arrest silence, a grave violation of the Constitution. He talked about “other acts evidence” that the judge prohibited him from bringing up in a pre-trial motion. This is also a grave error. There was some suspect evidence handling with drone footage, the identity of jump-kick man, and the FBI’s fixed-aircraft video footage. Binger wanted a conviction no matter what the cost was. He wanted to put a 17-year-old in prison for life for personal gain. Does he want a CNN corespondent position? Does he want to run for DA again after a previous loss? On Tuesday, November 16, 2021, once he realized his case was dead, he sent the following email to the media pool:

“Our office has received requests from several media organizations for an interview or press conference after the jury reaches its verdict in this case.  I want to thank you for your inquiries and let you know that I understand and appreciate your responsibility to report on this case and provide information to the public.  In considering your requests, I have reviewed Wisconsin Supreme Court rules 20:3.6 and 20:3.8, which set forth the ethical responsibilities of attorneys and, in particular, prosecutors with regard to trial publicity.  In light of these ethical guidelines, I have concluded that it would not be appropriate for our office to comply with your requests.  Thank you.”

We think Binger really didn’t want to talk to the press after he lost. How humiliating, to lose a case we all knew he would lose.

What did Binger do on November 22, 2021? He spoke with a Chicago Tribune reporter, Stacy St. Clair. Why? His ego got the best of him. She asked him about allegations of prosecutorial misconduct by Kyle. He responded by saying Kyle was found “not guilty”, not “innocent.” We asked T. Clair about this email. He mounted a silly defense, telling KCE “I didn’t ‘talk’ to the Chicago Tribune. (I emailed them).” What did Binger do last week? He went on a far-left podcast called “Miranda Warnings, by David Miranda, the president of the New York Bar. He insulted Rittenhouse, the Judge, and the jurors. He also said he is a gun-owner and concealed-carry license holder, which is odd – he is anti-gun rights.

This is what we know. He either lied to the media when he said he could not do interviews after the trial, or he is violating Supreme Court Rules 20:3.6 and 20:3.8. Either way, his integrity is obviously missing.

Jim “Lunchbox” Kraus

Kenosha ADA James (Jim) Kraus (D)

Jim Kraus was more concerned trying to defame this publication than he was with winning the trial. He mentioned us on three separate occasions:

Jim isn’t that naive, he didn’t mention us by name. This goes to Jim’s credibility. Jim would later get in a yelling match with me. He called me a “tool” and other unpleasant things – no problem, I have thick skin. Judge Schroeder had to admonish Kraus. Kraus was recently “given advice” from the Wisconsin Office of Lawyer Regulation for how to avoid breaking a local and supreme court rule. His conduct with me is being reviewed at this time by the OLR. Although Binger was in charge, Kraus is just as culpable for the DA’s office’s conduct as Binger. He badgered the “internet famous #photochad”, Nathan DeBruin.

We wanted to tell Jim “thank you!” We had hundreds of thousands of views on our website during the trial, in part because people wanted to know who the “gossip blogger” was. Our website went down twice during the trial because there was so much traffic. Don’t worry Jim, we fixed it. Our revenue is determined by the amount of clicks we get. During the trial, business was a boomin’!

First Jury Trials Since Rittenhouse for the Dynamic Democratic Duo

At T. Clair’s first trial after Rittenhouse, he got a unanimous “not guilty” from the Jury for a rape from 2014 with DNA evidence. We heard from jurors and believe Binger’s poor credibility helped discredit the prosecution, leading to the loss.

Kraus’s first trial after Rittenhouse didn’t go his way either, he was not able to convict a man of 2nd degree sexual assault of a child under 12.

Will Justice Be Hindered?

Most people in Kenosha County now know that Graveley, and two of his favorite prosecutors, T. Clair and Kraus are all very shady characters. These same people will sit on every Jury deciding fates of dangerous hombres. With yesterday’s hit-like murder, the City is now at triple the amount of homicides over the last 12 years. He will probably have many homicide trials in the near future. Will these jurors believe this DA’s office? Will these guys and girls get set free? It’s a very real possibility. This DA’s office, as a whole is dishonest, without integrity, and political. There are of course a handful of hard-working and honest prosecutors that work in this office. It is a shame for them that the entire office suffers.

There is only one real solution. Graveley, T. Clair and Kraus must resign.

Your KCE Editor, Kevin E. Mathewson



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11 Responses

  1. I so enjoy the words you write! you are more than correct about blinger and lunchbox and their boss- they are LOSERS & LIARS.
    i love your sexy tshirt-( i think i have a crush on Judge Schroeder)- he knows the law for sure. and kyle- he is a hero- he does not even realize he is a hero- he is so humble & meek.
    kenosha is such a pretty town- kyle definitely put it on the map- but too bad yall have creeps like gravely, blinger, lunchbox, and the sheriff. mr.mathewson- i think you should run for mayor- i would come help you campaign for any office you decide to run for.
    thank you for kenosha eye and thank you for being such a voice for righteousnous- you are a patriot!
    are you selling those tshirts? i want to buy one. i did buy a picture from nathan dubruin- i have it framed!

  2. I just wanted to tell you to keep doing the Lord’s work. I do still believe that truth will prevail. Also, the shirt gave me a much needed laugh.

  3. I second Jogie. I would support you for Mayor and I know a guy you helped make famous would support you. Time to replace the third time Mayor who’s only real achievement to Kenosha was that bullshit trolley. What does that tell you. Never trusted him at all. He IMHO never had the citizens of Kenoshas best interest at heart. Only his own and his family’s who two member’s have city job’s which according to the City Personnel department is forbidden. The Mayor IMHO along with many others are corrupt in the Michael Bell case.

    Time to drain the swamp in Kenosha, far past due. If Evers won’t fire Graveley, Binger and Kraus, he himself needs to resign. The three lawyer’s mentioned are either totally corrupt or totally incompetent. All should have their law licenses revolved, again IMHO.

  4. Disheartening…no…appalling that anyone would let their opinion of a lawyer affect a case. Letting a rapist off? If indeed for that reason…disgusting.

    I understand trust being eroded but a trial isn’t about the personnel it’s about facts.

    That said, FUCK Binger and FUCK Kraus. Fuckin’ floaters in a bowl.


  5. Finally there is somewhere we can post thats not trash YT about this. If you need screen shots to prove Binger wrong in anything I’m going through footage frame by frame to try and prove Bingers “better quality enhanced” Kyle image wrong since he used it in the trial.

  6. I appreciate your fearless reporting. I’m in my 60’s and had no idea that corrupt prosecutors like Binger and Krause were real outside of the movies. It’s sad that juries are nullifying their cases. The sooner they are fired, the better.

  7. I have seen Jim “Lunchbox” Krause in action and he is a monster in the courtroom. If you think the Rittenhouse trial was a one time performance for him, you are sorely mistaken. He behaves this way all the time. He badgers any one that testifies for the defense. I have witnessed him bring in evidence that not allowed to be used. I have also witnessed him calling every witness for the defense liars and that they should be arrested for perjury. Seeing him get his a@# handed to him gave me a great deal of joy and the whole world saw it too. He is a stain on the justice system and needs to be removed from his position.

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