Serious Domestic Battery Charges Against Joshua Ziminski Dismissed Only Weeks Before His Arson Trial

Joshua and Kelly Ziminski

There is no dispute. Joshua Ziminski is a bad hombre. He has a very long and very violent conviction record. He has been to jail many times to serve sentences. But, like many other products of progressive prosecutors like Kenosha DA Mike Graveley (D) and Racine DA Patricia Hanson, he has no felony convictions. That’s right. Every time he has been charged with a felony, he has gotten sweet deals to plead down to misdemeanors.

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03/01/2011 Violate/Harassment Restraining Order/Rptr  Racine 10CM2817

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03/01/2011 Violate/Harassment Restraining Order/Rptr, Disorderly Conduct/Rptr Racine 10CM2749

06/12/2008 Carrying Concealed Weapon Bail Jumping Racine 07CM3599

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02/06/2007 Disorderly Conduct While Armed Racine 06CM3562

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09/21/2006 Bail Jumping Racine 06CM697

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09/21/2006 Carrying Concealed Weapon Racine 06CM346

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08/22/2005 Possession of THC Racine 05CM1515

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01/03/2003 Misd Disorderly Conduct Racine 02CF1066

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**INCARCERATED: 12/20/2007 – 01/02/2008; 05/25/2011 – 05/26/2011**

10/04/2016 – 01/10/2017 Hit & Run – Property Damage  Kenosha  16CT692

August 25, 2020 The night of Kyle Rittenhouse

Joshua Ziminski and his wife Kelly Ziminski were rioting on 8/25/2020, according to prosecutors. This is obvious to all of us who watched the Rittenhouse trial. He carried a pistol most of the night in his hand with his finger on the trigger. He is accused of setting fires. He is the man who shot his pistol first, only seconds before Kyle lawfully shot and killed Joseph Resenbaum in self-defense. Testimony during the trial was inconclusive at where he was shooting. This shot may have been what started this all. Kenosha Police did good work and identified Ziminski as the shooter and arrested him on October 7, 2020. They asked DA Michael Graveley and T. Clair Binger to charge him with bail-jumping, resisting and obstructing an officer, disorderly conduct, and 2nd degree recklessly endangering safety. The charges related to an arson investigation. So police at least suspected him of arson at this point.

What did Graveley and Binger do? They charged Ziminski with disorderly conduct only on October 9, 2020. This is a maximum sentence of 9 months in jail.

What about the rest of the charges? They told KPD to proverbially pound sand. All that police work for nothing. We wrote articles about this miscarriage of justice and eventually, Ziminski was charged with obstructing an officer and curfew on December 8, 2020 only after the DA’s office took a lot of political heat. Still no felonies. Finally, Binger got the order from Graveley to charge Ziminski with arson. Binger filed the arson charge on January 26, 2021 but dismissed the curfew charge, oddly – as they were still perusing curfew charges against Rittenhouse.

Domestic Abuse Charges

Racine DA Patricia Hanson

Four months before the Rittenhouse shootings, on June 7, 2020, Racine police and prosecutors say Joshua punched his wife Kelly in the face while driving with their two children in the back seat. A warrant was issued for his arrest on June 18, 2020. He was charged with two counts of domestic abuse. This case was scheduled for trial. Only four days after the Rittenhouse verdict was reached, Racine DA Patricia Hanson gave the order to dismiss the two domestic abuse charges without explanation. We asked her why she dismissed these charges. She didn’t respond to our repeated requests for comment. She never does.

A similar thing happened a week before the Rittenhouse trial. A progressive Judge named Jack Davila dismissed Gaige Grosskreutz’s second DUI. When a witness or defendant is questioned during a jury trial, the fact that they have open criminal cases can be brought up. Now that Ziminski’s domestic abuse charges are dismissed, the prosecution can’t ask about them during his trial on January 31, 2022.

Ziminski, if convicted on all charges, faces 3.5 years inside a state prison. Judge Schroeder is tough on sentencing and might just give this career criminal the max.


Graveley and Binger deciding to only charge Ziminski with disorderly conduct for firing a gun in the air during a violent riot is not only morally and ethically wrong, but is probably considered prosecutorial misconduct and is almost certainly politically motivated.

This is what happens when we elect soft-on-crime progressive DAs like Graveley and Hanson. People like Ziminski get away with felonies and keep the right to bear arms. These are people who shouldn’t be allowed to carry. And why the shenanigans with the dropping of charges? Is there a conspiracy here? Did The Kenosha DA’s office ask for Grosskreutz’s second DUI to be dropped to help the case against Rittenhouse? Did The Kenosha DA’s office ask for Ziminski’s domestic abuse charges to be dropped to help them “take a dive” with the Ziminski case? Does Graveley and Binger really want Ziminski convicted?

We might never know the answers to these serious questions because these types of DAs aren’t transparent and don’t talk to the media unless they are being fluffed. We don’t fluff the wicked.



Deputy Suspended Over Retaliatory Traffic Stop After Middle Finger Incident

Kenosha, Wis. — The Kenosha County Sheriff’s Office has disciplined a deputy who conducted a questionable traffic stop after a driver gave him the middle finger — a gesture protected by the First Amendment. Deputy Manuel Mandujano Jr. received a one-day unpaid suspension and mandatory constitutional policing training following an internal investigation into the February 1 incident, which gained traction online after video footage was posted to the “LackLuster” YouTube channel. The footage showed Mandujano initiating

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Salem Elementary Teacher Arrested After Alleged THC-Fueled Disturbance at Home

Kenosha, Wis. — A preschool teacher at Salem Elementary School was arrested late Saturday night after authorities say she ingested THC edibles and began behaving violently inside her Salem Lakes home. Melissa E. Briggs, 42, was taken into custody by the Kenosha County Sheriff’s Department just after 11 p.m. Deputies responded to the 10000 block of 256th Avenue after her husband called 911, reporting that Briggs was experiencing a mental health crisis and pounding on a

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Body Cam Footage Contradicts Pastor’s Claim of Cooperation in Youth Minister Sex Crime Case

Kenosha, Wis. – Despite publicly claiming that Journey Church was cooperating with police, newly released body-worn camera footage obtained by Kenosha County Eye reveals that lead pastor Kevin Taylor declined to give a statement to investigators following the arrest of a fellow pastor now charged with 15 felonies involving intimate images of two women. Gabriel Mills, a former “Guest Experience Pastor” at Journey Church in Kenosha, was first arrested on September 30, 2024. According to a

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Dominick Black Violates Probation, Faces Arrest Warrant If He Fails To Return To Wisconsin

KENOSHA, Wis. — The Wisconsin Department of Corrections has notified a Kenosha County judge that Dominick Black, a probationer best known for his connection to the Kyle Rittenhouse case, violated the terms of his probation and is being ordered back to Wisconsin. In a letter sent yesterday to Judge Angelina Gabriele, Probation and Parole Agent Kimberly Ruhle reported that Black failed a drug test, was kicked out of substance use programming, and missed a mandatory probation

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Illinois Man Faces 46 New Charges, Possible Life In Prison After Multi-Agency Highway Pursuit

Kenosha, Wis. — An Illinois man already out on bond for multiple pending felony cases in Kenosha County was charged Thursday with 46 new counts in connection to a daytime police chase that spanned multiple jurisdictions and ended on the interstate. John S. Miller, 56, of Zion, now faces a staggering range of charges including first-degree recklessly endangering safety, criminal damage to property, fleeing and eluding police, and 36 counts of felony bail jumping. Prosecutors say

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County Executive Kerkman Announces Call For Nominations For Inaugural Kenosha County Veteran Of The Year Award

County Executive Samantha Kerkman today announced the establishment of a new award honoring outstanding veterans in Kenosha County. The Kenosha County Veteran of the Year Award seeks to honor veterans for their achievements and contributions after their time in service. This year’s award will be presented at Kerkman’s annual Veterans Appreciation Picnic, to be held May 30 at the Kenosha County Veterans Memorial Park. Nominations for the inaugural award are being accepted until 5 p.m. April

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Kenosha Nurse Arrested for OWI After Son’s 911 Call, Claims Police Conspiracy

Kenosha, Wis. — A Kenosha nurse was arrested Friday evening for operating while intoxicated after her 9-year-old son called emergency services, saying he and his brother were home alone and hadn’t eaten. But what began as a routine OWI arrest has since spiraled into a bizarre string of conspiracy claims posted online by the woman at the center of the case. Police responded to the home around 7:30 p.m. on March 21 after the child reported

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Leadership Kenosha Announces 2025 Graduation Celebration and Award Winner

Leadership Kenosha is excited to announce its 2025 Graduation Celebration. The event will take place on Thursday, May 15, from 5-7 p.m. at The Stella Hotel and Ballroom – 5706 8th Ave. Each year, the participating cohort is recognized for completing the program at a graduation ceremony. The 2024-2025 cohort is made up of 21 community leaders, representing 18 unique organizations.With much to celebrate, KACC invites all alumni and members to join in on recognizing them.

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Gateway President Ritu Raju Exiting Amid Internal Turmoil, Board Politics

Kenosha, Wis. — Gateway Technical College President and CEO Dr. Ritu Raju is departing the school after just over two years on the job. The news comes on the heels of her being named a finalist for the presidency at Minnesota’s SouthCentral College—but sources tell Kenosha County Eye that Raju’s exit was imminent, regardless of whether she is offered the new position. While Raju has cited personal reasons for the move, including the loss of her

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Drag Performer and School Board Candidate Draws Community Scrutiny, Support Ahead of April Election

Kenosha, Wis. — Carl Bryan, a candidate for the Kenosha Unified School Board and an openly gay man, is facing criticism from some community members over his past performances as a drag queen under the name “Carlotta Cox.” Bryan has downplayed his experience in drag, stating that he performed once for charity. In a recent statement, he said, “Not sure who needs to hear this, but I literally did drag for St. Jude’s Children’s Hospital, a

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Kerkman Elected President of Wisconsin County Executives and Administrators Association

Kenosha County Executive Samantha Kerkman was recently elected as the leader of a statewide organization of county officials. Kerkman will serve a two-year term as President of the Board of Directors of the Wisconsin County Executives and Administrators Association. Formed in 1981, this organization’s full membership generally meets twice yearly, during the Wisconsin Counties Association’s fall annual convention and spring legislative conference. The Board of Directors meet more frequently to discuss matters of concern to counties,

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Man Accused of Statewide Credit Card Skimming Scheme Faces 50 Felony Counts

Kenosha, Wis,— A 32-year-old Illinois man is facing 50 felony charges in Kenosha County related to an alleged credit card skimming operation that targeted victims across Wisconsin. Evgheni Eremeiv, of Woodridge, Illinois, is accused of using stolen debit card information to make unauthorized withdrawals and purchases at multiple locations in Kenosha County and elsewhere in the state, according to a criminal complaint filed March 21. The charges include 10 counts of unauthorized use of personal identifying

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7 Responses

  1. What’s amazing is the hypocrites in this town. The left screams and cries for justice, but are quiet when someone beats his wife, shoots a gun in the air and riots. Then cry more when this town is going to shit because of low life’s getting a slap on the wrist. Look at the inmate search every morning. People arrested for drugs, abuse, battery and get a signature bond! What the hell is wrong? Society and the wanna be activists that are armchair lawyers. We seriously need to vote out and vote in leaders with a backbone

  2. It is like a bad dream. These retarded folks are in power letting bad people off of their felony crimes. I feel so sorry for the law abiding residents of kenosha. Kenosha and racine are like sanctuary cities. Too bad kyle did not take out zimenksy that night. I am so glad those bad people, gross arm, zimensky, jump kick man, those evil killers, all live up there. We don’t have to contend with that illegal nonsense in our county, in the south in rural north Florida. We have a great government leaders. People are held accountable for their actions. Why do people continue to elect the tainted puss filled brains yall have making illegal decisions in kenosha. (And that shim in racine).

  3. Looks like we have an abundance of modern day Pontius Pilates, who would rather free the Barabbases of our time and pursue punishment of good citizens, right here in Kenosha County.

  4. Smells like a snitch in the air smh. Isn’t she the one who kept giving light sentences with guy who killed 3 at Somers House?

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