(Submitted Photo)
On the first day of 2022, at about 3:45am, Kenosha experienced its first homicide during a mass shooting. This is a bad start to the new year. This shooting happened more than an hour after bars would usually be closed, but Wisconsin state law allows bars to never close on New Year’s Eve.
This has renewed discussions about Kenosha’s ability to not allow this in the City. In other words, the Kenosha City Council could change the ordinance and force bars to close at the normal time – 2am on weekdays and 2:30am on weekends. Let us know what you think.
Violence and Murder
Kenosha had a 300% increase in murders in 2021. We can all agree that something needs to be done. Share some ideas with us below.
We want to hear from Kenosha County residents. What can our local government do to help with the violence and murder. Please vote yes or no for each proposal.
Adding More Police Officers

Reforming Police Strategies
Tougher Judges and Prosecutors
Reduce Public Housing Projects
New Leaders/Mayor
Saturation Police Patrols In “Troubled” Areas
3 Responses
Private business owners shall decide on their hours of operation not a corrupt government
“Kenosha had a 300% increase in murders in 2021. We can all agree that something needs to be done. Share some ideas with us below.”
Send ’em back.
I actually don’t think the 24 hour thing had any relevance to this murder. Ghetto MF’ers are going to be ghetto MF’ers whether it’s midnight or 2pm….whether it’s the club or a gas station.
Again, the proper way to deal with this stuff is to penalize the owners of the establishment like they did with the venue downtown a few months ago.
These venue owners know the types of crowds they are attracting….thus they should be held accountable regarding their liquor license or cabaret license.
Coins is a very ghetto crowd on weekends. It’s not like this was an isolated incident.