A man with an upside-down crucifix tattooed on his forehead, the word “SIN” on his head, and three tear-drops has landed himself in jail today for behavior just before his trial was scheduled to start. Joshua Ziminski (36) was first charged with his connection to the Kenosha riots of 2020 on October 9, 2020. For the last 479 days, he has been free on an unusually low $1,000 cash bond. After his behavior today, he is likely going to spend the next two months in jail awaiting the new trial date. Kenosha Circuit Court Bruce Schroeder raised Ziminski’s bond to $14,000. If Ziminski cannot come up with $13,000, he will spend his upcoming 37th birthday behind bars. His children are now left with both of their parents incarcerated. His wife Kelly Ziminski had her probation revoked and got jail time for her involvement in the riots. Joshua Ziminski is a career criminal with the following record:
03/01/2011 Violate/Harassment Restraining Order/Rptr Racine 10CM2817
03/01/2011 Violate/Harassment Restraining Order/Rptr, Disorderly Conduct/Rptr Racine 10CM2749
06/12/2008 Carrying Concealed Weapon Bail Jumping Racine 07CM3599
02/06/2007 Disorderly Conduct While Armed Racine 06CM3562
09/21/2006 Bail Jumping Racine 06CM697
09/21/2006 Carrying Concealed Weapon Racine 06CM346
08/22/2005 Possession of THC Racine 05CM1515
01/03/2003 Misd Disorderly Conduct Racine 02CF1066
**INCARCERATED: 12/20/2007 – 01/02/2008; 05/25/2011 – 05/26/2011**
10/04/2016 – 01/10/2017 Hit & Run – Property Damage Kenosha 16CT692

August 25, 2020 The night of Kyle Rittenhouse
Joshua Ziminski and his wife Kelly Ziminski were rioting on 8/25/2020, according to prosecutors. This is obvious to all of us who watched the Rittenhouse trial. He carried a pistol most of the night in his hand with his finger on the trigger. He is accused of setting fires. He is the man who shot his pistol first, only seconds before Kyle lawfully shot and killed Joseph Resenbaum in self-defense. Testimony during the trial was inconclusive at where he was shooting. This shot may have been what started this all. Kenosha Police did good work and identified Ziminski as the shooter and arrested him on October 7, 2020. They asked DA Michael Graveley and T. Clair Binger to charge him with bail-jumping, resisting and obstructing an officer, disorderly conduct, and 2nd degree recklessly endangering safety. The charges related to an arson investigation. So police at least suspected him of arson at this point.

Kenosha DA Graveley and ADA Binger charged Ziminski with disorderly conduct only on October 9, 2020. This is a maximum sentence of 9 months in jail.
They declined to prosecute the serious crimes. Eventually, Ziminski was charged with obstructing an officer and curfew on December 8, 2020 only after the DA’s office took a lot of political heat. Still no felonies. Finally, Binger got the order from Graveley to charge Ziminski with arson. Binger filed the arson charge on January 26, 2021 but dismissed the curfew charge, oddly – as they were still persuing curfew charges against Rittenhouse.
Today’s Incident and Court Hearing
As Ziminski arrived at the Kenosha County Courthouse today, state’s witness Nathan (#PhotoChad) DeBruin arrived and was dropped off by his fiance. This author witnessed what would happen next. Ziminski changed course and approached DeBruin. He shouted at DeBruin to “stop!” multiple times and would yell “let me see the photo! That’s not me in the photo!” DeBruin found his Attorney, Terry Rose and told him what happened. Attorney Rose made contact with ADA Binger. Ziminski then sat down behind this author. “Are you the Kenosha County Eye?” Ziminski asked. “I don’t appreciate you talking shit about me!” he told KCE editor Kevin Mathewson.

Nathan DeBruin nicknamed #photochad by popular lawyer/youtuber Nick Rekieta testified at length during the Rittenhouse trial and gained the admiration of many thousands of people around the country. He is know for his witty come-backs when being badgered from ADA James Kraus. DeBruin photographed much of the rioting, looting, arson and the Rittenhouse shootings. He photographed much of this including Ziminski setting fire to a trailer.
DeBruin’s attorney Terry Rose told the Judge what happened to his client. “My client’s hands were shaking. He is in fear for his life. He is here because he was subpoenaed to testify and he intends to do that today or any other day.” Rose then asked Judge Schroeder to lock Ziminski up “until trial.”

Schroeder took these allegations very seriously and ordered a nearby deputy to take Ziminski into custody. He said that based on the vast amount of evidence in the Rittenhouse trial, and due to the new allegations, he raised Ziminski’s bond to $14,000. A deputy took a statement from DeBruin who had part of the encounter on video. This author also happened to snap a video of the exchange. Binger is expected to make a decision in the coming weeks if Ziminski will face new charges.

As Ziminski was being led away by a Deputy, his mother, who had three small children in tow (at least two were Ziminski’s) began to yell at the judge “he didn’t do anything wrong! All he said was ‘I want to see the photo!’ ” Deputies had to escort her out of the court room also and instruct her to stop yelling.
Ziminski will now face a March 28, 2022 trial. If convicted, he faces a maximum of 3.5 years in prison.
56 Responses
What a clown. Poor kids have him and his girl as parents. Losers, who should be locked up!
That’s a rough 36.
The State should go ahead and take those kids. Afterall his mama didn’t do such a good job raising that loser.
This Ziminski just needs to off himself and be done with it.
Thanks for your reporting Kevin.
Ziminski, the face of Demon Possession, also is a poster child for the Leftist Democrats.
Altercations in front of courthouses are very common. I would think that there are videocameras.
wow- the epitome of EVIL WHITETRASH- what an evil horrible human.
my heart hurts for nathan debruin- nathan is an honest, good fellow- how terrible nathan had to
endure such an encounter with zimensky outside of the courthouse.
i am flummoxed that the judge(who i love and admire)- would give such a low bond amount- look how high kyle’s bond was and kyle did not even break the law. the bond for zimensky should be at least 100k.
why does zimensky only face 3 years in prison- he should get the death penalty or at least life in prison,
i really wish zimensky would come get in my face- we have a really cool law called stand your ground- like tom petty – i wont back down. zimensky is an evil coward who is a menance to society. his mother is obviously poor breeding stock and those kids- they’ll be in prison too with matching tatoos like their daddy if they are allowed to be raised by anyone kin to zimensky.
but wait- then there is backdoor blinger. who , i assume, sees no harm in the latest actions of zimensky and will probably give zimensky the extra bond money needed and toss out all charges. (maybe backdoor blinger is a subscriber to zimensky’s porn channel on the internet and is afraid the next episode cant be made with zimensky behind bars- or- maybe backdoor blinger would like to participate with zimensky and they make their own episode?)
we shall see- stay tuned- actions speak louder than words.
nathan- just move to florida- get married on the beach in my back yard(have kevin as your best man)- get away from the likes of blinger, lunchbox, zimensky and all of those other liberal creeps up there.
$14k for bail is chump change. Kamala Harris can certainly dip in to her BLM donation bail fund without blinking an eye. I wouldn’t doubt the late to be filed charges indicate this guy is just another protected FBI provocateur.
I wish an apple would fall on Gravely’s head so that he could learn what goes up must come down. The police knew Newton’s law of gravity when they charged Ziminski with felony reckless endangerment charges. Thank God his bullet didn’t hit someone when it came down that riotous night. The Kenosha DA’s office charges reckless endangerment every time a gun is discharged in the city limits, and often in the county where guns can safely be discharged. These charges are chump change for a fellow traveler.
This guy is the face of the modern Democratic Party.