Joshua and Kelly Ziminski were captured many times on video rioting on August 25, 2020 during the Kenosha Riots. Kelly pleaded guilty to Obstructing an Officer and Failure to Comply with Emergency Management Order of Local Government, both misdemeanors. Joshua is currently out on bond for Arson (Felony), Disorderly Conduct / Use of a Dangerous Weapon (Misdemeanor), and Obstructing an officer for his role in the rioting and lighting a trailer on fire. Joshua Ziminski can be seen on video firing a pistol just moments before Rittenhouse would shoot and kill Joseph Rosenbaum in self-defense. Progressive Kenosha District Attorney Michael Graveley waited over 5 months to charge Ziminski, only after community push-back. Even still, many thought Ziminski was charged too softly. Ziminski was initially held on a low, $1,000 cash bond, but Judge Schroeder raised it to $13,000 on January 31st. Ziminski was scheduled to go to trial this day, but was accused of intimidating a witness in the case, Kenosha freelance photographer Nathan Debruin. Progressive Prosecutor Zeke Wiedenfeld of Walworth County declined to charge Ziminski. Ziminski was able to post bond and was free until Monday evening when he was booked into the Kenosha County Jail for an alleged crime spree together with his wife. The duo is being held for:
Both Joshua and Kelly
Felony Armed Robbery
Felony Armed Burglary
Felony False Imprisonment
Felony Intimidation of Victim
Felony ID Theft
Misdemeanor Battery
Josh Only
Felony Bail-Jumping
Kelly Only
Probation Hold
Lieutenant John DeMario with the Kenosha Police Detective Bureau confirmed with KCE the charges that are being referred to the DA’s office. Demario said he cannot divulge specifics because the case is still considered an open investigation. Both Ziminskis are expected to be in court tomorrow at 1:00pm for their initial appearances. At this time we will obtain the charging document that will give details about the couple’s alleged crimes. KCE will be there.

(File Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)

(File Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)

(File Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)

(File Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
58 Responses
Any information on what they did to receive the charges? Obviously them pathetic losers need to be put away. And they have kids? What a poor example
at the end of the article it says they will learn more information of the crime spree at court at 1pm tomorrow! i’m sure the next article will be out shortly after!
Gravely needs to resign, or be voted out next DA election.
Or, ideally, sent to liberal paradise. Where the room and board, and food is all provided by the government, where none of the residents are allowed weapons, where the flow of information and knowledge is under tight control, where the day is structured and planned for them by one centralized leader. Of course, we know this place as ‘prison’ but hey, it’s also ‘liberal paradise’.
Or to be seen on the streets of Kenosha and receive “street justice” which he defends so much.
Part of the 10th crew. Nice!
Oh my….does this mean they won’t be able to be part of the Mandela Barnes campaign?
Best comment ?
I’m sure they’ll be eligible to be part of any Mandela Barnes Administration, hopefully it won’t be in Wisconsin. Well, maybe back in his destroyed, decaying Milwaukee. Milwaukee is already beyond saving.
Saw they got arrested, headed straight to KCE to find out scoop. And of course you are on top of it!
It would seem DA Mike Graveley has acquired a sizable amount of Soros Bucks in the Preferred Soros Membership Club for his despicable performance as a Law & Order, Justice for all, public official. There must be a ‘Pot Of Gold Bonus’ from Soros waiting for him upon his exit as Kenosha County’s most Corrupt and Filthiest DA.
Congratulations on being cited by The Daily Wire, Kevin!
Don’t they have a pack of kids too? Haven’t they been caught drinking with the kids in the car, and other issues?
These two winners would fit right in the Biden Administration.
Put them in a mental institute…for life.
It’s hard to stomach when thinking back that the DA was attempting to send a young man to prison for the rest of his life while holding up ^ THIS ^ career criminal as someone righteous and noble.
My only hope is the good people of the community “retire” the DA.
Perhaps he’d be more suitable for a position in the food industry, like a server at iHop.
I’m sure they’ll be eligible to be part of any Mandela Barnes Administration, hopefully it won’t be in Wisconsin. Well, maybe back in his destroyed, decaying Milwaukee. Milwaukee is already beyond saving.
These two should have been in jail already but unfortunately you have a George Soros Democrat DA who’s okay with crime.
He’s more of a activist than he is a Law and Order type
Exactly, when members of the District Attorney’s Office don’t do their jobs, they should be placed in a cage to take the place of the person they refused to lock up.
Best idea yet!
Didn’t see THAT coming. Totally floored!
Rabid dogs.
Bare witness to this comparison between young men. In every race of people, there are good intentioned guys and wrong path rejects. The media is all about this optical piece, but they ignore the same story that happens in minority nieghborhoods every night. They will tell you about the homicide every morning… But never look at what caused it. Are they more complicit than a low pay rookie with weak training?
So what’s worse: The sanctimonious faces of the liberals who pollute our world with their nonsense, or the effeminate, weak prosecutors who enable them?
I’m sure they’ll be eligible to be part of any Mandela Barnes Administration, hopefully it won’t be in Wisconsin. Well, maybe back in his destroyed, decaying Milwaukee. Milwaukee is already beyond saving.
The libtard stench that ruined UW Parkside will undoubtably have guest lecture positions available for these two turds. Lock them up and throw away the key. An six by eight foot cell with one hour of time outside per day will give them some time to think about all of the great choices they made in their lives. Good job Kevin and God Bless.