“Since I started in journalism, it was always my goal or dream to work for the Kenosha News,” Thompson told the newspaper when they hired him in 2017. While that may have been one of his goals, he had another one that proved not to mesh well with his other – activism.
After the Kenosha Police shooting of Jacob Blake, the activism role would take over, and land him without a job. Thompson was not working during a planned pro-Jacob Blake rally in downtown Kenosha on August 29, 2020. He went down there anyway and took videos for the Kenosha News’ social media. One speaker loudly screamed. “If you kill one of us, it’s time for us to kill one of yours” to which a crowd of BLM and Antifa loudly screamed in agreement of the obvious incitement of violence against the police. Thompson then noticed a temporary headline on the Kenosha News mobile app:

Thompson was furious with the Kenosha News’ then-editor Bob Heiss (D). He texted Heiss and demanded that the headline be changed. Heiss responded, “…you should calm down. That is a public threat and it is an exact quote.” Thompson then responded “Then I quit.” Heiss asked for a written resignation and Thompson sent it.
After all that fuss and Thompson quitting a job he desperately needed to support himself, the Kenosha News changed the headline anyway. It was later changed to “Kenosha speaker strays from message at rally.” The Kenosha News, after all, is very heavily left-leaning. Thompson would later tell liberal news outlets around the world that the headline threatened the movement of Black Lives Matter and that’s what made him so upset. Thompson took to Facebook later that night to say “Tonight, please support the Blake family in undoing any damage this headline did by sharing EVERY SINGLE VIDEO of how peaceful we were…….. #JusticeForJacobBlake” Thompson put no blame on the man who encouraged the murder of police officers, but instead the media that reported on it. Thompson branded himself as the #unemployededitor and #thatkenoshajournalist.
The liberal media quickly made Thompson a hero and he was getting a lot of attention. He then realized he could profit off of his new-found-fame. With that, the grifting began. Thompson told his solidly liberal fan-base that he was going to start a “new media.” He would start a gofundme and say “I’m asking (and feel like an ass asking) for some assistance during this time to the tune of $5,000. I figure that’s what I need to have two months free to develop and launch new projects while being able to cover my bills, pay for medications, etc. So if you want to invest in me, my journalism skills and you want a better news source in Kenosha, please donate.”


Even Mark Ruffalo, Kenosha native and Democrat darling to the left, encouraged people to donate to Thompson:

Thompson would soon be given more than $45,000. Since he raised $40,000 more than his goal, he promised his fans he would spend $22,500 on himself, and $22,500 on “Uptown.” As he said he would, he started a media website called the “Uptown Observer.” Coincidentally, KCE’s first publication was on the same day as Uptown Observer’s – 9/25/2020. Here is the thing though, he didn’t really post much news at all since.
2020 (1) News Article
2021 (10) News Articles and (43) Music-Related Posts and (1) Plea for donations
2022 (4) News Articles
2023 (2) News Articles
In the same time, 842 days ago, Kenosha County Eye would produce (472) news articles. But more than $20k on a website where he posted news less than 20 times? It didn’t make sense to us, so we contacted Thompson. He didn’t respond. He did, however post to his Facebook page warning his fans that we were digging around:

Thompson claims that legally, he could use the money he was donated however he wishes. He is right, but ethically, is that OK? He did promise a “new media.” But where did all the money go? Thomson won’t say a word…

19 Responses
He’s like all these other clowns like Mercado media, koerri etc. they all made money off of the riots. We’re vocal and bias, now all they do is sit on their ass, beg for money while they literally stream fox or another news station. It blows my mind people give money to these bums while they just stream another live station.
Another downtown Donny. Haaaa.
Downtown Donny doesn’t ask for donations on GOFUNDME. He’s out working for a living to support his family. Not sure where the connection to Downtown Donny is.
He don’t do shit. Just like the other ones who turned activist to make money. All by donations and stupid send me stars bullshit. Sit on their ass and beg for money to run a leftist scam
They the “Papa Doc” of Kenosha. Cranbrook graduates!
Yah! When’s the story about Downtown Donny?????
I apologize, but what/who are you referring to when you say “Downtown” Donny? Never heard that term before and now I’m seriously curious.
I don’t understand the hate. Downtown Donny isn’t an activist, he’s a guy who works for Happenings Magazine and interviews small business owners and sells ads for the Downtown Kenosha magazine that gets published quarterly. He literally just promotes businesses downtown…
BLM a criminal organization for criminals the proof is in the article ! Fleece people out of money under the flag of Justice and spend the money on a life style . Why should this suprise anyone ?
BLM a criminal organization for criminals the proof is in the article ! Fleece people out of money under the flag of Justice and spend the money on a life style . Why should this suprise anyone ?
Didn’t Racine County Eye position herself closely with him, along with making a big deal about how she’s in no way affiliated with Kenosha County Eye? Seems like she would have been better with KCE as opposed to the grifter, lol.
Ha! Touché
I don’t get it. What is the story here?
Guy asks for donations, people donate.
You just sound jealous that people supported him.
I read the piece waiting for the juicy facts that would really slander Thompson and you really got nothing.
Swing and a miss. Try again.
You’re trying so hard to pretend this wasn’t a story. “Guy asks for donations, people donate”. You forgot the other 2 parts of the story: Guy promises to make media and donate $23k to uptown, Guy pockets money. This is typical with BLM activists, so that’s also why this is a legit story. Sit down before you make more of a fool of yourself.
He probably did donate to uptown…..paying dealers for crack.
Pretty sure no one here is jealous of some nobody who literally had to beg for donations on GOFUNDME and is still broke and not making a difference in the community. His next step is probably being homeless….yeah we are all so jealous.
Guilty white liberals have plenty of money.
Psalm 101:5. Whoever secretly slanders his neighbor, him I will destroy; No one who has a haughty look and an arrogant heart will I endure