(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
A larger than normal amount of deputies escorted 35-year old Allan Brown into Judge Anthony Milisauskas’ court room today. Brown rejected a recent pleas deal and decided to go to trial.

(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
According to the criminal complaint:
“On October 21, 2021 at approximately 11:15 am Kenosha County Dispatch was contacted by OnStar, advising of a stolen vehicle that had been tracked to the Benson Corners/Pizza Express, located at 20000 75th Street in the Village of Bristol, County of Kenosha, State of Wisconsin. Chicago Police Detectives also contacted Kenosha Dispatch advising that the same stolen vehicle that OnStar had called about was stolen in a carjacking/homicide in their jurisdiction.
The homicide/carjacking of this vehicle involved the suspect shooting and killing the registered owner of the vehicle before stealing the vehicle. Chicago PD further stated that the individual operating the stolen vehicle was a suspect in that homicide and should be taken into custody for their investigation. The vehicle information provided was a brown 2016 Buick Encore bearing Illinois registration W144122 disabled. Chicago PD requested that Kenosha County Sheriff’s Department respond to Benson Corners/Pizza Express and attempt to locate the vehicle and if located, to take the operator into custody for questioning.
Deputy Coultrip was the first to arrive on scene and advised over the air that the stolen vehicle was at this location and appeared to be occupied by one suspect. Video surveillance from the gas station later showed the suspect drive the stolen vehicle and pull into the gas station parking lot, sit for a while, exit the vehicle, walk around the gas station, enter the gas station to make a purchase, and then walk back to the stolen vehicle. The suspect then remained in the stolen vehicle until deputies arrived.
Deputy Coultrip identified that the suspect vehicle was parked on the easternmost edge of the parking lot, facing east. Deputy Coultrip proceeded through the parking lot and backed into a parking spot on the westernmost edge of the parking lot, keeping the stolen Buick in his line of sight. Over the course of the next several minutes Deputy Avila, Deputy Weyand, and Deputy Tifft with K9 partner Deputy Riggs arrived on scene. Deputy Coultrip reported that he had observed a lot of movement in the vehicle as well as the brake lights going on and off.
The deputies then attempted a high risk traffic stop to attempt to take the suspect into custody. All four deputies were in fully marked Kenosha County Sheriff patrol squads with lights and wearing full patrol uniforms including external carriers with Sheriff identifier on the back in large, gold lettering. The deputies drove eastbound across the parking lot and approximately halfway across, activated their emergency lights. Deputy Coultrip immediately began giving commands over the PA system in his squad for the suspect, who was later identified as Allan Brown, the defendant, to exit the vehicle with his hands up.
Brown exited the vehicle and then took off running eastbound. Deputy Coultrip chased after Brown on foot along with Deputy Tifft, K9 Riggs and Deputy Avila. Deputies Avila and Coultrip stopped the chase momentarily to allow Deputy Tifft and K9 Riggs to get in the lead before they began pursuing again. While still pursuing Brown eastbound and now in the eastern access road into the gas station, deputies observed Brown produced a firearm in his right hand.
Pursuing deputies immediately gave verbal commands to drop the gun. Brown did not comply. Deputy Tifft released K9 Riggs’s leash and K9 Riggs began pursuit of Brown. While continuing to flee eastbound, Brown turned his head and looked over his left shoulder, while turning his torso. With the firearm between Brown’s body and his left arm, Brown fired one round behind him, in the direction of the pursuing Deputies Coultrip, Avila, Tifft and K9 Riggs, with reckless disregard for the safety of the deputies and K9 Riggs. It is reported that Deputies Coultrip, Tifft, Avila and K9 Riggs were all within approximately 10 to 30 yards of Brown when Brown first discharged his weapon in their direction.
K9 Riggs then made contact with Brown shortly after Brown discharged his firearm for the first time. Both Brown and K9 Riggs were observed falling to the ground. Body camera footage shows Brown appearing to wrestle with K9 Riggs, rolling into the grass median between the access road and STH 50. Brown then discharges his firearm two additional times, striking K9 Riggs directly in the head. After Brown discharged his firearm for the third time, deputies then returned fire, striking and injuring Brown. Brown was provided medical aid while Bristol Rescue was en route and subsequently transported to the hospital where he was determined to be in stable condition and treated for gunshot injury to his left thigh, gunshot injury to his abdomen and a graze injury to the bicep.
K9 Riggs suffered a gunshot wound to the head and was transported first to Harris Pet Hospital in Salem, WI for stabilization and then transferred by Salem Lakes Rescue to Veterinary Specialty Center in Buffalo Grove, IL. Riggs was hospitalized for approximately two
days before being released. Veterinary Specialty Center described K9 Rigg’s injuries as a gunshot wound to the cranium with secondary soft tissue edema and mild brain edema/contusion. It was determined that as a result of being shot in the head, K9 Riggs is unable to continue his work as a police K9 and will have to take an early medical retirement.
A firearm was recovered in the grass where Brown came to rest after exchanging gunfire. This firearm was as a black Walther PPK32 semi automatic pistol bearing serial number 123012P.
A criminal background run on Brown indicated that he is a convicted Felon out of the State of Illinois having been convicted of the Felony offense of Aggravated Battery/Great Bodily Harm on June 19, 2009 in Cook County Circuit Court Case No. 08CR068821 and said conviction remains of record and unreversed.”

(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
Because of the serious nature of the charges, Brown will have two attorneys from the Wisconsin Public Defender’s office during trial – Addison Kuhn and McKenna Quinter.

(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
Assistant District Attorney Alexandria Smathers will be prosecuting the case alone this week.

(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
Judge Milisauskas is presiding over this trial that will begin tomorrow with opening statements tomorrow. The jury was selected today in under 2 hours. Deputy K9 Riggs is doing well and has been back on the job for more than a year.
2 Responses
Why is this court case ahead of homicide charges in Illinois? Just another example of clogging the court system.
Obviously you didn’t read the story…..shooting at Kenosha deputies cannot be taken lightly. We need to insure this idiot will do his time.