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Indian Trail High School Teacher Keeps Job After Sending Inappropriate Texts To Student

Indian Trail and Academy Teacher Melvin Tart (39) of Gurnee, IL

Community members are outraged after learning that a teacher at Indian Trail High School and Academy, Melvin Tart, is keeping his job after it was discovered that he sent inappropriate texts to a student. According to internal documents obtained by KCE, Tart was disciplined on January 20, 2023, after a two-day investigation of misconduct allegations.

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A letter in Tart’s personnel file says in part:

“Mr. Tart, You are being issued disciplinary action …. for your actions …. An investigation was conducted by school administration at Indian Trail High School and Academy and reviewed by the Kenosha Unified School District Office of Human Resources. The investigation focused on your inappropriate interactions via text message with one of your students, “Mary.” Of most concern is the interaction with [Mary] in the form of continuous text exchanges between you and [her]. The tenor of the texts is inappropriate and are concerning. You share in your texts with [Mary], personal details about yourself, and divulge to [Mary] that you had a dream about [her] but tell [her] that you will have to save that until [she] gets out of ITA. During the course of my investigation, you shared that the dream you had about [her] was sexual in nature.”

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According to records, Tart asked Mary for her cell phone number so that he could use her to babysit his child, but the investigation yielded no mention of babysitting.

“In accordance with the discipline process outlined in the KUSD Employee Handbook Section 7, you are being given this written reprimand for your actions involving Mary” the letter later states.

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Kevin Neir – KUSD HR Director
(File Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)

Tart was then directed by Kevin Neir, Interim Chief Human Resources Officer, to delete her email address and cell phone number from his phone and have no contact with Mary.

Tanya Ruder – KUSD Chief Communications Officer
(File Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)

KCE was first tipped off to this incident in March. We then reached out to KUSD Chief Communications Officer Tanya Ruder. She told us: “On January 17, 2023, the district was made aware of allegations of misconduct and immediately launched an in-depth investigation. The individual was placed on paid leave January 18, 2023, and the investigation concluded on January 20, 2023. No additional details can be shared as this is a personnel matter.”

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We then published an article on March 28, 2023. In this article we reported that “[Mr. Tart] was back at work.” We soon thereafter received another tip that Mr. Tart was in fact not back at school. We then followed up again with Ruder who told us: “I can confirm that Mr. Tart is an active employee with no access restrictions.”

KCE didn’t name Tart last month becuase we didn’t know if there was any misconduct found to have been committed. Tart, however, lawyered up. He hired Robert K. Weber, an attorney out of Racine, WI to send us a letter. The letter wrote, in part, “Mr. Mathewson, I am a staunch advocate for and supporter of the freedom of the press. I find your columns to be generally insightful and fair. I am also defamation and libel counsel to Mr. Melvin Tart. It is in the latter capacity that I am writing to caution you with regard to any future publication regarding Mr. Tart that features any misrepresentation, false claims or defamatory language …. [the file] which may concern a minor infraction of a school district teacher-student contact policy, but I am warning you that any misrepresentation of the facts will lead to immediate litigation.

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Attorney Weber then said that KCE is “on notice” of our ongoing obligation to preserve all documents, including from sources. Attorney Weber is semi-retired, so he may not have known about Wis. Stat. § 885.14(2)(a) that states:

(a) Prohibition. Except as provided in par. (b), no person having the power to issue a subpoena may issue a subpoena compelling a news person to testify about or produce or disclose any of the following that is obtained or prepared by the news person in the news person’s capacity in gathering, receiving, or preparing news or information for potential dissemination to the public:

1. The identity of a confidential source of any news or information.

2. Any information that would tend to identify the confidential source of any news or information.

3. Any news or information obtained or prepared in confidence by the news person.

4. Any news, information, or identity of any source of any news or information that is not described in subd. 1.2., or 3.

KCE reached out to Kenosha Police today and Lt. Joe Nosalik told us that the department wasn’t notified of this conduct by KUSD administration based on a search he conducted. KCE spoke with the father of the girl and he expressed a great deal of disappointment in the district. He thinks Tart’s pattern of behavior is indicative of someone engaging in predatory behavior. The age of the girl is was 17 at the time of the texting.

KUSD Superintendent Jeff Weiss (D)
(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)

We also reached out to KUSD Superintendent Jeff Weiss who had the ultimate authority to let Tart keep his job. Weiss, through a spokesman, said the district won’t be commenting on this matter. We reached out to members of the board of education, who also chose to keep their lips sealed. We did speak to Mr. Tart. We asked him if his student that he was texting was over 18 or not yet 18. He replied “talk to my lawyer” and hung up. We did reach out to his attorney, and he didn’t immediately respond to our phone message or email. His first letter to KCE, discussed above, was actually sent to the Kenosha News. We thank the Kenosha News for giving us the letter. KCE spoke to many community members today. Most believed that Tart should have been fired.

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Large Sheriff’s Deputy Presence At Wilmot High School Stemmed From Illinois Incident

On September 11th, 2024 around 12:06 pm, the Kenosha County Sheriff’s Department was requested by the Lake County Sheriff’s Office to assist in locating an armed suicidal male along the Wisconsin and Illinois state line along the Fox River Road. Due to this location being near Wilmot Union High School, Kenosha County Sheriff David W. Zoerner worked with the School Resource Officer at Wilmot Union High School and the School Administration to do everything possible to

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Illinois Man Who Died In Lake Michigan While Exploring Shipwreck Identified As 72-Year-Old Winthrop Harbor Man

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KCE Article That Was Taken Down Via Court Order Can Go Back Up With Legal Victory: Judge

Today, Kevin Mathewson, editor of Kenosha County Eye scored his 17th legal victory in regards to public records disputes. That makes 17 for 17. In this case, Mathewson sought disciplinary files within the personnel file of Tremper English teacher Mark P. Wisniewski, 41, of Kenosha. Wisniewski was recently convicted of his third OWI after leading Kenosha Police on a 1 mile chase with a blood alcohol content of .300 – almost four times the legal limit.

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Illinois Diver Presumed Deceased After He Failed To Resurface After Exploring Famous Shipwreck

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Kenosha Judge Sentences Kenosha Man Who Terrorizes Women To Nine Months In Jail

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Woman Who Bought Gun For Man Who Used It The Same Day In A Double Homicide Charged – Victim’s Family Speaks Out

A Racine woman who bought the gun that Lawrence Franklin, Jr used to kill his girlfriend and unborn child was charged today with one Felony Count of Straw Purchasing a Firearm. Kaliyah M. Patterson, 22. of Racine, faces 10 years in the Wisconsin Prison System if convicted. Lawrence G. Franklin, Jr was charged late yesterday, September 9, 2024, with two counts of 1st Degree Intentional Homicide, both as Repeaters and with the Dangerous Weapon Enhancers. Franklin

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Two Counts Of Homicide, Five Other Felonies Charged Against Man Who Murdered Girlfriend, Child

A 25-year-old Kenosha man was charged late yesterday, September 9, 2024, with two counts of 1st Degree Intentional Homicide, both as Repeaters and with the Dangerous Weapon Enhancers. Franklin was also charged with Possession of a Firearm By a Felon as a repeater, and four counts of Felony Bail Jumping, all as repeaters. He faces a mandatory minimum of life in prison, but a judge may allow for parole in 20 years. Kenosha DA Mike Graveley

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KCE Editor Sues District Attorney Michael Graveley For The Third Time – Looking For 3 Out of 3 Wins

Kenosha County District Attorney Mike Graveley (D) told KCE today that he will not release secret documents outlining deals worked out between his office and illegal aliens that occured in secret, locked courtrooms. After learning about this secret program created by Graveley, with the support of current DA candidate Carli McNeill (D), KCE asked for the last three months of these agreements. Graveley told us this morning that he will not be releasing the documents. He

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Kenosha DA Has Secret Program That Dismisses Criminal Charges Against Illegal Aliens During Secret Meetings

KCE has just learned that Kenosha County District Attorney Mike Graveley (D), with the support of current DA candidate Carli McNeill (D), has a secret program that dismisses criminal charges against illegal aliens. Illegal aliens who get caught without a license get a non-criminal citation that includes only a fine. For second and subsequent charges, everyone is supposed to be charged criminally. Not under Graveley and McNeill’s watch if you are in the country illegally. There

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Manhunt Underway For Lawrence G. Franklin, JR For Double Murder, A Man Who Was Given Many Breaks From DA’s Office

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Kenosha Police Conduct Manhunt For Man Who Murdered Pregnant Girlfriend, Unborn Child

Just after 4:30 p.m. on Friday evening, police were summoned to the intersection of 13th Avenue and 65th Street for a report of shots fired. A woman caller told police that her sister was shot in the head by her boyfriend. It was later revealed that the victim was pregnant. Kenosha Police spent several hours searching for the offender. According to police radio traffic, the firearm was located, but KCE cannot confirm this to be the

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Kenosha Man Connected To Many Area-Democrat Campaigns Charged With Two Serious Child Abuse Felonies

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100 Responses

  1. Yes, he should be fired. There are very bright lines that educators should never cross. If they cross them, they need to suffer a professional death penalty. These lines also exist in other professions. These penalties should also be imposed just as aggressively in these other professions.

  2. Reminds me of the time that two Indian trail staff members both went to prison for having sec with the same girl…… Mr Nelson, and the security guard too….. virtual may have been safer then……

  3. Hate to point it out- but why can lesbian gym teachers (with registered partners for benefits) watch girls change??? They would never have a male watch girls change….. discrimination

    1. When I was at Bradford (graduated in ‘02) there was a lesbian gym teacher who would sit in the locker room as we changed. It was remarkably uncomfortable and not. one. single. member of administration cared AT ALL when my Mom called to express concern.

      KUSD’s blatant disregard for their student has been long-standing.

  4. Sounds more like some officials in the school system far above the level of teacher need to be let go. You mentioned at least two of them in this story.

  5. We need more diversity in leadership roles in our schools! Can’t we find a non-binary, black, asexual, previously trans, hermaphrodite to groom our white children? Maybe the Pleasant Prairie Police Department could find the right “it” seeing as they partnered with the LGBT Center which they boasted about on their FB page yesterday .

    Enjoying the Jew/Satanic agenda yet Kenosha?

    1. Mr./Ms. Red Pill is correct, though seemingly way under-medicated. It’s (always) the Jews, and, of course, Satan! Now, if only they’d join us decent Nazis in worshipping a filthy, rotting corpse on a stick we could stop hating them. Or not. Hating Jews is so much fun when limited intellect precludes enjoying reality based diversions.

      1. I like getting the conversations going.

        Thank you kindly, I know I am right but you are wrong about me being a”Nazi”. That is a label used by Jews to describe the national socialists of WW2. “Nazi” is a Jew term, like “anti-semite” and “racist” derived from AshkeNAZI (a sect of jews). These are the same ones that surrounded Trump during his presidency while he pretended to be a conservative guy that was putting America first while having communities named after him and coins with his face stamped on them in Israel. (They always come up with terms to confuse intellectuals as yourself.)

        Now, which reality Doclogic? The one where we are on a floating ball spinning through space at 66k mph, the Jews are Gods chosen, the fed is our friend, your vote counts, politicians have our best interests in mind and big pharma is only here to help us and news agencies keep giving the population diefferent political problems to keep people fighting amongst themselves? This reality?

        Or the truth, that the reality presented above is a host of lies to control people with intellect as high as yours that are overly medicated?

        Do you think things are continually getting better or worse? Who controls the agendas or are there no agendas? Who decides what is newsworthy nationally? Why do we need to keep going along with these agendas? How much shit will you eat before spitting it out? I could be wrong, but you strike me as someone who finds it quite palatable. It doesn’t happen often, but hopefully I’m wrong about you Doclogic.

        1. Whew! Paranoid schizophrenia is SO interesting! It starts with small personal failures…trouble in school or daycare, relationship issues, rejection by the opposite sex due to impotence, etc. But it can’t be the patient’s fault because that would cause self-shame and unbearable pain, so a responsible, oppressing entity must be identified, such as blacks, whites, Jews, Catholics, Martians, the spirits of dead relatives, etc. Some group, any group to which the patient does not belong, that controls “the agenda” and is responsible for all that internal shame and suffering. Very sad. Here, Mr./Ms. Pill, is your word for the day. Take it seriously, take it to heart, but mainly, ask your doctor (hopefully, not a Jewish one, but aren’t they all?????) and just take it: risperidone. You don’t need to be this angry and sad. Best wishes for a speedy recovery.

          1. Sorry Doc, you got it wrong again. I do not fit into any of your boxes/labels…You actually have me pegged for the opposite of everything that I am. You just may be another legal drug dealer pushing your big pharma drugs onto someone and sending them on their way.

            Word of the day: Cuck. Sentence: Doclogic is a cuck to big pharma.

            All not kidding aside, I am hopeful you aren’t really a doctor for the sake of the general public. I know all that Phizer, Moderna, J&J, AstroZeneca that you had to take along with booster shot after booster shot as a big pharma cuck wreaks havoc on the body and mind. How is your immune system? Keep getting sick? Not to brag, but I’m a proud Pure Blood. Maybe I’ll change my handle here to Pure Blood, what do you think? My “paranoid schizophrenia” as you call it definitely works to my advantage as I can see right through your reality and didn’t inject myself with that poison and make your reality, mine. The propaganda doesn’t work on me and I can see right through you too. Doclogic followed the science. LOL!

            Despite thinking you are smart “Doclogic” you aren’t. You can’t debate or argue with me because you lack the intelligence to do so. Actually, truth stand on its own so how do yo argue against that? Instead, you try to discredit me by labeling me with a mental condition. You are what some would call a bully. I wouldn’t call you that though. Cuck is much more fitting.

            For the record “Martians” are fake and gay, just like Coronavirus, Globe Earth, Dinosaurs, Space, NASA and you. Lastly, you need to repent and ask forgiveness for blasphemy like your soul depends on it. Because it does. Blasphemy is the epitome of dumb.

        2. No, you enjoy incessant Jew hating statements and I don’t care how nice the owner of this site wants to be to everybody, there’s a point at which rotting garbage needs to be thrown out. That includes long over date red pills.

          1. Very disturbing how free speech is under attack in my own community. Red pill said there would be hissing for saying what he says and there is. Ignore and move on, you are only reinforcing rp’s point. Now you want the site owner to remove the comments. This is fascism.

    2. Wake up you moron!! Indian Trail has a diverse group of young students at the school. It is not an all white school!!

      1. No shit. I’m talking about needing more diversity with staff. It was sarcasm.

        I assume “Mary” is not diverse but diversity was preying on Mary and apparently you are good with that.

        It would take you the same amount of time for you to contact Indian trail about their child predator as you took to try labeling me a moron. The school could be a better place and maybe something would get done.


      1. Pleasant Prairie Police is providing the LGBT Center of SE Wisconsin with “unique” training and in return the LGBT Center will give officers “safe space” training.

        1. I wonder what this “unique” training is? Maybe they will allow me to attend one or all of this training they are giving the group so i can see what they are training them on. Interesting. I would really like to know what kind of “training” a Police Dept is giving a group of people that they have partnered with.

        2. HMMMM…what is safe space training? Sounds the opposite of what the group gives children. They will yet again, I’m sure, get approval for promoting their chosen lifestyle to the under age kids in Kenosha by advertising their event to be TRANS for a parade walk this summer! We need to get rid of the Kenosha officials who allow that kind of promotional things against our kids! Under the age of 18!

    3. How does “partnering” with a particular group of people help you serve your community. The police dept can learn about groups in their training, whether it be the alphabet group, the Christian group, the all different color (pick one) groups, or any religious group, but they don’t need to “partner” with them. I might be thinking of a different Police Dept, but wasn’t there a big back lash about the PP police standing side by side or supporting the Christian Organization recently and they pulled their name from “supporting” them?

      1. Maybe Capt. M can answer your question of how partnering with a group helps serve your community? Are they going to partner with all groups or just the LGBT Center? And what happened to the Q folks? Why aren’t they partnering with a “Q”organization?

      1. Blue Pills either keep you asleep to reality or make your dick hard. Which is it blue pill? Are you asleep to reality or making dicks hard?

  6. Public schools with union teachers.
    Seems to be the foundation of creating a dysfunctional society.

  7. How many trash parents are still going to allow their daughters to be attend class with Melvin Tart? There was an investigation and Melvin Tart was found guilty of inappropriate text messages and admitted he alluded to a dream that involved sex with the student. How embarrassing. How stupid can Melvin Tart be? I would not want someone so stupid teaching my child anything.

    Kevin mopped the floor with Attorney Robert K Weber. Attorney Weber couldn’t even his threatening letter to the right address…Kenosha News had to forward it to Kevin. Bwahahaha what a buffoon Attorney Robert K Weber is. Seems Melvin Tart and Attorney Robert K Weber were made for each other, both untrustworthy (if you can’t trust an attorney with getting a letter to the correct address, how will he handle the really difficult issues?!) Embarrassing!!!

    1. Well Kevin did state that the attorney was semi-retired. I think he probably needs to retire completely!! Then again, he probably can’t afford to retire since his clientele is limited since he doesn’t appear to be to reliable! You know the saying, you can’t fix stupid!

  8. Of course he wasn’t fired. He’s black he’s in a union and you’re dealing with the KUSD, which is a woke administration enough said the guy was white he’d be done…

  9. I find this very frustrating. I respect the profession of teaching, but all of the bad ones have to go. There are some good ones left still.

    1. I have to believe the parents of those girls from the prom images had to have gone to the board. Right? THEY WERE HUMILIATING.
      Yet ….he’s at all sports events.

  10. Maybe now is the time for teachers to wear body cams like police? What could be more important than a safe learning environment for our precious youth? To argue against that would mean you have something to hide.

    1. Not a bad idea. During 2020/2021/2022 when parents wanted to sit in the virtual classes their kids were forced to be in, the teachers wouldn’t have it! They didn’t want the parents to know what was being taught in the classroom. I think every parent should be allowed to see all that is being taught to their kids in the classroom and if the parents don’t like it, OPT their child out of that session of the class. Parents need to be so much more evolved with the schools and what is going on with their kids.
      Body cams aren’t a bad idea, but it took the Police Dept long enough to get theirs so I can’t imagine how long it would take for a school in Kenosha County to got them. Maybe start with a camera in the classrooms? Although, this situation was through texts so I’m not sure how that would work to catch someone inappropriately communicating with a student.

  11. The reason this teacher is back and a few other teachers that were fired for various reasons. Like this , or walking out of classrooms to join in student walk outs and protests . They are back is because Kusd can not find any teachers to replace them. So they hire them back. Dig into some of the high schools in the past month we have watch people fired and brought back a week later . It’s unacceptable and blows our minds .

    1. Maybe people who want to be teachers can do what Steinbrink JR did and get another employee to take the engineering( although this would be a bachelor)degree test for them so they have the degree to be a teacher!
      Parents need to pull their kids from these schools and teach their kids themselves. At least you’d know what they were REALLY being taught and they sound like they’d be safer!

  12. another perv in a leadership role at kusd. poor kids are being harassed and sexually assaulted. This perv teacher will get a promotion like Curtis

  13. This is so pathetic, unacceptable behavior! This POS should be nowhere near students. It seems that there are a couple more recent stories involving this same high school? I wonder what the outcome of these will be? This story needs to be shared everywhere possible.

  14. Maybe people who want to be teachers can do what Steinbrink JR did and get another employee to take the engineering( although this would be a bachelor)degree test for them so they have the degree to be a teacher!
    Parents need to pull their kids from these schools and teach their kids themselves. At least you’d know what they were REALLY being taught and they sound like they’d be safer!

  15. Obviously Mr Kennow has a history of keeping people he shouldn’t. The male photographer that did Indian Trails winter formal is still being used for prom AFTER POSTING online pictures of girls with their underwear showing!

    1. Exactly. This needs to come out for sure! I’ve complained about that photographer for 6 years now and nothing has changed. His website is absolutely disgusting on what to wear for girls vs what to wear for boys. KUSD at its finest!!

      1. Who is this photographer? Looking to get graduation photos for my daughter and would like to stay clear of this person for sure. I keep hearing terrible things about this person.

  16. KUSD is a joke. With a district this size and ability to be amazing the people in charge are running into the ground.

  17. Thank God my kids are almost done. I feel bad for future generations. Good teachers are hard to find. And the bad ones seem to be hidden in the shadows. Well except for this one he’s out front and no one’s doing anything about it. Good job KUSD.

  18. This is going to happen more and more. Partly because of the people who are in charge of our school board and how they feel necessary on what things to attack and what not. So really, this is also partly to blame on the voters who keep voting in idiots.

  19. So KUSD thinks it is ok to have a pedophile teaching children? This is insanity! Parents, homeschool your kids. Do not subject them to perverts like this man

  20. So glad my child is almost out of KUSD, what an alarming situation this is. Where there is smoke there’s fire.


  21. Years ago when I worked at School District then Hospitals, we were trained to call the police than social services. But now we protect the abuser and the ENTIRE DISTRICT is on Board with it. They all need to be put in JAIL. Of course we NEED TO PROTECT THE MINORITY HES BEEN WRONGED by Society. That Gives him the right to violate young girls. And this so called Attorney with his scare tactics . WE HAVE A RIGHT TO KNOW. Your client is scum bag. Maybe you can let him tutor your Daughter or Niece. He has extra time now. With your Woke ASS. US REAL PARENTS WHO ACTUALLY GIVE A SHIT ARE GETTING SICK OF YOU PEOPLE SILENCING US AND MOLESTING OUR BABIES AT SCHOOL SO FU SCHOOLS AND OVERPAID LAWYERS

  22. Yikes. This is such a poorly written article that has been edited since it’s original posting. Makes you wonder if the “investigator” who wrote this was just doing it to get a rise out of the community and ruin this man’s life. If there was any allegations to be charged with, he would have been. This isn’t journalism. It’s an attempt at a witch hunt. I hope anyone who reads this considers the source…

    Thank you Kevin for your hard work.
    Once again Mr. Mathewson is sharing truth with the public.
    Too many news organizations are easily cowed by leftists. Especially lawyer’s that take enjoyment in “lawfare” weaponization against truth seekers and truth tellers.

    Mr. “Tart” is living up to his name.
    Accused “predators” often end up in the news and possibly in prison…. tick tick tick.
    Auto Body shop owner turned Reality TV “enthusiast,” Joey Buttafuoco, (Amy Fisher shot Joey’s wife, MaryJo.) kid’s TV show producer James Gunn, Democrat Anthony “Carlos Danger” Weiner. Robert “Hunter” Biden (Laptop From Hell,) Joe (Tara Reade) “Pedo Pete” Biden. The Dalai Lama (suck my tongue,) perv. Olympic team sport’s doctor, Dr. Lawrence Nassar (girl’s gymnastics.) Charlie Sheen (Corey Haim accused Sheen of rape & sexually abused.) Singer R Kelly, actor Drake Bell, actor Joseph Gatt (Game Of Thrones,) actor Jeffrey Jones (Ferris Bueller.) Radical anti-patriot, John Weaver (Lincoln Project co-founder,) Mark Salling (Glee) actor/musician, (committed self-deletion,) post conviction. Actor Percy Hynes White (child of actor parent’s,) Ezra Miller, actor, James Stacy, actor (6 year prison sentence,) “Chucky” actor Ed Gale. Film director, (child rape/drugging) Roman Polanski. Gary Glitter, “7th Heaven” actor, Stephen Collins, actress/writer, Lena Dunham (admitted to being sexual with her younger sister.) Vomitous hag, (comic/bad plastic surgery big mouth) Kathy Griffin. Griffin brother was a violent man and longtime pedophile. Griffin claims brother Kenny was “sexually inappropriate” with her from childhood. Griffin knew her brother was a pedo and drug abuser (with other kid’s too) yet didn’t report her brother to law enforcement. Kenny Griffin was finally put in prison where he eventually died. “OPPERATION MARCH SADNESS 2” involved the arrest of 108 people in Florida. Including numerous Disney employees for child trafficking and sexual predation. Clinton “cuddlers” Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell. Married sixth grade teacher Mary Kay Letourneau, (age 34 year’s old) had sex (rape) with her male student (age 12/13,) Vili Faulaau. Despite being imprisoned at different points, Letourneau continued her relationship with her victim Faulaau. They later married and divorced.. Two daughter’s were produced during their union.
    Subway Sandwich spokesperson Jared Fogel, is serving time for child sex tourism and processing child pornography. Thanks to a woman contacting law enforcement about Fogel’s activity, a FBI sting was conducted.
    The “open border invasion” is heavily filled with child and human sex trafficking organizers, cartels, NGO’s, paid coyotes and victim’s.
    The people in power that are giving Mr. Tart a “grin and a wink” (with full pay along the way) will be responsible for the “Indian Trail Of Tears” victim’s (past, present and future) that will be left in gutters, graves, drug treatment center’s and prisons, after being victimized by criminals that skate free.
    Don’t forget, most predators were victim’s. Brain’s forever damaged by their life altering experiences they endured that will never go away!
    Thanks to the slip writer’s, more victim’s will come.
    Let’s hope the victim’s will come forward and sue every person and agency involved in this matter.
    I bet Soros is laughing at how easy it was to destroy America.
    The battle between good and evil is hard to win when the system is financially and politically “rigged!”
    *IMO, allegedly.
    God help us all????

  24. In my experience as a teacher, how will you let yourself get caught that badly. After working at an Elementary for the past 11 years of my career, I can successfully claim that I’ve never once been caught. Thank the lord for not granting these school kids iPhones and Android devices. I say we ban all cellular devices in order to protect the common teacher or other school faculty members. We need to stop kids from being able to talk about what we teach in the classroom and definitely need to protect teachers more. Stop jumping to conclusions I’m sure Mr. Tart hasn’t done anything wrong that we know of right now, All just allegations against a misunderstood person who was probably just targeted by an unruly student. Probably one of the ghetto-ass white chicks that were raised wrong.

    1. You have no business teaching a classroom. Its no wonder why the children cant add without a phone, or read a book. Nor understand that calling themselves a female when they have a penis will never make them a true female. Also your a hateful person racist and side with a sexual deviant over innocent children. Let the reprobate spend time with your young female family members. Since your good with that.

  25. When Jeffery Spenser was at Indian trail sending texts and was caught
    The superintendent had to be called by police chief to let Decetives in the school to interview girls to find out more info otherwise the school district was gonna sweep it under the table.
    Spenser admitted breaking rules at last job but AD wanted him hired as a favor to spensers dad. No investigation into any of that ever.

        1. Removed by using the link that was provided but still there if you use the menu bar. The what to wear for females on the photographer’s page.

  26. I doubt Attorney Webber would have the balls nor the skill to successfully win a slander or libel case against Kevin in court. While Webber was a municipal judge in the city of Racine, his court could not even maintain proper records.

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