(Kenosha County Sheriff)
A Salem man who was criminally charged today for five felonies and one misdemeanor, added a potential 30-plus years in prison to his exposure for four already-active felony cases in three Wisconsin counties. Trenton B. Kmiec, (23), was in Kenosha Circuit Court today after he was arrested last Friday, just ten days after he was released on separate charges. He is holding on $15,000 cash bail.
Kmiec was charged in court earlier this month on May 3, 2023. The charges include felony child abuse – recklessly causing bodily harm, six counts of felony bail jumping, and intimidation of a victim. According to the criminal complaint, Kmiec’s high-school aged girlfriend called the Sheriff’s Department just before midnight on May 1, 2023. She was upset and crying when a deputy arrived. She asked the deputy to drive her down the road so she wasn’t talking in front of the house. She then told him that she and her boyfriend, Trenton Kmiec, had a fight. She said that Kmiec threw her very hard and her head hit something. She had a visible “goose egg” on the right side of her head near her temple. She then tried to call 9-1-1, but Kmiec took the phone away from her, hung it up and said “you’re not doing that.” She then begged for her phone back, but Kmiec called her a “whore” and told her to lay down and sleep or walk home. He then said he hoped she got abducted.

(File Photos By Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
She then told deputies that Kmiec has a “team of lawyers.” She was probably talking about Kmiec’s father, Ted Kmiec who is a former politician, and his law partner Kevin Noonan. Both men have represented the younger Kmiec several times.
The Kenosha County Deputy must have questioned the potentially illegal relationship, as he asked about the age. Kmiec said he didn’t know that his girlfriend was underage. Kmiec also denied touching her and said he didn’t know how she got the fresh “goose egg” on her head.

Ted Kmiec posted Trenton’s $5,000 bond 13 days after bond was set, using a credit card. Ted is a criminal defense lawyer and knows well that Trenton was ordered to stay away from his 17-year-old girlfriend and have no contact with her. He was also ordered to not commit new crimes. Ted also knows it is illegal for a 23 year old to have a sexual relationship with a 17-year old child.
According to the latest criminal complaint, late in the evening on May 26, 2023, deputies responded to Ted and Trenton Kmiec’s residence in Salem. The caller was one of the girl’s friends who heard her and Trenton arguing loudly which he was on the phone with her. He heard her say “ow.” This friend called police and summoned them to the Kmiec residence. The Sheriff’s Deputies are very familiar with this home. Deputies investigated the death of Kmiec’s mistress recently. She died on Ted’s bed. Deputies knocked on the door and Trenton answered the door. He denied that his 17-year old girlfriend was there and denied ever having contact with her. Ted also came to the door and claimed he didn’t know if she was there either and didn’t hear the loud arguing. The girl later exited the home to talk to deputies, and Ted apologized and stated that he was not aware of her presence in the home. Deputies arrested Trenton for obstructing, since he lied to police. Deputies decided against arresting Ted Kmiec. We asked Ted why he would knowingly allow his son to violate conditions of his bond. He didn’t respond to KCE’s request for comment.

(Kenosha Sheriff)
Trenton Kmiec has seemingly received the white-glove treatment from judges, court commissioners and prosecutors for the last several years. This is Kmiec’s fourth open and active felony file. In total, he faces a maximum of 70 years in the Wisconsin Prison System.
First OWI
Kmiec was driving while intoxicated on June 26, 2017. He was later convicted.

(Kenosha Sheriff)
Kenosha County Drug Possession
In 2017, Kmiec was involved in a crime involving drugs. He was arrested. DA Graveley (D) sent this case to Racine County to be “fixed” and progressive Racine County DA Patricia Hanson did not charge Kmiec, but allowed him to participate in a drug program.
Fond du Lac County Armed Pursuit
On November 24, 2021, police and prosecutors say that Kmiec lead multiple police officers and agencies on a 25 minute long, 22 mile police chase while armed and under the influence of drugs. Kmiec refused to pull over for police and drove erratically at speeds up to 85 miles per hour. He endangered many people’s lives by swerving all over the road and narrowly missing innocent bystanders. At one point he swerved around stop sticks, was rammed by police, did a 360 degree spin, but continued to evade. Eventually, Kmiec flipped the car and crashed in a ditch. Police found a Glock 19 in his possession with an extended 30-round magazine in the car. A drug recognition expert determined that Kmiec was under the influence of stimulants. There were also empty bottles of Cyclobenzaprine and Tramadol in his upside down car. Kmiec also had two Buprenorphine narcotic patches on his body. Kmiec also had a powdery substance on his nostril. Kmiec was charged with (1) Second Degree Recklessly Endangering Safety, Use of a Dangerous Weapon, (2) Fleeing and Eluding – Causing Damage to Property, Use of a Dangerous Weapon, (3) Felony Criminal Damage to Property, Use of a Dangerous Weapon, (4) Possession of a Firearm While Intoxicated, and (5) OWI (2nd). One of the victims told police that Kmiec caused $8,000 in damage to his property. Believe it or not, Governor Evers (D) appointee, Judge Tricia Walker, gave Kmiec a no-cash bond. He was released without having to pay a cent. He is awaiting trial for this case.

(Fond Du Lac County Sheriff)
Kenosha County Drug Possession
On September 2, 2022, police and prosecutors say that Kmiec was pulled over and had schedule 2 narcotics in his vehicle. Kmiec tried to throw the drugs out of his car, but the astute Deputy Tifft reviewed his squad footage and saw Kmiec throw the bag. DA Graveley sent this case to Racine County and DA Patricia Hanson’s office is handling it. Even with the serious felony file pending, Kenosha County Court Commissioner Larry Keating gave Kmiec a no-cash bail and Kmiec was released without having to pay a cent. Keating is usually reasonable with bond decisions according to local defense attorneys. Kmiec is awaiting trial on this case.
Winnebago County Drug Trafficking Arrest
Police and prosecutors say that on February 19, 2023, Kmiec was located in a bar by police, which was against his bond conditions. On his person, they found 13 plastic baggies, each contained fentanyl. Police obtained a search warrant for his home. When they arrived, they were met by Kmiec’s high-school aged girlfriend mentioned earlier. They found cutting agents and other drug manufacturing items in his bedroom. His minor girlfriend said that she didn’t know he sold drugs, but was “suspicious” of him. She thought he was selling vitamins to people posing as cocaine. Winnebago County prosecutors charged Kmiec with (1) Possession – Intent to Deliver, (2) Maintaining a Drug-Trafficking Place, and (3) Felony Bail Jumping. They could have charged him with multiple counts of bail-jumping, but did not. Believe it or not, a liberal court Commissioner named Eric Heywood gave Kmiec a no-cash bail and he was released without paying a cent. He is awaiting trial for this case.

(Winnebago County Sheriff)
Today In Court
DA Graveley handed this case off to one of his “fixer,” Racine County DA Patricia Hanson and she sent a prosecutor today to court in Kenosha.

(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
In court today, Racine County Assistant District Attorney Christopher Steenrod said that Kmiec can’t be trusted to come to court. He asked for a $10,000 cash bail. “Mr. Kmiec has shown a complete, blatant disregard for conditions of bond throughout multiple counties in the state of Wisconsin and I think a significant cash bond is warranted.”

(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
Criminal Defense Attorney Zachary Caley argued for a no-cash bond or low cash bond, saying that his client had a bulging disk [in his spine] and needs treatment.

(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
Kenosha County Circuit Court Commissioner Larry Keating set Kmiec’s bond at $15,000 saying “It does appear to this court the Mr. Kmiec has a disregard with respect to theses allegations and court orders. The court is concerned with respect to Mr. Kmiec following orders of court.” He then told Trenton again, to stay away from his high-school girlfriend.
Kmiec is due back in court on June 7, 2023 at 8:15 am for a preliminary hearing. He is facing decades in prison if convicted on all counts.

(Kenosha Sheriff’s Department)
This isn’t the first time the Kmiec family has been in the criminal court system. On April 25, 2020, Ted Kmiec and his wife Connie got into an altercation. According to the two-count criminal complaint, Connie grabbed Ted by the arm and dug her nails into him until he started to bleed. Graveley sent this case to Racine to be “fixed.” Hanson dismissed all charges.

(File Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)

We reached out to both Racine DA Hanson and Kenosha DA Graveley recently. We are thankful they responded.
Graveley had the following to say:
“Cases have been referred to Racine when we felt that best removed any potential conflict. No case has ever been referred to Racine or any other county with a request as to any outcome. Just as when we accept appointments from other counties, I expect any county which accepts our cases to make a completely independent assessment of appropriate actions and outcomes.”
We asked Graveley why he recuses himself on all the Kmiec family cases and he said “We feel there is a potential conflict and appearance of conflict because we have cases together on an almost daily basis as well as some social interactions,”
Hanson had the following to say:
“I can only comment on past cases that are closed, we have a pending case for Trenton Kenosha 22CF1368 where my office is a special prosecutor. I don’t see any case that have “gone away”.
In 2017, Trenton was referred to a drug diversion program while my office was a special prosecutor. He was eligible for a Kenosha County Program that existed at that time. He met the conditions of the diversion and charges were not issued.
In 2020, my office was the special prosecutor for Trenton again on traffic and ordinance citations. A plea agreement was reached and he plead to one of four charges. Not an uncommon outcome.
As for Connie, she participated in a first time offender diversion program in 2020 and successfully completed her diversion so charges were dismissed. This was done in consultation with the victim, Ted Kmiec, pursuant to Marsy’s Law.
I asked Hanson why Kmiec wasn’t charged with any sex-related crimes due to the girl’s age. She said she won’t discuss that issue. Judge Tricia Walker of Fond du Lac County and Commissioner Eric Heywood of Winnebago county didn’t immediately respond to requests for comment on their choice of no-cash bails.
We published this article last year about some other notable cases in which Kenosha DA Mike Graveley recuses himself, not because of actual conflicts, but because of tough decision about charging. Whether or not the “fixing” is implicit or explicit isn’t clear, but the “fixing” is obvious.
24 Responses
I wonder what he will do when daddy posts his bond again. The guy is a ticking time bomb, just looking for a place to explode.
Where are her parents? Maybe theys cousins? Maybe theys all kin folk
I hope the 17 year old stays away from him and her parents take more interest in the young girl’s well being.
Remember,”Spare the rod, spoil the child?”
More than likely, most of the problems may have been avoided if the parents and court system were stricter early in his life.
Drugs are bad, mmkay
As they say…it’s not who you know, but who you “yes”!!
They should have set his bond much higher and hopefully they lock him up this time and throw the key away!!!
I can’t believe whoever is the legal guardian for this girl, has not filed charges against this POS!!!
This family is nothing but white trash and have no regard for the law, since they have been given passes every time!!! Now is the time to put a STOP to it and make them face the consequences like any other citizen!!!
This is bullshit! Quit letting this kid off because daddy is an attorney! Sounds like the entire family has issues smh.
Put him in prison like what would happen to the rest of us!?
Seems Fond du Lac Co. has taken another look and brought his charges there back.
Holy cow! The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree, does it? Sounds like the entire family could use time behind bars to straighten up. I can’t stand this kid glove treatment with Trenton or the rest of the family
Hey, Kenosha…ever think that maybe Ted wants his kid out of the house and this gets the lil bass out? If his wife and kid are locked away he can get by with more stuff!
Girl died in his (Teds )Dads bed, why don’t they look into the father who might of gave her the drugs, this seems like the whole family gets away with everything
Why isn’t daddy charged with anything in this? Why is he still allowed to practice law? Or is this part of the cover up/protect Ted plan?
Daddy looks like a damn serial killer!
Ted is nothing but corrupt. Justice will come and serve him some day. He lost his position on the village board and hopefully soon will lose his relationships with the kenosha county board. Just another POS wasting tax money
And then dad is posting a new Salem Lakes trustee is in need of his professional services, that’s a hard no…while he is ignoring and contributing to this crap!?!? Answers a lot.
The dad made sure this went unnoticed while he diverted attention to the new trustee with his ever vigilant drama peoples. His followers jumped right in, ignoring this issue. The fact he was there and knew bond/ protective order was being violated, he should be charged. He’s an attorney, he knows the law, is not above it. But his followers ignored him walking in with video in hand to set up the wife over fraudulent credit cards in his name. To confront her , planned out, and then having her arrested for domestic abuse. With her even commenting about Trenton, guess the life he lived had its problems. Dad also thought he was secretly being recorded. Thinks he’s a target because of his family history. And more.
Maybe Its time to get outside Assistance to Investigate this family and the city of Salem as well. Since they are helping with this on going cover up. Woman dying or getting injured there all the time. Weapons massive amounts of drugs. The residence looks like trap house and the Father is a Lawyer? Are you kidding me? Yet everyone was 2 years ago was protesting stupid BS? But these 2 Losers in your community are not worth voicing your concerns over until your Mother or Daughter get killed? Oh that right Woman don’t matter anymore. Unless they have penis and “IDENIFY” as such
Knew the kid growing up. Always been a drug addict and a loser, always will be.
He needs jail, right now!!