(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
A Kenosha man is facing 100 years behind bars after being charged with two serious felonies today. David DeBerge, 66, of Kenosha was charged today in Kenosha County Circuit Court with repeated sexual assault of a child and another sexual assault-related felony. The first count carries a maximum sentence of 60 years and the second, 40 years.
According to the criminal complaint, DeBerge is accused of molesting a relative from the time she was in third grade, in 2012 until the end of 8th grade.
The allegations included numerous times when DeBerge allegedly forced the young girl to perform oral sex on him. DeBerg was also alleged to have taken fully nude photos of the young girl while she was completely naked and in the shower.

(Sheriff’s Department)
DeBerge spent 20 years in the Wisconsin Army National guard as a chaplain. He also preaches the gospel to offenders who are incarcerated. At one point he worked for the Kenosha Unified School District.
DeBerg is the chaplain for the local American Legion and has a part-time job at the YMCA. The executive director of the YMCA, Cindy Altergott, told KCE that due to the serious nature of the allegations, she placed him on leave effective immediately.

Kenosha County Circuit Court Commissioner Bill Michael set DeBerge’s bail at $25,000 cash, citing the seriousness of the allegations.
He is due back in court July 7 for a preliminary hearing.
173 Responses
What the fuck is wrong people with people these days?
My thoughts exactly.
These days.
Good one
Not a drag queen. A minister.
you mean what’s wrong with christian conservatives
Wtf it’s not just conservatives!!! What a frikin stereo type. It’s just not conservatives.. Martin
A lot. They’ve been like that for a while now. Because: that orange moron made it normal. Doofus kicked the rocks they’ve been hiding under. Christian fascists feel strong and think they can do it without consequences.
Not all conservatives! Just an unusually high percentage of them
Wow! Another case of clergy molesting kids! We need to fear clergy rather than drag queens. It is clergy that actually pose a danger to our children.
Why is it so important that drag queens read to children?
Why dontcthey go to assisted living homes and read to the old folks?
Things that make you go hmmmm.
It doesn’t matter what kind if sexual offender it is, they all have mental issues!
And he tried to
Preach to me,
About accepting the lord in my life, ha.
He deserves what he’s got coming to him!
I’ve known this man my entire life so how is some outsider / stranger like u can be sure he did it tho
just cuz u read a news article & u met him once ???? Kenosha literally has laws that literally throws innocent ppl to the wolves all the time just because that person wouldn’t plea out to something they didn’t do!!! Innocent ppl go to prison all the time because Kenosha has 99% conviction rate meaning wether u did it or not , u can either take a plea bargain to make them look good & u can go to prison for a short time or u can go to trial & &risk ur entire life because ur costing the court a ton of more money & trying to make them all look like idiots if u actually beat them in trial & mess up their careers for not convicting u because they were all wrong so yeah!!!! Kenosha County Court Circuit has always been shady ASF & they hang everyone they can just to get a conviction wether the person did it or not it doesn’t matter to them!!!! Ask any person that’s been to court here & tried to go to trial , all of them are in prison literally!!! Don’t judge or assume everything u hear u lame 😂 💯 weak minded ppl always believe everything they hear don’t they??? U would definitely know first hand because ur obviously one of them 💯 mind ur own business for once & stop assuming u know everything just cuz ur IQ level is below 100 & ur just a follower in life 😂 😂 😂 😂 💯 💯 💯 💯
Why are you defending this sick pervert? You sound like the real looser here
Because they want their heads caved in.
@notaretarddemo: because they are older and wiser and laugh them right out of the room after they turned off their hearing aids and hit them with their canes!
Why does it matter if they read to children? Ministers are clearly violating children at a higher rate.
Disney’s track record alone disproves that. 35 convictions and counting.
So… you’re saying Disney enthusiasts molest children?
Because I haven’t seen one drag queen molesting children story.
People want to teach their kids tolerance and to treat everyone w dignity at an early age. It’s also a fun campy form of art. Watch a season of RuPaul’s drag race. It’s happy, wild and creative. Age appropriate performances should be enforced.
No way! My values do not have to accept every Tom, Dick and Harry desire. Ridiculous. Do you identify as broccolini?
Nope. Take that commie bolshevik bullshit somewhere else. We don’t want your perversions around our children. Period.
Sorry, Don’t agree that Drag is a child appropriate entertainment.
No problem for adults.
so here’s another christian conservatives, and another christian clergy grooming, molesting, raping children, but another reichtard (you) can only say something about drag queens, where there is zero evidence of all the things christian pedo’s do.
Hey, bubba, no one is making it important that Drag Queens read to children, except to you magatroids. Honestly, with everything. You crybabies make a big thing about a beer can, a mermaid, wearing a mask, a lowlife losing an election, a pancake syrup label, and attacking drag shows/drag queens for absolutely no reason. Nice try, but it’s you rednecks making things like this important .No one else
You seem very well educated…
Wtf it’s not just conservatives!!! What a frikin stereo type. It’s just not conservatives.. Martin
Well, you’ve killed Disney, killed Target, killed Bud Light, and killed comedy.
We just don’t want your particular brand of commie Weimar Republic bullshit around our children, so piss off, pervert.
it happens more often in schools
nope, you’re wrong. Can’t believe all these xtrian kkkonservatives making excuses or re directing the subject matter..
It does not happen in schools, at all. It happens on practically a weekly basis with christian clergy, cops, republikkkan politicians(just a report came out couple weeks ago, listing close to 50 repub politicians that have been busted for having underage sex
You do realize that the KKK was founded by democrats, right?!
Started the KKK, killed Lincoln, killed MLK, killed Bobby Kennedy, killed Malcolm X, voted against the Civil Rights bill, voted for Jim Crow, voted for segregation, showed the KKK masturbatory fantasy film The Birth of a Nation in the People’s White House, created and enforced poll taxes, burned churches, terrorized entire towns, and violated an international treaty with South Vietnam by breaching their oaths of office when they walked out of congress to prevent a quorum while Gerald Ford literally cried on national tv and begged them to come back.
Fuck a Democrat. They’re nothing but the party of traitors and should be completely deplatformed and criminalized as a terrorist organization the way the Golden Dawn was in Greece, and for much of the same reasons.
Kkk started by the Democrats. Also slavery was abolished by the Republicans. The democrats want you to believe they are there for you while they tie your hands to government funding. No Thank you. We need Americans working and less government
It happens in schools daily across the country. Your just pushing your own decided narrative. Narrow minded. Please research your kkk theory. You are dead wrong. Sir our families are all mixed in 2023. My family is made up of White, Black. Mexican and others. Today your kkk theory is dinosaur ages. Certainly you can’t keep pushing that. Our families enjoy and are proud Americans. The political party you should be challenging is the Democratic process. What have they done for jobs and encouragement. Its all made b up of blame and giving money away. To keep you in a box so you can be told how to vote how to live and how to never move ahead.
It doesn’t matter what kind if sexual offender it is, they all have mental issues!
This is a straw man argument and you know it
are you referring to someone’s comment, or the article ?
If article, please explain how it’s a strawman’s argument, as I know what a strawman argument is, I don’t get the connection with this
Kkk started by the Democrats. Also slavery was abolished by the Republicans. The democrats want you to believe they are there for you while they tie your hands to government funding. No Thank you. We need Americans working and less government
With your logic, “clergy” can dress as drag queens and not be feared.
It is your stupidity that poses a danger to you and your children, nothing else.
She waited 10 years to make allegations?!?! People just don’t turn into pedophiles at 57 years old. They are pedos long before that.
There should be criminal charges for those that accuse people of things that are not true.
If it is true, KUSD would hire him again. If it’s not true, the girl should face up to 100 years for ruining this guys life and cover his legal fees,
If this guy was black, there wouldn’t be charges but they’ll try make an example out of him because he’s white and a Christian.
Good luck sir in getting a jury of your peers.
She was a child and afraid. I was molested by my grandfather from age 2 through 8, you have no idea how predators can force you into silence
Did Grandpa molest any one else or just you?
Clearly “anonymous” you have issues….we all read the tone in your voice about “did Grandpa molest anyone (yes, one word) else or just you?” It’s sickening!
No. All wrong. If grandpa molested others it proves my point that pedos are pedos long before their elder years and would have multiple victims. The question was an honest one. Think instead of react people.
I go to his church & known him for years & he never once was too friendly or to mean to any of the kids there , this has to do with his wife setting him up because she lost custody of her daughter to him & screamed infront of everyone in court that she would make him pay for it even if it took her years to do it !!!! The minor was a ploy she sent to live wit him that she probably talked into saying that shit about him considering he got a divorce from her & took her kid away because she was a drunk & a drug addict so do the math dum dum
This is such a lie. The wife wasn’t a drunkard at all. He made lies about her constantly to cover for so much that he did. People had no idea how abusive he was.
You are an idiot.
She didn’t wait 10 years. Grade 3-8 is 5 years.
I understand what you are saying with men getting charged with things they didn’t do and their lives being ruined because of it, and I dont fully trust the court sustem after seeing how the prosecutors are in our area Kenosha County towns, but for now, you have to believe the child and protect her from all harm. So many little kids do not come forward and thankfully, this one did. If she did make this up, the truth will come out. Her story will change. There will be inconsistencies. At the same time, if he did do it, he’s where he belongs…in jail away from anyone to any more harm. By the way, I really wish people on here would give themselves a name, even if it’s fake. It’s easier to direct the response to them.
He subbed in many of my son’s classrooms and rings the Salvation Army bell at Festival in Somers at Christmas. He was also a lifeguard at Washington Pool. He’s extremely creepy. No one liked working with him. I hope he gets the 100 years.
I worked at the YMCA in 2003 & 2004. He was always hanging around, and *no one* felt safe around him. Altergott probably only hired him out of pity; her husband did some jail time.
Well she is scrapping the bottom of the barrel with most of her staff. Remember the ones who wrote letters of support for the other criminals?
Really? Without a trial? Sad. You can’t go by what someone looks like~ maybe YOU look creepy to someone. If a crime is committed~ there will be a trial. If there’s a conviction, and you need to say something, But based on your opinion of how someone looks!? Wow man, hope you’re never judged like that.
Facts just cuz someone looks creepy or acts themselves don’t mean shit but try telling that to ppl with no brains 😂
You replied to me. I’ve personally been accused and charged for something I didn’t do (non sexual). I was guilty until proven innocent. Charges ended up being dropped. Yet, I bore the cost of retaining an attorney, had my rights taken from me, have my face all over every mug shot site on the internet (and still do btw) yet the accuser bears nothing for false accusations. I personally know other of other men that were and are facing long prison time for false accusations, the one guy went to a jury. Cost him $60,000 in attorney fees and the jury ruled in his favor. Nothing happened to the liar. Until you have been falsely accused and have sat in a jail cell hoping the truth comes out you have no idea. Meanwhile nothing happens to the accuser, the idiot deputy (in my case) while the attorneys make $$ while you suffer the the embarrassment and loss of reputation over lies. My opinion of law enforcement will never be the same unfortunately. Never let them on your property without a warrant.
He had a fair trial. He was convicted based on the evidence. That says it all. He is guilty.
She waited 10 years became this was 2012. The courts will find out the truth and it will start to set free the young girl or the accused. Its very difficult for a young child to process until they reach adulthood. This was a man she was supposed to trust. She felt dirty, ashamed and no where to turn. Please respect the process and pray that the truth comes to light.
Unless you have inside information, how do you know how she felt or what occurred?
Because I know the girl
U don’t know shit , u can’t even wipe ur ass properly 💯 u can’t believe a teenagers word for shit & u know it so just stop & go smoke ur rock & go beat ur kid like u already do 😂
This individual was fired from KUSD years ago. When he was employed by KUSD, he worked with special needs children. I don’t know if a student was one of his victims. In addition one of his charges indicates there was incest involved. This doesn’t appear to be a “make an example” case. When people think in those terms, they cast doubt on the victims. That is disgusting.
So do I. Shes Lying
She is NOT lying. She had something traumatic happen to her .
Jen you are the liar. And the da proved you wrong hahaha. They eliminated your testimony for being such a liar and having hate for the mother.
You do not understand sexual abuse. Your comments are what make people fear reporting.
How’s about you put your name on this comment! lily livered lunatic…I wonder what they would find in your hard drive.
I know the family. She was young and had trauma ..so please refrain from rude comments.
typical reichtard racist dumb comment. He raped her at that age, and you’re going to say it isn’t true? Charges for those accusing things that are not true???? Do you have guilt feelings. You racist, if it were a Black guy, cops would’ve shot him dead before getting out his door. How many have gotten away without being charged, or killed, by cops? None.
The fact of the matter is 97% it is a white, bigoted, straight, christian kkkonservative who molests, rapes, robs, shoots innocent people, mass shootings, general crime
You do realize that the KKK was founded by democrats, right?!
We dont know all drag queens are pedophiles but we can all agree they are perverts.
One of the issues that needs to be addressed is the inconsistency in bond amounts that are issued. The court commissioner has too much power in that respect. I know someone who was charged with the same type of crime that involved one alleged victim who reported it 20 years after the crime allegedly occurred and their bond was $75,000. There needs to be a standard bond schedule to determine bond, not just what the commissioner thinks it should be. Look at the Curtis Tolefree case, he was let go on a signature bond for the same crime. Everyone needs to write the Attorney General and demand this issue be investigated.
I would also like to mention that in the case I used as an example, there were no witnesses, no evidence and Kenosha county felt an investigation was not necessary.
nah, no drag queens are pedo’s, and no one agrees they’re pervs, we the people all agree reichwing kkkonservative christians are nazis, mentally unstable and violent, bigoted, total demented perverts, and little crybabies
Did you know it was a common thing on Navy ships in the past to have “drag shows” as a way to entertain while at sea? Sailors would dress up in wigs and women’s dresses and perform for the other sailors. There are even archived photos of this. Are you stating that all these military men were also perverts?
I think you have some issues with anyone different than you. But really… who would want to be like you? Uggh.
Church leaders are probably the biggest threat to children.
not true–it happens everywhere, including schools
you’re wrong, it does happen everywhere, but predominately kkkonservative christians, and top of that list is christian clergy,whether preachers, priests, pastors, ministers, then next on the list of these actions are republikkkan politicians, then cops, and then just your general christian conservative
And how many kids did he creep on at the YMCA. The director of the kids program refuses to allow parents into the locker room to pick up their children, but I’m pretty sure this creep was allowed to supervise in the pool, so they would have. “Ratio”
Too bad for this pediphile that his name isn’t Biden. Felony offenses of this sexual abuse of minors type. (felony) Falsifying information & lying on an application for a firearm (felony) & $Millions in unreported payments & unpaid tax on income from China & beyond. All felonies. Dropped down to misdemeanors & a slap on the wrist. Because he’s a Biden. Any One of these offenses would have landed you or me in prison. Too bad for this pervert that he’s not able to get a pass like Hunter huh? Only the low level perverts pay the price. God sees all. He is the final judge. Truth will prevail.
Spot on, however, I’m sure DA Gravely will somehow find a way to let this POS off with a slap on the wrist.
Cool story, bro.
I remember meeting this guy at KUSD and he creeped me out back then. He was working as a substitute teacher at the time. The YMCA is a sh!t show–everyone that works there is sus!
Since no one else posted it….
Not to worry—likely there will be a spot open at UW Parkside when he gets out.
Wrong skin color.
The low bond concerns me. I’m sure the truth will come out in court whether you think the Kenosha DA is adequate or not. Either way it goes, if the accused doesn’t post bond, jail will be a frightening experience for him. In the meantime, I hope the young lady is getting therapy now and not waiting. The comments on drag queens don’t even belong in this discussion and show the writer(s) are young and weren’t around when actors dressed as women to be funny.
He already posted bond!!!!
He was very involved in the Christian Life church and school as well. Like another Christian Life staff member Tim Pinter, there were many complaints about his behavior with the students. Christian Life covered it up over and over. Kevin Mathewson once exposed the school for controversies surround Christian Life teachers lewd behavior with students, but that all seems to have disappeared. That school needs to be investigated.
I know Tim a little bit but that is beside the point. Can you provide specific examples of his bad behavior? Do you have enough evidence or names of people that do have evidence that you can give to the police?
There was a Facebook post on the schools page with hundreds of comments about staff misconduct at Christian Life. Tim Pinter was mentioned by several students who had evidence and specific examples of lewd behavior. It’s not a secret, but no one is willing to protect the kids in the case. Christian Life has since deleted the post and all associated posts. I suspect Kevin has friends at the school since he has deleted and abandoned the investigation.
That church and school was and still may be a cesspool of sin. My co-workers would call it the Church of Adultery. It seemed that partner swapping was an unwritten norm. Of course, these pious members always thought themselves to be superior to everyone outside of their community.
Hey. Knock it off. This isn’t right. You are spreading junk and dirt and that’s not right, I don’t care what it is, have some decency, and if you’re going to make that kind of comment, post your name.. if not~ then maybe it shouldn’t be said.
wow, what gall you have. like all the other christian clergy this sc*m is also part of the xtrian cesspool of sin.
”Hey, knock it off” …are you kidding. Have some decency?! If you’re going to post bullsh*t crybaby posts like yours, then post your name. Who are you to tell anyone else what they can say? And that typical christian hypocrisy. Do you say the same to christian kkkonservatives who attack gays, drag queens, or President Biden, AOC,etc. You ever see what’s said about them by your cult? But everyone else should have respect for for a pedo just because they’re a pastor. You people are really demented and sick
Hi Don! I first learned of these allegations in the summer of 2020. This was about 4 months before I founded the Kenosha County Eye.
You heard these allegations? The mother did not even know this 4 years ago
The other child is not at home and wants to live with a criminal. Nicole Renee Pignotti. Look at this woman’s record. Shame on you DCFS.. the mother wants her child safe. This needs to be checked out
how dare you name the person. Who the hell do you think you are.
You have no idea what you’re talking about. She is such a good mother She was there for that child when no one else was. His daughter loved being there. She took excellent care of his youngest child and was there for her every step of the way. There bumps in the road, but it doesn’t make them a bad person.
Who do you think you are how disgusting of you? It’s probably the mother of the child who didn’t care about The youngest daughters whereabouts the entire time where Nicole took care of her. How dare you speak of someone when you don’t know anything about them walk mile and their shoes she never did anything to hurt anyone. God bless your soul you rotten human being
You are aware that these allegations were actually made the day before court by the “victim”? Thats right, the day before. The “victim” is the adult daughter of the ex who is trying to get custody back and (more important to her) her child support.
Post-judgment motion hearing
Petitioner Rosario Lourdes DeBerge in court.
Respondent David Thomas DeBerge in court. Attorney Jillian E. Clausen in court for David Thomas DeBerge.
Clerk C. Pflug.
RE’s motion to modify custody, placement and child support filed 9/27/22.
There are no agreements between the parties.
Petitioner filed a response to the motion.
Court find mediation is not appropriate as it would create an undue hardship or endanger the health or safety of the parties due to the allegations of threats, possible physical issues and alcohol.
Court re-appoints GAL Brenda Dahl.
Court takes a brief recess at 2:13 for Respondent and Atty. Clausen to review the response.
Back on the record at 2:29.
Respondent denies the child is being rebellious.
Court hears arguments.
Court orders on a temporary basis:
1. Neither party will permit the child to consume marijuana in any form or permit the child to vape.
2. Father will have primary placement.
3. Mother will have a dinner visit on Friday and Saturdays coordinated by the parties.
4. Father’s child support is suspended effective today.
5. Commencing 12/1/22 the Mother will turn over the social security check to the Father.
6. Neither party shall make any derogatory comments about the other party to or in the presence of child/children – nor allow any third party to do so.
7. Neither party will discuss the case with the child/ren or in the presence of the child/ren or allow a third party to do so. The parties can only tell the child that the child will be talking to the GAL and to be honest.
Attorney Clausen to prepare the order and submit to the court within 30 days.
Review hearing scheduled for January 5, 2023 at 10:30 am.
I have been retired for thirteen years. I was a visiting teacher in Kenosha Unified during my employment. I encountered this person a few times when he acted as substitute teacher. It was clear to me something was wrong with him. At Wilson El. he was dressed in camouflage. Before I began my lesson, he held a pointer across his chest and shouted at the kids “Let me explain my methods”. Kenosha New has published articles about him over the years some include his side walk ministry. It remains unclear to me how Unified vets their substitute employees or as reported recently their regular employees. This had NOTHING to do with religion. Even the devil can quote scripture. It is about a dangerous person who got the keys to the candy shop and ran rampant. The candy is a child. Thank you Kevin for reporting this story.
I worked with him at KUSD. He was never a teacher. He should not have been running a classroom when/if you worked with him.
He was fired from Unified years ago because Unified teachers complained about him and refused to have him in their classrooms.
Not to get off topic but, Unified’s hiring practices were quite stringent, more so than other district’s, when I was hired.
Apparently they DON’T have stringent hiring practices…where have YOU been??? Haven’t you been reading KCE reports on all teachers at just ONE of the KUSD schools ( Indian Trail)? Give me a break! If you find THAT many teachers, counselors, coaches in ONE SCHOOL that have committed ANY kind of misconduct with the kids, I am sure there are many more in all the other schools!
“Hiring practices were quite stringent, more so than other district’s, when I was hired”.? With THAT kind of statement, after hearing about just the one school in Kenosha, parents should all be pulling their kids out of all the “other district’s” schools to keep there kids safe!!!!
Kevin, in the Kenosha news fb article people are claiming these are false allegations by the wife/ex wife to obtain custody. Anything more you know on that end? We all know the Kenosha courts are fu?ked up to no end.
Because I know the girl. Your dead wrong. The girl that was affected told the police her story. The mother had nothing to do with it
Thats not true because the girl talked with me for hours because her mother was pressuring her to make a statement, calling her and hounding her till the point where she finally did. I told her to stay out of it because mom was mad about losing custody and needed something to get her bad. She used her own child (adult now) to do this. Shame on this very bad mom.
I call BS.
Drag this dude by his fuckin teeth.
25,000 bail. More bullshit. The judge is a Chomo too.
are you covering cuz the guy is christian and a pastor?
He had a fair trail. The argument of her loosing custody was used but not successful.
Oh my, another religious leader on sexual allegations, geez conservatives are told what to complain about straight bots. Little never preaching policy so they need someone to Blair for there short comings in life.
So this guy is weird and unliked by many. He acts like the religious guy and back in the day had shows on and was associated with Kenosha local cable TV programming.
He was a sub at KUSD and was used when others couldn’t be found. I’m sure this along with some kid making an allegation is enough to burn him here.
I’d like to hear about the kid, who she told and what was said. Victims (sorry Judge Schroeder) have three choices; Tell right away, wait and tell later or never tell.
I’m sure the child interviewers at the corrupt- money making hospital can team up with the evil witch Heather to get the DA to hang this guy.
If he’s found guilty, send him off to prison where he will get his special treatment, but if he’s found not guilty, he will face even a harder life on the outside.
Kids can say what they want up to their 45 years old. Kenosha hangs them even without other evidence!
very pathetic to try and cover for this guy, is that because he’s christian,or another christian pastor, you”re supporting pedo’s?
Sounds like the ones that know him on here were very specific.
Kind of a bit more than being weird and unliked. That’s kind of ‘low’. A girl from 5-8 gets molested and raped by this pastor, and you’re questioning her?. So you want to find a loophole, humiliate her ,for the sake of another pedo christian clergy???????
0 days since a Christian conservative was not outed as a child sex predator.
You heard these allegations? The mother did not even know this 4 years ago
so what that she didn’t know 4 years ago. That means nothing.
Because it never happened!
She lost custody of her child with him and used her other child to take him down. A mother who lost custody of her 3 children in her previous marriage.
Jenn. I hope you realize that David has you exactly where he wants you. I pray that they find out the truth and your theory is unjustified. The mom is not perfect however she deeply cares for both daughters and her other children. I know you know that.
How would you feel if all your disparaging of the mom has nothing to do with the reality of the daughter that speaks finally the truth. Let the courts do their job.
David doesn’t have me where ” he” wants me. This is just wrong in so many levels. Know man or woman for that matter, should be judge before ALL the facts are out. David doesn’t even know me! People read something in the paper and before knowing the whole story and truth, they are JUDGED. There is more to this than is known but at the end of the day, this man’s life will never be the same even if it’s found to be a lie. His life is uprooted forever. Think about it. Its only takes one person’s story to destroy your life. What if it was you?
The girl (victim) in this has spoken via text, phone and recordings many times and has NOT been afraid of nor spoken any more about Dave other than she didn’t care for him and/ or he was very strict as a “Dad/Stepdad” She has even seen her sister through David (stepdad) when her mother wouldn’t allow her to do something with her sister, etc. One conversation via text message the victim made arrangements with David (stepdad) Word for word except the victim and her sisters name have been replaced and only that. This is just one example!
Oct. 26, 2020:
Victim: (sister) is going to spend the night with me this weekend since she will be at her dads. (this being David)
Person: Thats awesome
Victim: Not exactly be he understands that my mom won’t let me spend time with sister unless she’s present. so, he’s going to let sister spend the night.
Person: Well, sorry but your moms nuts, lol. Just saying
Victim: I tried going to movies with sister because she asked and mom refused unless she went as well even though she was going to let her go with her friend by themselves.
Person: omg
Victim: Sister was upset, and I think they argued over it for a bit but I just let it go and now I can see my sister this weekend (heart)
You just admitted you don’t even know David. Please stop spreading your lies. You were in a home for children growing up at one point. What did you do? You get into your son’s business and countless others. Shameful really. You don’t know the mom. This my dear is about repeated rape of a young child that was tormented. I saw how David treated his older daughter on many occasions. He was dismissive and only talked about his precious daughter with mom. I PERSONALLY saw this and have a long relationship with them both. You are incredibly ignorant to spread information on someone you don’t know. You aren’t a psychologists and seems to me you may need one yourself. Your own brother may agree
Your opinions really are off. Significantly. You don’t know David. You are spreading your opinions about this child to anyone that will give you a minute. Calling sons and friends and family. Just grow up and let the police do their job and investigators. Shame on you.
Your words mean nothing. Hear say at best. The more you speak the less credibility you have and that was at ground zero. What is in darkness will come to light
Don’t waste your time. These people are blind. All they see is the poor little girl as if it’s the Gospel.
The other child is not at home and wants to live with a criminal. Nicole Renee Pignotti. Look at this woman’s record. Shame on you DCFS.. the mother wants her child safe. This needs to be checked out
Very crooked
Check out CCAP
The mother doesn’t give a crap about her daughter. Chana Loved being with Nicole. Her daughter was best friends with David’s youngest daughter who he was grooming to do the same thing that he did to his oldest child. She kept her safe for a year. Speak on things you know Get your facts straight before you go and throw a woman’s name out there who is actually a good person
Check out CCAP
I hope he gets max time .
I know the family. Poor baby . I hope she heals from the trauma he has caused.
This is an outright lie!!!! I know the “child” involved and she is not a child anymore. She wrote a statement out for her mother after months of pressure to do so from her mother. Her mother lost custody of her daughter she had with this man. He got custody and she went after him using her child from previous relationship. This man is innocent and is being set up by the ex using her other child to take him down. How evil and wrong it is to destroy a man because you want custody!!! Shame on you and shame on the girl” woman now, who did this to this man!!!
Is this NICOLE RENEE PIGNOTTI? Your the criminal who was a terrible influence on the younger child. I saw your record. Your a liar, cheat and drugy
No this isn’t but I looked up this name. My lord, if this is what she was around all I can say is ” no wonder!”
Exactly Jenn. There’s alot to this story. In this instance mom wants her daughter safe and we believe what the older daughter is saying. I have known the family for about 12 years. The younger daughter was around that woman for the last year. Terrible influence and unsafe. She was safe at her moms but wanted her own way. Partly normal teenage behavior but then allowed by David to think she should get everything she wants. There is alot to this story.
There is for sure, but this also includes the fact that the younger daughter taped her om many times and her mom’s behavior. Sometimes even the people who know you for years, never really knows what goes on behind closes doors. The younger daughter recorded her mother and her actions at the advice of the older daughter, who did for years. Why would one ask? Simply because (in my opinion as I have heard many of these recording) These children’s mom needs way more help than these children and they have been living in a disfunction home with mom for many years. It’s one of the main reasons the older one with me for 3 yrs.
The mother doesn’t give a crap about her daughter. Chana Loved being with Nicole. Her daughter was best friends with David’s youngest daughter who he was grooming to do the same thing that he did to his oldest child. She kept her safe for a year. Speak on things you know Get your facts straight before you go and throw a woman’s name out there who is actually a good person
Your being led astray. You have no idea clearly what abuse does to someone. They are ashamed to tell their story and she is devastated. She is doing the right thing so that no one else experiences this behavior because it does happen to others in many cases. You butt out and let them sort this out. You are being lied to by the devil himself
This guy is gonna walk. Malicious prosecution. The girl will change her story before it’s all said and done. Get a good lawyer sir.
Scares me for my own children, husband . Son is a coach with children and it only takes 1 to destroy a life. Can’t imagine if one day my husband was accused of this from son mad and vengeful person. Horrible to say the least. He has Criminal Defense Attorney Patrick K. Cafferty. not a bad lawyer.
How about the girls life destroyed? Whatever is truth will all come out
I am the victims personal friend and i want to make two things very clear to you all including her aunt who is in the comments defending that fucking scum. I see you Jen and i’m disappointed in you, she trusted in you the most to support her and believe her and you turned your back on her. You have utterly destroyed her trust and faith in you as someone who helped raise her. How shameful.
1. Her entire friend group knew long before any adults or parents did and we have always respected her choice to report it when SHE felt it was time. Her mother wanted to report things sooner but she didn’t and made sure that the police knew she didn’t want her case being used as ammunition for another one because it is HER life.
2. All of you commenting and making this about race, religion, sexuality, etc. are disgusting. This is about a young woman who was groomed and sexually abused for years to the point where she didn’t trust her own family to keep her safe if she told them. This isn’t about your political agenda it is about a child who couldn’t bear the thought of anyone knowing that her body was used as a way to fuel someone’s lacking sex life and as a punishment for her being out of wedlock and refusing to acknowledge him as her father. This is a child who was so mentally damaged she still faces the repercussions to this day.
I also know who you are and exactly how long you have been her friend, this is why you stay anon. Thats ok, you only know what you are told as you weren’t there and, like me, you only know what she told you. Thats ok. Now you are a victim also. Until this girl sticks with the same story for all, stop lying and begins to live an honest life, we will all be victims. Very sad 🙁
You and your son need to stop harassment of the family. They are on to you and your son. Your leaving a trail wherever you can. Your mental health is in question here. You have your own history. Leave this family alone
Its ok for people to talk about this man but its not ok for others to defend him if they know of something? Thats a one way justice system. Should all sides be told to better see the whole picture? Or is everyone accused guilty without all the facts? Imagine a world where people just accuse people of things and its the truth without any input from others who may know something. I agree let the courts do their job but I also agree that there are always two sides to every story and all should be told. Does it bother you that some believe this man and that’s what has you in an uproar?
Do you think I care “ who’s on to me” I commented with my first 2 letters of my name. She’s related to me. She’s not some stranger she’s family. I know her more then you strangers and I will testify against her when the time comes because it’s not okay to do this. I’m sure many more will. I reached out to the lawyer and he will figure out if he needs us, I have plenty of text messages and recordings of her dishonesty and behavior. Bad behavior has consequences and this is destroying someone’s life. He’s plastered all over the news now.
You sound like the “victim” pretending to be a friend. Going out of your way in a comment section to make a case while calling anyone with a differing OPINION, fucking scum. Go be a friend instead of a loud mouth here. Get your shit together, it’s not to late to get your story straight before you are being interrogated on the “witness” stand.
Lairs never are able to keep their stories straight. The truth will come out.
This is such a lie. She admitted a few days ago that only 1 person knew.
All this proves is that she did in fact tell her friends about the abuse long before she told her mother. There seems to be a bit of context missing from this as well, what was the question that was asked of her?
Preliminary hearing is today so we should learn something.
Final pre-trial scheduled for August 17, 2023 at 10:00 am.
And this is why he has been accused!
01-05-2023 Review hearing Pfeuffer, Elizabeth
Additional text:
10:41:32 – 10:58:28. Petitioner Rosario Lourdes DeBerge in court. Respondent David Thomas DeBerge in court. Attorney Jillian E. Clausen in court for David Thomas DeBerge. Attorney Brenda Janel Dahl in court for C. S. D. Clerk C. Pflug.
GAL report given.
GAL recommends that there be no contact between the child and Mother until the Mother gets into counseling and completes a psychological evaluation.
Respondent-Father indicates the child’s recent dinner visits with the Petitioner did not go well.
Father signed up for Our Family Wizard and indicates the Petitioner-Mother has not done so.
Mother states she tried twice to sign up for OFW and does not have the money to pay for it.
Court reminds the Mother that she must sign up for OFW and was given a fee waiver form in court.
GAL recommends that the Mother have visits through the Hope Council due to the cost for a psychological evaluation.
Father will continue to have primary placement.
Mother will have supervised placement through the Hope Counsel one hour per week and is responsible for the cost for supervision.
Child to see an independent therapist who is not affiliated with either church the parties are involved in.
Tab pulled for Br. 3 and read into the record.
Court prepared the Post-Judgment Custody/Placement Plan Order.
Attorney Clausen to prepare a separate from today’s hearing and submit to the court within 30 days.
Post judgment court trial scheduled for April 3, 2023 at 09:30 am.
Review scheduled for February 3, 2023 at 07:00 am.
And her she made allegations but needed “victim” help;
04-03-2023 Motion hearing Schroeder, Bruce E. Keel, Kimberly
Additional text:
Petitioner Rosario Lourdes DeBerge in court. Respondent David Thomas DeBerge in court. Attorney Jillian E. Clausen in court for David Thomas DeBerge. Attorney Brenda Janel Dahl in court for C. S. D. Clerk: PU
Minutes: Parties stipulate to adjourn trial and PE is working on obtaining counsel. RE is also requesting a custody evaluation be ordered to allow a custody evaluator to interview parties. RE also requests the costs of the evaluator be split between both parties. Atty Dahl is in favor of a custody evaluation stating this is a complicated case and believes a custody evaluation would be helpful to her as well due to allegations that have been made. Atty Dahl places those allegations on the record. Motion is granted and custody evaluation is ordered. Cost of the evaluation is $3000 and it shall be split 50/50 between both parties. RE agrees to pay the entire cost up front and PE is responsible for reimbursing RE for her half of the cost at the rate of $50/month. RE is currently in counseling with her step daughter and requests her daughter be allowed to participate in that counseling. Court takes no action on this request at this time. All other orders not modified by this order continue. Post judgment court trial scheduled for May 16, 2023 at 09:30 am.
And now we are here.
This has nothing to do with David Deberges charges. The police have known about this fir the last year. Well before this took place. Again the mother has nothing to do with this. She was a victim as well to his abuse. Let the courts do their job
The daughter told friends years ago. You don’t have the facts. Hoe about the young girl shouldn’t be around her father as he has been doing this for years. Who knows who else. Your thoughts are irrelevant
The hearing was today, apparently the police during their investigation they found probable cause. Praying for the young girl that she gets through this time.
Final pre-trial scheduled for August 17, 2023 at 10:00 am.
You all don’t know what your talking about. Here’s sook sneak leaks at direct text messages. So don’t sit there and tell me I don’t know her.
Nothing here. It won’t even show your upload. Be a responsible adult so the courts don’t take your child away from you. Your mom got involved in that… Great family
ok Elizabeth
You have to be smart enough to see that their 2 separate links. Each link starts with https:
Copy and paste is your friend.
Your observations are off. You are dead wrong on this. Take care of your own family and your own deep rooted problems. The courts will take care of this and the truth is coming out. Take care of your disturbed mom. Her focus should be on herself. I know she is troubled and was lost at one time. Butting into this is futile. The girl you think you know will thrive and become whole with the truth coming out. Your texts mean zero, zilch, nada.
Back when we dated he showed no interest in children….. just wondering what happened.