(Photo Submitted by Family)
Wisconsin Department of Corrections documents obtained by KCE have identified 32-year-old Parry Rodriguez-Koutsios as the inmate who died in the Sturtevant, WI prison on August 4, 2023. According to a source, it was a suspected drug overdose at Racine Correctional Institution. However, KCE spoke to the man’s parents who told us that Rodriguez-Koutsios had been complaining about not feeling well and had issues with his medications.

(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
Rodriguez-Koutsios’s family expressed frustration with law enforcement and the state DOC for lack of communication. They say they still don’t have any answers more than a week later. The Racine County Sheriff’s Department is handling the investigation.
Rodriguez-Koutsios had a long rap sheet and was serving a seven year sentence for child rape.

(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
Jason Wells, who is the prison’s Warden, has overseen many scandals and deaths at RCI in the recent months. In August of 2022 a high-ranking prison employee was charged with 41 felonies for misconduct and an inappropriate relationship with an inmate. In November of 2022, there was an attempted escape of a convicted murderer that was paroled by Governor Evers. In January of this year, an inmate died at the prison. In March of this year, another inmate died in the prison. A spokesman at the Wisconsin Department of Corrections said he wasn’t aware of the death, but KCE has been told that it is a drug overdose. Warden Wells has been re-assigned and the State of Wisconsin Department of Corrections refuses to talk about the many scandals.

John Beard, the former director of communications for the Wisconsin Department of Corrections recently left his role and a new replacement has not yet been installed.
18 Responses
Saved us all a bunch of dough keeping him incarcerated.
You Bitch!
Yeah…..if all the people who died at RCC were in there for what this guy did, I would say that those in charge deserve raises.
FUCK this guy. Enjoy hell, POS.
No. Fuck You!
No…..actually fuck YOU. He was a child rapist. I hope he got shanked and died a slow and painful death, BITCH.
1st of all let’s get the record straight. Parry was not there for or charged with CHILD RAPE. if that were the case he would of definitely got more than 7 yrs..the main reasoning for this article was to let the public know that another inmate has died at RCI.. something has to be done with this place,changes have to made.
Maybe you should get your facts straight before you make comments
Your daughter wasn’t raped and you know it!! Why didn’t you press charges on the 38yrold that you caught her having sex with in your bed and what about all the other grown ass men she sleeps with, what a great mother you are .getto ass trash
The promiscuous teens mother is Jennifer Piccione.. she should be the 1 in prison for being a horrible mother, let’s her daughter have sex with grown men in there late 30s but puts a 20 sum in prison, dirty fat nasty bitch hope u rot in hell
Ur a sick and evil piece of shit…God don’t like ugly..you will get what’s coming to you ..shit you said only shows how stupid u are
Parry WAS there for child rape! I am that child’s mother and my daughter was 14 at the time!
You need to look into Attorney Brenda Vancuike and her girlfriend stealing a baby from one of Brenda’s clients. Brenda needs to be brought before an ethics committee and should not be allowed to defend any CHIPS, DCFS or TPR cases. Brenda crossed many lines and what they pair did was illegal.
Wells isn’t reassigned he is out pending investigation. Him and the Security Director.
Actually my daughter was raped by Parry at 14 years old. He admitted to it and was charged with it, but you wouldn’t know that because NONE of his family was in the court room to “support” him. While I am sorry Athena is without a father, I am not sorry about pressing charges against a grown man touching a child!
You can believe whatever lies you were told, but please do NOT judge my child!
Your daughter wasn’t raped by Parry… the charge was not rape…why didn’t you press charges on the other grown ass men??? You don’t want people judging ur daughter.. she’s a tramp you and everyone who knows her knows it’s true.. and ur a horrible mother!!! I hope you and ur daughter rot in hell!!
The charge WAS rape! Check your facts! Also check the definition of a whore! How are you going to call a child a whore?!?! Promiscuous??? Do you even know what that word means?? Maybe fact check before you comment on things you don’t know!
Ur a sick and evil piece of shit…God don’t like ugly..you will get what’s coming to you ..shit you said only shows how stupid u are
I was in the cell right next to him when he died. I just got out and he died cause they didn’t give him medical attention. It definitely wasn’t no overdose