Troy L. Landry, a 36-year-old Kenosha man has been a vocal activist in Kenosha in the last couple of years. He spoke against having police resource officers in schools and, as reported in the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, that his parents had a hard time finding housing because of their race.
Landry was responsible in part for the dismantling of the Kenosha County Racial Ethnic and Equity Commission by falsely claiming that its Chairman, local Attorney Xavier Solis, called him “boy” during a meeting. This was a lie believed by the Kenosha News and Kenosha County Executive Samantha Kerkman.
Landry’s wife, Sabrina, a fellow liberal activist, is running for a seat on the Kenosha Unified School Board of Education. She is endorsed by the liberal members of the board. Kenosha County Eye was tipped off to some abhorrent behavior from Landry.

(Mugshot of Landry [18 at time] Courtesy of Kenosha Sheriff)
According to law enforcement records, a 19-year-old stripper named “Jenna”, was at a house party and fell asleep in the early morning hours of July 1, 2004 after drinking beer. Jenna told police that she woke up on a sofa and “saw a guy standing over [her], jacking off” and then he ejaculated onto her chest. Jenna then said that she screamed at Landry “What the Hell are you doing? Are you stupid?” She then told him to leave. Jenna later noticed that she was sore and found what she thought was evidence of forced rape. Jenna also noticed her pants were unbuttoned. Jenna then went to the hospital to have a Sexual Assault Nurse Evaluation (SANE).
The man who hosted the party helped Jenna identify the man who ejaculated onto her while she was sleeping as Troy L. Landry. This man questioned Landry and Landry “admitted that he jerked off on Jenna.” Landry also told the man that he “came on [Jenna] and she woke up.”
A Kenosha police detective interviewed Landry. Landry told the detective that he saw Jenna – whose name he said he learned from the party’s host, sleeping on the sofa. Landry admitted that he “stood by her head and masturbated” for about three or four minutes and ejaculated on her chest whereupon she woke up and began screaming at him, saying “What the fuck are you thinking?” and “Get out of my sight!” Landry told them police detective that he “did not remember” having intercourse with the woman.

Landry refused to allow police to collect his DNA, so Kenosha County Assistant District Attorney Richard Ginkowski applied for a warrant and obtained the DNA.
Landry was arrested and charged with Second Degree Sexual Assault, a crime that carries with it a maximum of 40 years in the Wisconsin State Prison System.

(File Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
Landry was represented by Joey Cardamone, a then-defense attorney, but is now the Kenosha County government attorney.

(File Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
Kenosha County Assistant District attorney Shelly Rusch (D) approved an over-generous plea deal with Landry. It was approved by ADA Tom Perlberg (D) and DDA Susan Karaskiewicz (D). Liberal Judge David Bastianelli (D) quickly approved a deal that allowed Landry to plead guilty to misdemeanor 4th degree sexual assault and disorderly conduct. He had to pay less than $1,000 in fines. The real punishment, though, not probation or jail, but an apology letter to the victim. The liberal duo of judge and prosecutor then expunged the records of the sex crime conviction – they don’t exist anywhere, except here – and KCE doesn’t expunge information about dangerous sexual offenders.
Sabrina Landry didn’t respond to a request to comment.





50 Responses
holy cow, what a pervert. however, holding colored folk like him accountable for their filthy behavior is racist in these twisted times. shame on you for reporting the truth again. peace from my ranch in mexico
The dude looks white to me
This boy talks a big game even has a black power fist on his FB page. This boy doesn’t even look black and never hung out with us black folks when we were younger. He’s married to a white slob and follows Sgt. Hard around. He claims he’s a brother. But in reality he’s a houseboy with a loud mouth always crying racism while making hard working black people look bad.
Hahhha yep —- ever notice it’s the mostly white black folks who whine the most?? Look at Obama & his high priest Rev Wright—- Whiter than ME! 🤣
This is the type of filth running for school board, to be in charge of children? A man who ejaculates on an unconscious woman? I can’t believe he did no time in prison for this! If he had been white he would have done all 40 years. Sabrina Landry must be just as sick as her husband to stay with him. I would never trust either Landry to be in charge of innocent kids! Please, there has got to be better candidates for School board!!! We need a nearly complete housecleaning over there before any more children are harmed!
These are the people that want to oversee our children! What a scumbag. He is always inserting himself in comments on rival candidates pages. Him and Sabrina are buddies with Sargent Hard. I guess birds of a feather…
Oh. My. God. What a perverse sicko!! I’m voting for literally anyone else.
Who does this guy think he is, Joel Koskan?
Just another jerkmate.
Another friend of berg who endorses eachother!!!! When will people realize the corruption.
Berg still supports him but will be the first to bring up trumps past. Hypocrite gonna hypocrite. Kusd is a joke with candidates like this
Agree. His kids go to KUSD and he supports this loser and activity!! I am not even surprised anymore in this society and the leftist hypocrisy
Here’s a link to his inmate record http://www.kenoshajs.org/jail/inmate_search/display_charges.php?idNbr=00000006023I&idSfx=000
Sabrina is eating well
Typical Cheezconsin heffer
She looks pregnant. Yikes.
I endorse this young man
U mean undress
Why did Samantha Kerkman take the side of this disgusting boy who ejaculates on girls that are asleep??? I am upset that she believed this boy over the conservatives of the REEC. I would attend the meetings and this boy and his wife Sabrina were very disrespectful towards the commissioners. They only attended meetings to cause trouble. As a woman and mother of three daughters, this type of behavior is scary and dangerous. I feel for his victim.
Samantha Kerkman is what she is, a pure disgusting RINO.
These “activists”don’t appear to be very active.My god they are slobs.
Mary Modder wearing that pink sweatshirt needs to put in a bra or tighten up the straps. Gravity is taking those babies to the floor. Sick.
Vote NO for Sabrina Landry. A big whoppin’ NO!
Losers like this are allowed to be around our kids because none of us want to be bothered enough to run for any of these positions. We’re too comfortable on our couches while sending memes about how upset we are. Unfortunately the crazy libs are the only ones actually doing anything. Unfortunately, it’s always the wrong thing. People need to get off the bench and onto the field.
No it’s because the leftist losers are at the top of this corrupt organization. People like berg, violet and others will ruin your career/well being just for speaking out. Until people are held accountable, no one will wants to be apart of a joke organization like KUSD
Leftists are at the top bc no one runs against them.
Who’s who of losers.
Fucking democrats….. always raping and molesting.
Wth Peter Barca and Todd Onsted lol
How low can Kenosha sink ? Really look at the people the people the people of kenosha have voted into office . Let’s set aside their socialist ideals but let’s examine their moral compass . These are the people who are in charge of shaping young minds ! People of Kenosha do you really want your child to be educated by the likes of ALL the politicians pictured in the article?
No. Which is why I pulled my kids from KUSD.
Lots of people on Kenosha with broken mirrors. As a co worker of mine used to say, “her mirror lied to her today”. Gross
Kevin, are you trying to become the Babylon Bee with headlines like this?????? Maybe the Onion?????
Perhaps you could create another section for “Is it Real” or “Is it Fake” headlines. People could vote in the comments
That would be an easy game Kala. They are all real. What’s the fun in that?
Just to see how absurd and creative you can be to find the line between fact and fiction.
Do any of them actually have jobs? Or do they leech off the system? I bet her sped kid isn’t really a sped kid.
No. They do not have jobs. They are paid to show up and be loud, hoping the majority will cowtow to the tiny activist minority. Beyond that, they suck at whatever governmental or community action teat is available.
jesus christ
Fat white girlz need homies for luv
Don’t hate , it’s just Mother Nature
Crawl out from under a Rock, and the Kenosha County Democrat Party and their affiliates will have a position for you. They are as the Company they keep.
demorats showed they are nothing more than FAT SLOBS! They will tilt the election on gross tonnage alone.
When he refers to not being able to get a job because of his race, does that mean the race to the bottom?
what a fucking freak. Sabrina looks mentally challenged, is she? I bet their bedroom stench could kill the city, bunch of nasty smelly looking folks.