Scott Hodges is the Principal at Kenosha School of Technology, Enhanced Curriculum. This is the school where a teacher, Christian Enwright, is accused by parents and law enforcement of grooming 12-year-old middle school girl.
Hodges has never been a classroom teacher, in fact, he taught “Legos.” His predecessor, Angie Andersson, selected Hodges to be the school’s assistant principal despite not only lacking classroom teaching experience, but also lacking administrator experience. This move caught the ire of parents and other teachers.
Hodges is not liked by his teachers. Surveys sent to the teachers show consistently that Hodges isn’t liked, or respected by his teachers.
Hodges is accused of telling his assistant principal, Jennifer Seveirt, not to cooperate in the investigation of teacher Christian Enwright grooming the small child. Hodges, himself, is accused of knowing about the grooming and being told by multiple parents about Enwright’s “off” behavior. He has never responded to KCE to explain himself.

(File Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
In November of 2020, then-principal and assistant principal Scott Hodges pitched a “KTEC High School” to the Kenosha Unified School District review committee, comprised of 15 district administrators. The committee of 15 wrote a scathing opinion report about just how terrible the idea was, and denied it. One of the committee members wrote:
“Finally, I will point out that I was put off by the comment that KTEC plans to seek an outside authorizer should KUSD decline their proposal. They admit this program could and likely will be hurtful to existing programs, but if KUSD decides it is not in their best interest to approve it, they are going to go ahead anyway. Some thoughts:
- Can a KUSD staff member (s) co-lead a KUSD school and a non-kusd school at the
same time? Would we allow that as a district? - Where is this thing going to go? It is going to take at least a MS size building. If
KUSD does not offer that, where will it go? Is KTEC going to ask to use KUSD carry
over dollars to help fund a building? (If they are authorized by the state?) - It is clear that a lot of time and thought went into this proposal. Now, there is a plan
fully developed by a staff of people paid for through KUSD funding. Does that not make
the plan KUSD’s intellectual property?”
Andersson and Hodges decided to “take their ball and go home,” almost literally. They applied for a grant and started “KTEC High School,” which is being sued and is failing miserably. KCE will be authoring a months-long investigative piece about the High School soon.
Hodges accepted a job at the non-KUSD “KTEC High School”, which is explicitly prohibited in his contract and work-rules manual. Hodges, in addition to his six-figure salary, was also taking secret checks from KTEC High School, a non-KUSD school.

Hodges won’t tell us how many checks for $4,300 he accepted and KTEC High School won’t either. On April 13, 2022, then-superintendent Bethany Ormseth sent Hodges a letter making one thing very clear. Stop working for KTEC High School or be fired.
“It is the district’s understanding that you may have been working with and/or compensated for assisting Angela Andersson and others, in either the planning process, writing of grants, and/or developing curriculum while using district resources in an effort to support the expansion. It is also the district’s understanding that you may have been completing these tasks during KUSD work hours… You must cease all work on behalf of KTEC high school independent charter School. If you are unable to abide by these rules, we would ask that you resign your KUSD position immediately. If you do not resign and you continue your work on KTEC High School independent charter school expansion, KUSD will consider you in breach of your employment contract and will pursue termination of your employment contract with KUSD.”
On October 19, 2022, Hodges sent Kevin Neir a letter, apparently upset that this letter was in his personnel file saying:
“I am officially requesting that the “breach of employment contract” letter issued to me on April 13th 2022 by the superintendent be expunged for my personnel file. I would assume since my professional career was threatened, this was a form of progressive discipline, and proper protocol should have been followed.”
Hodges request was denied. Many parents at KTEC think that Hodges is a pretentious and arrogant charlatan.
25 Responses
I was just thinking he looks like a monkey & then I googled him and there he is posing with Curious George 🤣😂🤣🤣🤣
Great job Kenosha, keep re-electing the clowns on the school board!!
How does one become a “Lego teacher” and what’s the pay?
This guy is a tool and dangerous. He needs to be fired asap.
Well now he will the the assistant principle at Tremper of ALL places to be hired at!!! KUSD IS A JOKE!!
Hodges may be limp but the report on a KTEC high school that said the proposal had a lot of work behind it was far from scathing. Dr. Andersson had experience with a charter school and the idea of having options other than the traditional public schools fits in with school choice. If a group of KUSD insiders didn’t like something there’s a good shot it might be a good idea!
Read the report again. All of it
I just did. Much of it was K.U.S.D. insiders trying to preserve their own sinking ship. Very clear they did not want competition. Interestingly most of the areas of concern about the proposal were graded at least adequate. The comments at the end were most revealing.
Hodges was a poor choice and he proved it by not dealing with this teacher early on. No leadership.
The sad thing and corrupt thing about the district is Nepitism. These positions should be applied for NOT appointed. The district cries out for equity and equal opportunity but yet they continue to appoint people to positions? As a school board member I have brought this forward and at one point tried to stall an appointment but all I got was push back …” cause that is how they have always done it” well this is what happens, a person in power who shouldn’t be and that principal job at Ktec should have had 12 people applying for it! And most likely a better more qualified candidate would have come forward. 🙄
Kevin sure is leaving ktech with a bang lol the tea just keeps pouring ☕️
Teachers are great. Scott Hodges is a beta-male, prick
Something fishy about him. Angie Andersson is an educator. She was one of my kid’s teachers years ago. Hodges seems more like a marketer. The LEGO connection is interesting. I thought it was a bit of a joke at first but I checked it out and LEGO sells all kinds of stuff for use in STEM education. Does Hodges have any financial benefit from this?
I believe he used to get really cool Lego kits for free from Lego. They should have gone to the school but he sold them for personal profit.
I’ve known him since he was 9 years old. Kevin’s assessment of him is 💯 accurate, and has always been true.
Sounds like he’s a predators too.
You are an assclown. He is a great guy. What happened with the teacher is not his fault. Why don’t we blame the predator responsible instead of throwing someone who cares very deeply for his students. Under the bus.
He’s a tool, he literally was the Carthage mascot and worked as a summer camp counselor for the YMCA….He in no way should be a Principal. Least qualified person for the job
Bruce – delusional ! Him wanting to sweep it under the rug is also a huge red flag !! I wouldn’t be surprised if others come forward! They usually do. Has zero qualifications as far as being a principal . KUSD – DO BETTER
It was really nice of him to direct traffic all those years hey maybe the guy on fun Friday or whatever will be made principal
I dealt with this prick when my kids went to KTEC. He’s surprisingly arrogant especially being that he’s unqualified, and aggressively ignorant. I think he was hired because he was Dr. Andersson’s #1 ass kisser. Ass kissing apparently being the only qualification needed for promotion with her- as it sure wasn’t talent or intelligence.
Omg! Yes!! That school should be looked into!!
This article is a hack job. I’ve known Scott since we were kids and whether or not his personality clicks with you or not makes no difference. He is not responsible for what that disgusting creep of a human being did. He has dedicated his life to improving kids lives. To paint him as some monster is totally inaccurate and he hope he sues for slander. Of course he isn’t perfect, nobody is and it is his first year in this position. But he has a good heart and is not the one to blame here. Point your anger where it belongs, the teacher who did this.
He’s a literal pedo, a mascot for Carthage and a camp counselor. PEDO