The Village of Salem Lakes is under new leadership and the Village Board recently increased the pay for several positions. The benefits packages are among the best in the region.
The Village is seeking:
Village Clerk – Earns between $65,000 and $90,000 depending on qualifications. Click here to read the requirements, duties, and how to apply.
Assistant to the Village Administrator – Earns between $60,000 and $90,000 depending on qualifications. Click here to read the requirements, dutie, and how to apply.
Fire and Rescue Personnel – Click here to read the requirements, duties, and how to apply.
Public Works / Wastewater Operators – Click here to read the requirements, duties, and how to apply.
You can click here to see all available position open for application.
31 Responses
Millennials & Z’s : what is a pay phone? What is a boob tube? What is an 8track? What is a pension?
OK Boomer
She needs an assistant? Where’s that in the budget? Good lord, they sure know how to waste taxpayers money.
You want to talk about wasting money? You should see how much the Pleasant Prairie employees get paid!!!!! THAT is wasting money! Will somebody please run against people in PP coming up for reelection? You have till June 3rd to get on the Ballot! Get your signatures!
Pleasant Prairie the KING screwing taxpayers
Wow! I drove through Silver lake yesterday and the roads are terrible. Does the assistant deliver good and decent roads for our tax $$$$? Teddy would deal with the road but you fired him. Hire a fixer, the village needs that!
What road did u drive on?
I’m wondering the same thing. I haven’t been through there in several months but I’ve never seen bad roads with the routes I’ve taken.
Teddy needed firing long ago.
I think it was manor. By the private boat launch.
Not a pothole in sight. Cracks, but no holes. Looking good unless you are speeding with your trailer and go bumping down the road all the way to the launch…slow down to under 25mph and the road will be just fine.
No worries, I don’t live here, but I have warned the people I do know to beware…… Taxes are going up and you’ll be looking more and more like Illinois in the very near future. I’m encouraging my fiscal conservative friends to run for office.
I really hope people run for office here in PP too! Be sure to tell your friends to get their paperwork in before the deadline. Here in PP it’s June 3!
We’ve been coffee clutching all morning talking about this issue. Wilmot referendum was shot down and they’re lucky the Riverview one passed. Schools, roads, and all the other things they will raise your taxes on in the near future. Beware of Illinois transplants.
Well. This topic is about the village. Each school has its own taxing body. This road is a village road but the nail road to get to it is a county road with its own taxing body. I thing you would fibd that the villages taxes are low, tho there is a bit of catching up on the old infrastructure of Silver lake . WATCH the schools and monitor your largest tax contributor. I shudder to think about the clutch discussions and the blame game that occurred. The refs are an issue but the normal school taxes are nearly hidden. And that includes the college level taxes too. Silver lake roads are fine, getting back to your original slam.
Matter of personal opinion… Can still have that right? Oy vey!
The whole area is made up of Illinois transplants. Have y’all forgotten where you came from already?
Show of hands please !
How many in Salem, Wilmot, Trevor and the rest work in Illinois ?
The pay is at least 5 to 10 percent more.
Knock Illinois all you want be me and a bunch more like me take their money and spend it here.
Even if you do run, the board is deceived by lip service and will still be wooed by RINOs and Libs.
I have attended a few board meetings. The new board is cost conscious and efficient. They have cut waste which will result in keeping our taxes in check.
Go ahead and complain about what is not getting done, but I’m all for a group that wants to keep spending and taxes in check…
The Salem budget is over 18 million. Look up salary’s for a 20 million dollar company CEO.
The layers of management in Salem are, Administrator, Department Heads.
That’s it. Pretty direct if you ask me.
How many hours per week do you think Cassandra works ?
40 ? @ $145K equals $70. per hour
50 ? @ $145K equals $55. per hour
60 ? @ $145K equals $ 46. per hour
These are at her Salary. No overtime allowed.
We’ve seen her out a 8 o’clock at night. And that’s not just at our village board meetings.
I’ve received responses to my emails on a Sunday from her. She works a lot !
How much is an assistant ?
40 hours. $65.K equals $31 per hour
Overtime required here.
Now how much research does the board ask the administrator to do ? A lot !
Virtually every meeting she is tasked by the board to figure out the best path towards getting something done. Picking vendors. Figuring cost savings of products or personal. Seeking bids. Deciding if it’s better to hire more employees or pay less people more overtime hours ?
How many dollars per hour should we be spending on someone looking things up, making phone calls, opening envelopes and compiling information so that the administrator can sort out the correct information and then present it to the village board/bosses for their decision ? By the next meeting ?
And then have to go back and redo the figures because this board was stunned by what things cost these days to get done ?
Cassandra cannot and should not be using all her daily hours doing work that can be done at a lower level of pay.
Considering the few layers of management we have I think it’s money well saved having a $30 an hour employee doing $30. an hour work. Don’t you ??
No, she knew what she was getting into when she applied (applied asking for a higher pay right off the bat). If she cannot handle the hours and tasks she’s not fit for the position. Quit wasting our time and money.
She took a pay cut to be here !
She agreed to lower pay.
All the people who applied for this job knew that they were walking into a shit show !
They knew it would be a challenge.
Maybe that was the appeal ?
But that doesn’t mean that they shouldn’t be paid to do what’s needed to be done.
If you think that she’s over paid, consider that we are not a Town anymore. We are a Village.
Which is responsible for more rules and regulations to follow.
What is your stance on being a village or being a town ? Did that change help you ?
Do you understand why we did that ?
And as for working “more than 40 hours, sure, but where does it stop ?
The hours over forty are because so many things need review, fixing and changing.
Maybe once a defined process is completed and is running for a few years the administrator can “only” work 40 hours and for less pay.
But then who’s watching the store ?
It sure wasn’t the last administrator !
Casey had an asst. I don’t think he would be remembered for returning any calls. Mike should have had an asset, but then Mike shouldn’t have been in that job. Mike was the peter principle poster child. The asset needs to have the admin in the progression plan for the job. If not then the education the village us going to give will be wasted. The job description should include that as well.
Mikes pay was $140,600.
Cassandra is paid $145,000.
$4,400. Difference.
If anyone wants to complain they should be complaining that Mike was at least $60k overpaid per year. At best he was a $70-$80k employee. And even then that’s a stretch. He did no good for anyone but himself.
At least this new board is making sound decisions – Cassandra being one of those, the attorney another, the interim Fire Chief another. Win – Win – Win.
18 million. How about 8.4. Where did you find 18 million? What are you counting as a budget item. I’m petty sure that the latest budget was about 8.5.
Cassandra is the experienced queen of bureaucrats and the board will delegate her to remove the concept of a representative government.
Sales Lakes is trending toward an administrative state. In other countries we call this socialism.
Pretty sad the elected body doesn’t have in their bosom a heart for their oath to the constitution.
The rule of law is dead in Salem Lakes.
I think the previous poster was referring to total Expenditures Rev vs Liability’s.
Shows $8.8 million in “Total Estimated Revenues”
If that’s what you mean then you’re right.
Last page says “Estimated Revenues All Funds”
$18.6 million
Pick which one fits your narrative.
This is just one reason why I never ran for supervisor. I can’t read a budget. That is if I’m wrong here.
But if I’m wrong then what does the $18.6 on the last page mean ??