Residents in Western Kenosha County voted yes on a referendum for massive building updates at Central Westosha High School. Over the last year, or so, Scherrer Construction has been upgrading the building and it has been under construction for many months.
One of the employees of Scherrer has been accused of some pretty abhorrent behavior. According to a Kenosha County Sheriff’s Report, Cody A. Sanders, 29, of Darien, WI exchanged phone numbers with several underage highs school girls and sent some inappropriate text messages.
According to the police report:
On October 13, 2023, a group of high school girls at Central High School approached the school resource deputy. The older of the girls started the conversation for the group that was reluctant to come forward. The girls told the deputy that a construction worker named “Cody,” later identified as 29-year-old Cody A. Sanders, handed out pieces of papers to underage girls with his name, “Cody,” and his cell phone number.
The girls decided to let someone know about the incident. At least one of the girls, however thought of a way to “catfish” Sanders – to test the limits of his creepiness. They would learn just how far he would take things. Below are some of the text exchanges:

Sanders asked one of the girls for a “pic for pic.” According to Urban Dictionary, “pic for pic?”:
“basically means the person who asked the question wants to swap nudes like a boy sends a picture of his penis and in return gets a picture of the girls breasts and vagina or it could even be just one of the two. (preferably over snapchat so you know if the person has saved them)”
Sanders seemed to tell one the girls that he was 19, and anther, that he was 22 – but he was in fact, 28 at the time. He is 29 today. He also didn’t seem to mind that one of the girls admitted to being 17. He told the girl that he was just going to “shoot his shot.”
According to Urban Dictionary, “shoot your shot” means:
“To let go of your pride and pursue someone you are interested in.”
KCE could not confirm with Sanders what he meant by either of the phrases. We called a number we found for him, but his wife answered. She didn’t seem to know about the incidents. We sent her the report for health and safety reasons.
In another text exchange, Sanders asked a girl her age, saying “I Pray to baby Jesus you’re 18. Probably 17 thooo?”
Central High School District Administrator John Gendron told KCE that when he found out about the incidents he immediately demanded that the worker be removed from the school and not let back in. “We elected to not send an all school message due to the fact that when we were notified of the allegation, the contractor was immediately removed from working at the school. In addition, there was no evidence that there was any contact with any other students other than the students identified and talked to by the police,” said Gendron to KCE Wednesday.

According to Sanders Facebook page, he is still employed at Scherrer construction. However we cannot confirm this. We sent emails, asked for comments on the phone, and left messages for several people at Scherrer construction. No one would speak to us for the company. A father of one of the victims has a guess as to why. “Scherrer wants to sweep this under the rug. They don’t want the black eye. They do most of the school construction in the area,” the father told KCE Wednesday. “I’m upset that more wasn’t done.”
According to the police report, the deputy didn’t attempt contact with Sanders and closed the cases and found “nothing criminal.”
56 Responses
Is he friends with Christian Enwright?
Scumbag shit-eating grin
Kudos to the kids who got on this.
The more I read this stuff the more I think we should do like some European countries and legalize private sexual activity between consenting adults. The operative words: 1) Adults; 2) Consenting; and 3) In private. I fail to understand the attraction to kids.
Private sexual contact between consenting Adults is legal. What are you really saying? Teens that are older?
If they were 18, or we lived in a state where the legal age is less than 18 (which is most), there would be absolutely nothing wrong with this. Is he a lying creep? Absolutely. But you all can’t have it both ways. You don’t call out a guy who is touching girls who are in high school, but you call out a guy texting a 17 year old? Bad behavior is bad behavior.
Ah nothing to see here. Kenosha prosecutors allow this sick shit to happen. Another pedo will walk with an excuse. Fucken loser
Stop the presses. The school district got on it and took appropriate action? Oh, yeah, it wasn’t KUSD.
Did you miss the spot where it said no charges?
Union carpenter: in a 40 hour work week, perhaps 2 hours of actual “carpentering” performed. Which means he has ample time to stand around ogling the high school girls.
Are you some type of time study expert?
Walk up to a union carpenter and tell him, or her
what you just told us.
Her hahahahha
They allow women to work now too… get out of the 1950s moron.
The outside unions work their asses off —- if u don’t produce , yer on the bench . No paid sick or vacay —- hourly wage is great , that’s it —- they are more like guilds , not unions —— the INSIDE unions now that’s a COMPLETELY DIFFERENT STORY —- UAW , Teamsters , Food & Aerospace , etc . Being a carpenter in them is WAAAAAY different
See. If we just start publicly executing these sick fucks, it would not happen for long.
Did you not see, “No Charges”
Fuck charges! You get caught by anyone grooming or abusing kids, the fucking rope for you.
I caught you grooming, don’t need proof. Ok please do what you said now.
👆👆👆👆👆👆👆This guy fucks kids
I said you did first so go hang yourself, we are waiting.
A Republican worker at a Republican owned company. Creepiness on both sides huh?
This is the dumbest comment of the day, troll on troll LOL
Hmm. So political affiliation matters? Is that why so many libtards keep defending these local pedos and perverts? Is it because they vote Democrat? I guess all we need to do is claim they are Republican and maybe they will start to care and do something about it!
Sorry troll. Unions are inherently Democratic. The labor unions encourage their members to vote Democratic. Another Democrat child sniffer in our mist. Watch your kids and monitor their phones. These creeps are everywhere.
Labor unions protect workers from the trashy Republicans. That’s why they made their puppet politicians vote it out. They cannot protect the workers. It interferes too much with their scheming and sell outs to China.
The strongest union in the country helped steal the election (usps) and constantly asked you to vote for pedophiles. Nice try
Oh… you can’t mention that a Repub owned company that donates to Repub candidates every year could possibly expect special treatment.
It blows the mind of every obssessed trumper butt kisser on here… they live for dividing people into two groups and getting to say “lib” and “Democrat” 30 times per day to make them feel special.
You can’t bring up that Repubs are crooked in any way. You’ll make the obsessed ones cry.
Are you a KUSD teacher ? AKA a pedophile …
Wtf ain’t no way I seen that mf too
Gravely should be all over this. He’s white and not affiliated with BLM.
Why do people keep misbehaving like this? Don’t they know that The Eye is watching? Just go home to your wives.
But in fairness, “Straight White Male,” let’s not get too wound up. This doesn’t seem like a “crime” worthy of a public execution. Maybe a divorce action, though.
Fuck that. “If you are luke warm, I spit you out”.
Must protect children. Groomers and pedos die violently, and slow.
You are the last person I would want my kids to be around. You are scary.
Too bad it’s entrapment by the students. It’ll be hard to try but he’ll certainly be on trial at home with the wife. The construction company doesn’t have to fire him, keep him out of the school projects.
“Entrapment’? Did the students entrap him to write his name down on a piece of paper and begin texting them? That’s where the start of illegality started ding dong. Intent is the focus of these cases – have you never seen “To Catch A Predator”?
Quit sympathizing with pedophiles.
Texts are not protected speech or private. No entrapment. He gave his number and didn’t have to respond. Sensible young women helping to prevent his preying on someone more vunerable.
It looks like your comments are posted.
Yep. He deleted my reply to you as well. I said “tiny hat people”
How does one “moderate” free speech?
Oh yeah, cus Kevin will allow us to call you a fag and a fucktard, but “tiny hat people” is where he draws the line!
Listen to yourself moron.
True story faggot. Mention the jews and truth, gone. I aint mad at you. You’re a clown too. Check out the talmud readings. That’s where they multiple gender bullshit comes from. Pedophilia as well. Super jewish. Look it up.
wrong again, “holy books” and religion are one big game of telephone with people twisting words to what they want. Please show me your “proof” and I will debunk it. Keep wearing your tin-foil hat.
I won’t research for the small minded. Pic up that tiny computer in your hand and read the talmud.
I pray you won’t find out the hard way, about God’s grace.
No one censored your BS ramblings dipshit. You truly are the biggest twat there is. Somehow you’ll soon be rambling how this case is infringing your constitutional rights and the government is sending microwaves through your window to disrupt your “truth telling”
Let’s get a beer, groomer.
LOL, so because you have no clue how to work your computer it makes me a groomer. I’d bet dollars to donuts you’re a shady fuck. Do as I say not as I do. Guarantee you’re in the closet, trying to convince us you’re “straight”.
Let’s talk about it over a beer, groomer projector.
you must be a bud light drinker
Whiskey and old Milwaukee faggot. I’ll buy the first round…
Lets get back on topic. Carpenters are freaks. Especially dem union pervs.
Jesus was a freak???
I’m gonna stay off-topic —- if somebody offers to buy me a drink it’s gonna be MITCHNERS RYE double neat. I am sophisticated, unlike the West-of-I cheezbilly Fireball drinkers
don’t leave out their Jägermeister
From what I am reading, most replies are really off track! Who cares if the company is owned by Republicans or Democrats. This has nothing to do with Politics! Has everything to do with our Judicial system and news reporting. Why is it this happened way back in October of 2023 and people are first hearing about it in June of 2024? The safety of our children is more important than that, and if he did this then he more than likely still does it! Why was he Not Charged with Child Enticement? Which is against the law, he should be behind bars with criminal charges against him.