(Kenosha Police)
Kenosha Police are seeking assistance from the community in attempting to identify a bank robbery suspect. The suspect pictured has been involved in two separate robberies of the same financial institution.

(Kenosha Police)
The robberies occurred at the U.S. Bank located at 1800 22nd Ave. The first robbery occurred on 4/13/2024 @ 0954 HRS and the second robbery occurred on 7/13/2024 @ 1130 HRS. During both robberies a firearm was displayed by the suspect as they demanded cash from the teller. The Kenosha Police Department is committed to public safety and are actively seeking any assistance in identifying the subject pictured.

(Kenosha Police)
Any tips can be forwarded to Detectives Brietchaft, Ciskowkski, or Kukowski by calling (262)605-5203. Anyone wishing to remain anonymous can contact Kenosha Area Crime Stoppers at (262)656-7333.

(Kenosha Police)

(Kenosha Police)
59 Responses
Another stupid druggie.
What? You’re a dickhead the way if he was white you wouldn’t be saying that
All druggies are stupid. And they come in a rainbow of colors
Maybe don’t allow masks in a bank?
Or guns…😂
Our better banks in town allow guns… for customers and employees. They are the ones that don’t get robbed.
Damned Amish
Democrat. Member of dindonuffin tribe
He had a gun. So he’s part of the “even children and stupid people should have guns” party.
This is why more people should have guns. 😉
You can go ahead and hide while the real men protect others.
Yea, those manly cops in Uvalde, Texas did such a great job.
Are you “Straight White Make”? It seems like it.
You are posting under a new name. Is that because you finally submitted to you deeply-held and long-standing desire to lay with a man? Good for you. You are now free.
You know you wanted to.
This is getting old you know.
Get over yourself…seems to me you are the one with deep rooted issues…
Hey Joel! No luck at the Kenosha County Dems meetup?
Na. That’s Joel or Andy
Who is “Straight White Make”? You’re type better if you had a job.
Just sayin’ LMAO
There aren’t too many “real men” around here that could even hit the side of a barn.
Then the woman in the crowd actually takes down the shooter… while the men argue about gun size.
He should find better things to do on his days off.
Ya cause you know all the hood rats shooting up Chicago and Milwaukee every weekend are big right wingers…
You also have the right to lay with any consenting man. It would do you good to submit to the desires that you try to repress.
You know you want to.
Again…old…try something new with your comments.
You make a very good point. The problem is that there are only so many ways that you can speak the true.
In this case, the truth is that Straight White Male is denying his true sexual identity. He yearns to lay with a man. It can not be denied. I suppose I will stop once he frees himself for his shackles.
Joel you taking a break from posting memes on KUSD school pages and looking for a hookup here again?
This is some Democratic Party level projection right here lol
That was written in the days when whackadoodles would be beaten for playing recklessly with guns.
Now all the lunatics are running free with them. Especially the tRumpers who can’t even afford holsters.
He looks like a Trumper….😆
Check the surveillance video at Popeyes shortly after robbery.
Or kfc
In the 1st pic, it looks like 2 separate guys, they eyes on the guy on the right, look closer spaced, and looks older, can clearly see it
Thanks kojack
I agree. He’s taller too and posture is different.
Same guy.
Someone should ask Billy Violent. Doesn’t she head up the Dindo tribe in Kenosha?
Black crime
Gun grab homos having a field day begging.gov to help out their pussified selves
Is that what you call it… your gun? Quite the tiny .22 now ain’t it?
Pre Covid they didn’t allow masks in banks, what changed?
The plandemic….🤣
I wonder if someone invented some kind of tracking device that can be some how be attached to the loot.Every bank would have them for just this occurrence
Small tracking devices are already available. Apple AirTags cost about $30.
This is what the dumbass libtarded dumocratic government gets for the stupid mask bullshit! I hope they never catch this drug addict punk as long as masks are in style!!! Fucking idiots!!! GO TRUMP ✊️
Yeah… Go away Trump! No more ancient dementia idiots!
Harris for Prez!
Sick ass libtarded freak! Go fuck your mama! When are you dumb fuck brainwashed WIERDOS going to wake up??? 🖕🖕🖕
Bank doors should be locked, once face recognition done then door unlocks, that would take care of these issues
At least he is still concerned about getting or spreading the Covid-19 virus. “Mask up and keep others safe”
Looks a little thin in the July robbery, I hope he starts feeling better soon.
You are a very special kinda STUPID! 🤪🤪🤪🤪
Those damned Christian White conservatives will do anything for attention. Must be Trump supporters! If We’re not bitching about abortion, we’re robbing the neighborhood bank.
I anticipate less than enthusiastic cooperation from his fellow hood rats.
Beam me up, Scotty
Kenoshas finest in the comment section on KCE on full display.
Your the king
Just kidding, I’m the finest!!!!
Based on the current pattern, his rent is due on the 15th and he stops in for a 2 month “withdrawal” via robbery on the 13th, every 2 months.
He will show up on October 13th, like clockwork when the next rent check is due. Just pick him up then!