Kenosha County Board Chairman Monica Yuhas (D) has selected far-left extremist Julia Robinson to fill the seat on the County Board vacated by Brian Thomas. Thomas recently resigned abruptly after moving out of the district to allegedly date his first biological cousin.
Seven residents applied for appointment to the vacant seat:
David Arrington (D) – Special Educational Teacher, IL – Former County Board Member, Lost By a Large Margin just three months ago
James Kendall – 29-Year Retired Kenosha Police Detective, Kenosha Police Union Board Executive Committee
Patrick Melman – Deputy Warden, Racine Correctional Institution
William Merritt – Physician Assistant, Zenith Health Care, Part Owner, Modern Apothecary
Jason Ottum – Associate Director, Cyber Security
Julia Robinson (D) – Former Alderman, Former Board of Health President, Kenosha County (Fought to keep businesses and schools closed during COVID.)
Tamara Weber – Owner, Kenosha Running Company

(File Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
Kenosha County Board Chairman Monica Yuhas (D) pledged to only appoint a democrat – and that she did. Julia Robinson (D) was the president of the board of health. She worked with then-Health Director Jen Freiheit to shut down schools, businesses, and make masks mandatory for all Kenosha County residents. She was also an activist Alderman for the City of Kenosha.
Robinson’s appointment will easily pass the County Board’s majority-liberal membership at the August 6, 2024 board meeting.

35 Responses
And the good people of Pleasant Prairie will continue to believe Monica when she says she’s nonpartisan or a “fiscal
conservative “ 🤦🏼♀️
We need to get people to run for office in PP.
Oh yeah, because Pleasant Prairie has a great track record when it comes to elected officials and employees.
The disgraced former Village of Pleasant Prairie public works director.
Go by the jail. His truck is parked there while he is sleeping inside the best Bed and Breakfast he deserves.
I would not believe Monica if she told me she was a woman. I think the “D” after it’s name is for DICK.
It’s definitely “D” for “Dumbass.”
Very disappointed in Monica’s choice, she is clearly not neutral like she has told me. The voters of the district voted for a conservative and replacing him with a liberal is a slap in the face to the residents of District 5.
All meetings will now be mask mandatory
Monica really does look like a man 🤔
Well with Republican Thomas gone “dueling banjos” won’t need to played. BTW did he move to Utah?
Don’t shame Utah like that.
BTW Jen Frightnight is a fukkn idiot —- got fired from MKE
why isn’t there a special election to fill that seat? this is absolutely rotten
State law.
I don’t doubt she’s liberal but not sure what the criteria is for being an ultra-left extremist. I also don’t doubt that she may not be the best of the candidates seeing the appointment. There were a couple of newcomers who might have been good. Being on the city council is not necessarily a parallel for the county board.
Pink is not a good color for a red head.
I would love to get Monica off multiple times
Hundreds bitch about the libs on there but no one wants to be bothered enough to run for office. Everyone cares more about their own comfort than the republic.
Thus is 100% true. And that is how you end up with unqualified candidates like Solis for DA. Gonzalez for whatever assembly and Nedweski for God-knows-what now.
Rednecks be afraid of masks cuz viruses ain’t real. Trump say so.
How’d those shots work out for you?
They did me real good. It was my momma fucking her uncle that makes me this way. They says that it’s in my blood. Says I’s gonna be just like my daddy/uncle.
Yuhas’ face looks like the owl who tries to figure out how many licks to the center of a tootsie roll pop.
“Pledged to only appoint a Democrat” seems like opinion and not based on fact. What’s the source for this information?
How does one become”ultra-left”? Asking for a friend.
Worship Fauci, Obama, and Harris
You mean instead of the orange one, the ink-drip one and couch-lover?
Seems like a lot of opinions are mixed in with “facts” in most of the “articles” on this website. Where is the actual truth? If there is hard evidence, a case like this does not get dismissed.
Haven’t you idiot republicans figured out yet that you’re being played at every turn. They run closet liberals as republicans and you buy it hook line and sinker. We need a tent party in the republican party just like the liberals. That’s all we hear. We need more blacks in our party. And, gay people, and non whites…. So if you’re ready to run in drag for republican party seats, step right up.
And….here’s your tinfoil hat.
We need more diversity in our party, but, like, let’s not CALL it diversity. Let’s call it variety. Variety of perspectives that’s it. Get some Black’s. Some yellows. Some caramels. Some of those Indians too, they have real good business ideas. And let’s make sure there’s a couple respectable homos too, just to attract some of the alphabet crowd, they love that shit. Then we will make them feel like they belong, ya know, build their confidence a little. And when it comes time to really get into a position of power, we release our lapdog reporter on them and shame them out of the party. They won’t know what hit em and we got our variety for a little while.
You sound like a Democrat.
So she picked the best candidate that supported her side politically?
Why is this a shock? We would have done that too had it been the other way…